View Full Version : Character Build: Dwarven Miner

2019-07-31, 08:55 AM
I may be joining a group soon and I'm getting my character concept ready, but I don't have a strong working knowledge of 5e and I'd love some help/ideas. (I'm not power-building in this instance, so, flavor is a flavor of the day.)

Master McDwarven, the Dwarven Miner. The greatest miner in all the Great Mines. Master left his home mines to travel the world seeking out new dirt and rocks to dominate. He's a collector of interesting stones (and I mean really interesting, not just boring old gems and jewels), and his ultimate goal is to start a new colony on the Elemental Plane of Earth and Stone for all who would dig.

I'm thinking of going Dwarven Cleric, worshiping either Elemental Earth or a new god (demigod, maybe) of miners and diggers. He's not a religious zealot, necessarily. He's just empowered by his passion for dirt-movin'.

So, what Domain should I look at? The Forge seems like maybe the closest, but I'd love something more stone and less fire. Are there any official rules for creating a new domain?
Anything else in any of the non-PHB books I should look for?

2019-07-31, 09:11 AM
Are there any official rules for creating a new domain?

Not really. The best you can hope for are rough tips and guidelines, but ultimately there is no substitute for game design skill when it comes to making good homebrew.

The closest thing to what you're looking for in the rulebooks is on page 287/288 of the DMG.

2019-07-31, 09:11 AM
In the DMG there are guide lines for new class and class features.

If you want another idea you can play a wizard and fluff your spellbook as gems with runes(the gem bag is the spell book and the gams the pages).

I did it on my noble stone gnome wizard as it was really fitting.

2019-07-31, 09:32 AM
I'm going cleric because my friend is playing a wizard and it's her first D&D character and I don't wanna accidentally upstage her with my wizard. :smalleek:

I guess maybe a sorcerer could be good. I'd need him to be charismatic, since he's trying to recruit people to his new colony. Plus, I can specifically tailor make his spell list to suit the flavor of the character. And, the UA Shadow Origin could potentially be re-fluffed to being stone shaped teleportation (mechanically identical, but I'm falling into the stone, not the shadow.)

2019-07-31, 09:44 AM
I'm going cleric because my friend is playing a wizard and it's her first D&D character and I don't wanna accidentally upstage her with my wizard. :smalleek:

I guess maybe a sorcerer could be good. I'd need him to be charismatic, since he's trying to recruit people to his new colony. Plus, I can specifically tailor make his spell list to suit the flavor of the character. And, the UA Shadow Origin could potentially be re-fluffed to being stone shaped teleportation (mechanically identical, but I'm falling into the stone, not the shadow.)

How about a hexblade that his pickaxe is his patron?

Charismatic and pickaxe.

As you use charisma with your pick you convince the stone to be mined.

The shadow in now in XGtE.
There is a stone soul Sorcerer and a stone Sorcerer in UA.

2019-07-31, 09:49 AM
The only class with a real innate ‘earth’ flavor would be Four-elements Monk (just pick the earth options); though Druids have a lot of elemental stuff on their spell-list, so a Land (Mountain) Druid would be a good option as well

2019-07-31, 09:52 AM
There is a stone soul Sorcerer and a stone Sorcerer in UA.

Oh. Ok. We're done here, I guess.

That's a wrap. Great work, everybody. Help yourself to Craft Services.

2019-08-01, 08:56 AM
The Stone Sorcerer (not the Stone Giant Soul) is largely about protection magic, so if you like that idea, BUT don't want to play a sorcerer, You could use an Ancestral guardian Barbarian as a design skeleton, and refluff the "ancestral guardians" to "earth manipulation" to make you a melee dwarf earthbender that can be swinging their GreatAxe Oversize Pickaxe into their targets

2019-08-01, 10:16 AM
I also support stone sorcerer. I have played one as an earth genasi and it plays like a paladin without divine smite but with better spells.

2019-08-01, 04:43 PM
Transmuter Wizard with Mold Earth cantrip, Sage background (geology specialty). :smallcool:

Boost STR to athletics climb in and out out of mines while carrying more stuff. Also Light Hammers for TWF, with option to throw, is hilarious. :smalltongue:

2019-08-01, 05:23 PM
Dumathoin is the diety I think you're looking for. Keeper of secrets and mining.

His domains include: Buried secrets and wealth, mining, gems, exploration, the dead and sometimes knowledge (some of these are old and not available anymore).

A lot of the mining that is associated with him is specifically related to gems (hidden secrets in the earth), but I'm always a big fan of clerics taking a unique slant on their gods and I think this, "He's a collector of interesting stones (and I mean really interesting, not just boring old gems and jewels)" would be an awesome take. I think a knowledge cleric would be kinda cool from an RP standpoint.

2019-08-01, 11:52 PM
Grumbar, Elemental God of Earth, also offers the knowledge domain