View Full Version : Crimson Throne [IC; Fireflower DM]

2019-07-22, 06:01 PM
Please use this board to move forward in-character between sessions. Discussions over who-gets-what can be had amongst yourselves in gchat, but please post here when you decide what-goes-where.

Your characters leveled up. Please update your characters before our next session.


Zellara's spirit brought the 3 of you (and 1 very good boy) together to defeat Lamm and you completed the task with relish. You killed him and his flunkies, burning their bodies as well as Zellara's remaining head. You also killed the alligator terror Gobblegut. You only left one survivor. Who knows how that will haunt your future (insert menacing rendition of "Baby Shark").

Zellara projected an image of herself when you returned to her home to come clean about her actual (dead) condition and, sensing greatness in all of your futures, asked you to retain her harrow deck so she can help to guide you in the future.

You recovered 20 of the 26 Lamm's Lambs to the Temple of Nethys and left the good people of the temple to care for the orphans. The 6 remaining orphans, including the first four that you found in the fishery and told to flee, are on the lamb (GET IT?!).

The session ended with the 3 of you in Zellara's home.

You need to decide what to do not only with the loot but the evidence and drugs you've collected from the fishery (all listed below).

From Zellara: 1 cure light potion each
From Yargin: wand of acid splash (28), 3 vials of acid, leather armor, dagger, light crossbow, 10 bolts, brass key, iron cabinet key, garnet amulet (100gp)
From Hookshanks: gnome-sized studded armor, masterwork kukri, disguise kit, cabinet key, 7gp
From Giggles: 3 potions of cure light wounds, chainmail, composite longbow (+3 strength), 20 arrows, flail, 72gp
From Yargin's office: scrolls of transaction records**
From Gaedren: +1 padded armor, _1 dagger, masterwork hand crossbow, 10 bolts, master brass key, rusty strong box iron key
From Gaedren's Junk Piles: 7 applications of vermin repellent, darkwood coffer (100gp) containing 20 doses of shiver (25gp/each on the street)
From Gaedren's Den: ledger of criminal activities, coded in Varisian, Zellara's harrow deck
From Gaedren's strong box: narrow teak cigar case inlaid with tiny bits of jade (25gp), 2lb gold ingot bearing the Cheliax coat of arms (100gp), mini gold crown (350gp), fist-sized scrimshaw carving of a kracken with garnets for eyes (200gp), silver ring bearing the inscription "For Emmah - the light in my nights" (150gp), highly realistic and scandalous ivoery figurine of 2 entwined succubi (450gp), masterwork shuriken, adamantine arrowhead, masterwork dagger with a blade shaped like a key bearing the inscription "For an inspiration of a father" (750gp)***, abalone-shell holy symbol of Shelyn (300gp), glass tube containing a dose of oil of keen edge, obsidian wand of magic missile (23 charges), crystalline vial (50gp) containing a dose of silversheen, bejeweled brooch with a broken clasp

***this is clearly the blade used by the key-Lock Killer who slaughtered over 15 dozen victims between 4690 and 4697 before mysteriously ending.

**when compared to Lamm's ledger, these records are obviously the "show to the IRS" not the "NEVER show to the IRS" business notes.

2019-09-02, 10:02 AM

Y'all had a busy adventuring day of gettin' stuff done.

I'm taking a moment to remind you that, although you as adventurers probably took around 4 days to complete everything you did during this session, for the sake of the pre-fab adventure and the pace of the rioting, about 3 weeks have passed in total from the time you resolved Lamm's Lambs and turned Verik in to Cressida.

You encountered a SICK (>.>), dirty looking old man who was ranting and raving about Cyan bringing the End. And then Brenwyn set him aflame because he was clearly a contagion after Cyan fell immediately ill with Filth Fever.
You were attacked by Imps and rescued by House Drakes. They gave you some heals after you vanquished the Imps but the little guys had done some damage.
So you all trekked to Juniper's temple and paid for healing with a succubus statue and called it a night.

You turned in Gaedren's log books, with the code translated, and the shiver you found for a nice little reward. You rescued a nobleman called Amin Jalento from a very angry mob with an equal balance of diplomacy and intimidation. You found a very drunk and beligerant Grau and escorted him back to his guardhouse. Along the way, the four of you fought an Otyugh (**** demon). Ew.

You did some buying and selling and then went to the Queen and returned her broach directly to her. She directed you to the guard house yourselves to help serve the city. There you met Field Marshal Cressida Kroft who assigned you to recover the deserter Verik Vancaskerkin. He was working a shop called "All the World's Meat" and handing out free meat every day. You came up with a plan that led you to kill all of the Cow Hammer Boys working for Verik and then approach Verik himself. He was disbelieving and threatened and terrified so he ran. You finally caught up with him and beat him down until he surrendered. After producing evidence that his men had been acting as mercenaries and then taking the bodies of their victims and handing out the human meat (and fighting some lobster eels), Verik came completely clean as to what had been going on. Cressida took care of Verik, in jail to await trial for desertion, and told you all to go get some rest in the barracks.

I trust you as a party to have kept track of all of the loot you came across. Your current party experience total is 12,040 with a need to reach 15,000 for all of you to level up. I'm keeping it marked as party experience for now because no one has earned experience as an individual thus far (though it is possible)

I will be combing through the book to see what I can feasibly do on the board. I do think there are a couple of things that can be achieved without too much hassle. Otherwise, next session is set for November 30th. Feel free to ask any questions you have for me here.

2019-12-06, 02:47 PM

After turning in Vancaskerkin, Cressida assigned you to get some dirt on Cheliax ambassador Darvayne Gios Amprei through Devargo Barvasi aka The King of Spiders whom the ambassador has been seen regularly visiting at Eels End in Old Korvosa. This information was brought to light by Cressida's friend Vencarlo Orisini, a charming and gregarious gentleman and philosopher who is well known throughout Korvosa as a skilled teacher of fencing and swordplay. Cressida gave you 1000gp to bribe Devargo with and said you could keep whatever you didn't use.

You all left immediately for Eel's End, escorted by Orisini. Once there, you scouted out Eel's End a bit and were surprised at the lack of riots in this particular area. Everyone seems to be taking the "be cool, man" mantra to heart so everyone can keep on keeping on with their vices. When you decided to explore Eels End once evening fell, you met several of the proprietors of the 5 different boats at Eels End. You saw the proprietors of the Twin Tigers, Anpugit and Rajeek. You met Tuggins the gnome of the Goldenhawk. Brenwyn alone met the madam Halvara. When attempting to enter the Dragon's Breath Corridor, the scent of drugs in the air overwhelmed all of you with an immediate contact high. You went back to the Goldenhawk and slept it off, returning the next day to the Throne of Spiders.

You lied your way into the throne room and met with Devargo who wasn't immediately dismissive of your request. Good rolls, some bribery, and 2 games of Knivesies got you into his good graces and he gave you the blackmail you were after: 2 letters from ambassador Amprei's secret lover. You called it a night, rested at the Goldenhawk, and went back to the barracks the next morning.

When you returned to Cressida, she took the letters (that you had not read yourselves), thanked you, and rewarded you with an additional 500gp. She also shared with you that an assassin had been named in the king's murder: Trinia Sabor, a young beautiful artist who had recently painted the king's portrait. Cressida expressed her doubts as to the validity of this accusation, the truth that many of her men are more committed to the queen than the law, and concerns about the riots that the declaration of an assassin had caused. She gave you Trinia's address and sent you to bring her in as safely as possible.

Arriving in Midland at the Shingles, you pretended to deliver mail until you made it to Trinia's apartment. She promptly ran. Bones was a very good doggo and caught up with her on the roof. She immediately began weeping that she hadn't done anything and you opted to hide her with a cloak and walk her back to the barracks. Cressida thanked you and brought her into custody. Then she introduced you to Thousand Bones, a Shoanti visionary. His son, Gaekhen, had been murdered and then his body stolen and likely hidden within Korvosa's graveyard, specifically in a place called the Dead Warrens. Cressida suspects Rolth Lamm, son of Gaedran Lamm, to be behind it.

Rather than act on this information, you went back to Eels End in an effort to free a trapped Drake.

Finding Devargo alone in the afternoon in his throne room, you tried to reason with him briefly before murdering him and standing over his corpse as his guards rushed into the room. Brenwyn declared himself the new boss and no one disagreed with him. You freed the Drake, Manjenko, who offered to serve your party for a year*.

You proceeded to explore/loot the ship Eels End and killed the ettercap, brown spider, and 2 dream spiders in the hull of the ship. When you returned to the throne room, it was filled with the proprietors of the other ships. Brenwyn assured them that he is the boss now, everything will continue as normal, he will review their contracts and that they will like the changes that will come. It pacified them for now and you returned to the barracks to rest.

Your party leveled up. Please ensure that you complete the process before next session. Your party currently has 16840 XP.

*You have the option of adopting Manjenko as a familiar or a cohort. He has other drake friends throughout Korvosa and can be sent out to gather information in the city. Each information gathering takes 1 hour to complete. It attempts a perception check in place of the normal diplomacy check to determine the success of its information gather efforts (for DM: pag 474)