View Full Version : What if?

2019-07-29, 10:05 AM
Just a thought I had last night: What if Google never bought YouTube and it stayed independently owned?

2019-07-29, 11:41 AM
Just a thought I had last night: What if Google never bought YouTube and it stayed independently owned?

It would've gone under. YouTube pre-buying was in dire financial trouble, and it was only Google's ad money that kept it afloat. It took several years to add enough advertisement and user base for it to pay for the massive servers it requires to store billions of hours of footage.

Grey Wolf

2019-08-04, 03:50 PM
It would've gone under. YouTube pre-buying was in dire financial trouble, and it was only Google's ad money that kept it afloat. It took several years to add enough advertisement and user base for it to pay for the massive servers it requires to store billions of hours of footage.

Grey Wolf

Global megacorporations: sometimes they're OK if they profit from something you agree with?

2019-08-04, 10:10 PM
Global megacorporations: sometimes they're OK if they profit from something you agree with?

I have no problem with global megacorporations intrinsically. The idea of the corporation arose so that ventures so big that only kings and the uber-rich could afford them could be organized by people with more modest wealth. That can be a pretty good thing.

Of course, bad stuff can potentially happen when you have that much power concentrated in one place, and maybe there are systemic changes we can make to push back the negative outcomes we already see, but a corporation trying to make money for its shareholders is no more immoral than you trying to make money for yourself.

2019-08-05, 07:17 AM
Global megacorporations: sometimes they're OK if they profit from something you agree with?

I'm sorry, did I say YouTube was OK?

Grey Wolf