View Full Version : How does one train his NPC?

2019-08-06, 06:40 PM
After your latest succes your DM informs the party that someone showed up willing to follow the party and help as best as he can.

He will do your chores, do skill check, carry the loot, guard while you sleep and all the boring things an adventurer shouldn't be bothered with. He will do about anything since the party saved his life and that of everyone he knows but he will not help directly in combat and will run to the nearest safe place at the beginning of a fight.

The DM informs that he is exactly what you were looking for since you will decide this race, class (character level is 2/3 of the party rounded down) , skill ranks, feats ecc...
He will work for free but you have to take kare of his equipment, food ecc...

So how is the perfect follower NPC?

2019-08-06, 09:07 PM
Appraise, diplomacy, handle animal, first aid, k- local, survival, sense motive, spot, listen and search are the skills I'd want the npc to have. Someone who can tend to the animals, handle selling loot, find the party a good inn for the night or set up a camp in the woods.

Something with a high wisdom as well. I'd give it shapesand so it can barricade itself in a safe spot during fights, and spell stitching may be a thing.

2019-08-06, 09:19 PM
No reason why this "NPC" couldn't offer to sell everything for the player to shopkeepers, pick up gear for them, etcetera. And with high checks in diplomacy, forgery, and bluff, no reason why he or she couldn't be skimming a bit off the top for themselves while presenting "receipts" to prove they're doing everything correctly.

2019-08-06, 10:42 PM
Depends on what (s)he is

Fan boy awestruck holds the torches. Becomes bard see A knights tale the naked dude.

Low level ranger keeps the party alive in specific situations never realizing he is doing it.

5th level mage. Camp spells alarm,tiny hut, rope trick. Not able to learn fireball.

Thief always has just the right thing handy see tassloff burlfoot kender.

2019-08-07, 01:21 AM
No reason why this "NPC" couldn't offer to sell everything for the player to shopkeepers, pick up gear for them, etcetera. And with high checks in diplomacy, forgery, and bluff, no reason why he or she couldn't be skimming a bit off the top for themselves while presenting "receipts" to prove they're doing everything correctly.

Let's just assume that his gratitude is the reason why he or she does this and that he or she knows that a single bad bluff opposed by a decent sense motive would probably lead to a horrible death.