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View Full Version : Updated Sane Magic Price Guide

2019-07-14, 09:20 PM
Has anyone come up with an updated guide for sane magic prices to include items in the new books?

2019-07-15, 01:39 PM
Not yet, but it's only a matter of time before someone takes up the project.
As long as people keep asking, someone will eventually take the challenge.

2019-07-15, 02:35 PM
And it would indeed be a challenge. Wish we could log concerns with the creator. My group discovered an uncommon item worth 28,000gp and I just had to ban the magical bard instruments altogether to prevent them from selling them (I give 1 free uncommon to begin campaigns).

2019-07-15, 05:18 PM
Wait, wouldn't publishing the new items be, like, a copyright issue? Or is it okay since we're using just the names?

If using just the names is okay, then please, compile a list and we'll each have a go at pricing them, using the Sane Prices as reference.
And please, us the consumable/combat/noncombat/summoning/broken categories :)

2019-07-16, 02:10 PM
From the forum rules: Posts containing copyrighted material from game books that are not designated Open Gaming Content (OGC) will be edited to remove the copyrighted portions. As an example, mentioning a specific rule item or general mechanic, or explaining in general how it functions, does not violate this rule. However, posting an entire stat block for a monster or an entire character class would.

Mödley Crüe: We encourage using good judgment with this massive endeavor.

2019-07-16, 03:03 PM
Then I'll just hijack this thread without regret.

I made this, if anyone's interested:
If you're using chrome and it still doesn't show upp properly, just adjust your zoom (ctrl+mousewheel)

Magic Item Tables based on the Sane Magic Item Prices (http://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/rkuHmBtWB)

Ioun Stones not included.
Some aquatic-campaign specific items not included.
"Broken" and "Summoning" categories not included.

I looked at the Magic Item Table, and saw they were roughly divided into the categories as seen in my document. Making a magic item list with the right probabilities is a tough nut to crack, so I decided to reduce the number of lists I had to make.

EDIT: Fixed formatting and made sure the "crits" felt rewarded.

2019-07-17, 07:49 PM
yeah but your Hijack doesn't show anything dealing with prices. while your idea is great for rewards can't use it for selling items