View Full Version : Player Help Super Robot themed magic items wanted!

2019-08-05, 11:18 AM
Hi! I am playing a D&D3.5 (no comment about this, please ;) ) campaign, playing a monk / psi warrior warforged (2nd/2nd at the moment). My intention was using powers and magic items, embedded ones in particular, to create a super-robot themed character, and I am willing to hear ideas to improve my project.
My first steps have been a pair of battlefists (essentially embedded metal gauntlets scaling the warforged slam attack and monk unarmed strike damage, and counting as magic weapons and enchantable as such) and the enlarge self (actually expansion, IIRC) psi-power.
Battlefists are obviously to be upgraded to throwing, returning weapons (or with an homebrewed equivalent ability, I am thinking something able only to do a single, higher damage output attack as a full-round action).
Additional magic items, embedded or not, to mimick usual super robot attacks and abilities in (primary) interesting and (secondary) efficient ways are wanted. In this campaign, access to very powerfull magic item creating npc is quite easy, so do not worry in this sense. Money cost is more of an issue, since characters are still relatively low level.

Next on the list:
Breast Fire - A chest plate enabling a 3/day burning hands attack is the first item on my list (since it is also quite cheap).
Jet Scrander / Getter Wings - a flying cloak is definitely on the list, but too expensive at the moment.

2019-08-05, 01:54 PM
You’ll be a couple levels before you can afford this, but maybe start saving for a third eye sense (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/items/universalItems.htm#sense). Not only is it super useful in general, but I like the idea of a magic robot having a magical “camera” onboard.

2019-08-05, 06:08 PM
I once played a Warforged Spellthief who had a Spider Thief (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cw/20061009a) embedded in the back of one hand.

Was tremendously cute.

2019-08-05, 07:10 PM
playing a monk / psi warrior warforged (2nd/2nd at the moment). Money cost is more of an issue, since characters are still relatively low level.

Next on the list:
Breast Fire - A chest plate enabling a 3/day burning hands attack is the first item on my list (since it is also quite cheap).
Jet Scrander / Getter Wings - a flying cloak is definitely on the list, but too expensive at the moment.

You could do all of this with just feats to save money... You could get the Ki blast feat (breast fire), could have gotten the Fiery Fist feat at monk 2 (but maybe it's not too late to ask for a redo?), the Versatile Unarmed strike feat for slashing damage, the Ring the Golden Bell feat for ranged monk fist attacks (together, various stages of flying fists), and Wild Cohort to get a Dire Eagle to pick you up and carry you around when you call (jet scrander). That could be very Mazingeresque even without magic items.

Vrock Bait
2019-08-06, 03:31 AM
Well... in Dragon magazine 327, there was an article about magic items emulating modern tech.

The gem of location can project a three foot square map of a fixed geographic area(+5 to (local) and (geography))(faint illusion, CL 5th, Craft Wondrous Item, locate object, major image, 5000 gp).

The horn of recording can record up to 2 hours of sound, and play it back. Bards apparently refuse to play in taverns that have them. It’s faint illusion, CL3rd, is worth 750 gp, weighs one pound, and requires Wondrous Item and major image as crafting prereqs.

The memory crystal is basically a one use camera, and has some kind of fluff story about vampires. Taking a picture provokes a AoO, and teleporters looking at a picture can consider it “studied carefully”. Faint illusion; CL 1st, prereqs: Wondrous Item, silent image, 200 gp.

The Mirrors of Communication are video conference mirrors in sets of 2 to 18. Pretty much a Skype call you can’t turn off, and gaze attacks work through them. If multiple people talk through them, they jumble into &*$@, and you get a Listen DC10+ 5 per idiot talking check to understand what the Abyss they’re talking about. Faint divination, CL 5th. Prereqs are Wondrous Item, clairaudience/clairvoyance, weighs 6 pounds, and costs 30000 gp + 10000 per murderhobo connected.

There’s also some federal postal service and school folder rip-offs, but I’m not sure those will be useful for you.

2019-08-06, 06:12 PM
The lv3 spell when two become one from Oriental Adventures lets you fuse with your horse in a weird way that's more Grendizer than Mazinger.

The whirling blade spell (Complete Arcane/Spell Compendium) lets you throw your weapon to attack everything in a line, which is good for rocket punches or boomerangs.

thunderlance (Spell Compendium) also works if you want to pull a giant sword out of your chest.

Get your plating enchanted as fleshshifter armorBoVD for alter self at will, and use it to turn into animated objects.

2019-08-10, 11:12 AM
Thank you! SOme of the Items proposed are very interesting, expecially for a "lower quarter" level character.

2019-08-11, 03:56 PM
You could get the Ki blast feat (breast fire),Better than milk mastery I guess.

Minor schemas and psionic tattoos open up using low level spells that offer super robot like effects. Like understand languages is a universal translator.

2019-08-12, 06:17 AM
i would look up the already printed components fisrt, flying cape, for example is already in Races of Eberon, though, its an artifact....
Google is your friend as well.

Uncle Pine
2019-08-12, 06:44 AM
From another recent thread, +1 flying armor spikes for tiny rockets that shoot out from your body. Alternatively, cloud of knives can give you short-ranged orbiting weaponry that you can throw at your opponents.

Psionic circuits (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20031225a) are always a great way to add psionic goodies to otherwise mundane characters. What's more, they're inspired by logic gates and electronic components, so they play into the robot theme. They also work for spells, if you convert them to powers via ardent crafters or StP erudites.