View Full Version : DM Help Best class to add to a Dragon Heist/DOMM Party

2019-07-30, 02:31 PM
I am adding a player to a campaign I'm running, and she's asked me for suggestions.

The party is level 4, almost done with Dragon Heist and planning to move into Dungeons of the Mad Mage. Existing party members are: a tiefling vengeance paladin, dragonborn tempest cleric, kenku shadow monk, human illusionist wizard and high elf evoker wizard. The party is mostly good with a minor strain of murderhoboism. I'd be starting her at level 4.

Obviously, the right answer is whatever she would enjoy, but I'd appreciate suggestions. She's relatively new (has played 3-4 sessions in other campaigns), so I'm looking for something fun, playable, but also that won't crowd an existing party member's lane. (For example, there's an NPC rogue she could just take over, but the monk has been doing most of the scouting and stealing.)

Now that I've written that out, I'm thinking barbarian, bard, and moon druid would all be good fits depending on her tastes, but I'd love to hear people's thoughts.

2019-07-30, 02:59 PM
My first thought was rogue until you semi-dismissed it. A skill monkey is useful here and thieving will surely provide moments to shine out of combat in DotMM.

Your other suggestions are solid, could add straight Fighter as another good fit.

Seems silly, but for a moon druid, there may be some encounter locations in the dungeons where a large beast will have trouble maneuvering sufficiently.

In the end, a valor bard would be my suggestion. Lots of skills, highest Charisma in the party (probably higher than the paladin), melee (to better balance the melee ranged ratio), and brings new functionality that benefits the whole party.

2019-07-30, 03:49 PM
Your paladin looks to be the only Charisma user, and they probably aren't pumping that as their primary. You have a lot of utility and support already, though, and not amazing damage (depending on some variables), so I would suggest a warlock and specifically a Hexblade.

That assumes she's comfortable being the face, though. If she's not, she could do a lot worse than a Sharpshooter Fighter or a Babarian.

2019-07-30, 03:52 PM
Don't dismiss a Rogue for redundancy- even if the Shadow Monk is already scouting, it never hurts to have some backup. Plus, if more members are scouting, it gives you as a DM for to play off of.

Otherwise, Bard's an obvious call. Dreams Druid can really shine in a megadungeon by offering free safe rests. Celestial Warlock and Divine Sorcerer are both good backup healers while also offering some Charisma for when the Paladin won't negotiate.

2019-07-30, 03:58 PM
Glamour Bard would be my first suggestion. It's a massively under appreciated controller class. Add in a Cape of Billowing and you've got a downright fabulous character.

My second suggestion would be Fighter(Samurai or Battlemaster) or Barbarian(Ancestral Guardian or Totem Warrior). Adding another frontline unit would go a long way in balancing out the party already having 3 full casters.

2019-07-31, 12:47 AM
Id suggest a Glamor Bard or Warlock with Hexblade or Celestial pact.
Charismatic, interesting mechanics, cool lore, temp HP, little extra healing.
Depends on where in the battlefield she feels most comfortable which of those classes she would like.
That said I haven’t played DotMM yet so my advice isn’t worth too much.

2019-07-31, 02:20 AM
I will say something like a fey warlock, a Sorcerer with subtle metamagic to cast and convince creatures to do stuff or a Bard(I will say lore or whispers).

This will give you better stuff for non murder interactions(not everyone is bad and there is a chance you guys will not want to kill everything. This is not a spoiler as it is right for almost every game).

I don't think you need healing for the DOMM.
We are at floor 4 and had no need for in combat healing (a potion to pick up someone 3 times until now).