View Full Version : Versus threads vs. Vaarsuvius threads

2007-10-09, 05:18 PM
Sure, Versus threads are lame. You've got worlds dictated by two completely different teams of writers and thinking that there is some sort of definite system in which you could objectively compare them is beyond silly. And anyone who prefers the other storyline is never going to back down from their position that their characters' deus ex machina is more effective than yours. I swear, you've got to have some severe mental issues to even start a new Versus thread, in my opinion.

But come on, arguing about whether Vaarsuvius is male or female is even dumber. Rich says right in the FAQ that he will never reveal the truth, and therefore that little nugget of data that you mined out of some two year-old strip is not. a. clue. The fact that you're not going to be told means that there is no sense in using the strip to support whatever psycho-sexual issues cause you to look at a blob of pixels and imagine what sort of genitals would be underneath the red robe.

I don't know. What do you think?

2007-10-09, 05:19 PM
This thread would be even funnier if in addition to being a vs. thread, it were somehow also a comment on a question that couldn't be answered, thus making it both a vs. and a vaarsuvius thread. :P

2007-10-09, 05:31 PM
Which of the two is lamer could be considered a fundamentally unanswerable question.

2007-10-09, 06:01 PM
I envision someone following up with a Miko threads vs. Belkar threads thread about whether it is more pointless to talk about the moral direction of a character who is dead and not coming back or a character whose alignment has been shouted from the rooftops in so many ways that it is futile to talk about what they're actually doing.

And then we can have the finals, where we determine the lamest Threads in the Playground! Wouldn't that be great? It would be fun, wouldn't it.

2007-10-09, 06:13 PM
The only reason I think that the Vs threads are slightly more lame than Vaarsuvius threads is that for about the first 30or so comics V DID have a gender....Giant said that he was surprized at people's reaction...when no one could figure it out and it became a topic for discussion Giant saw the oppertunity for LOTS of humor....and V's gender thus became a total mystery....There may once have been a point to them....but really it's like saying that tar is slightly closer to white than pitch is...just about as useless as each other.

2007-10-09, 06:36 PM
Ok, they are dumb too. Most by the fact that the Giant consciously plays with the concept of his sexual ambiguity. So there's no answer, and no right position to support. (In any case, I think it's pretty obvious that V was originally thought as a male character and then someone's doubts gave Rich the idea for playing with this ambiguity).

2007-10-09, 06:39 PM
Uhm, no. Just no. Next please.