View Full Version : Looking for good spells/cantrips for the Magic Initiate feat.

mabriss lethe
2019-07-30, 01:40 PM
I'm playing a 5e variation of Korg the Magical in my friend's game and we'll probably hit 4th in a few sessions. I decided that I want to give him a bit of proper magic, and then completely downplay it. For both story reasons and because his wisdom is his best potential casting stat, I'm looking at divine casting classes to pull his spells and cantrips from. (In this case, he downplays his divine spellcasting as "backwoods hillbilly magic that any bumpkin could do, and not worth mentioning compared to his great feats of 'Wizardry'"

My current plan is to give him Thorn Whip for the giggles, which means druid casting. I'm kind of stumped as to where to go from here. He really doesn't need any damage dealing spells. He can handle that with his "Wizardry" (smashing things with his axe) I was sort of thinking either goodberry or healing word. Goodberry has guaranteed numbers for healing but HW would be hilarious as a last ditch stabilizer. (He sees a companion fall, and with great enthusiasm points and yells "MOUTH TO MOUTH" and suddenly the target miraculously feels better before he can administer resuscitation.)

If anyone else has any other ideas, with druid or other class lists, I'll be glad to hear it.

2019-07-30, 01:55 PM
I'm playing a 5e variation of Korg the Magical in my friend's game and we'll probably hit 4th in a few sessions. I decided that I want to give him a bit of proper magic, and then completely downplay it. For both story reasons and because his wisdom is his best potential casting stat, I'm looking at divine casting classes to pull his spells and cantrips from. (In this case, he downplays his divine spellcasting as "backwoods hillbilly magic that any bumpkin could do, and not worth mentioning compared to his great feats of 'Wizardry'"

My current plan is to give him Thorn Whip for the giggles, which means druid casting. I'm kind of stumped as to where to go from here. He really doesn't need any damage dealing spells. He can handle that with his "Wizardry" (smashing things with his axe) I was sort of thinking either goodberry or healing word. Goodberry has guaranteed numbers for healing but HW would be hilarious as a last ditch stabilizer. (He sees a companion fall, and with great enthusiasm points and yells "MOUTH TO MOUTH" and suddenly the target miraculously feels better before he can administer resuscitation.)

If anyone else has any other ideas, with druid or other class lists, I'll be glad to hear it.

If you're going Druid, make Guidance the other cantrip. It's usually an autopick for anyone Initiating (heh) into Cleric or Druid, as it's practically a free +1d4 to any ability check that you can justify using Guidance on.


Range: Touch

"Korg touches himself for nature inspiration to jump farther!"
"Korg requests permission to touch himself before talking to guard!"
"Korg will touch you for encouragement while you pick that lock!"

As for spells, usually most non-casters will pick something they can use their concentration for , like Bless for Cleric lists or Faerie Fire/Entangle for Druid (FF and Entangle are dependent on Wisdom for their primary effect though) But Goodberry and Healing Word are also solid choices. Another one is Absorb Elements, which gives you a reaction to grab resistance against incoming elemental damage (one out of either Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder) that lasts until your next turn.

Alternatively you can go Wizard and pick cantrips and spells that don't rely on INT. Nabbing Find Familiar basically lets you grab a Wizard 'class feature'. The Owl has an effective passive perception of 18 and can use Flyby to distract enemies (i.e. using the Help action) to give you or any ally advantage on the next attack. Bat gives Blindsight if you use its senses. Octopus can help pass you items.

Useful Wizard utility cantrips include Minor Illusion (the Swiss Army Knife cantrip), Mold Earth (Minecraft field fortifications and tunnels), Shape Water (walk on frozen water, break stuff with expanding frozen water, make makeshift frozen ice 'bearings', drop ice on people, etc.). There's also Mage Hand, which is a bit more boring compared to the other choices, but you get to scream "I CAST FIST!"

(Note that Mold Earth and Shape Water are also on the Druid's list.)