View Full Version : Setting Design Naming the Gods

2019-08-01, 04:46 PM
So i got a lot of pantheons and more within my setting that i am creating/writing up and one of the hardest bits that i have been having has been naming the deities and more so i've turned to the playground for ideas, assistance and more for naming along with suggestions for more things in there portfolio etc, and so forth.

I'm debating Sacred Colours & Animals
I'm also looking for thoughts and suggestions upon all sorts of Symbols for the various deities
Also i need to give some gods aspects and/or different ways to be worshiped that shift the alignment focus.

I've also not come up with names

So here they are by 'Pantheon'

God of the Beasts : TN : Animal, Feather, Fur, Insect
Favored Weapon; Shortspear
Symbol; A Rearing Gryphon on an Emerald Background
Sacred Animal; All Animals
Sacred Colours; Green

God of Centaurs & Minotaurs : NE : Animal, Evil, Ferocity, Protection, Solitude, Strength
Favored Weapon; Greataxe
Symbol; A horses head with long pair of pronged horns
Sacred Animal; Cows and Horses
Sacred Colours; Black and Tawny Brown

God of Dogfolk etc. : LN : Animal, Fur, Glory, Heroism, Law, Loyalty
Favored Weapon; Longsword
Symbol; A disc with a dogs face along with a long dangling tail talisman
Sacred Animal; All Canines from Coyotes, Foxes, Dogs, Wolves
Sacred Colours; Auburn

God of Bird : CN : Air, Animal, Chaos, Feather, Revelry, Wind
Favored Weapon; Shortbow
Symbol; Blue Feathers spreading out in the shape of a flower
Sacred Animal; All birds
Sacred Colours; Aero Blue

God of Kitsune : CN : Arcane, Captivation, Chaos, Charm, Magic, Whimsy
Favored Weapon; Naginata
Symbol; An arcane symbol with 9 thin braid talismans dangling from it each tipped with a small brush
Sacred Animal; Foxes
Sacred Colours; Amber & Byzantine

X?, dragon god of good : LG : Dragon, Good, Judgement, Law, Life, Scalykind, Tactics, War
Favored Weapon; Longsword
Symbol; A dragon head in profile with a diamond eye
Sacred Animal; Fruit & Metallic Dragons
Sacred Colours; Diamond

X?, dragon goddess of evil : LE : Dragon, Evil, Fear, Greed, Law, Scalykind, Tyranny, Trickery
Favored Weapon; Heavy Flail
Symbol; A group of 3 dragon heads in profile on a purple background
Sacred Animal; Chromatic Dragons
Sacred Colours; Purple

Brynn, freedom moonlight and song : CG : Chaos, Good, Life, Light, Moon, Nature, Night, Winter
Favored Weapon; Elven Curve Blade
Symbol; A large full silver moon with the one side in a dark crescent with a faint snowflake design
Sacred Animal; Silver Striped Animals
Sacred Colours; Silver

X, beauty hedonism and fertility : CE : Chaos, Deception, Evil, Innuendo, Nature, Saurians, Scalykind, Trickery
Favored Weapon; Elven Branched Spear
Symbol; A flowering rose/mangrove tree
Sacred Animal; Iguanas
Sacred Colours; Cadmium Green

X : LE : Ash, Blood, Caves, Curse, Evil, Hatred, Hubris, Law, Luck, Rage
Favored Weapon; Scimitar
Symbol; A black disc with a thin red edge
Sacred Animal; Crickets
Sacred Colours; Blood Red

God of the Dwarves : LG : Ancestors, Friendship, Glory, Good, Judgement, Law, Repose
Favored Weapon; Dwarven Waraxe
Symbol; A Gold Scale
Sacred Animal; Goat
Sacred Colours; Gold, and White

God of Honour & War : LN : Honour, Law, Leadership, Legislation, Loyalty, Nobility, Tactics, War
Favored Weapon; Dwarven Longhammer
Symbol; A scroll crossed with an axe with a crown in the foreground
Sacred Animal;
Sacred Colours; White

God of Craftsmen : CN : Artifice, Chaos, Education, Fortification, Knowledge,Protection, Toil
Favored Weapon; Throwing Hammer
Symbol; A Gold bee on a rampart or tower
Sacred Animal; Bee’s
Sacred Colours; Gold & Steel

God of Medicine : NG : Good, Growth, Healing, Knowledge, Medicine, Memory, Plant
Favored Weapon; Dagger
Symbol; A leaf with writing along it
Sacred Animal; Sheep
Sacred Colours; Green & Gold

X? : CG : Primary God of Elves : Arcana, Chaos, Duels, Good, Life, Light, Magic, War
Favored Weapon; Longsword
Symbol; A 4 pointed star on a blue background producing gentle silver light
Sacred Animal; Unicorn
Sacred Colours;Blue & Silver

God of Wood Elves : CN : Animal, Fur, Chaos, Nature, Protection. Solitude
Favored Weapon; Quarterstaff
Symbol; A small shield symbol with a deer head in profile
Sacred Animal; Deer & Woodpecker
Sacred Colours; Green

God of High Elves : NG : Good, Language, Redemption, Rune, Stars, Void
Favored Weapon; Longspear
Symbol; A star with a rune at each of its 5 points
Sacred Animal; Horses
Sacred Colours; Silver-White

God of Nature & Weather : CN : Exploration, Growth, Law, Plants, Seasons, Travel, Weather
Favored Weapon; Longbow
Symbol; A cloud with gold vines making a ring.
Sacred Animal; Falcon
Sacred Colours; Gold

God of Crafting : TN : Artifice, Earth, Education, Industry, Knowledge, Metal
Favored Weapon; Light Hammer
Symbol; An anvil with a rune upon it
Sacred Animal; Stag
Sacred Colours; Red Hot Iron, & Gold

God of Community : LG : Community, Good, Home, Law, Redemption, Slavery
Favored Weapon; Spiked Gauntlets
Symbol; A red square with a whip on it
Sacred Animal; Lynx
Sacred Colours; Red

God of War : CN : Blood, Chaos, Destruction, Murder, Resolve, Riot, Strength, War
Favored Weapon; Longbow
Symbol; A Topaz fist with blood on the knuckles
Sacred Animal; Hound
Sacred Colours; Electric Blue

God of Love : CG : Cham, Chaos, Good, Imagination, Love, Lust, Self-Realization
Favored Weapon; Whip
Symbol; A pair of swan making a heart
Sacred Animal; Swans
Sacred Colours; Salmon, & Cream

God of the Moon : LN : Ancestors, Darkness, Flowing, Moon, Repose, Water
Favored Weapon; Kukri
Symbol; A full moon with water swirling around its edges
Sacred Animal; Dolphins
Sacred Colours; Silver & Jade

God of the Sun : LG : Community, Day, Family, Fire, Light, Smoke, Sun
Favored Weapon; Glaive
Symbol; A bold gold sun with red edges
Sacred Animal; Lion
Sacred Colours; Red & Gold

God of the Sea : ? : Ocean, Rivers, Storms, Water, Weather
Favored Weapon; Trident
Symbol; A pearl with a lightning bolt
Sacred Animal; Rocs and Lionfish
Sacred Colours; Pearl

God of War : LN : Ambush, Duels, Glory, Heroism, Hubris, Law, Legend, Tactics Tyranny, War
Favored Weapon; Estoc
Symbol; A pair of crossed estocs over a scroll
Sacred Animal; Boar & Velociraptor
Sacred Colours; Cerulean

God of the Grave/Death : TN : Catastrophe, Death, Destruction, Fate, Portal, Travel
Favored Weapon; Scythe
Symbol; A purple crow in silhouette, with gentle silver edges
Sacred Animal; Crow
Sacred Colours; Purple, and Silver

Good God of Death : NG : Death, Friendship, Good, Protection, Purity, Resurrection
Favored Weapon; Halberd
Symbol; A white skull with a pair of coins on the eyes
Sacred Animal; Beetles
Sacred Colours; Black & White

Evil God of Death : NE : Death, Evil, Fate, Fear, Luck, Plague
Favored Weapon; Dagger
Symbol; A rats skull with glowing green embers for its eyes
Sacred Animal; Rats
Sacred Colours; White & Green

Mad Scholar : CN : Alchemy, Chaos, Insanity, Madness,Resurrection, Rune, Undead
Favored Weapon; Heavy Mace
Symbol; A rotted arm grasping an alchemist's flask
Sacred Animal; Badger
Sacred Colours; Orange & Purple

God of Industry : ? : Artifice, Community, Construct, Cooperation, Industry, Knowledge, Thought
Favored Weapon; Pickaxe
Symbol; A stone open book
Sacred Animal; Cats, Dogs, and Moles
Sacred Colours; Slate Grey and Granite

God of Strength : CG : Chaos, Competition, Freedom, Liberation, Storms, Strength, Weather
Favored Weapon; Spiked Gauntlet
Symbol; A spiked gauntlet grasping a storm cloud
Sacred Animal; Seagulls, Iguanas
Sacred Colours; Yellow

God of Magic : LN : Arcane, Artifice, Divine, Education, Knowledge, Law, Legislation, Magic
Favored Weapon; Dart
Symbol; An hourglass with swirling sand
Sacred Animal; ?
Sacred Colours; Purple & White

God of Corrupt Love : CE : Chaos, Charm, Corruption, Evil, Love, Lust
Favored Weapon; Sabre Sawtooth
Symbol; A silver sabre with pink gem stone on the pommel
Sacred Animal; Gorillas, Pigs
Sacred Colours; Pink & Silver

God of Tyranny : LE : Evil, Fist, Nobility, Law, Leadership, Strength, Tyranny
Favored Weapon; Greatsword
Symbol; A black lion with a gold crown atop its head
Sacred Animal; Tyrannosaurus Rex, Lion
Sacred Colours; Gold & Black

God of Cannibalism : LE : Cannibalism, Evil, Innuendo, Law, Slavery, Trickery
Favored Weapon; Scorpion Whip
Symbol; A heart on an iron stake
Sacred Animal; Chickens, Salamanders
Sacred Colours; Red, Cream, Black

God of Torture : NE : Destruction, Evil, Fear, Restoration, Revelation, Torture
Favored Weapon; Sap
Symbol; A octagon cracked and almost looks to be crumbling
Sacred Animal; Snakes, Spiders
Sacred Colours; Green

The Maimed God : CE : Chaos, Corruption, Entropy, Evil, Liberation, Self-Realization
Favored Weapon; Pike / Ranseur
Symbol; A severed foot with a broken shackle around the ankle
Sacred Animal; Shrike
Sacred Colours; Bone-White and Auburn Leather

God of the Void : NE : Curse, Evil, Isolation, Luck, Truth, Void
Favored Weapon; Heavy Crossbow
Symbol; A pure matte black triangle
Sacred Animal; Fireflies, Peacock
Sacred Colours; Black, Midnight Purple, and Blue

Illithid Moon Goddess : LN : Darkness, Moon, Night, Portal, Radiation, Travel, Truth
Favored Weapon; Unarmed Strike
Symbol; A crescent moon around a 4-points green star
Sacred Animal; Cats
Sacred Colours; Midnight Purple, Ruby Red

Annam’s, the Giants Forebringer : N : Education, Knowledge, Resolve, Strength
Favored Weapon; Longsword or Longspear
Symbol; A giant’s head in profile with a scroll below it. The scroll is in the colour of the aspect it represents
Sacred Animal; Goats
Sacred Colours; Base(Grey). As the Hunger(Grey & Bile), As the Forge Father(Grey, Red, Orange), As the Frozen Hunter(Grey, Sky Blue), As the Uniter(Grey, Purple)

As The Hunger; Neutral Evil : He gains the following Domains(Competition, Evil, Insanity, Madness)
As Forge Father; Lawful Neutral : He gains the following Domains(Fire, Law, Metal, Tyranny)
The Frozen Hunter; Chaotic Neutral : He gains the following Domains(Chaos, Destruction, Ice, Wards)
As The Uniter; Neutral Good : He gains the following Domains(Community, Cooperation, Good, Healing, Medicine)

X?, gnome god of trickery and wiles : LG : Espionage, Good, Law, Loyalty, Redemption, Trickery
Favored Weapon; Dagger
Symbol; A badger in profile wearing a hood
Sacred Animal; Badgers
Sacred Colours; Silver and White
-The head of the Gnomish Pantheon a god of trickery, good mirth, and more.

God of Malicious Will : LE : Ambush, Evil, Fear, Law, Trickery, Tyranny
Favored Weapon; Gnome Hook Hammer
Symbol; A bloody document/scroll
Sacred Animal; Weasels & Cats
Sacred Colours; Gold

God of Magic : CG : Chaos, Divine, Good, Magic, Revelry
Favored Weapon; Sling
Symbol; A pan flute with runes along them
Sacred Animal; Weasels and Rabbits
Sacred Colours; Green, and Gold

God of Earth : LN : Caves, Earth, Greed, Judgement, Law,
Favored Weapon; Maul
Symbol; A pile of coins with a magpie resting upon them
Sacred Animal; Magpies
Sacred Colours; Lavender & Black

God of Crafting Gnomes & Halflings : LN : Aristocracy, Captivation, Honour, Language, Nobility
Favored Weapon; Light Hammer
Symbol; A disc with halfling along one edge and gnome along the other around a crown
Sacred Animal; Prairie Dog
Sacred Colours; Gold & Lavender

Kiiron God of the Goblins : CG : Fertility, War, Knowledge, Goblins, Good, Love, Life, Duels
Favored Weapon; Longsword
Symbol; An upright longsword with a wedding band along the blade crossing with a scroll
Sacred Animal; Cows, Seals, and Dogs
Sacred Colours; Green & Pink

God of the Halflings : CN : Chaos, Charm, Deception, Freedom, Liberation, Lust, Trickery
Favored Weapon; Shortbow
Symbol; A domino mask
Sacred Animal; Rabbit, Sparrow
Sacred Colours; Green

Trade & Travel : LN : Fortification, Law, Legislation, Protection, Trade, Travel
Favored Weapon; Light Crossbow & Hand Crossbow
Symbol; A road leading to a gate
Sacred Animal; Albatross, Pronghorn
Sacred Colours; Green and Grey

Stars : TN : Fate, Language, Luck, Seasons, Stars, Void, Weather
Favored Weapon; Starknife
Symbol; A night sky dotted with stars
Sacred Animal; Bat, Cuckoo
Sacred Colours; Green and Purple

Cairn : NE : Cannibalism, Death, Decay, Evil, Plant, Undead
Favored Weapon; Scimitar
Symbol; Vines growing out of a decaying skull
Sacred Animal; Vultures
Sacred Colours; Crimson & Green

Adro, merfolk deity of the sea : N : Nature, Oceans, Storms, Tempest, Water, Weather
Favored Weapon; Trident
Symbol; A dolphin leaping from the sea with storm clouds above
Sacred Animal; Dolphins, Sharks
Sacred Colours; Grey and Navy Blue

Merfolk #2 : L : Air, Clouds, Deception, Espionage, Law, Trickery
Favored Weapon; Ranseur
Symbol; A pair of eels encircling a closed eye
Sacred Animal; Eels, and Manta Rays
Sacred Colours; Black and Sky Blue

Merfolk #3 : C : Chaos, Community, Glory, Heroism, Family
Favored Weapon; Horsechopper
Symbol; An up raised shield
Sacred Animal; Orcas, and Polar Bears
Sacred Colours; Navy Blue & White

X, orc god of storms and war : NE : Duels, Evil, Fear, Ferocity, Storms, Strength, War, Weather
Favored Weapon; Greataxe
Symbol; A flexing armoured arm
Sacred Animal; Hogs
Sacred Colours; Black & Green(For Women), Red(For Men)

X-1 Hobgoblin : LE : Evil, Glory, Law, Legend, Resolve, Strength
Favored Weapon; Battleaxe
Symbol; A shining breastplate
Sacred Animal; Baboons
Sacred Colours; Orange and Purple

X-2 Half-Orc : TN : Competition, Language, Repose, Runes, Souls, Strength
Favored Weapon; Spear
Symbol; A soul within a maze of words
Sacred Animal; Goats and Reindeer
Sacred Colours; Mahogany

X-3 ; CE : Arson, Chaos, Community, Evil, Fire, Revelry
Favored Weapon; Heavy Crossbow
Symbol; A burning flaming home
Sacred Animal; Gophers
Sacred Colours; Red and Orange

X, : XX : ?
God of the Kobolds : NE : Cannibalism, Evil, Saurian, Scalykind, Whimsy
Favored Weapon; Dagger
Symbol; A cracked kobold skull
Sacred Animal; Skinks
Sacred Colours; Purple, Green, and Gold

God of the Lizardfolk : LE : Evil, Healing, Judgement, Law, Medicine, Saurian, Scalykind
Favored Weapon; Khopesh
Symbol; A scale with a scroll of law on one side and a turtle shell on the other
Sacred Animal; Iguanas and Turtles
Sacred Colours; Dark Green, and Silver

God of Snakes : LN : Earth,Law, Petrification, Scalykind, Slavery, Venom
Favored Weapon; Garrote
Symbol; A coiled serpent dripping venom
Sacred Animal; Snakes
Sacred Colours; Dark Gray, and Emerald Green

The Truth Speaker : TN : Darkness, Medicine, Portal, Restoration, Truth
Favored Weapon; Club
Symbol; A swirling portal into darkness
Sacred Animal; Tuatara
Sacred Colours; Dark Grey, & Silver

Setsu, The 7 Oni Lords : Dependant on the Oni Lord : Dependant on the Oni Lord
Favored Weapon; Longsword
Symbol; Smith(An anvil with the sun behind it), Hunter(A road leading home), Wild One(A burning banner), Drunk(A bottle of spirits), Mystic(A face twisted in agony), Iron Skinned(A metallic fist clenching)
Sacred Animal; Dogs(Lawful), Raccoon(Chaotic), Orangutan(Good), Wasps(Evil)
Sacred Colours; Purple & Silver
The 7 Oni Lords, are a group of minor gods who make a pantheon of deities that many Oni follow as the ‘Boss’ subscribing to one or more paths. Each Lord has there own alignment, identity and paths. The 7 lords are powerful, strong wise Oni who earned their position and power
The 7 Lords are
(The Smith) : LN : Artifice, Construct, Fortification, Law, Sun, Thirst, War
(The Hunter) : TN : Community, Exploration, Healing, Home, Knowledge,Medicine, Travel
(The Wild One) : CN : Chaos, Liberation, Revelry, Revolution
(The Drunk) : CG : Chaos, Decay, Friendship, Good, Innuendo, Riot, Trickery
(The Mystic) : CE : Chaos, Corruption, Entropy,Evil, Magic, Nightmare, Rites
(The Guardian) : LG : Good, Home, Law, Leadership, Nobility, Protection, Tyranny
(Iron Skinned) : NE : Evil, Ferocity, Fist, Glory, Honor, Metal, Strength


2019-08-01, 06:51 PM
I'm a bit confused here, so I'm going to ask you a couple of questions.

1: What system are you using? I know, it's 1st edition Pathfinder. The problem is that I had to look at the alignments and domains, realize the domains were in fact domains and subdomains because you didn't label them as such, and then verify that they were indeed domains and subdomains to know that you are using Pathfinder.
So, your presentation isn't too great. You can fix that later, it's not that important now.

2: Why does the god of beasts have only one domain and 3 subdomains? A cleric can't choose different versions of the same domain, so he should have at least one more domain, unless you're using houserules.
Gods in Pathfinder have 5 domains, including the domains of their alignment. (Simply said, a good god can't be good if it doesn't have the good domain. Or, if a god is good they automatically get the good domain.)

3: Have you thought about other divine gifts? Oracle mysteries, inquisitor inquisitions, variant channeling? The other divine classes would also like to know which god they should worship.

4: Why? No, seriously. Why? This is not a pantheon. These aren't gods. They're just a bunch of words that make very little sense together. The portfolios are a bare minimum of what's needed. There's no mythology, no history, no dogmas, no meaning of life. This is just a long list of tropes that have no better reason to exist than: "I guess we need a god of agriculture too." Even if you'd give them the best names ever, no player would be interested in your pantheon. It's bland.
Compare this to Cayden Cailean who gained divinity by doing the test of the Starstone while he was drunk. There's nothing interesting about your deities.

Sorry kid, it had to be said. I don't think you're really ready for homebrew, but if you really want to do it, there's a lazy DM's trick that Gary Gygax used before people started pestering him to write a Deities & Demigods.

Ask your players: Who does your character worship? Yes, I know. It's really that simple. You don't need to put in all that work! And for the evil deities? It really doesn't matter! You can just pull one out of your arse whenever you need it. You don't need every little detail of your setting. Just make it up as you go along.

2019-08-03, 02:13 AM
I'm a bit confused here, so I'm going to ask you a couple of questions.

1: What system are you using? I know, it's 1st edition Pathfinder. The problem is that I had to look at the alignments and domains, realize the domains were in fact domains and subdomains because you didn't label them as such, and then verify that they were indeed domains and subdomains to know that you are using Pathfinder.
So, your presentation isn't too great. You can fix that later, it's not that important now.

2: Why does the god of beasts have only one domain and 3 subdomains? A cleric can't choose different versions of the same domain, so he should have at least one more domain, unless you're using houserules.
Gods in Pathfinder have 5 domains, including the domains of their alignment. (Simply said, a good god can't be good if it doesn't have the good domain. Or, if a god is good they automatically get the good domain.)

3: Have you thought about other divine gifts? Oracle mysteries, inquisitor inquisitions, variant channeling? The other divine classes would also like to know which god they should worship.

4: Why? No, seriously. Why? This is not a pantheon. These aren't gods. They're just a bunch of words that make very little sense together. The portfolios are a bare minimum of what's needed. There's no mythology, no history, no dogmas, no meaning of life. This is just a long list of tropes that have no better reason to exist than: "I guess we need a god of agriculture too." Even if you'd give them the best names ever, no player would be interested in your pantheon. It's bland.
Compare this to Cayden Cailean who gained divinity by doing the test of the Starstone while he was drunk. There's nothing interesting about your deities.

Sorry kid, it had to be said. I don't think you're really ready for homebrew, but if you really want to do it, there's a lazy DM's trick that Gary Gygax used before people started pestering him to write a Deities & Demigods.

Ask your players: Who does your character worship? Yes, I know. It's really that simple. You don't need to put in all that work! And for the evil deities? It really doesn't matter! You can just pull one out of your arse whenever you need it. You don't need every little detail of your setting. Just make it up as you go along.

1 : The basic system is 1e Pathfinder but i want the gods and setting to be universal for just general use as well

2 : Setting Logic a gods power is made up of mantles. Each thing they are a god of is one of there mantles and there can be multiple interpretations of the same mantle.
Meaning some of the gods can be worshiped as different alignments also why multiples of the same domains etc. because its a different version of that mantle

3 : Answer yes i have why are you bringing it up

4 : I have about 90 pages of mythology that is not being posted because that is not what I need. I need to figure out names based on the bare minimum so i provided the bare minimum to get some thoughts and ideas based on those qualities.

5 : ...That statement was neither helpful nor needed. And i'm well aware i could pull one out whenever, and make it up as i go along.

Great Dragon
2019-08-03, 08:56 AM
For Alternate Alignment interptations, I believe that Eberron has some possible information that you could use.

Personally, the idea that a Deity is both Good and Evil is counter productive to my games.
Seems to me that in 5e, Alignment is little more than something written on the PC sheet, and unless the DM is using/enforcing Ideals (which I do), it is ignored.

In 3x D&D, Clerics and worshipers could be one step from the Deity's Alignment.
LG to NG, ect. Do you really need more than that?

Why would you want Factions of the same Deity/Church to be in conflict? Instead of being United (even if not always in agreement) against their Deity's foes?

I'm not very good at Naming People/Places/Things, but I'll read over your list and see what I can think of for variations.

God of the Kobolds : NE : Cannibalism (Traps / Dragon?), Evil, Saurian, Scalykind, Whimsy Trickery?
Adjective; To prove that Kobolds are the Master Race. "The weak feed the strong."
Home; (Pandemonium?) Not sure how you have your Outer Planar Cosmology named or set up
Favored Weapon; Dagger
Symbol; A cracked kobold skull
Sacred Animal; Skinks
Sacred Colours; Purple, Green, and Gold

2019-08-04, 05:41 PM
For Alternate Alignment interptations, I believe that Eberron has some possible information that you could use.

Personally, the idea that a Deity is both Good and Evil is counter productive to my games.
Seems to me that in 5e, Alignment is little more than something written on the PC sheet, and unless the DM is using/enforcing Ideals (which I do), it is ignored.

In 3x D&D, Clerics and worshipers could be one step from the Deity's Alignment.
LG to NG, ect. Do you really need more than that?

Why would you want Factions of the same Deity/Church to be in conflict? Instead of being United (even if not always in agreement) against their Deity's foes?

I'm not very good at Naming People/Places/Things, but I'll read over your list and see what I can think of for variations.

Its not full on good and Evil. A gods mantles can be worshiped in 1 step removed.
Its why the god of giants has 4 major alternate ways of being worshiped.

If you worship him directly he's True Neutral and you must be 1 step from that.
But if you are worshiping him in the forge father aspect he counts as a Lawful Neutral
Its mostly a lore thing for why an evil god can be worshiped by good people because they are worshiping the good or neutral aspects of said deity

And making them in conflict adds fun schisms and ways for new gods to pop up but yeah its part of how the way a god is made.

It gets into complicated metaphysics but

If you are the best at war you can develop a war mantle it won't mean you become a war god, unless you die first.

And if your a demi-god you already have a bit of a mantle based on your parent, why the goblin deity has war because she is the daughter of the head of the orc pantheon so though she is a love good she has a war mantle.