View Full Version : Specifics about Phoenix Bloodine Sorceror (UA)

2019-07-23, 03:24 AM
The description of Mantle of Flame states "Any creature takes fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier if it hits you with a melee attack from within 5 feet of you or if it touches you."

The important bit is "Touches you."

Now this probably would exclude your weapon attacks (As that's your weapon, not "you"), but would (90%) include grapples, as that's forced bodily contact (And you are literally on fire..

Now, the puzzler: unarmed attacks. They are "You", but also an attack. Do they apply the damage? And if they do, how many times per round? I ask because of Monk's Flurry of Blows. If this works, you could make a really sweet Monk build. I'd call it "Dance Dance Immolation Monk."

2019-07-23, 03:40 AM
Because unarmed strikes are:

Instead of using a weapon to make a melee weapon attack, you can use an unarmed strike: a punch, kick, head-butt, or similar forceful blow (none of which count as weapons). On a hit, an unarmed strike deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1 + your Strength modifier. You are proficient with your unarmed strikes.

I will say you indeed touch them.
I will say that touch spells will need no argue.

The problem that it look like the creature need to touch you instead of you touching it. One can argue that your touch will not work(it will be weird but 5e have a lot of weird rules).

Those are my arguments.
You need to ask your DM or in case you are the DM make the choice.

2019-07-23, 04:33 AM
It's not "when you are touching" or make contact, it's when creature [subject] touches [verb] you.

2019-07-23, 07:54 AM
I'd say any creature using it's action to escape a grapple would indeed be touching the sorcerer.

2019-07-23, 08:08 AM
It's not "when you are touching" or make contact, it's when creature [subject] touches [verb] you.

It's difficult to imagine a scenario where creature A is touching creature B, but creature B is not touching creature A.

That said, this is a UA, an not a very good one. There's going to be some language in there that doesn't sit well with the rest of the game, so the DM is absolutely free to say no, change it, or rewrite it entirely until it makes sense. That said, 1 minute per day of +CHA to unarmed attack damage probably isn't going to break much. CHA on a monk is a pretty significant sacrifice.

2019-07-23, 11:47 PM
It's difficult to imagine a scenario where creature A is touching creature B, but creature B is not touching creature A.

That said, this is a UA, an not a very good one. There's going to be some language in there that doesn't sit well with the rest of the game, so the DM is absolutely free to say no, change it, or rewrite it entirely until it makes sense. That said, 1 minute per day of +CHA to unarmed attack damage probably isn't going to break much. CHA on a monk is a pretty significant sacrifice.
A making contact with B.
Not the state of A and B being in contact.

2019-07-24, 11:02 AM
That said, this is a UA, an not a very good one. There's going to be some language in there that doesn't sit well with the rest of the game, so the DM is absolutely free to say no, change it, or rewrite it entirely until it makes sense. That said, 1 minute per day of +CHA to unarmed attack damage probably isn't going to break much. CHA on a monk is a pretty significant sacrifice.

I've let my players use a bunch of crazy UA and multiclassing shenanigans and it's never been game breaking. One of my players always insists on playing a monk/sorc and I even let him use both unarmored defense bonuses and roll his own rediculous stats. There are always enemies with resistance and immunities to your PCs tricks.

2019-07-24, 11:43 AM
So if you have a rules lawyer, then I'd say unarmed attack works. If someone punches me in the face, it is a grammatically correct sentence to say my cheek was touching his fist, as much as his fist touching my face. And it would be ridiculous to say that touching only counts for enemy hands/weapons.

If you asked me in a general sense, no it doesn't. My little sister poking me saying "stop touching me stop touching me" is childish.

At the end of the day...allow it. It allows the monk for some fun nova in a very MAD build.