View Full Version : DragonForce

2007-10-09, 03:32 PM
I have just listened to them for the first time after hearing my mate talk about them. I listened to their song "Through the Fire and Flame" and it is the chronic. Great vocals and guitar.

Can anyone tell if the rest of their albulm is any good?

2007-10-09, 03:34 PM
The answer is yes.

2007-10-09, 03:40 PM
An emphatic "HELL YEAH!"

Although I do prefer their previous albums.

2007-10-09, 03:51 PM
I'm gonna go to HMV tomorrow and get all of there albulms. I don't usually buy albulms so my dad will probably be willing to buy them for me since he know that I won't ask for one for about another 6 months.

2007-10-09, 03:56 PM
"On the black wind forever, we ride on together
destroying your evil with freedom our guide"

Somewhat cheesy, but entertaining. THe have good instrumentalists though. I´d give a solid 3.5 points out of 5. If you like somewhat upbeat, thoughtless but catchy powermetal, you´ll be just fine.

2007-10-09, 03:58 PM
Somewhat cheesy, but entertaining. THe have good instrumentalists though. I´d give a solid 3.5 points out of 5. If you like somewhat upbeat, thoughtless but catchy powermetal, you´ll be just fine.Seconded, word for word.

2007-10-09, 04:05 PM
If you enjoy Dragonforce, I suggest you look into Rhapsody as well. They seem to be a blend of renaissance style instruments combined with a modern touch of rock/metal.

But aye, Dragonforce rules.

2007-10-09, 04:35 PM
Trivia: "Through the Fire and Flames" was the official theme song for my WoW guild when I played.

I respect their instrumental skills, because they consistently pull off completely ridiculous riffs. The actual composition of their songs is more in the mediocre range, though.

2007-10-09, 04:50 PM
I listened to their song "Through the Fire and Flame" and it is the chronic. Great vocals and guitar.

Can anyone tell if the rest of their albulm is any good?

You're in luck! The rest of the album is the same exact song!

2007-10-09, 05:03 PM
I agree with everything everyone else said!

Anyway, yes their music all has the same general sound.
In my opinion Through the Fire and Flames is their best song, but that's not to say the others aren't good.
They are very good for what they are and their instrumental skills are rather awesome.

Some people say it's "Nintendo Music" and I have to agree, but I'd definitely play the video game that had DragonForce as a soundtrack!

2007-10-09, 05:06 PM
It's decent music, but it gets old very very fast since it's so repetetive.

2007-10-09, 05:52 PM
You're in luck! The rest of the album is the same exact song!
How is this different from any other band/singer in the last three decades?

Lord of the Helms
2007-10-09, 06:55 PM
How is this different from any other band/singer in the last three decades?

Well, someone (http://www.lastfm.de/music/Pharaoh) is (http://www.myspace.com/virginsteele) definitely (http://www.myspace.com/manillaroadofficial) not (http://www.myspace.com/blindguardian) listening (http://www.myspace.com/reitermania) to (http://www.myspace.com/masterplanmetal) the (http://www.myspace.com/brucedickinson) right (http://www.myspace.com/tsoofficial) bands (http://www.myspace.com/tsoofficial) (Ha! No samples of the last one, you must track it down yourself :smalltongue: )


OT: Yes, they're not bad, yes, it's all the exact same song.

2007-10-09, 08:51 PM

2007-10-09, 08:53 PM
DragonForce is awesome.

definitely not my favorite band, but with guitar players like that, how can you NOT like them?

2007-10-09, 09:10 PM
I agree that the songs basically sound the same.

Mad instrument skills though.

2007-10-09, 09:33 PM
Just download a couple of their songs, they all sound pretty much the same, so you could get away with Through the Fire and Flames, Valley of the Damned and (their best song) Fury of the Storm. Yeah, they're pretty much epic.

2007-10-10, 12:32 AM


2007-10-10, 12:39 AM
I consider them part of the Yngwie school of music: "Our songs might be boring, but we can play scales really, really, really, really fast!"

2007-10-10, 11:43 AM
They're fun once in a while and they're crazy talented. I really like that the singer has a crisp and clear voice rather than the usual grunting. But I just can't tell their songs apart. I'll keep their stuff on my computer, but I'd much rather listen to Blind Guardian.

2007-10-10, 11:59 AM
I've been listening to DragonForce for a while and I've found them repetitive, but that doesn't stop me enjoying their music. Sometimes, I think, repetition is good- "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

And if you like DragonForce, yes, Blind Guardian is a must. They're better. :smallcool: That's not to say that DragonForce is bad, it's just that Blind Guardian are made of awesome sauce.

2007-10-10, 02:56 PM
"Tomorrow will take us away, far from home,
Noone will ever know our names...
...But the bard songs will remain.
Tomorrow will take it away, the fear of today,
It will be gone...
Due to our magic songs."

Or, in other words, I wholeheartedly agree with valadil and Dragor regarding Blind Guardian.

2007-10-10, 04:13 PM

Actually it's the hardest rock known to man.

2007-10-10, 06:38 PM
friend of mine burned me a CD with 8 songs. It was really fun. but the ballad at the end kinda felt like hitting a brick wall. I should not have listened to it in my car on the way home one night. I was pulled over doing 15 miles over on a country road. Almost 60. Thank god the cop let me off with a watch out for deer.

Archpaladin Zousha
2007-10-10, 08:34 PM
I have all three of their albums. While the songs are lively and uplifting, they tend to sound similar given the repetitve themes they use. Inhuman Rampage, their third album, is the best in my opinion, since with "Trail of Broken Hearts" they proved that they didn't just sacrifice quality for speed, which is what some may think after listening to a few of their songs. "Trail of Broken Hearts" actually made me cry, it was that pretty and emotionally intense. Still, for the most part I'd say that they're a bit more juvenile than older bands like Blind Guardian or Nightwish. But despite that, they're an entertaining group to listen to, especially if you're a D&D nerd like many of us on these boards are.

2007-10-10, 09:06 PM
"Trail of Broken Hearts" actually made me cry, it was that pretty and emotionally intense.


That's adorable.

Mattarias, King.
2007-10-10, 09:13 PM
Hey, I like Trail of Broken Hearts!

Also, Dragonforce. Best. Band. Ever.

I really don't see what's so good about Blind guardian. :\

Rhapsody, though, is indeed good.

I can't think of much better than DF, though. :smallconfused:

If It can't be set to an epic fight scene or an awesome prologue/epilogue to one in my head, it can't be good. :smalltongue:

Archpaladin Zousha
2007-10-10, 11:09 PM
Hey, I like Trail of Broken Hearts!

Also, Dragonforce. Best. Band. Ever.

I really don't see what's so good about Blind guardian. :\

Rhapsody, though, is indeed good.

I can't think of much better than DF, though. :smallconfused:

If It can't be set to an epic fight scene or an awesome prologue/epilogue to one in my head, it can't be good. :smalltongue:

Well, Blind Guardian has been going strong for about 19 years now, and they have more than their fair share of big, grand stuff. I'm not saying that DF isn't good quality, but the way I see it is that a good power metal band is like a fine wine, getting better with age. Blind Guardian has released at least 8 studio albums, to say nothing of their live albums and singles. All DragonForce really has at this point are their three albums. I'm sure they're improving, but I won't be able to tell that until they release another album.

Not to be rude, but have you actually heard any of Blind Guardian's songs? I know a few that are appropriately epic.

2007-10-10, 11:18 PM
I used to think that they were repetitivebut more recently I haven't been noticing that so much. I like listening to them before sports games and the like, as they normally pump me up. I'd give them about 4 stars out of 5. And Fury of the Storm is fairly epic.

@Zousha Omenohu: Without hijacking this thread, what songs are you talking about? I've listened to some of their Lord of the Rings songs, and while they are good, I haven't heard anything that has hit epic yet.

2007-10-11, 09:47 AM
Rhapsody? Well, the guy invented Anti-singing, so it´s okay. No, really, the singer must have taken lessons to improve his incapability to hold a note. But "Emeral sword" is still good.
Guardian? Okay, but slightly overrated. Have improved quite a bit though - the singer has learned english in the meantime.

My recommendation, even though it´s a different style of music:

Sonata Arctica. seriously, they rule.

Or if you want something more similiar, try Hammerfall. They even have good ballads.

2007-10-11, 09:54 AM
It's decent music, but it gets old very very fast since it's so repetetive.

Thats how I feel about them. They're good but they're definately not my favorite bad, i'm into harder metal...ALOT harder metal.

2007-10-11, 11:03 AM
@Zousha Omenohu: Without hijacking this thread, what songs are you talking about? I've listened to some of their Lord of the Rings songs, and while they are good, I haven't heard anything that has hit epic yet.

Try Time Stands Still at the Iron Hill, And Then There Was Silence, Fly, and A Dark Passage.

A Blind Guardian album isn't going to consist of the 10 most epic songs they can come up with. It will slowly build into the single most epic song they can come up with. To me, DragonForce all sounds the same. They sound awesome, but after one song I've heard enough and don't need the rest of the album. Blind Guardian writes a whole album as a piece, rather than a collection of individual songs.

Don't get me wrong, I think DragonForce has a lot of potential. I'm a ginormous Blind Guardian fan, but I don't like their early work. Once DF learns to write more interesting music I'll like them a lot better. As it is they write stuff that shows off their impressive skills, but is uninteresting in terms of music theory.

2007-10-12, 04:42 AM
Inhuman rampage is a pretty good album but i personally believe the best dragon force is their first album.

Live they are amazing i saw them earlier this year.The song 'black winter night' live is a musical orgasm. I caught a water bottle that was thrown to the mosh by ZP the singer and i planed on selling it until i thought about it and realized that it looked exactly like any other water bottle and no one would believe me.

Dragon force is good but lyrically quite silly if you are into power metal and want something a little less crazy Kamelot, Sonata Arctica, Lost Horizon, and Hammerfall are all very pro bands.

2007-10-12, 10:08 AM
How is Hammerfall less silly lyrically than Dragonforce?
They are somewhat more poetic, I'll grant you that, but ultimately, they only sing about "honour, pride, warriors and steel" as well.

2007-10-12, 12:47 PM
How is Hammerfall less silly lyrically than Dragonforce?

Honestly, any band in this epic metal genre is going to have somewhat silly lyrics. It's just part of what happens when you go so epic - things are going to go over the top. I could be mistaken and there may be some band out there that makes epic music without silly lyrics, but I haven't found them yet, and I've gone through a lot of metal. Personally I find silly lyrics a lot more palatable than unintelligible growling or violent/vulgar lyrics that are present in other metal.

2007-10-12, 01:02 PM
Honestly my favorite song by them is Where Dragons Rule.

I like them.

Then again I like a lot of things.

They're not my favorite, but they're up there.

2007-10-12, 03:23 PM
Honestly, any band in this epic metal genre is going to have somewhat silly lyrics. It's just part of what happens when you go so epic - things are going to go over the top. I could be mistaken and there may be some band out there that makes epic music without silly lyrics, but I haven't found them yet, and I've gone through a lot of metal. I can't think of any either.
I enjoy power metal quite a bit (Rhapsody, Gamma Ray and, a bit further behind, HammerFall, being my favorites out of that genre; I don't consider Blind Guardian to be power metal), but they do not tend to have the deepest messages.

Personally I find silly lyrics a lot more palatable than unintelligible growling or violent/vulgar lyrics that are present in other metal.The way you phrased it, I agree, but there are bands who know how to use growling in a way that enhances the song, instead of detracting from it, and where normal singing would diminish its strength, even though I generally do not like growling or death metal either. In Flames (especially on their more recent albums) would be an example of how growling should be used.

2007-10-12, 03:30 PM
... there are bands who know how to use growling in a way that enhances the song, instead of detracting from it, and where normal singing would diminish its strength, even though I generally do not like growling or death metal either. In Flames (especially on their more recent albums) would be an example of how growling should be used.

There are, and I've gotten used to a few of them, but for the most part I can't stand growls. The exceptions for me are Tuatha de Danaan and Falkenbach. In both cases growling isn't the primary vocal style. It's just another tool that gets used when a song calls for it. Even then I don't like hearing it, but I don't dislike it either as it has a place in some songs. On the other hand I'll never intentionally listen to bands like Cannibal Corpse who only sing in grunts and growls.

I may give In Flames a try. My music sampling inbox is up to 26GB right now though, and I've gotta sort all that out before I try anything else.

2007-10-12, 03:59 PM
There are, and I've gotten used to a few of them, but for the most part I can't stand growls. The exceptions for me are Tuatha de Danaan and Falkenbach. In both cases growling isn't the primary vocal style. It's just another tool that gets used when a song calls for it. Even then I don't like hearing it, but I don't dislike it either as it has a place in some songs. On the other hand I'll never intentionally listen to bands like Cannibal Corpse who only sing in grunts and growls.That's pretty much my stance on growling as well.

I may give In Flames a try. My music sampling inbox is up to 26GB right now though, and I've gotta sort all that out before I try anything else.I would suggest the "Reroute to Remain" (currently my favorite album altogether, even though only after hearing it the second time) or the "Clayman" album then.

Lord of the Helms
2007-10-12, 04:41 PM
Honestly, any band in this epic metal genre is going to have somewhat silly lyrics. It's just part of what happens when you go so epic - things are going to go over the top. I could be mistaken and there may be some band out there that makes epic music without silly lyrics, but I haven't found them yet, and I've gone through a lot of metal.


Most obvious example. Ancient Greek Drama metal for the win. The only time Virgin Steele had silly/cheesy lyrics was when they were flirting with kock rock in the first half of their career.


I'm not a big fan of their music except for two stupendously awesome songs (Think Not Forever and Pure), but Lost Horizon is over the top only in so far as they are extremely poetical.


Shakespearean metal spells epic win :smallsmile:


How is this one not even totally, blatantly obvious?


Again, Gold, win. Try the albums that deal with Faust, too.

So yeah, there's plenty, you just have to look in the right places. Band's with "Dragon" in the name are rarely a good choice, for starts :smalltongue:

And growls depend entirely on the music and jus thow deep they are. I couldn't imagine Obituary, Crystal Age or all but the latest one or two Death albums without them, and it works perfectly for bands like Kreator, Atheist or, usually, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter.

Shouty vocals, on the other hand, always suck, with no exceptions.

2007-10-12, 07:28 PM
Counting on one hand bands who can pull off fantasy lyrics: Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Rush, Kansas.

What a shock. I ran out of bands before fingers.

2007-10-12, 08:24 PM
How is Hammerfall less silly lyrically than Dragonforce?
They are somewhat more poetic, I'll grant you that, but ultimately, they only sing about "honour, pride, warriors and steel" as well.

Okay yeah fair point, Hammerfall was not a good example but i do believe that power metal can have quite deep lyrics that still remain epic especially when it starts to cross over with Progressive metal. I think i good example would be 'Epcia' and 'The Black Halo' these two concept albums by Kamelot tell a story based on German legend of Faust. They are quite complex and involved but manage to keep the epic feel.

But yes i do admit when you restrict your subject matter to how shiny your sword is, it gets quite hard to come up with genuinely intelligent lyrics.

2007-10-12, 08:34 PM
Counting on one hand bands who can pull off fantasy lyrics: Iron Maiden, Led Zeppelin, Rush, Kansas.

What a shock. I ran out of bands before fingers.What exactly do you mean by "fantasy lyrics"? If it's lyrics based on some fantasy story or set in a fantasy world, I would argue Blind Guardian tend to do a rather good job out of this.

Okay yeah fair point, Hammerfall was not a good example but i do believe that power metal can have quite deep lyrics that still remain epic especially when it starts to cross over with Progressive metal. I think i good example would be 'Epcia' and 'The Black Halo' these two concept albums by Kamelot tell a story based on German legend of Faust. They are quite complex and involved but manage to keep the epic feel.Alas, haven't heard them. But I heard they were rather good; might check them out some time.

And I agree with Lord of the Helms regarding the nomination of Virgin Steele for a rather intelligent power metal band too.

But yes i do admit when you restrict your subject matter to how shiny your sword is, it gets quite hard to come up with genuinely intelligent lyrics.How true. :smallbiggrin:

Hell Puppi
2007-10-12, 08:36 PM
Blind Guardian FTW!

Also, who did the 'gunslinger' soundtrack? (I believe it was titled 'Eye of the King' or something similar...think it was iced earth with someone else who did the singing...)

2007-10-12, 08:38 PM
I believe you are thinking of the Demons&Wizards' album "Touched by the Crimson King", which is a joint project of Jon Schafer from Iced Earth and Hansi Kürsch, the singer from Blind Guardian.

2007-10-12, 10:26 PM
I believe you are thinking of the Demons&Wizards' album "Touched by the Crimson King", which is a joint project of Jon Schafer from Iced Earth and Hansi Kürsch, the singer from Blind Guardian.

Yea, that was Demons&Wizard's second album and it's pretty damn good.. then again I really like both Iced Earth and Blind Guardian so it's a win-win for me :D

onto the main topic: Dragonforce = good band. SUPER fast guitars of awesome. Valley Of The Damned was my favorite album of theirs, though 'Through the Fire and The Flames' really has grown on me and I quite like it :) ... their Sonic Firestorm album just doesn't really do anything for me though.. not sure why.. just didn't quite hook me [shrugs]

2007-10-12, 10:33 PM
Can anyone tell if the rest of their albulm is any good?

I have about six or seven of their songs, and they're decent. The band is talented, but I've got at least 50 other CDs to buy before any of their albums make my "to buy" list. In short, they are a decent, but not a great band.

2007-10-12, 11:13 PM
Yea, that was Demons&Wizard's second album and it's pretty damn good.. then again I really like both Iced Earth and Blind Guardian so it's a win-win for me :DYes, it is an excellent album, and this four-fold cover is brilliant. :smallbiggrin:
It's quite a bit more repetitive than Blind Guardian albums tend to be, though. Albeit that's probably rather a compliment towards Blind Guardian than a negative criticism towards Demons and Wizards.

2007-10-13, 10:34 AM
Not too big a fan of Dargonforce, but Valley of the Damned is okay. Most people here have already mentioned the must-haves of "power metal" like Virgin Steele, Gamma Ray, Blind Guardian, & Iced Earth. There are others, like Falconer is another band that hasn't been mentioned. There are bands out there who should be considered far superior to Dargonforce in terms of talent and the ability to vary their songs. Also, noone's mentioned Manowar yet. Shame on you!

Archpaladin Zousha
2007-10-14, 04:40 PM
Why don't we just set aside the debate and agree that Power Metal in general rocks? :smallbiggrin:

(Seriously, I've heard most of the bands discussed here, Sonata Arctica, Blind Guardian, DragonForce, Falconer, HammerFall, Rhapsody, etc. All are amazing. Period.)

2007-10-14, 04:42 PM
Indeed, shame. Though is Manowar actually power metal, or heavy metal, or simply manowar?

2007-10-14, 05:33 PM
Indeed, shame. Though is Manowar actually power metal, or heavy metal, or simply manowar?While I don't think putting bands into narrow categories makes much sense most of the time, I think Manowar can be classified as power metal. They are sufficiently epic for that.
I have mixed feelings towards Manowar - they do have a couple of very nice songs, only, unfortunately, most of them are quite similar - not to mention that, while power metal lyrics often are not the most intelligent as has been mentioned before, Manowar goes beyond that: If one limited oneself to any given length of a song one could practically calculate the number of possible Manowar songs by determining the number of possible permutations of the words "Steel", "Metal", "Warrior", "Kill" and a few others which will not pass through the forum filters. :smalltongue:

2007-10-14, 07:19 PM
Hey, a band that has the guts to put: may your sort remain as wet as the young girl in her pride" in a song earns my respect. Thay are also the band with the most hubris I've heard (kings of metal anyone?)

2007-10-14, 08:05 PM
Thay are also the band with the most hubris I've heard (kings of metal anyone?)This they are. This they are. :smallbiggrin:

2007-10-19, 10:41 PM
heh. I forgot about them for a while there!

I like them. I like how they have positive, fantasy lyrics coupled with crazy guitar. I prefer G&R or AC/DC myself, but...

2007-10-19, 11:09 PM
I don't dislike DragonForce, but as the Sonata Arctica/Hammerfall/Blind Guardian/Bride Adorned/Demons and Wizards, as well as all the bands Lord of the Helms mentioned are better bands in an at least slightly similar vein, in my opinion.

2007-10-20, 01:19 AM
I've been listening to Blind Guardian recently...

I think I prefer Dragonforce, but they're certainly good.

Actually I've been trying to check out most of the bands mentioned, but for some reason I prefer Dragonforce over most of them (Rhapsody of Fire is an exception, though I didn't have to 'check them out' as I already have plenty of their music).

Of course nothing compares to Krypteria :smalltongue:

2007-12-27, 06:05 PM
I love DF and RoF.

Sadly, I hate how everyone thinks ZP (DF frontman) is the singer in RoF. They are way different!

And DF have announced their 4th album! Set to be seen in late 2008!

2007-12-28, 01:35 AM
yah, I enjoy them, but they do get repetitive. ZP Theart has an AMAZING voice, though. Seriously. If I saw him on the street I would rape him for his voice alone lol.

Look in the "Power Metal Appreciation" Thread here in Media Discussions for more awesome PM bands. A short list:

Sonata Arctica
Blind Guardian
Rhapsody (in small doses)
Power Quest

For melodic death, I also enjoy

Amon Amarth
Children of Bodom

2007-12-28, 01:59 AM
Not a DF fan. There is a lot of talk of them speeding up the tracks in studio, which isn't necessarily wrong and they wouldn't be the first to do so. Not to say they aren't fast, but it strikes me as repetitive and droll, not to mention that is one of the most processed and MIDI'd guitar sound I've ever heard.

Oh, and carbon isn't a metal. Chemistry says so. :P

2007-12-28, 02:14 AM
Thay are also the band with the most hubris I've heard (kings of metal anyone?)

I have a hard time visualizing a band where the members are more self-important pricks than the Gallagher brothers.