View Full Version : Looking for horror film recommendations

2019-08-03, 03:10 PM
I haven't seen a lot of horror movies in recent years. I feel it's time to change that before my nerves get too soft.

I'm currently considering The Witch and Hereditary, and would love to hear some spoiler-free opinions. Or just other recommendations.

Note: I have seen the new Halloween, Annihilation, and US.

2019-08-03, 03:33 PM
I found 'Annihilation' interesting and atmospheric ( and perfect fodder for a Cthuluhu campaign) if not very scary
I've heard very good things about 'A Quiet Place', especially if you are a parent. In the same way I find 'The Descent' particularly scary as I'm claustrophobic

2019-08-03, 03:58 PM
I found 'Annihilation' interesting and atmospheric ( and perfect fodder for a Cthuluhu campaign) if not very scary
I've heard very good things about 'A Quiet Place', especially if you are a parent. In the same way I find 'The Descent' particularly scary as I'm claustrophobic

I've seen Annihilation as well. Added it to my original post. :smallsmile:

2019-08-03, 11:10 PM
Are you looking for just recent films, or classic horror movies as well?

2019-08-04, 05:03 AM
Are you looking for just recent films, or classic horror movies as well?

Recent. I know about the old ones. I just haven't been keeping up.

2019-08-05, 12:13 AM
Recent. I know about the old ones. I just haven't been keeping up.

Well, neither have I, so I can't help you. Sorry.

2019-08-05, 02:27 PM
Recent. I know about the old ones. I just haven't been keeping up.

The Conjuring series are very nicely done. Up until the most recent (Annabelle Comes Home), they have been PG13 which I think is a great benefit...instead of falling on the crutches of gore and gratuitous sex they stay focused on what really makes a good "scary movie" scary. The Insidious movies try, but aren't nearly as successful in my opinion.

However, both sets are easily available and solid scary movies options.

- M

2019-08-05, 03:01 PM
Not seen this personally but a horror fan friend recommended me : 'It Follows', The Girl with all the Gifts', 'Mandy' and 'Midsommar'

2019-08-05, 09:08 PM
I haven't seen a lot of horror movies in recent years. I feel it's time to change that before my nerves get too soft.

I'm currently considering The Witch and Hereditary, and would love to hear some spoiler-free opinions. Or just other recommendations.

Note: I have seen the new Halloween, Annihilation, and US.

Hereditary is alright, just don't go into it believing all the hype around it. Me and my wife did and we were sorely let down, it wasn't a fraction as "scary" as it was touted to be. The Witch IS NOT A FREAKING HORROR MOVIE. This movie didn't just let me and my wife down, it downright pissed us off. It's tense and atmospheric in a dramatic kind of way(not scary), and I guess if you go into it not expecting any kind of terror you might actually enjoy it, it's a decent take on the paranoia of people in that time period regarding witches, but again, it is just not a horror movie in any sort of way. If I could have demanded my money back after renting it I would have.

I will second the conjuring series, they are decent though not great. A quiet place is also pretty good, and there is a similar movie on Netflix called The Silence, which is also pretty darn good, even better in some aspects(combining creatures with human threat, which was lacking in A quiet place). My only complaint(and my wife agrees) is that it felt less movie material-ish, and more deserving of a mini-series, the pacing was a bit to fast and the human they introduce as the big bad was just shoved in your face and accelerated from there.

Most might disagree with my next recommendation of Slenderman, but I definitely enjoyed it.

Mom & Dad on Hulu I think is definitely worth a watch, though it's more horror comedy-ish, especially with Nic Cage starring in it(but still good).

Oooh, IT and Happy Death Day(though the latter is much, much more comedy than horror, but it's still worth the watch) are both good, absolutely adored IT, though I was a little disappointed in some key scenes from the book being left out(and no, I'm not referencing the child sex scene, I'm glad that didn't show up, always squicks me out when I read it).

For now that's all I can think of off the top of my head from the last 2 or 3 years, if you watch any of my recommendations I hope you enjoy them!

2019-08-06, 10:50 AM
I rather enjoyed the first two Paranormal Activity movies. Very subtle for the most part.

2019-08-07, 02:47 PM
Sinister 1 & 2 are decent. Family moves into a new house, find old timey films, spooky things happen.
The Void is an interesting Eldritch Horror film.
Demonic is a partial found footage film, partial possession film.
Satanic is a film about a group going on a spooky tour of LA and getting caught up with a cult.

On the Horror Comedy side, I highly recommend:
Dale & Tucker vs. Evil
Cabin in the Woods
Life after Beth
They're Watching

2019-08-07, 06:05 PM
Depends on how recent. I'll second the Conjuring movies, they're fun, and Insidious too. Neither series is revolutionary, but they're well done. I'll also second IT (chapter 2 comes out soon!), I loved it, and this is coming from an obsessive Tim Curry fan (let's be honest, he's really the best part about the tv adaptation by a LOT). I haven't seen Us yet, but I did love Get Out. The Babadook was fantastic, and I will watch anything that Mike Flanagan directs. Of his, Oculus is a good place to start, if you like slashers Hush is an interesting take, and if you're into the fairy tale/dark fantasy type films Before I Wake was stunning!

I'll also second, a thousand times over, Cabin In The Woods. Crimson Peak gets a lot of flak, but it's an excellent classic ghost story with del Toro's aesthetic touches. Speaking of aesthetic (and produced by del Toro), I loved Mama, but mostly because it was visually beautiful. The story is average-y and, particularly in the last half, there is some terrible acting, but it's something I enjoy rewatching just to look at.

A little bit of a disappointment, the Suspiria remake had some good elements, but was way too full of itself. It was 2 1/2 hours...trim it down to 90 minutes and might have been a really good remake. And this is coming from someone who expected to hate it entirely because of how much I love the original (doubly so the soundtrack).

Upcoming, I couldn't possibly be more excited for Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark. Those books were my absolute favorite in grade school, and I still re-read them every once in a while. Flanagan's next is Doctor Sleep (sequel to the Shining) and Haunting of Hill House season 2 is going to be The Haunting of Bly Manor, based on the Shirley Jackson novel Turn of the Screw.

Anyway, yeah, I like horror.

2019-08-07, 07:48 PM
You have no idea how happy I am that nobody has suggested It Comes at Night.

2019-08-07, 07:54 PM
BRIGHTBURN Kinda amazed noone recommended it as its a solid film that actually tries to do something different, as far as Horror is concerend. Was an enjoyable film.

Not seen this personally but a horror fan friend recommended me : 'It Follows', The Girl with all the Gifts', 'Mandy' and 'Midsommar'

I haven't actually heard good things about It Follows, mostly that the monster is rather stupid and does nonsensical things.

2019-08-07, 08:34 PM
I prefer horror movies that focus on atmosphere and psychological horror, rather than gore and jump scares...

As such, I really enjoyed "Lights Out" and "It Follows", but my favorites (by far) are "The Babadook" and "Hush" (2016)... There's an older movie with the same title, but it's completely different and has literally nothing to do with this one).

2019-08-07, 10:25 PM
You might enjoy the anime series The Promised Neverland (https://www.crunchyroll.com/the-promised-neverland). I guess it's more thriller than horror, but I've never been entirely sure of the difference. It certainly gave my nerves a bit of a test. I also enjoyed It, which the series has a bit in common with.

And I'll add an unrelated +1 to A Quiet Place.

2019-08-08, 07:01 AM
I haven't actually heard good things about It Follows, mostly that the monster is rather stupid and does nonsensical things.

Few movies have angered me in the way that one did. Usually if I don't like a thing I ignore it and focus on a thing I DO like. Not with that one, I will tell people at great length as they slowly back away and start dialing for emergency psychiatric care to take me away, exactly why I hated that movie.

Digressing to the Girl With All The Gifts, it was a really good movie, and the book is fantasies. I would highly recommend the book! Ditto with John Dies At The End!

2019-08-09, 09:41 PM
There's also "Hereditary", which is kinda odd, IMO...

It's a very well made movie. The production is great, the direction is great, the acting is great... But the movie itself is... Ok.

It's not bad, it's not great... It's Ok.

2019-08-10, 07:07 AM
How about gut wrenchingly tense existential horror? Try Chernobyl.

2019-08-13, 09:34 AM
Paranormal Activity on mega filmes hd plus apknite. The series makes use of production cameras set up and used like security cameras or other recording devices in an attempt to present the films as found footage.