View Full Version : Simulacrum and arcane mark

2019-08-05, 07:46 PM
If I'm a wizard, can my simulacrum put my arcane mark on objects?

2019-08-05, 08:33 PM
I don't think there's anything stopping you from making an arcane mark that's visually identical to someone else's, but if it's for a mechanical purpose, for example, instant summons, each individual has their own arcane mark. It's yours in the sense that you made it, if the simulacrum made it, then it is, by definition, the simulacrum's and not yours, even if they look virtually identical.

If it's just for leaving a signature on the other hand, then sure.

Mr Adventurer
2019-08-06, 01:55 AM
I think the rules might not give a definite answer on this one.

I don't think there's anything stopping you from making an arcane mark that's visually identical to someone else's, but if it's for a mechanical purpose, for example, instant summons, each individual has their own arcane mark. It's yours in the sense that you made it, if the simulacrum made it, then it is, by definition, the simulacrum's and not yours, even if they look virtually identical.

If it's just for leaving a signature on the other hand, then sure.

I agree about the effect being unique to the caster. I do kind of like the idea that an arcane mark is a genuinely unique mark that only you can do, though, rather than only a kind of magical writing.

In such a case, I'd say that the simulacrum produces a simulacrum of your arcane mark. It looks just like yours, but the unique effect is still for your simulacrum, not for you. I'd also say that reading an arcane mark made by a simulacrum while using a method that would reveal the simulacrum (true seeing) would also reveal the arcane mark isn't what it seems.

But that's just how I'd go with it.

2019-08-06, 06:23 AM
Wizard Mark is unique to the individual creating it. You can't copy their Wizard Mark just by making a Simulacrum of them. Or, at least, that's what I've always been told.