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2007-10-11, 10:31 AM
I am running a superhero RPG. This got me to thinking what people thought the 'coolest' superpowers are.

For my nephew, it is shape-changing.
For my son, it is... well... anything, really.

So, I ask you, fellow forumites, what are your favorite superpowers and why? You are not limited to just one.

Emperor Demonking
2007-10-11, 10:32 AM
Shapechanging and anything that begins with tele.

Rex Blunder
2007-10-11, 10:40 AM
I think when asked what superpower they'd like, "flying" and "invisibility" come up a lot.

A lot more often than "being able to make anything as long as it's green", "communication with fish" and "being able to turn into various states of water", but I guess those are fine too.

2007-10-11, 10:43 AM
I like shapeshifting, reality warping, transmutation, force-field generation, telekinesis, mind control....

Basically, I generally take anything!

Mr. Friendly
2007-10-11, 10:44 AM
Not to be cliche` but Flying and Invisibility. Invincibility, Invulnerability and Immortality are all pretty sweet too.

2007-10-11, 10:45 AM
Super-speed: once you're fast enough, you don't need to worry about mistakes since you can fix them before anyone knows, and hitting that fast is practically super-strength. And of course, nothing beats the whole "running incredibly fast" thing.

Green Bean
2007-10-11, 10:49 AM
True shapeshifting is pretty awesome. You'd never outgrow your old clothes, you can avoid plastic surgery, and even fit through key holes and cracks in walls. Plus, if you get precise enough control over it, you can start messing around with bodily functions. Ever wanted to shoot stomach acid from your eye sockets? :smalltongue:

2007-10-11, 10:51 AM
Teleportation. I thought so before I saw Nightcrawler's first scene in the X-Men movies, but that certainly supported it.

Lord Tataraus
2007-10-11, 10:59 AM
The power to use other people's powers, but better than rogue does it. Of course my favorite by far has to be from the M&M 2e: Nemesis (boosted to ridiculous cheese with reaction activation).

2007-10-11, 11:03 AM
Super-Reflexes, feels like the world is moving a little sluggishly until you concentrate or are in danger and everything really slows down. Best paired with firearm skills or martial arts skills.

THE list.

2007-10-11, 11:04 AM
My top three will always be telekinesis, telepathy and mind control.

Flying would also be pretty cool, though.

Azerian Kelimon
2007-10-11, 11:09 AM
Reality warpers. As long as you focus enough, you can change ANYTHING. An excellent power, and perhaps THE one with most responsibility on top. It's like playing a wizard, but stronger.

Fax Celestis
2007-10-11, 11:12 AM
Save points (http://theferrett.livejournal.com/623545.html).

2007-10-11, 11:17 AM
Made completly out of energy. Or the ability to absorbe all other superpowers arround me like from Heroes.

2007-10-11, 11:21 AM
Really, much of a superpower's coolness comes from its' depiction.

Shapeshifting is pretty cool... but what if you could only shapeshift into one thing? Less cool, right?

Unless its', say, the characters' Totem Animal (TM). Shapeshifting as mysticism is, IMO, cooler than the same power depicted as, say, genetic heritage.

Super-strength is kinda middling on the cool meter... unless it's fueled by your unbridled rage, ala the Hulk...

And so on.

2007-10-11, 11:32 AM
Having Empathy/Telepathy like the Mule from Issac Asimov "Foundation" series.

Besides the ablity to conquer the world in three easy steps, you also have the ability overclock human beings. And that's awesome.

2007-10-11, 11:35 AM
Telekinesis/pyrokinesis. Especially in a character with a lot of raw power, but a minimal amount of discipline, and a bad habit of losing control of themselves under stress. Everything just starts whipping around the room an bursting into flames.

Also, courtesy of my significant other:
The ability to explode into a fine, red mist and reassemble oneself at will. Imagine standing in a line at the airport, casually checking your watch, then telling the person next to you "I have to go, now" before doing that?

2007-10-11, 11:38 AM
id like something like iceman

The white witch stole his body for a bit and at the end of the comic iceman was crying because he realized he never fully used his powers.

2007-10-11, 12:08 PM
Telepathy -- just reading minds. Also the Molecule Man's power of control over all molecules. Less issues than reality bending, yet effectively the same thing.

2007-10-11, 12:26 PM
Invincibility. Not the type where you regenerate as soon as you get hit. The type where bullets bounce off you and people shatter swords on your head with no effect.

Heat Ray eyes. I've imagined having these since I was a kid.

Time Alteration. Superspeed time up for you and punch someone in the face at 6,000 mph. Or, slow it down and wait 6 months in a day for you (for the heat to die down after you do that face punch)

Diplomancy. Just like in DnD. Your words are completely irresistible. You need to talk to someone for less than a minute to turn them into an absolute fanatic for your cause.

Lord Zentei
2007-10-11, 12:30 PM
Reality warping > everything else.

Failing that, I second the vote for "anything that starts with 'tele'".

If you're getting into a lot of scrapes, a TK shield like Supes has is definately going to be handy.

2007-10-11, 12:35 PM
At a gut, "this would be cool" level, it has to be flight followed very closely by shapeshifting.

Invulnerability, super-speed or just super-agility (more than super-strength), and telekinesis are also near the top of the list.

And of course, who wouldn't like a super-mental-attribute? The equivalent of a +5 tome for intelligence, charisma, or wisdom (probably in that order, though mostly because I would see super-intelligence in the real world as doing a lot of super-wisdom's job in a D&D world).

2007-10-11, 12:40 PM
punch someone in the face at 6,000 mph

I also thought that would be cool, but then I realised how badly that would ruin your hand, arm, probably a large part of your torso. I mean, if you fell over with superspeed, you're wrecked beyond any, and I mean any hope of repair...

So I'll go withmind control for the win! Also, the ability to know any fact at will, or foresee the future, or stop time, or, or, or, SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

2007-10-11, 12:44 PM
I've always wanted the ability to stop time+immortality. At least once a day I think of a time when I would kill for some DMM time stop.

Shy of that, the ability to enter a realm outside of time where you are god has always struck me as cool. Sure, you can't control what goes on in the outside world, but who cares?

2007-10-11, 12:48 PM
Intangibility is my favorite superpower, without a doubt. "Walking through walls", you say, "what's so great about that?" Why walls? Think about it; you can pass through any solid object. Not only would that make you the perfect thief or spy, but you'd also be positively lethal (if somewhat gruesome) in close combat.

Example: A street tough stabs at you with a knife and you sidestep (or just let him pass through you.) Casually, you grasp his arm and reach through, pulling out his humerus. Suddenly, he doesn't want to fight anymore.

Icky, no?

2007-10-11, 01:08 PM
Telekinesis is nifty. I vote for good ol' TK

2007-10-11, 01:42 PM
I also thought that would be cool, but then I realised how badly that would ruin your hand, arm, probably a large part of your torso. I mean, if you fell over with superspeed, you're wrecked beyond any, and I mean any hope of repair...

So I'll go withmind control for the win! Also, the ability to know any fact at will, or foresee the future, or stop time, or, or, or, SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

LOL. I can picture it now....

The Flash takes off, streaking down the side of the road at ten times the speed of a fighter jet. Suddenly, the trips in a pothole, causing him to hit the pavement at Mach 2. He tumbles head over heel for then next three miles, finaly comming to a stop when he colides with the cement wall of the overpass at 150mph. Every bone in his body is shattered, every organ pulverized beyond any recognition. He was pronounced dead at the scene...

2007-10-11, 01:47 PM
awww man, dont make me choose!

I'd probably have to go with...either gravity control (tk with no effective upper limits, no matter how heavy it is, it always falls in the direction of gravity), or sound control

2007-10-11, 01:54 PM
I also thought that would be cool, but then I realised how badly that would ruin your hand, arm, probably a large part of your torso. I mean, if you fell over with superspeed, you're wrecked beyond any, and I mean any hope of repair...

Well of course that isn't a factor! You're a superhero. Physics apply only enough for you to break them at will.

2007-10-11, 02:39 PM
Time control/travel. You literally can't beat it.

Well, except through PLOT preventing it from doing anything really useful (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main.HitlersTimeTravelExemptionAct)...

2007-10-11, 02:59 PM
Save points (http://theferrett.livejournal.com/623545.html).

You may find this to be of interest (http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=737126)

2007-10-11, 03:03 PM
Mind Control. Gotta love them minions!

Failing that, Technopathy.

2007-10-11, 03:04 PM
I'll taker some of all of the above with some of those posted after me ....o...and the power to manifest irresitable powder coated donuts covered in penut butter that come with no beverage to wash them down...BWHAHAHAHA

2007-10-11, 03:17 PM
Another thing that I think would be funky is creating illusions. This could be part of mind control, or something completely different, but just imagine the fun you could have!

2007-10-11, 04:29 PM
The super power I most want to have personally is X-Ray Vision, or more precisely, the ability to see through solid objects. Now, the reason I'd like this power over more glamorous or useful abilities is that I personally have a funky eye condition... a minor case of Lazy eye where my eyes see perfectly parallel to each other, and never both center on a specific object... I can't go cross-eyed no matter how I try. One of my eyes is dominant, so generally I just see out of that eye, but whenever I look at any object, from almost any distance, I see both the object, and a shadowy overlaid image of what's behind it, because my other eye is seeing from a different perspective. Because I've seen this way all my life, it feels like I've almost got X-Ray vision, and thus I'm constantly thinking about that power.

Other than that, Super Strength and Invisibility are favorites of mine, and Mr. Fantastic style Elasticity is another one I think gets a lot less credit than it deserves.

2007-10-11, 04:42 PM
The PK powers that Ness from the game Earthbound has. Or mario abilities, minus the italian plumber.

2007-10-11, 04:48 PM
Probably shape-shifting (animal-wise), or mind-control, simply so no one else has it.

2007-10-11, 04:52 PM
The Flash's superpowers. I think his super-speed is vastly underrated most of the time. I would post a small bit of text that refers to this, but I won't due to adult language.

2007-10-11, 04:52 PM
This question really has three answers. Answer A is what power would people have if they had it in the real world- flight is a typical answer here. Answer B is what would be a good power to have in a game where everyone has powers- offensive powers like flame control are typical here. Answer C is the answer you get from power gamers- power stealing and mind control are common here.

For me, A: Shapeshifting B: Telekinesis C: Illusions

Cade Shadow
2007-10-11, 05:02 PM
II am always torn with this question

If its a world where I am alone, or there are tons of high level heroes:

Telepathy (ability to influence others minds, send thoughts/emotions/commands and recieve) coupled with telekinesis (atomic scale to celestial scale) or magic

If in a world where there are few of us (preferably in one area, like forming the only superhero team) or lots of medium level heroes

Something like Static Shock (I miss that show) or transmutation (including changing people's minds/memories) or to be a healer-type person, or magic

If in a world where there are lots of low level heroes, or a couple of small groups of us

Magic, or healing, or slowed aging

2007-10-11, 05:27 PM
Clearly, the correct answer to this question is the ability to spontaneously create small, adorable animals from nothing.

2007-10-11, 05:50 PM
Time control fo-sho.

Illiterate Scribe
2007-10-11, 06:19 PM
A Sarrukh's Manipulate Form ability.

2007-10-11, 06:50 PM
Shapechanging is one of the most awesome, because it comes with the powers of flight, invisibility, superstrength, and breathing underwater. Also, Mr Fantastic-ness. The only things that can really compete are telepathy and time control.

2007-10-11, 07:31 PM
Gotta go with Save points.
Being able to activate/deactivate the ability to read minds. This way you don't go crazy from hearing people's thoughts.
Plus, if you know exactly what someone thinks: it makes it harder for them to hurt you.

2007-10-11, 09:22 PM
One potentially uber power is precognition, I mean come on, the ability to see what’s going to happen before it does is so freaking cool. Now the best kind is the kind that doesn’t let you see very far, that’s a little too much on the cheese side of things. However the ability to see no more than say, five minutes into the future would be so freaking cool. You’d know what’s around the corner before you get to it, and It’d make you invincible in close combat. You’d know what your opponents’ moves are before he does.

Another, cool power is super luck, Like Domino from X-force fame. While it’s not very powerful in the scope of things, its at least cool. Just imagine that stupidly dangerous stunt you’re about to pull actually works out to your advantage ( and you not suffering any injury from it). Plus it’ll make you look cool in that daring hero look.

oh yeah and regeneration and 12 inch long indestructible claws are always popular (and cool) too.

2007-10-11, 09:33 PM
I love topics like these.

Telepathy could be fun if it functioned like a search engine, but the information is thoughts and memories and things of the person whose mind you're reading. If it were things like, "I could really go for a PB&J," and finally realizing that no one actually likes you, it could get annoying and terrible for your ego.

A fun but thoroughly evil one would be memory manipulation--you could add memories, erase memories, etcetera. If it worked on a wide scale, you could do a lot of vigilante work completely wiping the memories of people and then erase any memories that incriminate you.

I'd probably either go with simple shapeshifting or complete invulnerability, though.

Or water manipulations. Human beings are composed of about 70% water after all. Ever wonder what would happen if all that water were removed?

Yargh! Too many to choose from.

I hate topics like these. :smallwink:

The Demented One
2007-10-11, 09:34 PM
I think the ability to create aurora borealis-es would be useless, but amazingly cool.

2007-10-11, 09:38 PM
I think the ability to create aurora borealis-es would be useless, but amazingly cool.

You know what? Screw everything I just said. The Demented One has opened my eyes.

The point of a superpower isn't necessarily always the most effective possible.

It is, at least for me, the coolest (sometimes).

I revise all previous statements I made. I want to be able to produce and control blue flame. Or green flame. Like the color you get from burning copper (or whatever it is that has something to do with copper) in a bunsen burner.

2007-10-11, 09:50 PM
Being able to cast Gate at will. Seriously.

Aside from that, I'd have generic magic abilities(ie. Fireball, Teleport, Gust of Wind) or perfect recollection(being able to remember the exact words of a book or speech at will, able to recreate any painting or artwork exactly).

Edit: Screw that stuff, I want to ability to control earth. Need to go to [Random Country]? Make a hole and ride a car through the world. Building falling on you? Create a 40ft. solid shield of Diamond. Need some money? Create a 40ft. solid shield of Diamond and break it in to transportable chunks.

2007-10-11, 11:40 PM
One: The ability to remove the life force from others for various purposes. You know, forstalling the judgement, healing my wounds, circumventing the need for food, and so on.
Two: The ability to steal someone elses body. I don't care If I'm body switching or just swallowing the Lifeforce as I dominate, but nothing says disguise like Actually possesing a body, and thn just moving on. After all, living as long as you certainly would, you would have no particular attahment to any particular body.

2007-10-11, 11:41 PM

No wait, that's DragonForce.

(I don't get it either).

Also, spatial teleportation might be cool. Some of the effects of time travel without the potential to cause major paradoxes.

2007-10-11, 11:45 PM
Being able to see emotional damage as physical and convert between the two. Has the potential to be used for good or be blasted nasty, is highly symbolic, and could have some interesting healing applications.

Irreverent Fool
2007-10-11, 11:52 PM
Super strength. My character in the Marvel RPG a friend runs has both super strength and enhanced toughness. He soaks up damage like crazy and can do things like grab a pickup and toss it down the street. There's something to be said for the old standbys...

...also, I'm not exactly a good-guy. At one point Spidey showed up and I gave the rest of my team time to get away by throwing cars full of innocent bystanders into the air to distract him. (he caught them all, nobody innocent has died yet)

2007-10-11, 11:57 PM
Super strength. My character in the Marvel RPG a friend runs has both super strength and enhanced toughness. He soaks up damage like crazy and can do things like grab a pickup and toss it down the street. There's something to be said for the old standbys...

...also, I'm not exactly a good-guy. At one point Spidey showed up and I gave the rest of my team time to get away by throwing cars full of innocent bystanders into the air to distract him. (he caught them all, nobody innocent has died yet)

That's how you distracted Spidey? I'd have torn open one vehicle, then started trowing the individual people into mortal peril, in 6 differant directions.

2007-10-12, 12:24 AM
As the sort of person who's one core pleasure in life is making the lives of those I care about better, and destroying those that would oppose that goal, telepathy is the ideal power to have. The ability to read, project, and alter thought is just too perfect. The single biggest friend and foe to healthy, happy relationships lies with communication, with that power, I could fix that. The realization that it will never happen saddens me a little inside.

2007-10-12, 12:32 AM
The super power I most want to have personally is X-Ray Vision, or more precisely, the ability to see through solid objects. Now, the reason I'd like this power over more glamorous or useful abilities is that I personally have a funky eye condition... a minor case of Lazy eye where my eyes see perfectly parallel to each other, and never both center on a specific object... I can't go cross-eyed no matter how I try. One of my eyes is dominant, so generally I just see out of that eye, but whenever I look at any object, from almost any distance, I see both the object, and a shadowy overlaid image of what's behind it, because my other eye is seeing from a different perspective. Because I've seen this way all my life, it feels like I've almost got X-Ray vision, and thus I'm constantly thinking about that power.

Think of the fun at social events. Yelling, "Hey, the Mayor is wearing Simpsons boxers," would really break the ice in a tense situation.

Personally, I'd like the ability to create my own demiplane where only I can go and time never passes. I can finally get my 15 hours of sleep on a school day.:smallbiggrin:

2007-10-12, 12:35 AM
Oh, and try this on for size: Penetration Vision, 360 degree vision. Keep tabs on everybody, everywhere, in every way.

Irreverent Fool
2007-10-12, 12:44 AM
That's how you distracted Spidey? I'd have torn open one vehicle, then started trowing the individual people into mortal peril, in 6 differant directions.

Not quite that evil yet, not to mention tearing open a vehicle and plucking the buckled-in passengers is a bit more difficult than sticking a couple hands under it and flipping it into the sky.

But I'll file that away for future use.

2007-10-12, 12:46 AM
Just remember to keep one as a hostage.
You need incentive not to be shot at.

2007-10-12, 01:22 AM
Omega level telekinesis. Think Dark Pheonix at the end of X-men 3. Why walk when you can hover! Car about to hit you? Car ceases to exist! Someone shoots a Cure needle at you? Needle, gun and shooter cease to exist!

Darkforce/Green lantern ring: Why limit yourself to one power when you could have them all!

True Ressurection: Never fear the Reaper again! Think Jack Harkness for what this is!

2007-10-12, 12:51 PM
As long as we pumping out the big guns, the coolest power is the Pheonix Force. Unlimited cosmic power, constant resucitation when receiving solar energy.

2007-10-12, 02:50 PM
The ability to punch people through the Internet. My superhero name would be The Internet Friend. It would totally rock; just think about it.

2007-10-12, 03:30 PM
The ability to draw really good, and really fast.

2007-10-12, 04:00 PM
Ohh, here's a good one.

The ability to turn into ice and then shapeshift with great force and add water to your temporary ice form (but still taking full damage wherever you get hit). Dangerous around heat but being able to burrow, climb sheer surfaces, slow your fall or grab onto nearby walls like a monk, use your body to impale enemies.

Hard to render into a game though I suppose.

2007-10-12, 04:30 PM
Being able to absorb and re-focus kitnetic energy.

Been punched around alot? Focus all that energy through one finger and blast your enemy away!!