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View Full Version : Reskinning a playable dragon

Fable Wright
2019-07-21, 03:31 AM
So, let's say that you're hankering to play as a dragon or dragon-rider, and you're not quite tier 4 yet. You're willing to refluff a lot, but there's a couple sticking points:

1. The 'dragon' (either as a mount or PC) needs to be big enough to be ridden.
2. The 'dragon' should have a ranged AoE option.
3. The 'dragon' should be sturdy enough to take more than a few hits, preferably with resistance to nonmagical damage. That's only preferably, though.

Off the top of my head, I can think of a handful of effects you could use to fluff into a big, firebreathing steed.

1. Wizard Rider—casts Magic Circle; Conjure Elemental; Planar Binding; and follow up with granting the Dragon's Breath spell. You now essentially have a firebreathing land-wyrm to ride around on, and can (with DM permission) fluff it as making a contract with an actual dragon instead of, you know, enslaving an elemental.

2. Paladin Rider—a Halfling Conquest Paladin casts Find Greater Steed (Peryton), and shares Armor of Agathys with it. Resistance to most physical damage + retributive strike from Armor of Agathys helps with durability. It's ranged AoE is achieved through twinning the Paladin's Fear spell, or at later levels Destructive Wave.

3. Druid Steed—Warforged Moon Druid. Using Integrated Protection while in Air Elemental mode, you have an incredibly fast flying creature with integrated armored carapace, which sounds pretty much like a dragon to me. Since the shift is as a bonus action, you can use Moonbeam or Call Lightning to get a repeated AoE that you could fluff as almost Lung dragon's magic—flying around and calling down the wrath of the heavens.

How would you try to make a dragon (rider) for a tier 3 campaign?

2019-07-21, 10:13 AM
Ideally playing two characters -- a naive and imaginative Gnome who rides a Dragonborn, convinced that it's a Dragon because, well, they've never really seen one before and the Dragonborn didn't want to disappoint them by telling them the truth. The Dragonborn could be a Barbarian for extra durability through Rage.

2019-07-21, 11:24 AM
Might want to peek at this thread.


2019-07-21, 02:21 PM
I would ask the GM to give me a dragon as an NPC. Young dragons are large, so big enough to serve as mounts for medium creature, and have CR of 6-8, not gamebreaking for level 11+ game. No need for any substitutes.

2019-07-21, 03:06 PM
I think I'd just see if the DM and table would be interested in a group of PCs that are all dragons and demons and angels and such. Could be fun for a bit.

2019-07-21, 07:50 PM
Sounds like a kind of advanced archetype. I can't speak for others, but I'd personally be willing to take a subclass that granted a dragon mount. I'd use the Beast Master Ranger for inspiration.

2019-07-21, 09:08 PM
Sounds like a kind of advanced archetype. I can't speak for others, but I'd personally be willing to take a subclass that granted a dragon mount. I'd use the Beast Master Ranger for inspiration.
I considered making a Dragon Knight class with three archetypes; a mono-elementalist (kind of like storm herald), a dragon rider that gets a young dragon (cavalier/beast master), and a non-spell caster (melee version of arcane archer)

But that's a lot of work for very little payoff...

Maybe a simple subclasses of fighter or paladin... There's pact of the ancient dragon homebrew for warlocks.

2019-07-22, 01:13 AM
Unearthed Arcana allows you to have a sidekick that is up to a CR1 creature. The bronze and copper dragons are CR1 when they are wyrmlings. The drawback is that these dragons are only medium sized (i.e. human sized). However, maybe your dragon could start out as a wyrmling when you first meet, and by 4th level or 8th level or whatever you and your DM agree upon it becomes a young adult dragon that has a large size and is thus rideable, but still without being too overpowering. It is also possible that it could take a human form for many of those early levels as well. Anyway, that's an option.

2019-07-22, 04:34 AM
I'd just make it an actual dragon. It has to level up and grow into a big boy and it can work for any tier.

Starts off as a wyrmling with a few HD and minor abilities. It's a medium sized creature at lvl 1 and can be ridden by a halfing. Can't quite do much like most classes. Gains HD as it levels. Converts to d10 HD when it reaches young maturity. Converts to d12 HD when it finally becomes an Adult (endgame).

The whole way up it is slowly gaining strength in attacks and saves and breath weapons and resistance. Exactly like its dragon monster family. Dragon is its class. Doesn't need fancy spells or gimmicks or other class titles because it already is a class of its own with unique abilities and decent fighter weapons (claws).

2019-07-22, 08:47 AM
My DM homebrewed a dragon adventurer class that hits all of your prerequisites. We've been playing with it for over two years at this point, check it out if you like!
