View Full Version : DM Help Adittional quest for Agatha from Mine of Phandelver

2019-07-31, 06:01 AM
Hey guys,

I'm using Starter Pack as intro into my next campaign and as I have set things up, Sister Garaele in Phandelver will be instrumental to my party's efforts. At a certain point, Sister Garaele will need to do some serious praying for something to happen outside the rules - it will be a fragment of Tymora helping PCs out with a little bit of luck for a situation to turn into players' favor.

Now, as I was thinking of this, I thought PCs should do a quest in order to boost Garaela's efforts. And immediately to my mind comes godess Beshaba. So I was thiniking ... Garaele's quest in Mine of Phandlever is already great - PCs have sooo much options to mess up the questions, they have to ask, it is just hilarious. I do not want to mess with it.

I was thinking of ADDING another quest, that would heavily rely on Tymora-Beshaba opposition. The most obvious quest is to have PCs slaughter some Cultists of Beshaba. But then again ... this is rather boring. Idea of initial quest is great - could you guys help me coming up with an adittional quest, that would be closely knit into Tymora-Beshaba antagonism?

Thing is, this quest must be in scope similar to other quests in module - basically a one-shot. I don't have a place to illustrate this opposition over several sessions or several settlements in the region.

What sort of ideas could I try with?


2019-07-31, 07:06 AM
Beshaba's worshippers include the Red Wizards of Thay.
Haman Kost is a Red Wizard of Thay floating about The Old Owl Well.
Task the party with removing the wizard from the ruined tower before he discovers something too valuable to be allowed to fall into the hands of Thay.
The players do not know if Haman Kost worships Beshaba or not, only that his connection to Thay makes it a risk.
The players also do not know if there's anything left at the ruins that hasn't already been looted by other adventurers in the past, if the wizard has anything of value, or if there was anything there in the first place.

Be vague enough that it's a moral dilemma for the party.
Do they treat the Red Wizard as a hostile when he hasn't initiated aggressions, or attempt to handle him peacefully knowing he is a necromancer from a hostile nation?

2019-08-01, 03:06 AM
Beshaba's worshippers include the Red Wizards of Thay.
Haman Kost is a Red Wizard of Thay floating about The Old Owl Well.
Task the party with removing the wizard from the ruined tower before he discovers something too valuable to be allowed to fall into the hands of Thay.
The players do not know if Haman Kost worships Beshaba or not, only that his connection to Thay makes it a risk.
The players also do not know if there's anything left at the ruins that hasn't already been looted by other adventurers in the past, if the wizard has anything of value, or if there was anything there in the first place.

Be vague enough that it's a moral dilemma for the party.
Do they treat the Red Wizard as a hostile when he hasn't initiated aggressions, or attempt to handle him peacefully knowing he is a necromancer from a hostile nation?
Great solution. Will use it.