View Full Version : 3.x - RAW - TO - How Exactly Arcane Archer and Energy Transformation Field

2019-07-24, 09:33 PM
IIRC an arcane Archer can drop Energy Transformation Fields at range.

But I dont remember how.

Runecaster should be able to as well right? By putting the rune on the arrow?

Specifics and source citing would be helpful.

Any other brutal spells to drop from far away are more than welcome.

2019-07-25, 06:39 AM
Imbue Arrow

2019-07-25, 08:37 AM
The problem is Arcane Archer does not advance casting, so it will be quite late until you can use that.

2019-07-25, 10:02 AM
The problem is Arcane Archer does not advance casting, so it will be quite late until you can use that.

You can, however, minimize the disadvantage by going e.g. Bard 8/AA 2/Sublime Chord X/whatever-that-advances-casting. Fractional BAB opens up additional options.

2019-07-25, 10:19 AM
The problem is Arcane Archer does not advance casting, so it will be quite late until you can use that.

Imbue Arrow is really Arcane Archer's only real worth while ability and since it is acquired at second level you aren't loosing much with a dip in the PRC.

2019-07-25, 11:21 AM
You can, however, minimize the disadvantage by going e.g. Bard 8/AA 2/Sublime Chord X/whatever-that-advances-casting. Fractional BAB opens up additional options.

No change in spell level access doing that. You get 9ths at 19th. Compare to a Wizard-17/Arcane Archer-2 (in whatever level order) who also has 9ths at 19th.