View Full Version : Ideas for Lawyer game in Sigil

Falcon X
2019-08-03, 11:52 PM
I’m preparing to run a series of sessions where the players are going to be lawyers in the Planes.
They will have a firm in Sigil and we will be playing Phoenix Wright style (3-day trials).

Any ideas for cases or trials that might happen in Sigil?

2019-08-05, 12:01 PM
Devils suing demons for breaking into wizards laboratories and scribing powerful anti-devil spells into their spellbooks.

Vrock Bait
2019-08-06, 03:12 AM
Various possibilities I thought of:
1. This is a world with teleportation. Sometimes teleportation fails, and someone is sent somewhere random, or a plane shift drops someone somewhere unexpected. What about cases related to this? People would maybe plead that a breaking and entering was a random event, or that someone used a halaster’s teleport cage to frame someone.
2. Gods live here. They can sue ur-priests for theft, or vestiges for copyright violation.
3. Should undead have the same rights have the living? Liches, necropolitans, vampires, and brain-in-jars, maybe, but what about emancipated spawn? How can you tell if they’re even emancipated at all? Are wights and vargouilles still the same people they used to be?
4. Same problems, but with awakened plants and animals, petitioners, and reincarnated people.

2019-08-06, 03:39 AM
A divination wizard is under trial for unlawfully witnessing and leaking sensitive documents that are of significant risk security-wise for an organisation.

The trouble is, those documents don't exist yet.

The issue of pre-crime is a fun one.

2019-08-06, 05:15 AM
-Lich sues Paladin for anti-undead propaganda.
-A Devil with legal documents on ownship of some souls contests he has every right to import them from the 9 Hells and oppen a shop were he sells them as spell components. Chaotic Good Deva sued him.
-A Princess sued a Succubus for enchanting her ex-husband (a Prince) and marying him. Succubus contests it was love at first sight and because the prince has some partial Fay ancestry her abilities would not function on him.
-Necromancer and Good Cleric are contesting the legality of Raising Undead; Cleric says the dead body is still property of the departed and a deliberate act of theft. Necromancer argues that a body is simply a resource and belongs to nobody; it is no diferent raising it as undead than casting a resurection on it.

2019-08-06, 06:05 PM
2. Gods live here. They can sue ur-priests for theft, or vestiges for copyright violation.

This is Sigil. I hope the Gods know better than to try and move in after poor Aoskar. They could probably send their high priests/solar/pit fiend/modron toadies though

2019-08-07, 04:17 PM
Well, there is a faction in Sigil whose whole thing is trying to rule-lawyer the RAW of the Multiverse.

I'm sure they'll tagle with the party at some point, either as clients or antagonists.