View Full Version : DM Help Looking for a small piece of inspiration (just connecting the dots)

2019-07-17, 10:59 AM
For the next adventure with my group, the party is headed to the great dwarven city where one of the party members comes from. They have been in search of an ancient artifact for the past couple adventures, and finally have a lead on its location: a mysterious wizard (who was the pre-campaign mentor to the party's wizard) stole the artifact from a tower it had once been held in, and took it to the dwarven city for safekeeping. The party is working for the Empress at the moment, who wants the artifact for herself, but the party is starting to learn that some people they trust don't want the empress to have it. They also encountered a strange and annoying floating skull that insisted on following them for a bit that was also after the artifact, but as soon as the party learned where the artifact had been taken, the skull left them in the middle of the night.

The dwarven lords of the city have been fooled by an ancient red dragon who also wants the artifact (seems everybody is after it!). Although it's not listed as a red dragon ability, this dragon can polymorph the same way golds and silvers can, and is taking the guise of a legendary dwarven folk hero. This deceit has led the lords to entrust the artifact with the dragon, who is using duergar servants to construct a housing vessel for the artifact (it can't be used by mortals without causing death in its present condition).

There are two things I am drawing a blank on in setting this up. The first is bridging the first two paragraphs I wrote above. How does the mentor wizard relinquish the artifact to the dwarven lords? To avoid breaking the adventure, I really need him out of the city by the time the party arrives, because he's too powerful and he would assist the party if they encountered him, and I don't want that. I need to make it believable that he would give it up to the lords.

The plan is that, upon arriving at the dwarven city, the party is denied entry. The dwarf party-member's family has been imprisoned and he is now banned from the city. Half of the dungeon-delving of the adventure is accessing the city (which in typical dwarf fashion is built into a mountain and mostly underground) by old unused tunnels. Later, the party can reach the undercity where the polymorphed dragon and his duergar servants reside.

The second thing I need is a reason for why the dwarf's family is imprisoned. He was sent out by the family pre-campaign with the purpose of securing the family's access to a new mine of some unknown mineral near where the campaign began. The best I've come up with so far is: The family didn't tell him the whole story, and they are completely broke and in debt and sending him out to form a partnership with the mine owner was a desperate attempt to get enough wealth quickly in order to pay back the banks. And by the time the party arrives, the banks have said enough and they've been imprisoned for failing to repay debt. I don't know, I feel like a better explanation could be created for why the family is imprisoned. Oh, and from the DM perspective, the reason why is that I don't want the party getting easy access to the whole city yet.

2019-07-17, 11:27 AM
To tie in the two paragraphs, the Wizard is being cursed and hunted for the artifact. He needs to buy himself some time, and carrying around the damn thing in its current state messes around with magic in a way that makes him easy to track. Dwarves live underground, so detecting the artifact there is really hard, making a safe strategy. He planned on dropping it off, using something like a high-powered Magic Aura spell to fool whoever's tracking him, and then ditch the spell once he feel's he's gained enough ground to turn around. That's why he entered the city and left quickly, to avoid leaving behind a powerful magical signature.

For shenanigans, the person tracking him was the dragon itself (or one of the many others you already mentioned).

Your plot with the dwarven mines works fine, but I'd add something solid that makes the circumstance understandable. Maybe they were losing money because someone in their family was betraying them, and they sent their son off as both as a way to solve the problem, but also to avoid any backlash for dealing with an internal struggle. The good side lost, and now have assumed a lot of debt and crimes committed by the bad side of the family.

2019-07-17, 12:12 PM
These are great ideas, I knew it would be good bring in a second head rather than continuing to torment mine for ideas that weren't coming. Thanks a lot!

2019-07-17, 03:18 PM
I would have just said that the party wizard's mentor-figure owed the dragon a debt, so they traded the artifact to the dragon in exchange for getting himself free and clear. Not only does that free up the mentor from participating in the story, but it gives the mentor a definite reason to want to be as far from the situation as possible.

As for the dwarf's family, it seems a little odd that the entire family group was imprisoned solely for debt. What if that was just a premise, and they were actually locked away because they followed a hunch when digging for ore and accidentally uncovered the dragon's lair? That would be plenty of reason to lock them up, and then the dragon could appropriate their mine and shut it down to keep others from finding his hoard.