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View Full Version : HTTPS URLs to giantitp dot com redirect to the wrong page

2019-07-14, 09:04 PM
Say I have a link for, say,


(I apologize for mangling the links but the forum software is very antsy about posting links even to your own website.)

You might wonder why there is such an HTTPS link, given that giantitp.com doesn't seem to support HTTPS. For some reason, the OOTS wiki, due to some weird configuration in the underlying wiki, turns all HTTP links into HTTPS, even if you explicitly say "http<colon>//".

Anyway, so if you click that link, you run into two problems:

1. Firstly, it complains that the certificate is can't be trusted. This is more tricky to fix. I would recommend using something like LetsEncrypt to deal with this. But this is not the main purpose of this post.

2. Secondly, if you bypass the big scary warning about the certificate ("don't try this at home"), you get redirected to


which is incorrect. It would seem that during the redirect one of the slashes got eaten. It should say



2019-07-14, 11:13 PM
GitP does not use https (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?543782-Login-box-insecure&p=22641689#post22641689). I'm doubt it would make sense to design the site so that incorrect HTTPS links somehow redirect to the correct page, considering
a)Gitp has never used HTTPS, so any such links have always been wrong.
b)Modern browsers will stop you from opening https links if the website doesn't support https (as you already noted in your post).

2019-07-14, 11:59 PM
Try telling this to the people who have their site done wrong instead of here. This information is of no use here.

2019-07-15, 02:33 AM
I went to look at the OotS Wiki to see if I could encounter the problem as described.

The short answer is no - but the link to the comic I checked was given simply as "www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0123.html" not "http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0123.html".
So if you are editing one of the pages, then I suggest you try leaving out the "http://" entirely.
If not, then I don't believe that the wiki is affiliated with GitP itself (I could easily be wrong), so, as said, you need to send comments to the wiki moderators not here.

(I do think it was a reasonable guess to try here though.)

Roland St. Jude
2019-07-15, 08:58 AM
Sheriff: Rawhide can come along and get all technical on this issue, but I think the quick, non-technical answer as alluded to above is that this isn't really a GitP board issue.