View Full Version : 3rd Ed Questions about Affiliations

2019-08-05, 12:13 PM
Hey there, I'm playing in a campaign thats more grounded and less "standard" than normal. This campaign focuses heavily around professions, intrigue, and social interaction. My character has begun to gain some influence and wealth, nothing crazy by the book but decent in this world. I've recently spoken to my DM about starting to spread my influence by building up a base of employees and starting my own organization. I was looking at the affiliation rules as my base for starting a gig but I had some questions:

1) Do members of an affiliation pay dues? Or does the affiliation make any profit off of existing?

2) If someone starts an affiliation do they automatically get the executive powers? This seems like an obvious no.

3) Is there any way to turn an affiliation into a profit generating system by the rules without being cheesy?

4) Is there a better option than affiliations for what i'm looking to do? I looked into running a proper shop but the rules for that are just weak and focus primarily on my character handling things, while I'm looking to create a base of merchants under my brand.

Thanks for your time!

2019-08-19, 09:03 PM
1) this is noted specifically for each organization. which one(s) are you looking at?
2) if they meet the reqs, I don't see why not. gm probably won't go for it though
3) if your game relies on profession this is probably ok
4) what is it exactly you're trying to do? that might guide us to suggest different rules