View Full Version : Bypassing Divine Ability Damage Immunities?

2019-07-30, 07:04 PM
Hey Playground. Some of my players just reached Level 20, and they want to kill a god. However, with some research, they realized that gods are immune to almost all the normal Wizard tricks...

Ability damage, save-or-dies, etc. Is there any way to bypass the immunity to ability damage that gods have? Either by stripping it from them, or the players acquiring something allowing them to bypass it.

2019-07-30, 07:17 PM
Gods kind of wrap around to a weird place where the best generic way to deal with them is to just punch them in the face really really really hard. They have a lot of resistances and immunities that are hard to defeat, but their AC/HP tends to just be varying degrees of large numbers, and PCs can optimize around those if they want to. Charge builds and Mailmen (Gods are, by default, only resistant to Fire and not Immune, so the whole Twin Searing Maximized etc etc Orb of Fire thing brings them down pretty quickly.)

Standard caveats apply: There is no generic 'god' statblock or profile, and the specific things you need to be able to do to fight one depend a lot on the specific god. The class levels, feats, gear, and especially Salient Divine Abilities they have vastly change the god's options, and depending on the level of challenge you want to give your players could be modified from the Deities & Demigods text to increase or decrease (mostly increase, a lot of the premade blocks are kind of terrible) the danger your players face in trying to take down a god.

False God
2019-07-30, 07:19 PM
Enlist a higher-rank deity to aid you in said god's destruction. Many of the immunities don't apply to gods of higher rank.

Keep in mind the tale of Elspeth from MTG: killing a god is a sure-fire way to get the gods to kill you.

2019-07-30, 08:29 PM
That's kind of funny, actually.

Gods, the one thing that D&D players aren't really supposed to fight... Are also the one group of creatures that are best killed in the way that D&D assumes you kill things.