View Full Version : Rules Q&A Clarification: Outsider/Extraplanar Death on the Material Plane

2019-07-18, 04:00 PM
Quick question whose RAW answer seems to elude me:

Do any/all outsiders and/or extraplanar beings return to their home plane when slain on the prime material in 3.5e? Or does this only apply to devils and (if I'm remembering right) demons?

(A rulebook source and page/section number would be appreciated if possible.)

More specifically I'm looking for clarification on creatures with the following types/subtypes:



2019-07-18, 04:13 PM
No quote, but I believe the general rule is if you are summoned, you just return.
If you arrived via plane shift or gate, you die.

2019-07-18, 10:47 PM
If you are extraplanar and are brought somewhere by a (summoning) effect, you respawn wherever you were on your home plane when you were summoned. If you were brought to another plane with a (calling) effect, you are killed normally.

2019-07-18, 11:53 PM
Only demons and devils have a specific rule about reforming on their home planes if they are legit killed on the material plane. IIRC, neither one are restored right away, but rather have to wait like a hundred years. Devils also get demoted to a lesser form for this. This might have been a more general rule for Outsiders in past editions, but only demons and devils got a book to themselves (the two Fiendish Codexes) to bring the rule back.

As already mentioned, any summoned creature is not actually in real danger, and they just go home when their summoning ends (whether that's by being killed or by the spell's duration running out).