View Full Version : Reach Rod 3.5?

2019-08-07, 07:50 PM
Long story short a buddy of mine in our current campaign is using reach through a Metamagic Rod. I didn't think anything of it at first since I knew metamagic rods exist.

But now I'm creating a new character in this campaign and wanted a reach rod of my own. I've dug through lots of source books to find this yet I can't. He refuses to look claimed it was in the magic item compendium but I just can't find it. I know The reach metamagic feat is in complete divine but the rod is not.

I've dove through source material, Google searches, forums and can't find this thing. We play by the book in our group. This thing doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned and he's refusing to look for it. He says it's there he found it and it's price but can't remember the book or the price.

I'm a 25 year DND veteran I call shenanigans.

2019-08-07, 07:54 PM
Long story short a buddy of mine in our current campaign is using reach through a Metamagic Rod. I didn't think anything of it at first since I knew metamagic rods exist.

But now I'm creating a new character in this campaign and wanted a reach rod of my own. I've dug through lots of source books to find this yet I can't. He refuses to look claimed it was in the magic item compendium but I just can't find it. I know The reach metamagic feat is in complete divine but the rod is not.

I've dove through source material, Google searches, forums and can't find this thing. We play by the book in our group. This thing doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned and he's refusing to look for it. He says it's there he found it and it's price but can't remember the book or the price.

I'm a 25 year DND veteran I call shenanigans.

If you've been that thorough, it probably doesn't exist. That being said, if you or the DM allow metamagic rods of all the other types... Why not just make a Reach Rod at the appropriate price, based on spell level adjustment?

2019-08-07, 08:15 PM
A lot of people house-rule metamagic rods of various metamagics that don't actually appear as items in books. They usually base pricing on existing metamagic rods.

There's no real issue with this, as long as the DM approves it. A rod that emulates Reach Spell isn't inherently any more unbalanced than a rod the emulates Empower Spell.

2019-08-07, 08:27 PM
It's worth noting a Metamagic Reach rod does exist under Pathfinder. (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rods/metamagic-rods/metamagic-reach/)

That said, is the concern more about the spells he's Reach-ing than the rod? Not every spell gets to be reached, only those that are touch range.

2019-08-07, 09:42 PM
Magic Item Compendium page 165

2019-08-07, 09:44 PM
Magic Item Compendium page 165

Well there you go: 100% official.