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Henry the 57th
2019-07-20, 04:57 AM
When one sets out to the almost legendary Azmar, City of Glory and home to a living god, most people expect to find a long, winding, dusty road beset with monsters, grim-faced soldiers, and cringing slaves. What very few expect is to find greenery. But, in truth, the well-traveled stone paved main road winds its way through some of the most fertile farmland in all of Adrastria. The going is far easier than the more superstitious might have expected, with countless small farming villages along the lush green fields offering affordable taverns and relaxed guards. Traveling through gently swaying fields of emerald corn and golden wheat with narry a slavering beast or whip in sight, once would almost be tempted to think that this place might not be so bad after all.

The closer one approaches the great city, the more that lie is revealed. At first, there is merely what looks to be a dark cloud in the distance. Then a traveler begins to feel the temperature dropping as the sun vanishes behind the grey overcast. The closer ones goes, the darker the clouds grow and the colder the air becomes. The truth doesn't become apparent until a periodic graze haze fills the air - a veritable rain of ashes. Thankfully, they fade into the background when at last Azmar becomes visible.

The entire city is built on and around the slopes of a single enormous mountain, divided by a a solid wall of glassy black stone at the base. On the outside is a truly bewildering sprawl of shacks, huts, tents, stalls, and ramshackle buildings built with a hodgepodge of wood and stone, or even bones and tanned hides. The populace there is as diverse as the buildings themselves, humans and orcs and elves and even hell-blooded mingling freely and plying petty trades under the seemingly haphazard watch of random patrols of soldiers in stylized dragon armor. Within the walls themselves, everything changes at once. Here, all the buildings are uniformly grey and black stone, set in ordered ranks and growing continuously larger and more opulent the closer they climb to the mountain's peak. Red-skinned men and women with curling horns, black hair, and glowing pupils predominate, all lesser races scurrying from their path on the slightest cue. Gilded statues and icons of Masria, Our Lady of Cinders and one of the Twelve, are omnipresent here, looking down at her worshipers with gleaming gemstone eyes. Further up still a continuous haze of smoke drifts lazily from the very top of the mountain up onto the now omnipresent black clouds that choke the sky overhead. Lesser creatures bearing the divine dragon's image can be faintly perceived perched near the very rim of the smoking mountain - or perhaps they are simply statues.

But for the moment, the few people that have found their way to the City of Glory today are otherwise occupied. Deep into the masses of ramshackle buildings making up the outer city, the newcomers find themselves, for one reason or another, in one of a hundred tiny, inconsequential alehouses catering to the poor and wretched. It isn't much - merely a large hide tent with a few stump chairs cloistered around worn wooden tables. An older tiefling, streaks of grey staining his black hair and missing a chunk of his left horn, stands watch over his precious few barrels of cheap alcohol with a large knfie displayed prominently on his leg. Three men, all human, are seating around one table, muttering to themselves and seemingly playing with wooden dice. A lone elf downs a tankard of ale further back, noticeably cringing away from the newcomers. Lastly, another two men are slumped over onto a table, heads buried in hands.

2019-07-20, 09:15 AM
She wasn't exactly sure what brought her here. To this bar. To this part of town. To this wretched city as a whole. But through her wanderings... things seemed to draw her here. She looked at the various despondent people in the tavern... not much she can do to heal a broken spirit. She lowers the hood from her worn woolen green cloak and takes seat, calling over her duergar friend and bodyguard. "Urthrim... do you think there's much work to be done here? If not here... then perhaps deeper in? In one of the high tiefling houses?"

She casts a gaze over the whole of the tavern. She could probably sell a few potions here, at least. Might have to haggle down, but then again, if demand is high enough... "Of course, if you want to have some drinks and see if you can make some work..." She didn't like it, but an engineered brawl tends to end with need for a doctor.

2019-07-20, 09:31 AM
Kole steps into the alehouse with hesitation and looks around for a moment, then sighs and takes a seat furthest away from other people. He mutters while pulling out a flask, but the baritone rumble of his voice carries farther than he realizes in tighter quarters (tighter than outside anyway).
”Another house in swill-ville. Ugh. I gotta open a new distillery once the bloody bastards are gone...”

2019-07-20, 11:47 AM
The whole way into the city, Urthrim has been looking more and more uncomfortable, though he tries his best to hide his discomfort. Every time a patrol goes by, he finds one reason or another to not show his face to them--maybe interest in a scurrying rat, having to bend down to tie his shoe, or even just happening to be facing the other way when they walk by.

Never-the-less, he felt he owed the elf a debt, and so he continued into the city and eventually to found himself in a run-down bar.

"Urthrim... do you think there's much work to be done here? If not here... then perhaps deeper in? In one of the high tiefling houses?"

He takes a seat at the table and glances around the tavern carefully measuring each individual present for their potential threat.

"Work? Aye. I'd wager there be plenty o' work 'ere. Th' better question be whether any o' tha' work be what ye want t' do. I'm sure ye can find all manner of highborn lookin' t' collect a debt or three from th' populace. Ye can probably find a slaver lookin' fer product. I doubt tha' be th' kind o' work y' want, though, lass."

He glances around the room again, contemplatively.

"Tha' all bein' said, I suspect there's plenty o' work for one wit' yer talents 'ere. In a big city, all sorts o' injury 'appen. Workers get hurt, farmers get kicked by mules, and th' like.
Problem is tha' those lowly enough t' need yer 'elp probably can't pay ye well...or at all."

"Of course, if you want to have some drinks and see if you can make some work..."

He laughs at her words, quite amused at the suggestion.

"Tha's certainly one way to sell yer talents. I think we can go without th' attention of the city guards fer now, though. How about we 'ave a drink, observe the city fer a bit, and come up with a bett'r plan fer survivin'?"

With that, he gestures to the barkeep and orders two ales.

2019-07-20, 01:38 PM
The Sweetest of Sugar would not stop a single dose of posion. Thinks the half-orc to himself. Iron makes his way past the ramshackle homes and tents that dot the area, making his way to the most reasonable location to begin his venture into the city. The Tavern. He keeps his bag close, his ore smashing Hammer still on his back. He was a laborer, no one should bat an eye at his approach. He pulls the curtain open to the tavern open and finds several interesting characters within the room. From Dwarves to other orcs, he survey's everyone with his ruby eye. He makes his way to one of the tables, not too far away from the Elven alchemist and her dwarven bodyguard.

He calls to the Tiefling looking over the ale

"Hey! How much for a flagon of some ale? I've had to walk a long way, and I think I could use a good drink to mark the end of it!"

2019-07-20, 03:05 PM
He laughs at her words, quite amused at the suggestion.

"Tha's certainly one way to sell yer talents. I think we can go without th' attention of the city guards fer now, though. How about we 'ave a drink, observe the city fer a bit, and come up with a bett'r plan fer survivin'?"

With that, he gestures to the barkeep and orders two ales.

Leviel nods, running a hand through her wispy hair. "You have a point. I'd just rather keep to my expertise, rather than be expected to use concoctions to harm." She takes stock of new arrivals- two orcs. One a laborer- isn't he a bit far from the mines? The other... rather rude, insulting the quality of a bar he's in. She wouldn't be surprised if he gets an extra addition to any drinks he orders, if the bartender heard that.

When Urthrim orders the drinks, she holds up her hand briefly. "None for me. Though if those are both for yourself, please, enjoy."

2019-07-20, 08:36 PM
Lev Siggurdson was drunk. Not staggering, not sloppy, but drunk nevertheless. In fact, he had been drunk for the better part of three days. Taking another pull on his bottle of red, his thoughts shied away from thinking about the last time he was sober. That was when it started, and he was trying to avoid that. So Lev began singing a drinking song to do just that...

"No liquid cosmetic to lovers athletic
Or bodies pathetic can give such a bloom
As the sweet by the powers in the garden of flowers
Ever gave their own bowers such a darling perfume
And this liquid so rare if you willingly share
To be taking your hair when it's frizzled and dead
Oh the sod has the merit to yield the true spirit
So strong it will shake all the hairs from your head"

He shook his head as the darkness deepened. He didn't think it had gotten that late. He wasn't sure if he would make it to Azmar before full dark... But it's always full dark in Azmar, ain't it?...

And there it was again. The thing he had been working so assidiously to avoid thinking about. He had slipped away from his master based on nothing more than a feeling that he should travel this way and a feeble hope that he could salvage what little pride he had left. Surely he was being looked for by now. After all, he was Herald to that great, bloody wyrm...

As the glassy, ebon walls of the city came into view, Lev realized the narkness was not nightfall, but simply the wretched haze of smoke and cinder that lay like a blanket over Azmar, suffocating the life out of the city until it felt like a gargantuan, undead behemoth lying in wait for something living to sup on. And I'm headed right into it...

A few twists and turns later find him stumbling into a ragged tent of an alehouse. He flips his empty bottle into the street and walks through the flap, hoping it all is just a bad case of dyspepsia...

Henry the 57th
2019-07-21, 03:22 AM
He calls to the Tiefling looking over the ale

"Hey! How much for a flagon of some ale? I've had to walk a long way, and I think I could use a good drink to mark the end of it!"

The old tiefling looks mildly surprised by the presence of so many newcomers all at once, but very quickly resumes his prior grim, stoic expression. "Two copper pieces per drink," he says in a noticeably scratchy voice. "One after your first three."

Meanwhile, across the rest of the crude bar, the three men gambling seem to be ignoring the newcomers, while the elf woman sitting by herself is staring into a now-empty wooden tankard, studiously avoiding eye contact with these strangers. But the two slumped over the table... well, it might have been nothing, but it looks for a moment as if one peeked up at them.

2019-07-21, 10:45 AM
Passing his eyes over everyone else like they weren’t there, Kole slowly put his flask away, then kneaded the wispy hairs of his beard between his fingers.

2019-07-21, 03:54 PM
Leviel goes up to the bartender herself, bearing a question. If people have the funds to gamble, they have money to buy. "Mind if I peddle some medicine in here? All legitimate, I promise."

Henry the 57th
2019-07-21, 04:01 PM
The tiefling eyes Leviel skeptically for a moment, then pulls her in close to whisper in her ear. "Make any of my customers too sick to drink, and I'll take payment in blood." With that, he releases her and gives a terse nod.

2019-07-21, 06:40 PM
Leviel nods. "I promise. I'm a doctor, not a snake oil salesman."

She grabs her case of potions and sets it up on a table, and speaks up as an announcement. "Attention all gamblers, drinkers, and otherwise despondents! I've traveled a long way, and I have potions to sell! Cure wounds, stop poison, melt your enemies! More available on request!"

2019-07-21, 06:58 PM
Iron nods "A Fair Price for a fair drink" he says, putting down two coppers. It had been a long time since he had been able to enjoy an actual drink. Out of a barrel. Usually, his drink came out of puddles if they had any flavor to them.

He turns to the alchemist nearby, hawking her salves to the people. He raises a hand "And how much would one of your poultices be miss? If there also three copper I'd have my doubts!" he says with a joyful chuckle.

2019-07-22, 09:44 AM
As Leviel sets up her case, Urthrim collects two ales from the bartender and wanders over to the elf woman avoiding all eye contact. He offers her an ale. "Care fer a drink, lass? An' mebbe a drinkin' partner?"

He lowers his voice to her then. "Starin' inta yer drink is th' best way t' attract attention, lass. Pretendin' nothin' be wrong makes y' look normal. So 'ave a drink wit' me and we'll pretend yer na wishin' ta be anywhere else right now."

2019-07-22, 09:57 PM
Iron takes his drink with a smile. He sips on it wincing from the bitterness. Ale like this is not something he's too used to...but by drinking it he may keep a low profile. Hopefully "Hmm! Many thanks, my friend!"

2019-07-22, 10:21 PM
Kole winces when he sees the other half-orc sip on the ale.
Waving at him, he says, ”That’s not the kind of thing you want to taste. It’s for getting drunk, grab a couple and hock ‘em both back at once if you’re up’fer it, elsewise you should prolly look for a pint of something different. Not that it’s my business, sorry, but I thought you’d be interested in knowing.”

Henry the 57th
2019-07-23, 12:50 AM
Leviel nods. "I promise. I'm a doctor, not a snake oil salesman."

She grabs her case of potions and sets it up on a table, and speaks up as an announcement. "Attention all gamblers, drinkers, and otherwise despondents! I've traveled a long way, and I have potions to sell! Cure wounds, stop poison, melt your enemies! More available on request!"
One of the men gambling with the other two actually does take a look at Leviel.

"Yeah? You got one that makes ya lucky, do ya?" says the middle-aged, pox-scarred man, looking right at her. "Or maybe just one fer cheatin'?" His companions snicker a bit.

As Leviel sets up her case, Urthrim collects two ales from the bartender and wanders over to the elf woman avoiding all eye contact. He offers her an ale. "Care fer a drink, lass? An' mebbe a drinkin' partner?"

He lowers his voice to her then. "Starin' inta yer drink is th' best way t' attract attention, lass. Pretendin' nothin' be wrong makes y' look normal. So 'ave a drink wit' me and we'll pretend yer na wishin' ta be anywhere else right now."
"Uh..." the elf woman eyes Urthrim more than a little skeptically. "Thanks for the offer, Mr..."

2019-07-23, 02:44 AM
Stopping just inside the tent, Lev allows his eyes to adjust to the gloom. Pays to be careful so as to not stumble over some drunk and cause a fight... He glances over the occupants, dismissing most as the usual collection of riff-raff and ne'er-do-wells My loyal subjects!, but his eyes arrest the few who seem out of place. the elf woman and the dwarf who seems to be sampling her wares. The brooding half-orc sitting alone. And his "cousin" sitting a couple of tables away from the first pair. Finally, they come to rest on the person he is most happy to see. The barman...

"Ahh, barkeep. My good fellow, would you meet me at yon table with a flagon of mulled wine? Not too heavy on the spice and not too light on the wine." Flourishing two silver pieces, he points to a table near the other "out-of-placers" and makes his way toward it, bowing to the elf as he passes her booth.

2019-07-23, 09:16 AM
Leviel wags her finger at the laborer half-orc. "Of course not. These are the result of real skill and power- costly, but who knows, they may save your life!"

She turns to the drunken gambler. "I'm afraid luck is beyond me, and if someone's cheating, well... the cure for that isn't something I keep on hand. Bad for business."

2019-07-23, 10:13 AM
"Urthrim, lass. An' yer name?"

He sets one of the flagons in front of her and takes a seat at the table. While he talks with her, he keeps a watchful eye on his elven companion.

2019-07-23, 08:50 PM
Iron smiles to Kole, lifting his mug graciously "Aye, but it's better than dirty water, and It is good manners to be thankful to your host."

The half-orc then moves ot regard the alchemist "Well, I might be interested in trying one of these potions. Have any samples?"

2019-07-23, 10:58 PM
Kole shrugs. ”It’s good at what it does, not denying that.”
He’ll stand and make his way to the one passing out the drinks. “Do you make your ale out back or get it delivered? I really wasn’t meaning any disrespect. I’m hoping to open up a place when the landlords will let me, but I don’t mind sending folk here to enjoy if they have trouble finding a good hangout.”

Henry the 57th
2019-07-24, 04:55 AM
Stopping just inside the tent, Lev allows his eyes to adjust to the gloom. Pays to be careful so as to not stumble over some drunk and cause a fight... He glances over the occupants, dismissing most as the usual collection of riff-raff and ne'er-do-wells My loyal subjects!, but his eyes arrest the few who seem out of place. the elf woman and the dwarf who seems to be sampling her wares. The brooding half-orc sitting alone. And his "cousin" sitting a couple of tables away from the first pair. Finally, they come to rest on the person he is most happy to see. The barman...

"Ahh, barkeep. My good fellow, would you meet me at yon table with a flagon of mulled wine? Not too heavy on the spice and not too light on the wine." Flourishing two silver pieces, he points to a table near the other "out-of-placers" and makes his way toward it, bowing to the elf as he passes her booth.
The old tiefling snorts. "Wine? What do you think this is, boy? Ain't got anything that fancy. You want ale, or you want beer?" He pats the barrels behind him meaningfully.

The elf, seemingly only paying attention to the man seated with her, ignores the newcomer altogether.

Leviel wags her finger at the laborer half-orc. "Of course not. These are the result of real skill and power- costly, but who knows, they may save your life!"

She turns to the drunken gambler. "I'm afraid luck is beyond me, and if someone's cheating, well... the cure for that isn't something I keep on hand. Bad for business."
"Well if you can't do luck how about a cure for my back?" the same man asks, apparently a little more earnestly this time. "Cause damned if spending days hunched over in a mind don't make it sore."

"She's a cheat, Al," one of the man's companions warns him, though he just shakes his head and looks back at Leviel.

"Urthrim, lass. An' yer name?"

He sets one of the flagons in front of her and takes a seat at the table. While he talks with her, he keeps a watchful eye on his elven companion.
"...Sylvia," the elf woman admits after a moment, taking a wary sip of her flagon and returning Urthrim's gaze. "My name's Sylvia. You... aren't from around here, are you?" She looks around at the latest additions to the crude tavern. "None of you are, I don't think. I'd... recognize you." She says that with a faint hint of a blush, looking down into her drink with a pensive expression. "I recognize most men around here."

Kole shrugs. ”It’s good at what it does, not denying that.”
He’ll stand and make his way to the one passing out the drinks. “Do you make your ale out back or get it delivered? I really wasn’t meaning any disrespect. I’m hoping to open up a place when the landlords will let me, but I don’t mind sending folk here to enjoy if they have trouble finding a good hangout.”
"I get it delivered from a friend of mine in a village a few miles down the road," the bartender admits easily enough. "You can't keep too much stock lying around this dump unless you like being robbed blind." He snorts. "Let me guess: you're new here."

2019-07-24, 06:36 AM
In response to the barkeep, Kole holds out a pair of coppers, “Ah, I gotcha, that makes sense. Yeah, I’m new as a babe to this region. Thanks for the tip. I’ll purchase an ale now, to refill my flask before I leave. Might check out that village you mention in the future if I’m lucky, see if I can’t learn any brewin’ tricks while I’m there.”

2019-07-24, 09:45 AM
"Good t' meet ye, Sylvia." He accentuates the statement with a small toast and drinks from his flagon.

"An' aye, I be new t' this city. Dunno any o' these oth'r people. Well, other than th' elf."

If he recognized her meaning of recognizing most men, he simply lets it pass without any notice.

"Well, as someone from 'ere, wha' would you say be a good way t' pass th' time in this city? Any interesting places t' visit or people t' talk to?"

2019-07-24, 09:53 PM
Iron frowns to the gentlemen heckler "It's a tad rude to call someone a cheat without giving them a chance to prove themselves, Sir."

He then turns his gaze back to Lev "Do you hav anything for pain? I work a lot with my hands, and well...they've been a bit sore for a while. Callused to."

Iron also gives a nod to the coming human. he looks like he's already had enough drinks...but Iron was no one to judge

2019-07-24, 11:19 PM
"No wine?", Lev winces, thinking of the muddy brews found in a place like this. "Bring me a large ale, then. Anything to take the road dust from my tongue."

He nods back to the half-orc as he sits, waving his hand toward the empty bench on the other side. "Grab a seat, friend. Barkeep, make it two!"

Henry the 57th
2019-07-25, 04:17 AM
In response to the barkeep, Kole holds out a pair of coppers, “Ah, I gotcha, that makes sense. Yeah, I’m new as a babe to this region. Thanks for the tip. I’ll purchase an ale now, to refill my flask before I leave. Might check out that village you mention in the future if I’m lucky, see if I can’t learn any brewin’ tricks while I’m there.”

"Well, if you're new," the barkeeper says, as he fills a worn wooden flagon with ale with practiced efficiency, "then you should know that uptown," he jerks his finger in the vague direction of the city walls, "has one of their high and mighty festivals coming up soon. Bunch of rich slave-driving bastards coming through here to pay tribute to Our Lady." Their is an obvious undertone of bitterness to his voice. "Just thought you should know."

"Good t' meet ye, Sylvia." He accentuates the statement with a small toast and drinks from his flagon.

"An' aye, I be new t' this city. Dunno any o' these oth'r people. Well, other than th' elf."

If he recognized her meaning of recognizing most men, he simply lets it pass without any notice.

"Well, as someone from 'ere, wha' would you say be a good way t' pass th' time in this city? Any interesting places t' visit or people t' talk to?"
"Honestly?" the elf woman seems to consider it. "Most people here work, either under a whip or for a few coins if they're lucky, then drink and smoke to try and forget their work for a few hours when they aren'tpraying to the mountain queen. There aren't that many things I'd recommend down here, nobody who's worth anything lives in this part. Inside the walls, though..." her tone changes just a little. "Well, up there you have nobles mansions, shops catering to them, and a whole heap of temples. If you want something a little more exciting, you can always try the Fleshworks. Just don't expect to come out the same. If at all." She chuckles morbidly.

Iron frowns to the gentlemen heckler "It's a tad rude to call someone a cheat without giving them a chance to prove themselves, Sir."

He then turns his gaze back to Lev "Do you hav anything for pain? I work a lot with my hands, and well...they've been a bit sore for a while. Callused to."

Iron also gives a nod to the coming human. he looks like he's already had enough drinks...but Iron was no one to judge
"Ain't nothin' but cheats what sell to us," the man snaps right back at Iron. "Ain't never seen an honest merchant in my life, don't think I'm startin' now. Take that old swindler," he points at the tiefling. "If you let 'im, he'll get ya piss drunk and have his mates rob ya blind 'fore you're even halfway home."

The barkeeper rolls his yellow eyes. "For the last time, Rel, I had nothing to do with what happened to you last month."

"And the dragon queen's a lizard," the man spits in the dirt. "I know a setup when I see one, you bastard. You're just damned lucky the boys keep wantin' to come back here."

"No wine?", Lev winces, thinking of the muddy brews found in a place like this. "Bring me a large ale, then. Anything to take the road dust from my tongue."

He nods back to the half-orc as he sits, waving his hand toward the empty bench on the other side. "Grab a seat, friend. Barkeep, make it two!"
"Not a problem," the old tiefling replies, expertly filling two more tankards virtually the moment the order is placed and setting them on the table with surprising gentleness. The ale, of course, is still bitter.

2019-07-25, 05:05 AM
”This the same kind of ‘tribute’ the soldiers like to bring in from the villages? If so, I might need to steer clear... No sense getting grabbed on the spot and put on a block for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

2019-07-25, 09:42 AM
As he consider's Sylvia's words, he takes another drink from his flagon. "Na much of a shopper, an' I 'ave a feelin' these Fleshworks wouldna appeal t' me. I like knowin' I'll be livin' the night, an' th' way you describe it signifies anything but. 'Ow about work? Anyone lookin' fer folk wit' a good sword an' the know-how t' use it?"

He keeps a close eye on the man making accusations about the elf's honesty in case he decides to get violent about it.

2019-07-25, 10:17 AM
Leviel starts to look a bit nervous. Her bodyguard is distracted, and there's already a conflict brewing in front of her. "I don't carry potions for minor inconveniences, but my services as a doctor are far more affordable. My potions are more the emergency life-saving sort."

2019-07-25, 08:47 PM
He doesn't seem so bad. But a smile like that tends to only be a mask. Iron stands himself up from the table and makes his way to the bar alongside Lev "Friend? We've only just met." The half-orc says with a grin, taking one of the tankards and gulping down a good bit of drink

As he wipes his mouth down from the foam, he turns slowly to the man heckling the elf "Suggesting a woman go to the fleshpits for simply offering a service is rather poor form. We live in an unfortunate world, why not try and help people forget that for a small while rather then drag it back in?"

Henry the 57th
2019-07-26, 12:56 AM
”This the same kind of ‘tribute’ the soldiers like to bring in from the villages? If so, I might need to steer clear... No sense getting grabbed on the spot and put on a block for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
"Shiny trickets, statues, delicacies, sacrifices..." the bartender winces a little bit. "A bit of everything really. Far as I know you bring something she likes and you go home with a blessing, you disappoint her and she eats you instead." He smirks for just a second. "Or, at least, a couple of 'em go in and never come out again every time they go through the whole song and dance."

As he consider's Sylvia's words, he takes another drink from his flagon. "Na much of a shopper, an' I 'ave a feelin' these Fleshworks wouldna appeal t' me. I like knowin' I'll be livin' the night, an' th' way you describe it signifies anything but. 'Ow about work? Anyone lookin' fer folk wit' a good sword an' the know-how t' use it?"

He keeps a close eye on the man making accusations about the elf's honesty in case he decides to get violent about it.
Sylvia snorts. "Anyone? Try everyone. The rich folk are always looking for new guards, the watch needs more armor to patrol the city, and if there's a single business that hasn't been robbed in the last month in the whole damn city I'm a gnome. What kind of work you looking for? Standing around, escorting someone, beating random passers-by?"

Leviel starts to look a bit nervous. Her bodyguard is distracted, and there's already a conflict brewing in front of her. "I don't carry potions for minor inconveniences, but my services as a doctor are far more affordable. My potions are more the emergency life-saving sort."
"Does anyone here look like they're dyin', elf?" the man called Rel continues to heckle. "Do ya think we'd bloody be here if we were bleedin' out in the dirt?" He takes another, long swig of ale.

The first man to talk to her, though, seemed more thoughtful. "You got anything for a broken hand, lass?" he asks. "And if you do, how much is it?"

He doesn't seem so bad. But a smile like that tends to only be a mask. Iron stands himself up from the table and makes his way to the bar alongside Lev "Friend? We've only just met." The half-orc says with a grin, taking one of the tankards and gulping down a good bit of drink

As he wipes his mouth down from the foam, he turns slowly to the man heckling the elf "Suggesting a woman go to the fleshpits for simply offering a service is rather poor form. We live in an unfortunate world, why not try and help people forget that for a small while rather then drag it back in?"
"What the hell do ya think we're here ta do?" the heckler snaps back at iron. "Life's bad enough without some quack stealing what little we've got!"

2019-07-26, 10:08 AM
Urthrim sighs then, and apologizes to Sylvia. "Sorry, lass. Back in a moment."

He then stands up and makes his way over to the heckler's table and sets his flagon down on it.

"Right, lad. Rel were it? I be gettin' rath'r tired o' yer rudeness t' me nice elf friend, particularly when she be tryin' t' 'elp people 'ere. So, 'ow about we step outside and 'ave a discussion on prop'r manners an' 'ow th' best way t' talk to a nice 'ealer be?
Then we can come back in 'ere an' put th' lessons learned t' use, aye?"

He shrugs once. "Or ye can apologize t' me friend, shut up, an' enjoy your drink like th' rest o' us are tryin' t' do."

2019-07-26, 07:03 PM
”Right. I’ll be staying far away from that, then, for my own good. Thanks again.”
Kole grabs his ale with one hand and slaps the palm of his other hand on the counter with a nod, then steps back over to where he sat earlier. He downs a couple gulps before pouring the ale into his flask.

2019-07-26, 10:29 PM
Iron looks to the Heckler, then to the alchemist "Odd. I didn't see a knife to your throat. Only a smile and a friendly offer of services. There are many other's out there willing to stab you with a sharp piece of rock for a copper. She, is not doing that. Least as far as I can tell."

He takes a swig of his ale and looks to lev "So, Stranger. What brings you here?"

2019-07-26, 11:50 PM
Lev smiles broadly at the interplay between the poor townie and the two "out-of-placers". "It appears the fair maiden needs no white knight to save her here." He takes a huge swig of his ale, grimacing at the bitterness. "I am here to see about something I thought I had lost. And you?
What led you to Azmar on such a momentous day as this?"

Henry the 57th
2019-07-27, 04:16 AM
Urthrim sighs then, and apologizes to Sylvia. "Sorry, lass. Back in a moment."

He then stands up and makes his way over to the heckler's table and sets his flagon down on it.

"Right, lad. Rel were it? I be gettin' rath'r tired o' yer rudeness t' me nice elf friend, particularly when she be tryin' t' 'elp people 'ere. So, 'ow about we step outside and 'ave a discussion on prop'r manners an' 'ow th' best way t' talk to a nice 'ealer be?
Then we can come back in 'ere an' put th' lessons learned t' use, aye?"

He shrugs once. "Or ye can apologize t' me friend, shut up, an' enjoy your drink like th' rest o' us are tryin' t' do."
"You challenging me, little dwarf?" The man looks at his companions, who are shaking their heads, but opts to stand up anyway. He sways a little unsteadily, but still towers over the Duergar. He has well-built but unexceptional muscles, honed over a lifetime of menial toil. "I'll take ya. I'll take three of ya!"

"Come on, Rel, it ain't worth gettin' so worked up over," the third man, who has not been speaking up much until now, says as he tugs on his friend's sleeve. "You don't need no more broken bits, see enough of that as is. Dwarves are tough buggers."

"I ain't backin' down to no stuntie or elf!" Rel snaps back at him. "There's enough takin' **** as it is, I ain't takin' none from some outsider lookin' to scam us hard-workin' folk too!" He yanks his sleeve roughly from the other man's grip. "You want a fight, dwarf?" he looks Urthrim right in the eyes. "You got one."

From the other table, Sylvia is looking at Urthrim a bit more warily. As the two of them pass, she whispers quietly to him.

"Don't hurt him too bad. Please."

”Right. I’ll be staying far away from that, then, for my own good. Thanks again.”
Kole grabs his ale with one hand and slaps the palm of his other hand on the counter with a nod, then steps back over to where he sat earlier. He downs a couple gulps before pouring the ale into his flask.
"Don't think it matters much, I doubt the high and mighty would let any lowborn anywhere near the real ceremony to begin with," the bartender shrugs. Then he glances over his shoulder, and lowers his tone. "But I'm betting someone like you folks could make a pretty penny off of them, if you know what I mean.

Iron looks to the Heckler, then to the alchemist "Odd. I didn't see a knife to your throat. Only a smile and a friendly offer of services. There are many other's out there willing to stab you with a sharp piece of rock for a copper. She, is not doing that. Least as far as I can tell."

He takes a swig of his ale and looks to lev "So, Stranger. What brings you here?"
The heckler, now embroiled in his conversation with the duergar, completely ignores what Iron has to say this time.

2019-07-27, 11:57 AM
Kole gives a quizzical look in response to the statement about a pretty penny. I wonder what he means by that...
When the noise starts up, his attention is diverted to the sounds of trouble. “Idiots.”
He shakes his head, stays seated, and leans on one elbow with his fist against his cheek.

2019-07-27, 01:27 PM
Leviel's nervousness rises. She wasn't used to being called a con artist, and this man was getting rather belligerent... she looks to the concerned man first. "It depends on how bad the injury is- I might be able to fix it, I might be able to help it heal faster- but for now..." The elven woman closes her potion case. No sense in risking the merchandise being damaged. She keeps a hand on the dagger at her waist, but doesn't draw it. "Come now, no one's trying to con you... and I'd rather not have to waste any of my stock fixing this misunderstanding. If you want some insurance on future wounds, we can talk price, if you're not interested, you can turn away, but if you persist... well, you'll see that my friend is invaluable when dealing with people like you."

2019-07-27, 09:36 PM
Iron shrugs, and goes back to his drink. The dwarf seems to have this covered for now. He takes a swig, before looking to Lev. "Curiosity you could say. Wanted to see what our gods look like up close." he says through a tight-lipped smile "They call me Iron Digger, you?"

2019-07-29, 09:22 AM
Urthrim steps over to Leviel and places his spike-covered shield by her case. "Watch tha' for me, aye?" He lowers his voice to her then. "An' save one o' th' 'ealin' draughts fer this oaf. I'll pay ye."

He then heads to the front door, and nods to Sylvia as he passes by in response to her words.

He heads out the front door and looks for a nice, quiet side alley where he and the belligerent human can have their "discussion" away from the eyes of any passing guard patrols.

"Right, then, lad. Simple 'nuff. When ye've 'ad enough an' are willin' t' apologize t' me elf friend, we go back in an' I buy ye a drink."

Henry the 57th
2019-07-29, 04:54 PM
Urthrim steps over to Leviel and places his spike-covered shield by her case. "Watch tha' for me, aye?" He lowers his voice to her then. "An' save one o' th' 'ealin' draughts fer this oaf. I'll pay ye."

He then heads to the front door, and nods to Sylvia as he passes by in response to her words.

He heads out the front door and looks for a nice, quiet side alley where he and the belligerent human can have their "discussion" away from the eyes of any passing guard patrols.

"Right, then, lad. Simple 'nuff. When ye've 'ad enough an' are willin' t' apologize t' me elf friend, we go back in an' I buy ye a drink."
Finding an out of the way spot seems simple enough, the layout of various tents, shacks, and huts seems to have little to no regard for anything like a planned layout. There are many small, out of the way spaces crammed tightly between two such buildings, though Urthrim wisely chooses to find one between two particularly sturdy-looking buildings for their impromptu duel. They haven't been in the tightly squeezed ally for ten seconds before Rel puts up his fists and takes a hard swing at the duergar's face.

Unarmed Strike: [roll0]
Damage if hit: [roll1]

2019-07-29, 10:08 PM
Urthrim takes the punch square to the chin, but doesn't seem too fazed by the blow.

"So tha's 'ow y' wan' it t' be."

With that, he drops into his own stance and takes a swing back at the man.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] nonlethal

Henry the 57th
2019-07-30, 05:23 AM
Rel takes the blow firmly in his gut, staggering back a few steps and tottering for just a moment. However, he shakes his head a few times, bares his teeth, and comes rushing right back at the dwarf, fist swinging wildly.

Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Meanwhile, back in the ragtag bar, the elven woman that had been sitting with Urthrim until a moment ago opts to turn around and look at Leviel and her wares for the first time. Her worn-looking brown eyes stare at the healer for just a few seconds, as if sizing her up, before she speaks,

"Look, I..." she hesitates a moment. "How much would it cost to get a man back up after he's been beaten down?"

2019-07-30, 09:44 AM
Seeing as the man hasn't given up yet or collapsed, Urtrhim throws another swing in response to the man's failed attempt at striking him. This clearly isn't the first brawl the trained warrior had been in, and his punches are strong and on target.

Never-the-less, he does his best not to permanently injure the man.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] nonlethal

2019-07-30, 01:02 PM
Leviel sighs as the two walk out, then looks to the elf woman who approached her. "If we're talking on the spot? My services as a medic are affordable and negotiable. But if you're talking about the fool who just left with Urthrim... he's already accounted for, don't worry. He'll be up and full of regrets shortly after he loses consciousness."

2019-07-31, 01:10 AM
Iron shakes his head as the two head out, taking another drink. "The man should know when he's outmatched. That dwarf looks like he's seen more violence on a weekend then that man's seen in his life"

Henry the 57th
2019-07-31, 03:48 AM
Seeing as the man hasn't given up yet or collapsed, Urtrhim throws another swing in response to the man's failed attempt at striking him. This clearly isn't the first brawl the trained warrior had been in, and his punches are strong and on target.

Never-the-less, he does his best not to permanently injure the man.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] nonlethal
The taller man takes several more blows to his gut, driving the air right out of him. He doubles over, coughing and clutching at his stomach. As Urthrim watches, Rel's coughs turn to heaves, and then at last to a quick but vile round of vomiting. The bigger man's legs give out, and he collapses backwards onto the packed, grey earth. He lies there, clutching his stomach, shivering, and moaning.

Leviel sighs as the two walk out, then looks to the elf woman who approached her. "If we're talking on the spot? My services as a medic are affordable and negotiable. But if you're talking about the fool who just left with Urthrim... he's already accounted for, don't worry. He'll be up and full of regrets shortly after he loses consciousness."
"It's not me," Sylvia shakes her head. "I have... a friend who's taken more than a few blows to the head recently, and I'm not sure how well he'll handle it. What kind of price would I be looking at?"

Iron shakes his head as the two head out, taking another drink. "The man should know when he's outmatched. That dwarf looks like he's seen more violence on a weekend then that man's seen in his life"
"He don't care to know," one of the man's companions, the one who had tried to talk him out of it, says with a sigh. The other just looks sad. "You gotta understand... livin' like he do, someone else controlling ya day in an' day out, nothin' you can do about it..." he sighs again. "Once he's had a few he just wants to do somethin' ta make him feel like he ain't just a puppet. This ain't the first time. I don't even know why I even bother tryin' ta stop him anymore, tell you the truth."

2019-07-31, 09:40 AM
Urthrim reaches a hand down to the man offering him help to his feet. "Ye got it out o' yer system, then?
We all got 'ard lives, lad, in differin' ways. Now let's go get ye a fresh drink an' maybe ye'll be decent."

2019-07-31, 07:53 PM
Kole listens in on the man’s description of Rel’s issue, nodding once he understands the way the man lets off steam.
Probably better than literally having steam come off your body from inner fire. Kole’s previous experiences with that particular predicament have landed him in awkward situations with guards before. Much more problematic than any bar fight he’s been in.

2019-08-01, 01:15 AM
Iron looks to the men and shows his arm. Wracked with scars of work and punishment, marks of previously torn flesh and broken bones spread over the muscle. "I know that life. I've seen what it does to people, and what the people who hold the lash do to those under it. Yet, I find that it be best to..give those who suffer reprive. To make that pain lessen even slightly. What he needs isn't a fight, it's a direction in his life. Have him do something good for people. Have him fight against the right things if he wants to."

Henry the 57th
2019-08-01, 06:48 AM
Urthrim reaches a hand down to the man offering him help to his feet. "Ye got it out o' yer system, then?
We all got 'ard lives, lad, in differin' ways. Now let's go get ye a fresh drink an' maybe ye'll be decent."
Rel doesn't seem to hear the duergar, instead his moans slowly progress into soft sobs. He's clearly not unconcious, he doesn't even seem that badly hurt, he just isn't looking at Urthrim.

Iron looks to the men and shows his arm. Wracked with scars of work and punishment, marks of previously torn flesh and broken bones spread over the muscle. "I know that life. I've seen what it does to people, and what the people who hold the lash do to those under it. Yet, I find that it be best to..give those who suffer reprive. To make that pain lessen even slightly. What he needs isn't a fight, it's a direction in his life. Have him do something good for people. Have him fight against the right things if he wants to."
"You got any suggestions, stranger?" the man asks. "From where I stand it don't look like there's much good to be done."

2019-08-01, 08:42 AM
Pondering, Leviel looks to Sylvia. "It depends on the severity, I'd have to see them in person. If I can treat them without any potions, three to five silver should be enough, if I can throw together a concoction on the spot, maybe a gold."

She cranes her neck, trying to listen for anything happening outside. "I do hope Urthrim didn't hurt that fool too badly..."

2019-08-01, 11:19 PM
Iron shrugs "It's about opportunity. The Chance may come soon. Just keep an eye open for a sign. Something for him to put those violent hands to better use. It's sure to happen soon..." Iron would make sure of that.

2019-08-02, 12:31 AM
Kole hears Iron and chuckles.
”Any way I can get in on that?”

Henry the 57th
2019-08-02, 05:21 AM
Pondering, Leviel looks to Sylvia. "It depends on the severity, I'd have to see them in person. If I can treat them without any potions, three to five silver should be enough, if I can throw together a concoction on the spot, maybe a gold."

She cranes her neck, trying to listen for anything happening outside. "I do hope Urthrim didn't hurt that fool too badly..."
"That's... very generous of you," Sylvia blinks, looking more than a little surprised. "I... I can certainly show you my friend... if you don't mind a little walking."

Iron shrugs "It's about opportunity. The Chance may come soon. Just keep an eye open for a sign. Something for him to put those violent hands to better use. It's sure to happen soon..." Iron would make sure of that.
"Well, if it does come up, you can find us 'bout half a mile," the man points somewhere to his left, closer to the city walls proper, "that way. Little wood and hide place with a white claw on the side. Little bunkhouse fer folks like us. Ya can't miss it."

2019-08-02, 10:22 PM
Iron smile to Kole "There will come a time where it finds you. Just keep an eye open." he turns back to the men "I will keep that in mind. I hope something good may come one day, for all of our sakes."

2019-08-02, 11:03 PM
"C'mon, lad. I'll buy ye an ale. An' me friend can 'elp th' 'urtin'. Mebbe y' can tell me wha's makin' y' so angry tha' y' lash ou' at people tryin' t' 'elp."

The hand remains offered to help him onto his feet.

2019-08-03, 01:40 AM
Quiet as a dropped pin, Kole mutters to himself, ”White claw... Got it...”

Henry the 57th
2019-08-03, 04:11 AM
Iron smile to Kole "There will come a time where it finds you. Just keep an eye open." he turns back to the men "I will keep that in mind. I hope something good may come one day, for all of our sakes."

Quiet as a dropped pin, Kole mutters to himself, ”White claw... Got it...”
"Thanks," says the man, rather quietly. "Name's Sam, by the way, and this bastard with me here is Alex. What do they call you lot, if you don't mind my asking?"

"C'mon, lad. I'll buy ye an ale. An' me friend can 'elp th' 'urtin'. Mebbe y' can tell me wha's makin' y' so angry tha' y' lash ou' at people tryin' t' 'elp."

The hand remains offered to help him onto his feet.
"What's..." the man continues to weep softly, "What's the bloody point? I can't do nothin' right. Can't work right... can't fight right... why should I even get back up again?"

2019-08-03, 08:44 AM
Leviel nods at the woman. "Of course. No one else seems to be buying, so let's go check on Urthrim and... the other one... and head off. I imagine they're likely done by now." She picks up her potion case and gestures towards the door, tossing the bartender a silver piece for the inconvenience she caused.

2019-08-03, 10:48 PM
Iron turns around in his chair "Us Orcs lack Names. But, the Guards Tended to Call me an Iron Digger. You can Call me Iron"

Henry the 57th
2019-08-04, 03:53 AM
Leviel nods at the woman. "Of course. No one else seems to be buying, so let's go check on Urthrim and... the other one... and head off. I imagine they're likely done by now." She picks up her potion case and gestures towards the door, tossing the bartender a silver piece for the inconvenience she caused.
"Good idea," Sylvia nods, brushing off the front of her plain, worn white dress as she stands up. "I think I may have inkling of where they might have gone." She throws back her head and downs the last dregs of ale in her mug hastily, before she and Leviel.

It takes a little bit of looking around, but in truth neither Urthrim nor Rel had gone that far. The two of them soon find the duergar standing over the downed human with a hand outstretched, though the bigger man seems to be ignoring it and mumbling something inaudible to them instead.

Iron turns around in his chair "Us Orcs lack Names. But, the Guards Tended to Call me an Iron Digger. You can Call me Iron"
"Well, please ta meat ya, Mr Iron," Sam says. Alex doesn't say anything until his friend elbows him a little, whereupon he nods. "Tell ya what, it's not much but if you're ever lookin' for plain ol' work and a roof over your head ya can stop by our place, we always need new bodies 'round the mines." He chuckles a little darkly. "And ya look like you're cut out fer it."

2019-08-04, 12:42 PM
”I suppose I had it easier than most of my kin; I was given the name Kole, by the woman who raised me, praise her poor soul. I’ll swing by to help out every chance I get.”

2019-08-04, 11:40 PM
Iron chuckles "I've lost more skin and Bone to digging rocks then you can believe. My fingers have been flayed right off there bone. But, I will keep it in mind." Her turns on his chair "Kole? Hmm, not a bad name. It's good that you've lived a better life then i. Im happy for you."

2019-08-05, 09:46 AM
Urthrim contemplates the man's words briefly and replies, "If'n y' can't work right, yer in the wrong profession. If'n y' can't fight right, well, tha' may be a point o' pride. It means ye've never 'ad t' do killin'. Nothin' bad about tha'. Either way, if'n y' wan' t' change either o' those points, y' can learn 'em. Givin' up an' ne'er standin' back up again isn' 'ow y' learn 'em. So on yer feet, lad, an' show life tha' it 'asn't beat y' yet."

Henry the 57th
2019-08-06, 12:32 AM
”I suppose I had it easier than most of my kin; I was given the name Kole, by the woman who raised me, praise her poor soul. I’ll swing by to help out every chance I get.”
"It'd be much appreciated, friend," Sam replies, taking a swig. "We've always got somethin' needs doin'. Let me know when yer up fer it."

Urthrim contemplates the man's words briefly and replies, "If'n y' can't work right, yer in the wrong profession. If'n y' can't fight right, well, tha' may be a point o' pride. It means ye've never 'ad t' do killin'. Nothin' bad about tha'. Either way, if'n y' wan' t' change either o' those points, y' can learn 'em. Givin' up an' ne'er standin' back up again isn' 'ow y' learn 'em. So on yer feet, lad, an' show life tha' it 'asn't beat y' yet."
"I... I..." the man looks down at his hands for just a moment, sways a little bit, and then grasps the duergar's hand in one of his own.

2019-08-06, 10:38 AM
Urthrim pulls him up onto his feet and brushes him off. "Right. Le's go an' get a drink."

He turns back toward the entrance of the alley to go back into the bar, and pauses as he notices the elves waiting.

"Erm. 'Ello. Somethin' up?"

2019-08-06, 02:35 PM
Leviel tilts her head. "You two okay? Need any healing? I've, ah, got some work, so Urthrim, if you wouldn't mind coming with me..."

2019-08-06, 04:39 PM
"Aye, we're fine. 'Ave come t' an understandin'. Was goin' t' buy 'im a drink."

He checks to see if she brought his shield with her.

"Gotta get me shield an'way. Wait a minute an' we'll go t' take care o' yer business, aye?"

With that, he starts to lead the man back toward the front of the bar.

Henry the 57th
2019-08-08, 01:06 AM
Leviel tilts her head. "You two okay? Need any healing? I've, ah, got some work, so Urthrim, if you wouldn't mind coming with me..."

"Aye, we're fine. 'Ave come t' an understandin'. Was goin' t' buy 'im a drink."

He checks to see if she brought his shield with her.

"Gotta get me shield an'way. Wait a minute an' we'll go t' take care o' yer business, aye?"

With that, he starts to lead the man back toward the front of the bar.
Rel's legs are unsteady, a combination of alcohol and blunt force leaving him teetering with every step that he takes. That lasts just a few steps before Sylvia scoots up next to him and helps the poor man throw an arm over her shoulder with a practiced ease that suggests some considerable experience in the field. The walk back to the little bar is a bit slow, even ignoring the patrol of three confident-looking men in dragon-style armor that go marching by, one of them sniggering at the elf woman as he goes past.

Once they do arrive, though, Sam and Alex seem happy enough to take the still-staggering Rel off the poor elf's hands, again seeming like they've been through this whole song and dance before. They take their friend with them and leave, heading in the direction Sam had pointed out earlier.

"Well, glad that's over." Sylvia breathes a slight sigh of relief, rubbing her shoulder before glancing at Leviel. "Now, will come with me to go see my other friend?"

2019-08-08, 01:22 AM
Iron finishes off his ale and wipes his mouth of some left over foam. he stands up, stretching an arm and looking to Rel as he enters the bar again "I welcome you back, Rel. ow, Would you like a drink to try and numb some pain? Dwarf! You did a good job on his cheek there I see. I'm not much for fighting..but, I know some good work when I see it."

2019-08-08, 02:24 PM
Leviel nods at Sylvia. "Let's." She turns to the inn and shouts, one more time. "Last call for elixirs before I depart!"

Henry the 57th
2019-08-09, 01:04 AM
Iron finishes off his ale and wipes his mouth of some left over foam. he stands up, stretching an arm and looking to Rel as he enters the bar again "I welcome you back, Rel. ow, Would you like a drink to try and numb some pain? Dwarf! You did a good job on his cheek there I see. I'm not much for fighting..but, I know some good work when I see it."
"I think I'd li-" Rel begins.

"He's had enough fer today," Sam abruptly cuts him off. "Best ta sleep it off, don't ya know?"

"Oh shut up," Rel snaps back at his friend. "Hell yes I want a drink."

"No you don't. You really don't."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't. Trust me."

"Yes I bloody do, now shut up."

2019-08-09, 09:24 AM
The duergar puts a couple copper on the bar to pay for Rel's drink. "If they let 'im 'ave it, it's on me. If na, it's a tip."

He then goes to retrieve his shield and rejoins Leviel and Sylvia.

"Right. Ready when y' are, lasses."

2019-08-09, 07:40 PM
Iron lets the dwarf get Rel a drink. It's likely better if he does it instead of him. "Im fine for the most part Miss. Though...I've always wanted something that might make me..more swift"

2019-08-09, 08:07 PM
Leviel looks to the laborer. "Well, if I expand my book of recipes and I'm back here again, I'll be sure to let you know. I'm sure I could put something together, given time..."

2019-08-10, 12:08 AM
At Iron’s mention of something that will make him swifter, Kole perks up. When Leviel says she might be able to whip something up, his ears actually twitch.
When she and Urthrim get ready to go, he takes note. When they exit, he follows them.

Henry the 57th
2019-08-12, 02:53 AM
The tiefling man takes the copper coin Urthrim offers and it almost immediately disappears into his clothing somewhere. He looks over at the three men, and Rel almost immediately shrugs off his two supporters despite some futile attempts to keep him back. He staggers unsteadily towards the barkeeper, who hands him yet another tankard of the bitter ale. The man throws back his head and begins draining the cup immediately. Behind him, Sam shakes his head and sighs.

"If you're ready, miss," Sylvia beckons, her voice softening a bit. "Please."

2019-08-12, 04:35 PM
Leviel gestures towards the door. "Lead on."

2019-08-12, 11:37 PM
Iron Nods to Levi "Many thanks. I would offe rot pay it, but coppers can be hard to come by, I can pay in service though! I happen to be rather large....I could grab things from the top shelf" He says, glancing to Urthrim

Henry the 57th
2019-08-14, 02:23 AM
"Thank you," Sylvia says, beckoning, "now come one, this way."

The elf woman turns and breaks left off the populated and relatively clear roadway, leading her fellow elf through a veritable maze of shacks and tents packed tightly together with no regard for anything resembling order or personal space. The smell of this place is even worse than before, with hundreds upon hundreds of people squeezed together with nothing so much as resembling adequate facilities. Rough-looking men wander in pairs or small gangs - never alone. Several of them grin rather lasciviously at Sylvia as she passes close, though none seem quite ready to do more than that. It's once they've reached a point where rows of hide tents are squeezed so tightly that a man barely has room to stand between one or another that she chooses one, seemingly at random, gently pats her hand against the side, whispers something, and slightly pulls back a flap.

Lying on the hard ground barely ameliorated by a thin mat is a man that could be charitably described as half dead. Lying flat on his back, his body covered in sweat and dust, a middle-aged human man moans softly at the sudden intrusion of light. There is a very prominent split running from the top of his half-bald scalp to the edge of his forehead, red, inflamed, and very crudely covered over with some plain strips of boiled cloth. He tries to raise a hand against the light, but after just barely getting off the ground it quivers and simply collapses right back down again.

"Do you think you can do anything for him?" she whispers quietly.

2019-08-14, 08:25 AM
Leviel hesitates. She can't just... but she has a duty of care. This poor man was so badly hurt. She pulls out a few of the vials at her waist and mixes a quick curative, then delicately pours it into the man's mouth. "This should keep him from worsening... I'll need to take a look about anything I can do that this can't."

Using a CLW Infusion, then examining with a Heal check.
CLW- [roll0]
Heal- [roll1]

2019-08-14, 09:38 AM
When the elves leave, so does Urthrim. He follows the two elves through the various areas, his spiked shield strapped to his arm to dissuade anyone from deciding to mess with them. As Sylvia and Leviel enter the tent, he briefly checks to make sure that there's no danger to Leviel visible in the tent and then takes up a guard position beside the entrance.

[roll0] to try and spot any threats that might present themselves before they do

2019-08-14, 01:48 PM
When he spots Urthrim exit after the pair, Kole follows him. He does his best to tail them without being caught in the clogged maze, though his falchion pokes up like a beacon in such a crowded area; it was obviously not going to be useful in such close quarters, but his eyes gleam and he wears a vicious grin.

[roll0] to go undetected.

When he sees Urthrim start guarding the tent, he stops trying to sneak around and approaches calmly with a wave. When he’s as close as Urthrim will allow, he quietly asks “May I see her skills at work? If she’s good, I might want to talk business with her afterwards.”

2019-08-14, 03:12 PM
The duergar looks Kole over and shrugs.

"It's na me tent, so I can't say iff'n ye can enter."

2019-08-16, 12:03 AM
Iron see's the alchemist and dwarf leave...and notices that the other half orc has gone to. "Hmm. He wonders to himself, moving toward teh entrance of the drinking hole "Seems that a few of our patrons are heading off. I hope whatever there doing goes well. So...is there any happenings going around here? It's my first time in the city, want to know what it's like" he saysto teh table Rel sits at.

Henry the 57th
2019-08-16, 01:39 AM
The barely conscious man coughs once or twice as the healer tries to pour her draught down his throat, spitting droplets of it across the dirt and even getting a little on her face. Still, Sylvia after a bit of wrangling is able to prop his head up enough to get most of the potion down. The man's breathing evens out noticeably as it takes effect, though the wound itself does not seem to be changing much while Leviel delicately examines it.

It's pretty obvious to you that the wound he's sustained is infected and has been for at least a day or two - doubtless the unsanitary conditions of this place itself are to blame.

You spot what at first looks like just another hardened man minding his own business as you go, however the way his eyes track Sylvia as she passes seems far more focused and less... crude than most of the other men who pay much attention to her. You don't think too much of it at the time when you initially walk past him, but then a few minutes later you spy the same brown-skinned man at a distance amidst the tents. This time there are two others with him, and they're pushing their way through the crowded area with evident purpose.

2019-08-16, 08:02 AM
Urthrim gives a low whistle and taps on the fabric of the tent entrance.

"Oy, Sylvia! Y' got friends comin', an' I don' think they be friends by 'ow they looked a' ye earlier."

He then turns back to Kole.

"If'n these lads be 'ere t' do wha' violence I think they be 'ere t' do, care to knock some 'eads together wit' me?"

He casually draws his sword from the scabbard hanging from his belt and nods in the direction of the group headed their way to alert Kole to their presence.

2019-08-16, 08:17 AM
”Happily, provided they intend harm. Mind chatting with weapons ready?”
Kole draws his falchion.

2019-08-17, 03:58 PM
"Infected... I might be able to treat him well enough to keep it from getting worse. But..." She hears Urthrim's statement. "Urthrim should be able to handle anything that may happen... but I'm prepared to assist, just in case. Stay back, unless you're a fighter." She sets out her healer's kit, but keeps her weaponry available.

2019-08-17, 10:54 PM
Iron takes note of where his new friends stay during the night, before deciding to leave the bar. He walks through the tents, keeping an eye out for intresting sights..as well as asking around about local events.


Henry the 57th
2019-08-23, 01:20 AM
As the three men get closer, Urthrim, Leviel, Kole, and Sylvia can clearly see that while two of them are human, one has the distinctive green-tinged skin and brutish physique of an orc-blooded man. None of them are wearing any kind of uniform, just simple clothing or unmarked and worn leather armor, but the solid iron weapons clutched in their hands say everything that needs to be said. Judging by the way people are scrambling to get out of their way as they approach, this isn't their first time. It doesn't take them long to reach just about reach the tent where the injured man, pausing only a few feet away from the armed men huddled near it. The biggest man easily shoves his way to the front of their little group.

"Weren't lookin' fer you today," the big half-orc tells Kole, eyes on the drawn falchion. "Just the elf wench and her pet. No one's payin' fer your heads yet, so scram while you've still got 'em on." He glances at Sylvia, who flinches. "And you'd better come quietly or no tellin' what might happen on the way." He hefts his heavy, serrated black iron sword and grins.

The biggest news on the block is no doubt about the upcoming festival to the city's resident dragon-god. What might be the greatest concentration of wealth many of these people have ever seen is being carted through the streets not far from here even now, and a good half of the conversation revolves around what they would do if they could beg, borrow, or steal some of it for themselves. More juicy hints are going around that some Lord Labando and the fact that he's supposed to be carrying some kind of sacred treasure through the city as early as tomorrow, worth enough to the nobility to make the consequences of stealing it worth risking the price of failing to do so. Or so they say.

2019-08-23, 10:21 AM
"An' jes who be payin' fer th' elf lass's 'ead, then?"

The duergar doesn't move out of the way of the tent flap, his spiked shield and sword still ready in case anything becomes violent.

2019-08-23, 04:56 PM
Still keeping focused on the ill patient, Leviel directs her words towards Sylvia. "I suggest you be very honest here. I have a duty of care, but that extends to him, so depending on what's going on here... I'm inclined to take your side, these three don't exactly seem like the upstanding sort, but I still have to know. Who would be after you?"

2019-08-23, 09:47 PM
Kole stares the big man down with a grimace. This was not what he’d planned for today.
”It’s rare I meet someone uglier than I am. How much is your own head worth?”

2019-08-24, 08:35 PM
Iron takes note of these things. TO hear that people are so willing to risk their lives on such an event for just a chance? it intrigues time...perhaps there is something he could do here. he takes the time to map out the city in his mind, at least the parts people like him are allowed to go to. He watches for rabble nearby, stables, street corners, sewer entrances, even climbable buildings. To a normal passerby, he was sightseeing.

In truth, he was creating a plan.

Iron is taking his time to develop his 'Brillant Plan/ Always Prepared" going to be spending a whole 400 GP on that fund

Henry the 57th
2019-09-02, 02:50 AM
"Who's payin'?" the big half-orc chuckles. "Ain't no secret. The tramp there went and poked his 'holiness' Prelate Artus in his yellow eye, now he wants he wants to pay 'er back."

"Why you talkin' to 'em 'bout things like that?" one of the two human men asks. "Who's payin' ya ta yap?"

"Nobody's payin' me to keep my mouth shut," the bigger man snaps back. "Sides, what's gonna happen ta her means everybody is gonna know soon enough." He looks back at the others between him and the elf. "What are you still doin' here? I told you to scram if ya like yer heads."

Sylvia has already backed off several steps, eyes wavering between the man in the tent and the three men come for her. They flick briefly to Lemiel when she asks her question, but she doesn't actually answer the question. Merely takes a few more steps away from the group, looking nervous.

The half-orc just smirks at Kole's comment, hefting his sword and locking eyes with the man. "If you want it, come and get it. Little practice'd do me some good, I think."

Roll Perception, if you please.

2019-09-03, 12:36 AM
Iron continues his walk on the street, keeping an eye out


2019-09-05, 05:01 PM
Leviel looks to Sylvia. "...do you have any way to get out of this? Or are you hunted from here on out? Because there's no point in protecting you if it's just going to perpetuate the cycle and drag us in, but if this can end..."