View Full Version : Player Help Need a Magical Silence Spell

2019-07-29, 11:14 AM
Soooo...Wizards apparently can't learn Silence as it's a Bard/Ranger spell. Putting aside the fact that it's ridiculous that the Wizard spell list doesn't include such mundane and generic spell as Silence, is there a level 4 or below Wizard spell you know of that creates an area of magical silence? I need to create a zone of magical silence to read some library books.

2019-07-29, 11:21 AM
Well, you can always cast Blindness/Deafness on yourself, choose deafness, and deliberately fail your saving throw.

2019-07-29, 11:46 AM
Well, you can always cast Blindness/Deafness on yourself, choose deafness, and deliberately fail your saving throw.

Good idea, but the books won't open unless they're in a zone of magical silence. You'd think this wouldn't be a problem in the biggest library in the universe in the largest Wizard school/research center in the world...haha, my DM didn't know Silence wasn't on the Wizard spell list and neither did I until he told me I could scribe any level 1-3 spells that exist by using the spell books in this library. I assume the others just aren't available until I get access to the restricted section and private collections.

2019-07-29, 11:48 AM
Good idea, but the books won't open unless they're in a zone of magical silence. You'd think this wouldn't be a problem in the biggest library in the universe in the largest Wizard school/research center in the world...haha, my DM didn't know Silence wasn't on the Wizard spell list and neither did I until he told me I could scribe any level 1-3 spells that exist by using the spell books in this library. I assume the others just aren't available until I get access to the restricted section and private collections.

You could... er, trial and error with auditory illusions until you figure out how to generate the right sounds for active noise cancellation in the library environment? While killing off dozens of catgirls along the way...

Probably still wouldn't count as magical silence though (and would break anyway when creatures make noises). Get a Cleric friend, maybe, or hire one from the local temple?

2019-07-29, 12:19 PM
Seems like a hazing ritual for Newbies.
There is probably a Trickery Cleric hanging out behind the school selling silence scrolls or casting the spell on pebbles for you to take back inside.

2019-07-29, 12:25 PM
Have none of you heard of Mordenkainen's private sanctum?

Honestly, kids these days.

2019-07-29, 12:27 PM
Seems like a hazing ritual for Newbies.
There is probably a Trickery Cleric hanging out behind the school selling silence scrolls or casting the spell on pebbles for you to take back inside.

Can't use spell scrolls in 5e if it's not part of your class(es)’s spell list, sadly. 'though there are scrolls that are not spell scrolls (IIRC the only one is the Scroll of Protection), so the DM could custom-make one.

As for the second part, Silence in 5e is centered on a point now, not an object.

Have none of you heard of Mordenkainen's private sanctum?

Honestly, kids these days.

Oh, perfect. It is not Magical Silence, but it certainly can be magical silence if shaped properly.

2019-07-29, 12:48 PM
Have none of you heard of Mordenkainen's private sanctum?

Honestly, kids these days.

Yeah, issue here is that it's not magical silence. Sound simply can't pass through the barrier. That doesn't stop sound from traveling around inside.

2019-07-29, 01:48 PM
Couple of ways to go about this, all will require DM buy-in.

Easiest way: Ring of Spell Storing - get one of these and get your friendly neighborhood Bard, Cleric, Ranger, Land(Desert) Druid, or Undying Warlock to put that spell in it.

Next easiest: Hire a NPC of one of the above classes to cast it, get creative about how to sneak them in to your study hall.

Probably unlikely: You know a Shadow Monk who owes your team a favor? 2 Ki point cost.

Character build impacting option: Ritual Caster: Cleric feat, then you still need to find that spell to add to your book.

Random possibility, zero control option: Catch a ghost. Release it in your study hall. One possible ghostly manifestation (uncontrolled by the ghost) is silence.

The DM "Are you sure you want to do this??!" option: Capture a Drider or Mummy Lord. They can cast the spell several times a day.

The "Puh-leez, Mr DM, I'll be your friend..." option: Ask if he can create a homebrew magic item that will cast that spell, then send your team on a quest to find it.

Keep in mind, Silence is a 10 minute concentration spell. Plan accordingly.

2019-07-29, 01:53 PM
...The DM "Are you sure you want to do this??!" option: Capture a Drider or Mummy Lord. The can cast the spell several times a day. ...

Time to be a Necromancer. King Tut has an INT of exactly one below the practical threshold of Command Undead, right?

Hobbo Jim
2019-07-29, 02:07 PM
Sounds like this is how the clergy keeps the wizards in check

2019-07-29, 02:10 PM
There's always wish, but that seems a bit overkill.

Research your own Wizardly silence spell, perhaps? Maybe "hush field" as a level 3 spell which, when cast upon a creature or object, renders that creature or object magically silent. Nothing it does or that is done to it can generate sound. Charisma save negates, can be remade every round as a bonus action to end it. Objects and willing targets obviously don't even attempt to make it. Duration up to 30 minutes, Concentration. Upcast to increase duration by 10 minutes per spell level higher. At 6th level spell slot or higher, remove the Concentration requirement.

2019-07-29, 02:16 PM
Couple of ways to go about this, all will require DM buy-in.

Easiest way: Ring of Spell Storing - get one of these and get your friendly neighborhood Bard, Cleric, Ranger, Land(Desert) Druid, or Undying Warlock to put that spell in it.

Next easiest: Hire a NPC of one of the above classes to cast it, get creative about how to sneak them in to your study hall.

Probably unlikely: You know a Shadow Monk who owes your team a favor? 2 Ki point cost.

Character build impacting option: Ritual Caster: Cleric feat, then you still need to find that spell to add to your book.

Random possibility, zero control option: Catch a ghost. Release it in your study hall. One possible ghostly manifestation (uncontrolled by the ghost) is silence.

The DM "Are you sure you want to do this??!" option: Capture a Drider or Mummy Lord. They can cast the spell several times a day.

The "Puh-leez, Mr DM, I'll be your friend..." option: Ask if he can create a homebrew magic item that will cast that spell, then send your team on a quest to find it.

Keep in mind, Silence is a 10 minute concentration spell. Plan accordingly.

Whoa, you're a mod since the last time I ran into you. Moving up in the world I see! Hope you're doing well!

I love all of these ideas, especially going on a Mummy Lord hunt. I think, were the world not already at stake, that I might go with that option. As it sits, these books aren't necessarily all that important to read but could give us potential benefits for a few days or even permanently if we read them. So it's more of a side quest.

Real talk though, the library my DM has created is amazing. He may be drawing from some books he's read, but literally an entire campaign could take place in this library...