View Full Version : Marvel Cinematic Universe intersects the DC Cinematic Universe

Tom Kalbfus
2019-08-05, 12:35 PM
What could bring these two universes together? What if a villain's plot goes awry, and a bunch of DCCU cities and other areas get deposited in the MCU. Where would Metropolis and Gotham city go in the Marvel Universe and what would be the consequences?

I think highways would not match up for one thing. I think I would place Metropolis adjacent to Staten Island on the New York side of the border, and Gotham City would go in New Jersey, there would be a number of half bridges that collapse into the water.

2019-08-05, 06:27 PM

It turns out Wikipedia has a much more specific answer than I realized about this.

2019-08-05, 06:33 PM
What could bring these two universes together?

Marvel buying out DC...or the reverse. Since that is not likely to happen, it wont.

2019-08-05, 07:06 PM
What could bring these two universes together? What if a villain's plot goes awry, and a bunch of DCCU cities and other areas get deposited in the MCU. Where would Metropolis and Gotham city go in the Marvel Universe and what would be the consequences?

I think highways would not match up for one thing. I think I would place Metropolis adjacent to Staten Island on the New York side of the border, and Gotham City would go in New Jersey, there would be a number of half bridges that collapse into the water.


Tom Kalbfus
2019-08-05, 07:57 PM
Marvel buying out DC...or the reverse. Since that is not likely to happen, it wont.
Well you know, this is a role playing site. hypothetically, if we made a role playing setting off of this, what would happen? If Metropolis is in the Tri State area, the Metropolis definitely should be in New York State, while Gotham City is in New Jersey.

here is a map
http://www.vidiani.com/maps/maps_of_north_america/maps_of_usa/large_detailed_road_map_of_new_york_city_and_its_e nvirons.jpg
Staten Island looks pretty big




Tom Kalbfus
2019-08-05, 08:03 PM
Its been done before, but having teams of Superheroes fight each other to see who's better seems rather silly and childish.

I think the key is Loki, seems there is a parallel Universe where Loki escapes the custody of the Avengers due to Future Avenger's Time Heist gone wrong in Endgame. Loki is the God of mischief after all, and maybe time4 meddling has weakened the borders between universes. I think blackouts would result due to the overload of extra population and mismatching powerlines and power plants, this will create a lot of chaos, the villains of the cities will have a field day as the authorities try to restore order. Lots of things for superheroes to do.

Reddish Mage
2019-08-05, 08:32 PM
Its been done before, but having teams of Superheroes fight each other to see who's better seems rather silly and childish.

I think the appropriate remarks include:

1. We are talking about a genre where humans fly and exceed the speed of light and fight villains who think sinking California is an excellent plan to make a killing in the real estate market.

2. You do realize what forum you are in?

3. What are you doing here again?

2019-08-05, 08:50 PM
Marvel buying out DC...or the reverse. Since that is not likely to happen, it wont.

More like Disney buying DC.

2019-08-07, 08:30 AM
Are you familiar with Amalgam comics?


Kitten Champion
2019-08-07, 08:50 AM
Are you familiar with Amalgam comics?


Is that supposed to be Nightcrawler merged with the Joker? The expression is Joker-ish and he's got green hair, but why the yellow gloves and boots?

Also, what's the trench coated silhouette guy in the top right supposed to be?

The Glyphstone
2019-08-07, 09:08 AM
Green Goblin, I think, not Joker.

Kitten Champion
2019-08-07, 09:14 AM
Green Goblin, I think, not Joker.

I mean, he definitely looks Green Goblin-ish, but Green Goblin is just a guy wearing a mask and isn't an actual Goblin like whatever Jackal is supposed to be. More importantly, it's supposed to be amalgamation of DC and Marvel Heroes/Villains. Why would they merge a X-Men with one of Spider-Man's villains? That would be like merging Beastboy with Lex Luthor.

The Glyphstone
2019-08-07, 09:25 AM
I mean, he definitely looks Green Goblin-ish, but Green Goblin is just a guy wearing a mask and isn't an actual Goblin like whatever Jackal is supposed to be. More importantly, it's supposed to be amalgamation of DC and Marvel Heroes/Villains. Why would they merge a X-Men with one of Spider-Man's villains? That would be like merging Beastboy with Lex Luthor.

Yeah, that makes sense - I forget who's from which stable sometimes.

So we've got Robin+Spiderman, Superman+Captain America, Wolverine+Batman, Dr. Fate+Dr. Strange, Storm+Wonder Woman.
Upper left is Dr. Doom + (Unknown).
Far left is (Unknown) +(Unknown).
Upper right...um....doesn't Gambit wear a trenchcoat like that? Hair doesn't really match, but that could be the amalgam.
Middle right, I think, you're correct in Joker+Nightcrawler.
Lower right...Cyborg + Bullseye is my best guess?

Darth Credence
2019-08-07, 09:33 AM
Is that supposed to be Nightcrawler merged with the Joker? The expression is Joker-ish and he's got green hair, but why the yellow gloves and boots?

Also, what's the trench coated silhouette guy in the top right supposed to be?

Nightcrawler was merged with The Creeper, aka Jack Ryder (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creeper_(DC_Comics)). I think he was called Nightcreeper.

As to the guy in the upper right, not sure. I think that it is Wraith, a combo of Gambit and Obsidian. I'd have to dig out my old comics to be positive, but I'm like 80% on it being Wraith. Hair and coat match what I remember.

ETA - as to the other questions, I think I know the rest.
Upper left is Dr. Doomsday, Dr. Doom and Doomsday amalgam.
far left is Kraven the Hunter and Cheetah from Wonder Woman.
Definitely Creeper, not the Joker.
The one on the right is Deadeye, a cross of Deadshot and Bullseye, with a bit of Crossfire thrown in for good measure.
And it was Superboy and Spider-Man, not Robin. Robin was crossed with Jubilee, and is not shown here.

2019-08-07, 09:56 AM
Dr. Fate+Dr. Strange

Under the helmet it is revealed that he is also Charles Xavier.

Middle right, I think, you're correct in Joker+Nightcrawler.

For his part Joker's merger... makes sense if you think of who the archnemesis of Dark Claw (Wolverine + Batman) is, it's Hyena (Joker + Sabertooth)


Kitten Champion
2019-08-07, 10:12 AM
Nightcrawler was merged with The Creeper, aka Jack Ryder (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creeper_(DC_Comics)). I think he was called Nightcreeper.

I've legitimately never heard of the Creeper, though that explains the Joker parallels. What a mysterious creative decision. The Creeper did seem to have something of a push in the mid-nineties according to wikipedia, though it chills me to my very core to consider that they just did it for the word-play with the names.

As to the guy in the upper right, not sure. I think that it is Wraith, a combo of Gambit and Obsidian. I'd have to dig out my old comics to be positive, but I'm like 80% on it being Wraith. Hair and coat match what I remember.

I would've guessed Gambit was half the equation, but trench coats are somewhat common in Marvel/DC. Looking at Obsidian's wiki-entry, I'd have crossed him over with Ghost Rider.

The one on the right is Deadeye, a cross of Deadshot and Bullseye, with a bit of Crossfire thrown in for good measure.

Deadeye's a cool name. It's not a great design even by these standards, but cool name.

And it was Superboy and Spider-Man, not Robin. Robin was crossed with Jubilee, and is not shown here.

Really? Though that does explain the Superman-shaped emblem over the spider-symbol upon closer examination. That's another mysterious decision. Like, why bother with the spider-theming at that point? You don't need to web-sling or crawl on walls anymore when you can fly, anything outside of the Spider-sense becomes redundant.

Generally, I think Spider-Man is more akin to Batman in terms of relative significance to their respective publishers and they would have a more natural synthesis if you're looking at the broader picture.

Edit: Joker x Sabertooth? Again, use Spider-Man x Batman here and you can do Joker x Green Goblin, or use the Jackal if you're working on the creepy laughter theming.

2019-08-07, 10:54 AM
Okay so here's the thing- really old comics tended to have a soft-crossover happen. You'd see Clark Kent occasionally in the background of Spider-Man comics. So yeah, it'd take some jiggering to make the details work out, but it's not unknown, and most comics have the illusion of change to status quo anyway so it's not like mixing universes really causes much to change.

Let's see...

First off, I'd highly recommend Metropolis and Gotham be folded into New York and... eh, Chicago. Gotham could be New York, but Marvel's New York is BUSY. I'm partial to Chicago slowly developing its superhero craze as the Bat-stuff grows.

Next, I'd probably look into putting Captain America on the original Justice Society of America during WW2. The Justice Avengers? I'm not sure how to merge that.

I'd also make Captain America the man that starts Wonder Woman off. Hey, both are named Steve, and it's world war 2.

2019-08-07, 01:28 PM
Is that supposed to be Nightcrawler merged with the Joker? The expression is Joker-ish and he's got green hair, but why the yellow gloves and boots?

The Joker was merged with Sabertooth, fitting as Batman was merged with Wolverine.

2019-08-08, 12:14 PM
Really? Though that does explain the Superman-shaped emblem over the spider-symbol upon closer examination. That's another mysterious decision. Like, why bother with the spider-theming at that point? You don't need to web-sling or crawl on walls anymore when you can fly, anything outside of the Spider-sense becomes redundant.

Generally, I think Spider-Man is more akin to Batman in terms of relative significance to their respective publishers and they would have a more natural synthesis if you're looking at the broader picture.

Edit: Joker x Sabertooth? Again, use Spider-Man x Batman here and you can do Joker x Green Goblin, or use the Jackal if you're working on the creepy laughter theming.

Don't assume all powers came over. Spider-Boy's powers....

Unique Physiology
Gravity Manipulation: Spider-Boy's primary power is the ability to redirect his own personal gravity, allowing him to shift the pull of gravity sideways and walk on walls.
Superhuman Durability: He can redirect personal gravity inward and boost his durability to superhuman levels.
Superhuman Strength: He can redirect personal gravity inward and boost his strength to superhuman levels.
Super-Leaping: He can lower his own gravity to leap higher and farther than a normal human.
Superhuman Agility: He supplements his ability with a Web-Shooter, a pistol that fires streams of synthetic webbing for the purposes of entangling enemies, or firing web-lines to swing from.
Regenerative Healing-Factor

So flight AND Spider-Sense never made it over.

2019-08-08, 12:29 PM
A much more likely outcome is that we get a Squadron Supreme (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squadron_Supreme) movie, which would either contain or be followed by their team clashing with the Avengers. Couple of reasons for that:

1) The SS characters, powers and origins are close enough to those of the JLA that you could get a decent what-if scenario going in the minds of the fans and writers alike, while being far enough removed that you don't have to deal with the massive OP-ness of the DC versions. Like, you could have Ironman taking a punch from Hyperion much more believably than one from Supes, and you don't have to worry about the Whizzer using the Speed Force to solo the entire Marvel team.

2) You get a lot of humor potential. Squadron Supreme are even darker and grittier versions of the JLA - e.g. what if Clark Kent's pod was picked up by the government instead of kindly Kansas farmers, and they raised him on a simulation of a farm instead so that he'd be loyal not just to his new home, but to its leadership specifically? You could use the SS to get in some choice digs at the grimdarkness of the DCEU thus far - kind of like Deadpool did, but moreso. You could even have their solo movie (if they get one) be a mashup of tones and visuals from across Snyder, Nolan, and Ayer.

3) The most obvious reason - SS is wholly owned by Marvel and has been for decades, so there's no legal issues to navigate. These sorts of scenarios are in fact exactly what they were invented for.

Kitten Champion
2019-08-08, 12:29 PM
Don't assume all powers came over. Spider-Boy's powers....

Unique Physiology
Gravity Manipulation: Spider-Boy's primary power is the ability to redirect his own personal gravity, allowing him to shift the pull of gravity sideways and walk on walls.
Superhuman Durability: He can redirect personal gravity inward and boost his durability to superhuman levels.
Superhuman Strength: He can redirect personal gravity inward and boost his strength to superhuman levels.
Super-Leaping: He can lower his own gravity to leap higher and farther than a normal human.
Superhuman Agility: He supplements his ability with a Web-Shooter, a pistol that fires streams of synthetic webbing for the purposes of entangling enemies, or firing web-lines to swing from.
Regenerative Healing-Factor

So flight AND Spider-Sense never made it over.

Seems more of a gravity-based hero at that point, with webs thrown in just to justify the spider motif.

If you merged Batman x Spider-Man, you'd just get Spider-Man Noir. Except wealthier and more prone to beating the mentally ill.

Tom Kalbfus
2019-08-08, 08:15 PM
Yeah, that makes sense - I forget who's from which stable sometimes.

So we've got Robin+Spiderman, Superman+Captain America, Wolverine+Batman, Dr. Fate+Dr. Strange, Storm+Wonder Woman.
Upper left is Dr. Doom + (Unknown).
Far left is (Unknown) +(Unknown).
Upper right...um....doesn't Gambit wear a trenchcoat like that? Hair doesn't really match, but that could be the amalgam.
Middle right, I think, you're correct in Joker+Nightcrawler.
Lower right...Cyborg + Bullseye is my best guess?
Why would Superman need a shield? Captain America uses one to deflect bullets, but Superman is bullet proof, he doesn't need a shield, he doesn't need to fling it around like a frizzle either, as he can fly and can use his heat vision.

Tom Kalbfus
2019-08-08, 08:22 PM
Okay so here's the thing- really old comics tended to have a soft-crossover happen. You'd see Clark Kent occasionally in the background of Spider-Man comics. So yeah, it'd take some jiggering to make the details work out, but it's not unknown, and most comics have the illusion of change to status quo anyway so it's not like mixing universes really causes much to change.

Let's see...

First off, I'd highly recommend Metropolis and Gotham be folded into New York and... eh, Chicago. Gotham could be New York, but Marvel's New York is BUSY. I'm partial to Chicago slowly developing its superhero craze as the Bat-stuff grows.

Next, I'd probably look into putting Captain America on the original Justice Society of America during WW2. The Justice Avengers? I'm not sure how to merge that.

I'd also make Captain America the man that starts Wonder Woman off. Hey, both are named Steve, and it's world war 2.

If you physically merge two cities, some buildings are going to have to replace others, or maybe you have a patch of Gother here, a patch of Metropolis there, replacing New York City blocks. The likely result would be power outages, people would not be able to access their bank accounts. What would Bruce Wayne do if his mansion appeared in the midle of CentrAL Park and he got no electricity?

2019-08-08, 08:36 PM
Don't assume all powers came over. Spider-Boy's powers....

Unique Physiology
Gravity Manipulation: Spider-Boy's primary power is the ability to redirect his own personal gravity, allowing him to shift the pull of gravity sideways and walk on walls.
Superhuman Durability: He can redirect personal gravity inward and boost his durability to superhuman levels.
Superhuman Strength: He can redirect personal gravity inward and boost his strength to superhuman levels.
Super-Leaping: He can lower his own gravity to leap higher and farther than a normal human.
Superhuman Agility: He supplements his ability with a Web-Shooter, a pistol that fires streams of synthetic webbing for the purposes of entangling enemies, or firing web-lines to swing from.
Regenerative Healing-Factor

So flight AND Spider-Sense never made it over.
This right here is a good start. Pretty sure MCU already has a Spider-Boy since Civil War. Technically, Rogers was already Super-Soldier since CA1.

IMO a crossover like this could be introduced by Deadpool/Green-La tern and Cable/Thanos. Then you'd have both a Watsonian and a Doylist explanation.