View Full Version : Druid's Wildshape alternatives

2019-08-01, 01:44 AM
Do you know any decent variants or something that trade wildshape for something else? They don't have to be as good as wildshape just something useful. I don't like idea of my armor and weapon being useless because i can just wildshape in some strong animal.

2019-08-01, 02:32 AM
Aspect of Nature and Aspect of the Dragon.

2019-08-01, 02:43 AM
Aspect of Nature looks interesting. Do you know where i can find Aspect of Dragon?

2019-08-01, 05:13 AM
Aspect of Nature looks interesting. Do you know where i can find Aspect of Dragon?

Okay, now I'm on a computer I'll type a proper reply.

Aspect of The Dragon is from Dragon Magic.

Apart from Aspect of Nature and Aspect of Dragon, there's also Hunstman (gives fast movement and AC when unarmored as Monk, Favored Enemy as Ranger, and Swift Tracker and Track feat as Ranger).

If you have other ideas on what you want, and you're not quite interested in any of the three options here, you can always talk to the DM and use these various options as a guide on creating something you would like instead.

2019-08-01, 05:40 AM
Thanks, this site is exactly what i was looking for. Aspect of Dragon looks very good for caster druid. It's free +4 Wisdom.

2019-08-01, 05:52 AM
The feat Stone Form is good, too.
It's +4 to natural AC and other minor things.
A PrC is based on this feat, Stonespeaker Guardian. It's a good PrC if your DM allows you to take it with a LA 0 race.

2019-08-01, 06:07 AM
There's also the Shapeshift variant in PHB II. I really like it because it also removes the Animal Companion for the Druid as well, it's useful from level 1, and I think it has a greater potential for flavor as it is more personal to each druid. You gear still melds with your and "becomes useless" but it's not useless because of the animal form you're in rather because of the ability itself. Wildling clasps are still very much useful and even moreso for a druid using this ACF. I would even be willing to, as a DM, allow them to be more common or inexpensive if all of the druids in my game world used this variant as opposed to the standard wildshape.

2019-08-08, 09:42 PM
you know you can buy wild armor and your wild shape's weapon damage will be much better than what you do in your normal form, right?

False God
2019-08-08, 09:49 PM
I quite like the Shapeshift variant. The duration is unlimited and it's a swift action and the bonuses are pretty straight-forward. You're also not saddled with having to hunt down stat blocks.

It's NOT as powerful as wild-shape. But if you have a druid with good physical stats (lets say you rolled well or you just aren't "into" casting) it's a lot of fun.

2019-08-08, 10:42 PM
I think the urban druid ACF from Cityscape would work well with being an artificer, given that you'll be wild shaping into animated objects you can enhance via being an artificer. Feel free to wild shape into massive mannequins made from fun, exotic materials.