View Full Version : DM Help Sidekicks' starting level

2019-08-02, 03:54 PM
Three questions:

1) From the thread title, do sidekicks START at the associated PC's level? Or a lower one? They gain a level when their mentor does, but it doesn't specify what level to start them at relative to the PC.

2) Does being a sidekick overwrite all the "entry features" of the original character? For instance, Erky Timbers is an Acolyte who is a gnome with an additional ability to use Turn Undead once/day. Does making him a Spellcaster overwrite all of that except "being a gnome?"

3) Is this actually easier to track or significantly less powerful than just assigning a suitable PC class and running the character?

2019-08-02, 04:25 PM
1) DM's choice, as far as I can tell. I think (PC level -2) would be good for a 'hero/sidekick' power level balance.

2) DM's choice, as far as I can tell. If the sidekick has a few inherent/signature abilities, I think they should be added on, but not basic stats.

3) Easier to track: a bit. Sidekicks have fewer active/conditional abilities. Less powerful: a bit. Sidekicks have fewer active/conditional abilities.

I don't like the implementation of sidekicks, tbh. A lot of flavor is lost in the transition from 12 PC classes down to 3 sidekick classes. I just finished a very long campaigns where each player controlled two PCs (with full stats), and that wasn't too much tracking for the players.

The warrior and expert sidekicks are fine, but honestly, you could just use Fighter(Champion), Rogue(Thief). The caster sidekick is just as much stat tracking as any other spellcaster, so you don't gain anything by using the sidekick rules over making a separate 'PC'.

Summary: If you're going to give your player two PCs, just let them make two PCs (of different levels, if necessary) and let them track their abilities. If you're going to put in a DMPC/major allied NPC, you could use the sidekick system (or just build a simple PC). If you want to have a bunch of allied NPCs, use NPC stat blocks.

The sidekick system seems like a solution looking for a problem.

2019-08-02, 04:32 PM
I love the sidekick rules, so I'm definitely hyped for this thread. As for your questions.

1) The only thing a sidekick level affects is your encounter calculations. It is your choice on what the thematically correct starting level for your chosen sidekick is.
2) Erky never changed, he was a sidekick all along (nudge nudge wink wink) That's a yes. If you take a creature that was the enemy last session, and decide this session he becomes an ally, you do not take his stat block and add the sidekick features. You make up a new stat block.
3) A PC-as-an-NPC runs the risk of stealing the spotlight, since PC features are designed to be fun and cool. The main design goal of the sidekicks was to add a contributing member to the party without stealing spotlight, such as ranged help action and the like. A sidekick help the PC kill the dragon, but the PC delivers the killing blow. It is definitely simpler and easier to track, but there are many more simple ways to add allies if that's what you're going for. Spellcaster is more PC like, but usually picks utility and non-OP spells to support the party rather than attempt to overshadow it. Using a sidekick just as a second concentration works well, since he can just concentrate and dodge. A DM controlled sidekick is a lot simpler than a DM controlled PC, for obvious reasons. I also recommend using damage averages and just rolling for hit, and spamming the help action.
4) Rules are just suggestions on how the game could be run. They're more like guidelines than actual code. yarrr!
5) I think DMs usually control sidekicks. Have I been doing it wrong?