View Full Version : D&D Brainstorming Help

2019-07-29, 05:56 PM
Hey everyone!

So I have very enthusiastic players who love my campaigns. Normally, this is great, but I've currently got three on the go at the same time and my creative faculties are starting to really get strained. If anyone is interested, I'd love to hear some ideas that you guys might have regarding working on the story and challenges of the most recent campaign. Here's the important information so far:

The players come from a jungle tribe disconnected from the rest of the world. Sent out by their elders to explore the outside world, they come across a great city named Argourgrad. It seems like Argourgrad has been pumping its sewage into the jungle rivers, but the people they meet in the city claim that their city is clean and in fact, the sewage comes from the neighboring city of Palterian, shrouded in industrial smog, whom they are at war with. Unknown currently to the players, many cities cover this land, each constantly allying and declaring war on each other. In truth, each city is controlled by one of the ancient Ur-Jinn race: genius magic users obsessed with control. Each control their city behind the scenes and treat the land as one giant chess board. Not only do they use the cities' populations as game pieces, but they enslave or recruit peaceful, rural tribes into their armies. They use constant wars to control their citizens and direct their fear and anger toward enemy cities.

Currently, the players are hired by the Expedition Guild of Argourgrad to explore the mountains surrounding Palterian under the guise of exploration, but in truth they're being used to find a passage to flank the enemy city. They've just made their way into the mountains.

(It's probably obvious that I've taken inspiration from 1984 for the ways the cities are ruled and played against each other.)

I'd just love to brainstorm some events, characters and encounters for my players going forward. Thanks guys!

2019-07-29, 09:49 PM
When it comes to being strained with time and ideas, that's where I love established settings where you don't have to come up with everything.

I think some sewer adventures could be a good idea, where they have to travel upstream to find the sources of where the sewage is actually coming from. They party could also be tasked with helping clean up or prevent catastrophic pollution down the road.

Depending on how far along the campaign is, it could be a good idea to start planting ideas a la conspiracy theorists about the Ur-Jinn who wind up going missing or ending up dead.

I don't know if you're a Salvatore fan or not but a Jarlaxle type character would be a great glue to keep things together and help progress storylines.

2019-08-01, 08:38 AM
Thanks! Any other suggestions or ideas for cool encounters would be appreciated!

2019-08-01, 08:48 AM
If the source of the pollution hasn't been determined yet, you might consider mine tailings as the source. Dwarves are mining in the mountains where the PCs are exploring, and the dwarves are pumping out their mines and washing the effulent into mountain streams. They wouldn't take kindly to being told by outsiders to clean up their mess.

Also, the dwarves, being no dummies, would immediately suspect the PCs of scouting for a pass across the dwarves' territory, which could create further obstacles. And the dwarves might not be entirely villains; their mines may have been deliberately flooded by another party, and the dwarves are pumping as fast as they can to save their mine and their community. Depending how the PCs approach them, the dwarves might end up being long-term allies--but only if the PCs navigate the issues adroitly.

2019-08-01, 01:28 PM
Just how secretive do these Ur-Jinn need to keep themselves? If word about their existence got out, would it wreck their system of control?

2019-08-01, 01:34 PM
Has an Ur-Jinn made a play for the PCs' tribe/jungle already?