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Great Dragon
2019-07-29, 03:17 PM
I'm just getting started into getting back into Running SW and some of the Lore of various Races.

(Note: I'm running a Homebrew version, so quoting SW Lore to me should be for reference only. Thanks!)

Wookiees are easy, being both popular and well known.

Humans: I only know a few Planets these are from: Corusent, Corellia, Naboo, and Tantooine.

No, seriously !!

Jar Jar Binks really ruined this Race for a lot of (Older) fans. (Including me)

The underwater monsters were neat.

Gungan City was cool.
I need to do more research on their History and Culture to see how they can be improved.

I need a good Gungan NPC for the Party to meet.

Please! No Gungan Sith!!
Except maybe Tawmis (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/member.php?14195-Tawmis).
Although he did say that he doesn't really do Sci-fi.

With no real limit to how many Sith Masters there can be, I need lots more ideas on these.
(Shouldn't need more than 20, really)

A Sith Master (with Apprentice) for each of the three Sith Classes I have:

Hunter (evil Guardian),
Manipulator (evil Consular), and
Infiltrator (evil Sentinel)

And at least one of each of the Dark Side Prestige Classes.
(Except Emperor's Hand and Imperial Inquisitor)

Scoundrel is the closest to Rogue for SW.

Scout for Ranger.

Soldier is Fighter.

Force Adept are mostly like Sorcerers, as far as how they are treated by typical Wizards.

Fringers are kinda salvage/scavengers and don't really translate well into Fantasy (D&D)

Nobles take the D&D background of the same name to the extreme.

Tech Specialist are Artificers. (even more weak in most combat situations)

Force Adept translates maybe like a Sorcerer?

Jedi are supposed to be (IMhO)
Guardian = kinda a Monk-Paladin combo.
Consular = Kinda Arcane Cleric ?
Sentinel = Inquisitive Rogue/Wizard ?

Sith are treated as the worst of Fiend/Hexblade Warlock.

BaB = Base Attack Bonus. DsP = Dark Side Points

1d8 + Con Vitality/Level. Defense 2 + (2x [/v/6])
Jedi Sentinels ferret out deceit and injustice, bringing them to light. They strike a balance between the physical and mental disciplines of the Jedi Order. Jedi Sentinels gain the Jedi Immunity feat automatically. This makes them immune to fear.

Defense bonus has a ceiling of 6 at level 12, when Master Sense is granted.

Skill Points 2 +Int/Level
Class Skills: Spot. Listen. Diplomacy. Treat Injury.
All Force Skills.
Armor: None.
Weapons: Lightsaber. Simple. Blaster Pistols.

(Lv) BaB * [Defense] * {For} * (Ref) * [Will] * Granted
(01) +0 * [2] * {02} * (02) * [1] * Sense, Force Immunity Fear, Defense
(02) +1 * [2] * {03} * (03) * [2]
(03) +2 * [2] * {03} * (03) * [2]
(04) +3 * [3] * {04} * (04) * [2]
(05) +3 * [3] * {04} * (04) * [3]
(06) +4 * [4] * {05} * (05) * [3] * Force Immunity Stun
(07) +5 * [4] * {05} * (05) * [4]
(08) +6/1 * [4] * {06} * (06) * [4]
(09) +6/1 * [5] * {06} * (06) * [4]
(10) +7/2 * [5] * {07} * (07) * [5]
(11) +8/3 * [5] * {07} * (07) * [5]
(12) +9/4 * [6] * {07} * (07) * [6] Force Immunity Paralysis
(12) +9/4 * [6] * {08} * (08) * [6]
(13) +10/5 * [6] * {08} * (08) * [6]
(14) 11/06/1 * [6] * {09} * (09) * [7]
(15) 12/07/2 * [6] * {09} * (09) * [7]
(16) 12/07/2 * [6] * {10} * (10) * [7]
(17) 13/08/3 * [6] * {10} * (10) * [8]
(18) 14/09/4 * [6] * {11} * (11) * [8]
(19) 15/10/5 * [6] * {11} * (11) * [8]
(20) 15/10/5 * [6] * {12} * (12) * [9]
That is what was listed for the Site.
However, I will need to make some additions to actually make it work with the Revised Core Rules, and with the other Jedi.

Bounty Hunter BaB +6 Track Feat. Skills: Gather Information 5, Intimidate 5, and Move Silently 5 ranks.

Crime Lord Rep +2 Infamy Feat. Skills: Bluff 8, Diplomacy 8, Gather Info 8, and Sense Motive 6 ranks.

Elite Trooper BaB +6, Dodge, Point Blank Shot, and Precise Shot Feats.

Jedi Ace BaB +4. Force Sensitive Feat. Special Jedi only.

Jedi Investigator Jedi after 4th level.
Skills: Enhance Senses 4, Gather 6, Search 3, See Force 4, and Sense Motive 6 ranks.

Jedi Master Jedi after 7th level. Must take on a Padawan or possess 13+ Jedi class levels.
Skills: See Force 6, plus 20 total ranks in other Force skills.

Officer (To be added)

Starship Ace (To be added)

Some of the things in the SWd20 (actually including Saga) was the fact that every Sith was a Darth.
There were no Low Level Sith.
Apprentices were force using NPC Mooks, and everything else was (IiRC - Dark Side Source Book) a Prestige Class, or something similar.

Now, I do take to heart the fact that the Sith Order (not the Race) were once Jedi.
As such, if a Sith can cause a Jedi to Fall, this is considered a great victory.

Jedi have three Classes, Guardian, Councilor, and..
I'm totally stealing Sentinel from KotoR.
With the Jedi Master prestige class being the only (easy) way into the Jedi Council.

Like just mentioned, Sith were once Jedi, and as such also have three Classes;
being the Dark Reflection of the Jedi.
Hunter, Manipulator, and Infiltrator

Oh, and I have a different interpretation of "The Rule Of Two" for Sith:
No master can have more than one Apprentice at a time.
Masters can get a new Apprentice when the old one either becomes a Darth (7th level) or (more likely) dies.

Also, anyone (Jedi or Sith) over 15th level is considered a Master, even without Prestige Classes.

There is no limit on how many Sith Masters there are. (This means lots more Sith in my game.)
Unlike Jedi, Sith Lords are not the only Master prestige class.

Although it should be noted that competition against other Sith (direct and indirect) is common.

And very few Sith Apprentices will greet each other without violence lurking in the background, ready to explode at a moment's notice.

Sith Acolyte
Base Attack Bonus: +3.
Skills: Knowledge (Sith Lore) 6 ranks, Read/Write Sith, See
Force 6 ranks.
Dark Side Skills (any): 6 ranks total.
Feats: Force-Sensitive, Alter, Sense.
Reputation: 4.
Dark Side Points: 4.

Sith Lord Rep 10
Base Attack Bonus: +6.
Skills: Battlemind 6 ranks, Knowledge (Sith lore) 8 ranks,
Intimidate 8 ranks, Read[Write Sith, Speak Sith.
Dark Side Skills (any): 8 ranks total.
Feats: Force-Sensitive, Alter, Control, Sense, Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (Sith sword, lightsaber, or double-bladed lightsaber).

Dark Side Points: Equal to or greater than the character's Wisdom score.

Sith Warrior BaB +4.Reputation: 4.DsP: 6.
Skills: Battlemind 4 ranks, Knowledge (Sith lore) 4 ranks, Intimidate 6 ranks, Read/Write Sith.
Dark Side Skills (any):4 ranks total.
Feats: Force-Sensitive, Alter, Control, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Sith sword or lightsaber).

I’m also creating a Dark Council for the Sith. While these are the most powerful Sith, the Council is mainly to keep the infighting between the Sith (Apprentices are exempt) to a minimum. The only thing that gives the Jedi {and the Galaxy} a real chance is the fact that they absolutely do not trust, if not outright Hate, each other.

Dark Side Devotee BaB +2. Force Sensitive Feat. Skill: Intimidate 4 ranks.Rep 1. Dark Side Points* 3

Dark Side Marauder BaB +1 Force Sensitive, Power Attack Feats. Skill: Intimidate 4 ranks. DsP 4

(Emperor's Hand) BaB +4 Alertness, Point Blank Shot, Force Sensitive Feats. Rep 4 or less. DsP 2
Skills: Bluff 4, Disable Device 4, Gather 4, Hide 4, Move Silently 4, Sleight of Hand 4, and Survival 4.

Dark Force Witch BaB +1. Force Sensitive, Alter, Sence Feats. Rep 1 DsP 4
Skills: Intimidate 2, Knowledge (Witches) 4, Move Object 4, and Fear 4 ranks.

(Imperial Inquisitor) BaB +4. Species: The character must be Human and prove loyalty to the Emperor.
Skills: Intimidate 4 ranks, Knowledge (Jedi lore) 4 ranks, See Force 4 ranks, Telepathy 4 ranks.
Dark Side Skills [any] 8 ranks total.
Feats: Force-Sensitive, Sense, Track. Reputation: 3.
Dark Side Points: Equal to or greater than half the character's Wisdom score.

Also, you can PM me Dice Rolls for Stats:
Same Abilities and modifiers as D&D 3x.

Ability Scores
You can use (rollv)4d6(/roll) using square braces instead of parentheses, note the "v" in the opening tag, this will display X separate results of rolling a Y-sided die and add them together in bold. Reroll Ones only, and best 3; do that six times and arrange as you like.

I'll look up the Race you chose - and I'll tell you their Ability Modifiers.
You can then pick Class/es
All comments welcome:

also check:
Hello (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?592107-Hello)

False God
2019-07-29, 03:39 PM
I'm unclear on what you're looking for. Are you asking for suggestions for playable races? Are you asking for some relevant lore to help you figure out which race to make playable?

What do you need from us?

Great Dragon
2019-07-29, 04:24 PM
Are you asking for suggestions for playable races?
Are you asking for some relevant lore to help you figure out which race to make playable?

A little of both, actually.

Having lots of options for Player Races is indeed welcomed.

Plus a third request: Those that love to create Characters (with backstories) can put their Ideas here for anyone to use in a Star Wars type Game.
By all means use any of mine.
For specific details on Maul check my Hello (more details on my vSW Galaxy, also there.)
Plus, Maul's Crunch now posted in the new Thread, link below.

In Game Player shenanigans will most likely be placed in my Ancient Realms (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?591658-Ancient-Realms) thread.)

As a Note - I am allowing Droid PCs.
Only Degree 1 (Medical and Scientific) and Degree 5 (Labor and Utility) need a really strong reason to be PCs.

Good Characters, Bad Characters;
"Why the F am I here?" Characters.

Jedi - Sith; and everything else: Scoundrels, Nobles, Fringers, Soldiers.

More Prestige Classes than anyone cares to count.

No offense to other Fans, but Hutts don't make very good "Heroes".
Their very slow Speed and criminal Reputation makes these more believable as the Villain that 'hides' behind their minions and controls things indirectly.
Han should never have seen Jabba face-to-face outside the Tatooine Fortress.
Jabba was also very overconfident, having only gate guards, and no dedicated bodyguards.

All that said, if someone comes up with a Good Idea for a Hutt Character, by all means post it.
I'll at least give it a fair chance.

While a SW fan, I never did go too deep into the Lore, and now that I'm GM-ing a game for this, I need all the help with quickly accessible information as possible.

Sure, on days that i'm just hanging out at the LFGS, I can do Net and wiki searches until my eyes bleed. And, I'll most likely put things that I find interesting (and my reasons for changes) here, for anyone else interested.

Just keep in mind that I'm also running like three D&D games a week, as well as SW a couple times a month. So, yeah - ALL the help I can get is greatly appreciated !!!

If there are People with D&D Characters they want to share, I can make a Thread for that, as well.

Now located in:
Character Development (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?594088-Character-Development&p=24060369#post24060369)

I'm here often - so do see both Posts and PMs.

2019-07-30, 08:05 AM
Well, basing my knowledge of easily playable races on the old Star Wars Galaxies MMO, you have:

- Human
- Wookiee (Chewbacca)
- Rodian (Greedo)
- Zabrak (Darth Maul)
- Ithorian (hammerhead alien)
- Twi'lek (Bib Fortuna and Jabba's dancer)
- Bothan (basically humanoid with dog heads)
- Sullustan (Lando's copilot in Return of the Jedi)

I'm sure there are others you could use, but I'm just not recalling them at the moment. But if they're easy enough to play them in an early MMO, it should work for a tabletop.

2019-07-30, 09:28 AM
Well, if your game is to be set after the Battle of Endor, some people may want to play as Ewoks. Which I guess the only important thing there is that Ewoks, like Wookies, may be able to understand other languages, but can only speak their own.

I liked the Gungan race, mechanically, in previous d20 Star Wars games. When I suggested playing one, my GM told me he would kill my character immediately. In defense of the entire Gungan race, however, they hated Jar-Jar, too. Seriously. He was banished -on pain of death- from ever showing his face in a gungan settlement again. And his own antics notwithstanding, the Gungan army took out a Trade Federation army itself. They're not all horrible, goofy rejects.

Another race I've enjoyed playing in a Star Wars game was Falleen (like Xizor in Shadows of the Empire), a race of reptilian humanoids who can exude phermones that affect most humanoid species and make them more amenable to the Falleen's suggestions.

And maybe look into playable droids? It's established in the EU that free-willed droids exist. Not only do astromech droids develop it after so many years of activity without a memory wipe, but IG-88 (the bounty hunter) was able to spread free will like a computer virus through almost any droid he encountered (that's obviously a really short summary of the events in Tales From The Bounty Hunters).

Oh...another good race is Trandoshan, the race of the reptilian bounty hunter Bossk (lizard in an orange jumpsuit in Empire Strikes back).

And Chiss, the blue-skinned, red-eyed race that Grand Admiral Thrawn belonged to.

2019-07-30, 09:37 AM
The Wampa could use some love. In at least some versions of the game they even could be smart enough to use the force!

2019-07-30, 10:08 AM
Jawas have an amazing history. They basically hang around Tattooine, watching empires rise and fall, and loot the remains whenever it comes their way. Basically space rats.
Occasionally force sensitive, but no official canon has ever really to my knowledge elaborated if any have joined organisations outside of the insular Jawa culture. There's a lot that could be done with Jawas since historically Star Wars has kept them as vague scavengers for the most part.

Regarding the Gungans hating Jar Jar, Jar jar's own history is utterly bonkers and I recommend everyone read it. He's basically the Gungan equivalent of King Arthur, but every single stage possible, he messes up some grand uplifting of his status. It's only when he's near the Jedi that he ever gets above 'someone who Boss Nass kind of likes if he stops breaking things for ten minutes'

2019-07-30, 10:53 AM
In my personal opinion, people understand Jar Jar's role as a (bad) comic relief, and he certainly does not help the case of the Gungans. But honestly Boss Nass is imho much more detrimental because he displays the Gungan's xenophobic nature in such a mentally stunted way.

Their technology is advanced enough and still they play at the "dumb isolationist tribesman" trope. As bland as I thought Avatar was, at least the Na'vi ethos made sense seeing the vast technological difference.

2019-07-30, 11:27 AM
Well, if your game is to be set after the Battle of Endor, some people may want to play as Ewoks. Which I guess the only important thing there is that Ewoks, like Wookies, may be able to understand other languages, but can only speak their own.

So, I did a little thing for WEG Star Wars about what Ewoks raised in the New Republic would look like. (https://rpgcrank.blogspot.com/2017/09/new-republic-ewoks.html)

I liked the Gungan race, mechanically, in previous d20 Star Wars games. When I suggested playing one, my GM told me he would kill my character immediately. In defense of the entire Gungan race, however, they hated Jar-Jar, too. Seriously. He was banished -on pain of death- from ever showing his face in a gungan settlement again. And his own antics notwithstanding, the Gungan army took out a Trade Federation army itself. They're not all horrible, goofy rejects.

Also worth noting: We see, pretty much, one small nation of Gungans, on their home planet. While Star Wars is very much Planet of Hats, you can give Gungans other hats, too... take them from being racist stereotypes and comic relief and into a different path. Consider what their native force tradition would be like. How does their technology base work? Then come up a culture that works with that.

The Glyphstone
2019-07-30, 12:49 PM
As far as Hutt PCs go, I think it works if you play up their youth and hunger for power they don't have yet, instead of the complacency of an adult Hutt. Hutts don't come out of the pouch fat and rich and lazy with armies of minions. They have to earn every single bit of their power, against an entrenched culture of extremely long-lived peers. Any ambitious young Hutt (which means any young Hutt at all) is going to need to venture outside Hutt Space to build up their resources before they have any hope of a successful bid for power.

2019-07-30, 01:23 PM
I wonder if there are old droids from earlier eras. What would they look like? What would their thoughts be like?

Great Dragon
2019-07-30, 03:13 PM
FYI - I'm starting with Episode One.

Ewoks are around, but very few ever really (willingly) leave Endor at this time, even if the means is offered.

I was aware that other Gungans hated Binks, actually.
What book is Binks' history in?

@Malphegor: Jawas? I don't want to lock a PC into a sterotype (primitive), or a single Class (Fringer). A Jawa PC would need a lot of work, to really fit into the story.

In my personal opinion, people understand Jar Jar's role as a (bad) comic relief, and he certainly does not help the case of the Gungans. But honestly Boss Nass is imho much more detrimental because he displays the Gungan's xenophobic nature in such a mentally stunted way.

Their technology is advanced enough and still they play at the "dumb isolationist tribesman" trope.
As bland as I thought Avatar was, at least the Na'vi ethos made sense seeing the vast technological difference.

These also made having a Gungan NPC more difficult.
Idea peculating....

Also worth noting: We see, pretty much, one small nation of Gungans, on their home planet. While Star Wars is very much Planet of Hats, you can give Gungans other hats, too... take them from being racist stereotypes and comic relief and into a different path. Consider what their native force tradition would be like.

Having a (secret) Force Adept (basically tech-tolerant Druids) group keeping the Gungans in this xenophobic racist mentality might be a possible Plot for me to use......

How does their technology base work? Then come up a culture that works with that.

Sadly, I'm very bad at figure out how High Technology actually works.
How it affects stuff around it, I can figure out a way to explain, within most mechanical systems.

As far as Hutt PCs go, I think it works if you play up their youth and hunger for power they don't have yet, instead of the complacency of an adult Hutt. Hutts don't come out of the pouch fat and rich and lazy with armies of minions. They have to earn every single bit of their power, against an entrenched culture of extremely long-lived peers. Any ambitious young Hutt (which means any young Hutt at all) is going to need to venture outside Hutt Space to build up their resources before they have any hope of a successful bid for power.

You got a specific Character Concept for that Idea?

I could see a few (maybe 4) Hutt kids basically being in (mostly indirect) competition with each other - as well as other power hungry types (including Sith Apprentices), and the PCs have to deal with each Hutt - at some point.

The Wampa could use some love. In at least some versions of the game they even could be smart enough to use the force!
Um... Snow Wookie? (JK)
Rage? No real society, limited understanding of Tech. Cannot speak any other language.

I wonder if there are old droids from earlier eras. What would they look like?
What would their thoughts be like?

Before Knights of the Old Republic? No clue.

The T3 series was their R2 version.
The HK series was basically a Humanoid Military Droid.

Droids (https://swtor.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Droids)

pictures (https://www.google.com/search?q=knights+of+the+old+republic+droids&client=opera&hs=e5v&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=RHuPcTfKPCrB6M%253A%252CwDAKNINmt6n_yM%252C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTn7GxgbKThP8kwpeo0gYriDOtQIw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi23uX1tt3jAhVYtZ4KHdrCAfEQ9QEwA3oECAUQD A#imgdii=d_ilRA9ces-mLM:&imgrc=RHuPcTfKPCrB6M:&vet=1)

Well, basing my knowledge of easily playable races on the old Star Wars Galaxies MMO, you have:

- Rodian (Greedo)
- Ithorian (hammerhead alien)
- Bothan (basically humanoid with dog heads)
- Sullustan (Lando's copilot in Return of the Jedi)
Yeah, more on these. I'll start researching.....

False God
2019-07-30, 03:36 PM
If you're looking for a possible alternative water-people to Gungans there are the Nautolians, ala Kit Fisto.

2019-07-30, 06:10 PM
Kiliks - intelligent, man-sized insects able to adopt other life forms into their hive mind as a "joiner."


Great for Borg style invasions or for changing typical members of a species into something much more alien.

I've always wanted to play a rescued joiner that suffers from a sort of withdrawal from the hive mind. Someone with a major drug problem, but still useful.

2019-07-30, 06:24 PM
@Malphegor: Jawas? I don't want to lock a PC into a sterotype (primitive), or a single Class (Fringer). A Jawa PC would need a lot of work, to really fit into the story.

I know you mentioned starting this game with Episode I era...
But if ANY of them (characters or whatever you have going) have touched Tattooine, then there'd be a good chance, when their ship landed that a curious Jawa wandered inside... the owners come back, the Jawa jumps into a crate to hide. Ends up off planet, operating either as a "Ranger" or "Rogue" type (basically a survivalist in a new environment).

2019-07-30, 07:00 PM
Sadly, I'm very bad at figure out how High Technology actually works.
How it affects stuff around it, I can figure out a way to explain, within most mechanical systems.

Fortunately, this is Star Wars... you don't have to be right, you just have to flim-flam well enough that it sounds nice.

Gungan unique technology seems to be based around stable energy bubbles... take a look at the Legends section of the Gungan (https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Gungan/Legends) article on Wookiepedia.

What about a gungan society that does dueling, like the Great Houses of Dune? Slow, careful, precise movements to slip within the shield. Or they use energy bucklers that deflect blaster bolts and light sabers?

Great Dragon
2019-07-30, 07:08 PM
@False God: Nautolians. A possible alternate choice to Mon Calamari, perhaps.

@redwizard007: Kiliks - - - interesting. More info, please: at least Home System and Planet.

I know you mentioned starting this game with Episode I era...
But if ANY of them (characters or whatever you have going) have touched Tattooine, then there'd be a good chance, when their ship landed that a curious Jawa wandered inside... the owners come back, the Jawa jumps into a crate to hide. Ends up off planet, operating either as a "Ranger" or "Rogue" type (basically a survivalist in a new environment).

Which would you pick for this PC? Young enough to quickly learn from those on the (NPC) ship, but old enough to actually not be dependent on them to survive.

After all, getting the Jawa to Naboo isn't too hard..
meeting the rest of the Party should be interesting.....

2019-07-30, 07:15 PM
The central space-travelling culture of the Star Wars galaxy doesn't have anything close to an even species distribution. In Legends (which is the continuity worth talking about), there are close to 2,000 known species, but only about 20 common ones (http://eleven-thirtyeight.com/2013/08/go-figure-basic-species-demographics/). These species are almost entirely humanoid in shape Hutts are the sole commonly occurring species that has a non-humanoid profile.

I wonder if there are old droids from earlier eras. What would they look like? What would their thoughts be like?

Droids are effectively immortal and the Legends canon has several examples of droids that have lived for centuries, including R2-D2 (Artoo was still active in the Legends comics, a century an a half after the OT). HK-47 lived for centuries, minding The Foundry for hundreds of years at Revan's order until he finally showed up. The droid intelligence Ares that controlled the Iokath Dyson Sphere was thousands of years old but remained more advanced than any other technology in the galaxy. Droids can have their chassis upgraded to the point of almost complete replacement over time, so long as their central processing core is preserved. They can even be copied entirely from one processor to another - the droid intelligence Mentor tried to overwrite itself onto every single droid in the galaxy.

The general view is that droids that go a long time without a memory wipe become more developed, more independent, and more idiosyncratic, embracing quirks and potentially veering towards madness if they aren't able to fulfill their principle directives (HK assassin droids, for example, get extremely frustrated when not allowed to regularly murder people).

2019-07-30, 07:37 PM
@redwizard007: Kiliks - - - interesting. More info, please: at least Home System..

Originally from Alderaan, the kiliks spread to several systems before mysteriously disappearing into the unknown regions. They are believed to have been the work force for the race of beings that built Centrepoint Station, the Maw, and the Corellian system.

Kiliks come in many shapes and sizes, from the traditional warrior to industrious workers and numerous specialized castes. They have a limited telepathy that is greatly magnified by proximity to hivemates. Joiners, or non-kilik members of the nest, are subtly altered by exposure to unique pheromones in the nest over a period of days or weeks. They eventually merge seamlessly with the hive mind, and strong personalities may actually alter the goals and personality of the hive. Kiliks have even displayed force powers, usually after a powerful force user is adopted as a joiner.

Great Dragon
2019-07-30, 08:27 PM
Thanks for the link of Races.

Yeah. Droids are cool.
There is even more tricks available for Droids, in my game.

Sorry, no Spoilers!

@redwizard007: I looked at the pics.

Kiliks seem more like D&D's Formorians.
Very Ant-like.

Perhaps some Thri-kreen - but with only two forearms.

Fortunately, this is Star Wars... you don't have to be right, you just have to flim-flam well enough that it sounds nice.

Gungan unique technology seems to be based around stable energy bubbles... take a look at the Legends section of the Gungan article on Wookiepedia.

What about a gungan society that does dueling, like the Great Houses of Dune? Slow, careful, precise movements to slip within the shield. Or they use energy bucklers that deflect blaster bolts and light sabers?

I like those Bucklers, YOINK!
More Plots percolating...

2019-07-30, 08:47 PM
Always liked playing droids in the WEG d6 RPG, but the RAW for droids were... almost punitive.

In SWTOR, I created a Bounty Hunter Merc who was a droid by my own head canon, piecing together various "gear" to look like a droid. Will edit a pic into this post in a bit if I can get it to host somewhere not useless.

2019-07-30, 10:26 PM
The Trianii, basically catfolk in space. Comes from the Han Solo at Stars End novel and the Corporate Sector novels more generally.

2019-07-31, 02:50 AM
Which would you pick for this PC? Young enough to quickly learn from those on the (NPC) ship, but old enough to actually not be dependent on them to survive.
After all, getting the Jawa to Naboo isn't too hard..
meeting the rest of the Party should be interesting.....

Scoundrel is the closest to Rogue for SW.
Scout for Ranger.
Soldier is Fighter.
Force Adept are mostly like Sorcerers, as far as how they are treated by typical Wizards.
Fringers are kinda salvage/scavengers and don't really translate well into Fantasy (D&D)
Nobles take the D&D background of the same name to the extreme.
Technicians are Artificers. (even more weak in most combat situations)
Jedi are supposed to be (IMhO) kinda a Monk-Paladin combo.
Sith are treated as the worst of Fiend/Hexblade Warlock.
Also, you can PM me Dice Rolls for Stats:
Same Abilities and modifers as D&D 3x.
You can use (rollv)4d6(/roll) using square braces instead of parentheses, note the "v" in the opening tag, this will display X separate results of rolling a Y-sided die and add them together in bold. Reroll Ones only, and best 3; do that six times and arrange as you like.
I'll look up the Race you chose - and I'll tell you their Ability Modifiers.
You can then pick Class/es

I'd say Jawas, almost by "racial default" fall into Fringers in the above example.
(Though I am confused by the comment of rolling dice; as I am not rolling a character; just saying Jawas could probably "easily" get around via someone's ship; same way we accidentally bring over insects and such from other countries that stow away in our cargo or whatever... think Arachnophobia the movie!) :smallsigh:

2019-07-31, 04:42 AM
In SWSE, I always liked how they wrote up Duros and Rodians. Duros have a long rivalry with Corellia for manufacturing starships, but oddly, very few canonical (even in the Legends EU) starships are designated as being from Duros. That means you can make up whatever you want.

The planet of Duros is fascinating as well. Their entire planetary government has merged with the supercorporation that builds starships. A Duros is a citizen to the extent that they are an employee, but even moreso to the extent that they are a shareholder. Their votes in local elections are weighted according to their number of shares in the company, so wealthy corporate bigwigs with majority shares can dominate the elections. Also, the entire population is so geared towards supporting the company that almost all of the population lives in floating cities above the planet, to allow more room for industrial factories on the surface.

Add to this that Duros are depicted as being "the pilot race" that gets advantages for being the designated driver and you have a very rich race to draw characters from.

Rodians I have used less, but they have a unique survivalist/tracker set of race skills that make them a good choice for Fringer type hunters. An excellent choice for anyone wanting to play a non human gunslinger with a chip on their shoulder.

Last, but not least, let me add the Kel Dor. They are an interesting race, coming from a planet only recently (in galactic terms) been discovered since their planet orbits a couple of black holes. Kel Dor have a unique Force Tradition built around being precognitive Sherlock Holmes style investigators and their society in general is known for being particularly harsh (if fair) with its justice system. It's a great race for characters wanting to pick a detective type hero (or antihero, if Noir fiction is allowed).

2019-07-31, 05:59 AM
Pre-Old Republic droids are a really interesting topic. The following is a semi-technobabble rant.

Imagine today's problems with "robots" (droids are not android in that they are human but they should imitate humans).
1) Mobility: Bipedal movement is all-terrain but very inefficient still. A "tricycle" style wheel organization ala Astromechs is still more useful (though astromechs must have their center of gravity pretty low, else they would topple on minor gravel everytime).
2) AI/brain/selfreliance: Imagine another pioneering discovery like the microchip that allows all the processing power for an actual AI to fit into an actual droid. I know two things from Star Wars. a) Light sabres are technology that work on a basis of crystals and are old technology. b) Twin Ion Engines are considered old technology, making me assume communication between ions (which technically is electricity if you remove the scifi scope, it is a conductor material "transporting" electrons, effectively ionizing the electrical cord), so something must've been discovered in between.

I feel old droid models should be hulking almost unmoving creatures, stuffed with technology, weighing a ton and being very limited in their capability. If you are a droid made for moisture farming, you can

a) calibrate the converters.

b) communicate defects beyond your capability.

c) interact with computer system and humans on a basic level.

d) I assume the data base is external, basically how Siri uses google and the internet, a proto-droid would search the local holonet for answers.

Great Dragon
2019-07-31, 08:18 AM
Though I am confused by the comment of rolling dice; as I am not rolling a character
While it is not a requirement, I put that in there for anyone wanting to actually make a SW character. Fantasy/D&D and other Sci-fi-type characters can go into Character Development.

All of these Posts are quite helpful, and interesting. Thanks! Keep it flowing.

Ok. So here is my Gungan NPC idea:
(I'll get around to the Crunch)

Rebel Force Adept, is out to take down that old closed minded Moon Circle so-called Leaders. Has left the City, not only to escape thier Influence, but to see for herself what outsiders are like. Also, some allies against those Leaders would be nice....
I'll add more later.

2019-07-31, 08:45 PM
Pre-Old Republic droids are a really interesting topic. The following is a semi-technobabble rant.

Imagine today's problems with "robots" (droids are not android in that they are human but they should imitate humans).
1) Mobility: Bipedal movement is all-terrain but very inefficient still. A "tricycle" style wheel organization ala Astromechs is still more useful (though astromechs must have their center of gravity pretty low, else they would topple on minor gravel everytime).
2) AI/brain/selfreliance: Imagine another pioneering discovery like the microchip that allows all the processing power for an actual AI to fit into an actual droid. I know two things from Star Wars. a) Light sabres are technology that work on a basis of crystals and are old technology. b) Twin Ion Engines are considered old technology, making me assume communication between ions (which technically is electricity if you remove the scifi scope, it is a conductor material "transporting" electrons, effectively ionizing the electrical cord), so something must've been discovered in between.

I feel old droid models should be hulking almost unmoving creatures, stuffed with technology, weighing a ton and being very limited in their capability. If you are a droid made for moisture farming, you can

This isn't how things work, in the Legends continuity anyway, because of the bizarre, and ultimately post-apocalyptic, nature of technology in Star Wars. In the Star Wars galaxy, all the really important technologies - droid processors, hyperdrives, hyperspace navigation, lightsabers, blasters, etc. were invented prior to the republic by the Rakata or some other ancient species (the Gree, the Kwa, etc.). These technologies relied either on an implicit use of the Force (Rakata) or operate using principles that are antithetical to human thought processes (Gree) and had to be reverse engineered by the early explorers who founded the Republic, and this reverse engineering process was usually deeply imperfect and produced inferior devices. As a result, Rakata, Gree, and other ancient technologies (the recently introduced Iokath of TOR for example) is generally superior to the current iteration of Republic technologies, regardless of era. That's why Revan can activate ancient Rakata automated factories (he did this twice with both the Star Forge and the Foundry) and unleash units that were at least a match for contemporary weapons systems despite being tens of thousands of years old.

Technology in Star Wars advances on two different tracks: extremely slow refinement of the technologies the human-dominated galactic populace actually has and recovery and incorporation of ancient technologies produced by other cultures.

Great Dragon
2019-08-02, 04:51 PM
Well, let me see.

(Basic Character Idea - will add more)
Bith Sith Infiltrator Lv 7.

I can't PM myself, so I used the WotC dice roller

Roll(4d6)+0: 6,2,4,4 Total:14

Roll(4d6)+0: 5,2,6,2 Total:15

Roll(4d6)+0: 4,2,5,6 Total:15

Roll(4d6)+0: 3,2,4,2[ Total:09

Roll(4d6)+0: 2,6,5,3 Total:14

Roll(4d6)+0: 3,4,3,3,+0 Total:11

Fed up with being overlooked, this one seeks to dominate the Galaxy! Deception and Stealth are my tools.

2019-08-05, 04:32 AM
the best thing about jar jar is the darth jar jar theory. (http://darthjarjar.com/original-theory-by-lumpawarroo/) if you haven't read it, go read it, right now.

for your compendium later on, i just built a chadra-fan for my SW TTRPG game. you could relate it across to an anthro-bat (sorta).

Great Dragon
2019-08-05, 07:40 AM
the best thing about jar jar is the darth jar jar theory. if you haven't read it, go read it, right now.

Ok, having read this (and laughed) there might be some bits that could be true.

I can buy that Binks could have been "lucky" by being Force Sensitive (In the same way Solo at least should have been in the RPGs)

But, if that's the case, Binks spent a lot of Force Points even in the first movie, and should not have been able to regain any afterwards. (Regaining Force Points requires doing Great Deeds of importance, Heroic for Light, and - IMO - Vile for Dark)
I just don't see Binks being a Sith.
He's not motivated by anger/hate, or out to cause fear, or conquer/destroy his Race, or the World/Galaxy.

The Jedi (as a whole) shouldn't really tolerate Binks, either.
But, Binks could have been a Force Adept.
Perhaps one that never received any formal training, and as such couldn't fully control his Force Powers?

But this would have given him actual skills and Force Powers, which he doesn't really seem to have or use.

Sure, Binks waives his hands around, but not in the same manner (slow and with purpose) like Jedi.

And the Jedi taking him with them really didn't make sense, except as them feeling sorry for Binks still being (mostly) an outcast.

And The Mind Trick should not be able to affect even a new Padawan (short of a really low Roll for their Save) so doesn't explain why the Jedi took Binks.
I agree that Binks should not have been a General (which I still think was just an honorary title) and if he was Accepted as such, his story should have stopped there.

Binks should never been anywhere near Corusent.
Much less been able to become a Senator.

Although, Binks becoming those, did finally cause him to get control of himself, and stop being the bafoon.
But, I also believe that Palpatine didn't really need Binks to win the vote that killed democracy, as any easily convinced/controlled Representative of a non-minor Planet could have done the same. Palpitine was both skilled and powerful enough to use the Dark Side to influence the entire Senate. And with all the Jedi busy not getting killed by Order 66, there wasn't anyone to prevent that.
Binks being Snoke? Not really believable.
Personally, I really hope they (Disney) leave Binks out if any ret-conned stories.
I've completely removed Binks from my SW tRPG, and hope the replacement Gungen is better Accepted by people/fans.
I don't want to give away too much about the changes I've made. I want the Players to figure it out in game, and then slowly reveal things to you folk, here.
If people show an interest in my doing so.

for your compendium later on, i just built a chadra-fan for my SW TTRPG game. you could relate it across to an anthro-bat (sorta).

I'd like to see the stats on that.
Some Culture and History?
Their Home Planet and System?

Building one from scratch would take me some time.
And I'm still Galaxy-building.

2019-08-11, 11:05 AM
With a little hunting, you should be able to find some of the splats for WEG Star Wars. They had one or two splats that stated out alien races for play, and the planets of the galaxy splats often had a few extra native races to go with the planets they introduced.

Great Dragon
2019-08-11, 04:26 PM
Something to look for.

Thanks !!

2019-08-14, 05:22 PM
If you need help with races and stats; I have the Star Wars 2nd Edition (and 3rd Edition) books in my office (I believe they're still there and not in bins in the garage).
Let me know and I can dig them up and post whatever might be useful.

Great Dragon
2019-08-14, 07:40 PM
If you need help with races and stats; I have the Star Wars 2nd Edition (and 3rd Edition) books in my office (I believe they're still there and not in bins in the garage).
Let me know and I can dig them up and post whatever might be useful.

Great !

I'm mostly looking for unusual Races (like maybe not seen in the movies) with cool planetary or Galactic History, for interesting class combinations.