View Full Version : Sorcerer Only spells

2019-08-08, 03:47 PM
Question for the Playground: From my research, I've discovered that pretty much all spellcasting classes have at least one class-specific spell, not accessible outside of the class (bar Magic Secrets obviously). The only class that I can't seem to think of any for is Sorcerer. Are there any Sorcerer specific spells? If so, what are they?

2019-08-08, 03:58 PM
Question for the Playground: From my research, I've discovered that pretty much all spellcasting classes have at least one class-specific spell, not accessible outside of the class (bar Magic Secrets obviously). The only class that I can't seem to think of any for is Sorcerer. Are there any Sorcerer specific spells? If so, what are they?

Chaos Bolt. From XGtE, p.151.

It sucks compared to Chromatic Orb unless you need the extra 30 ft. range or the lack of material components (for completely Subtle casting without components).

Can't be Twinned either. The extra dice rolls may also annoy your DM and tablemates.

2019-08-08, 04:01 PM
Wizard Envy
School:illusion, or maybe enchantment. Who knows?
Casting time: 1 hour
Range: all targets within earshot
Components: V,S
Duration: 24 hours (or 48 with extend spell!)

The sorcerer loudly and irately chants about how they are unfairly restricted on known spells, unable to change their known spells easily, unable to cast rituals and how the wizard spell list is just so much cooler.

After casting the spell, all within earshot must make a wisdom save or feel that the sorcerer has clearly made their point, and certain that the powers that be will surely intervene and alter the nature of the universe to address this cosmic imbalance.

2019-08-08, 04:11 PM
Wizard Envy
School:illusion, or maybe enchantment. Who knows?
Casting time: 1 hour
Range: all targets within earshot
Components: V,S
Duration: 24 hours (or 48 with extend spell!)

The sorcerer loudly and irately chants about how they are unfairly restricted on known spells, unable to change their known spells easily, unable to cast rituals and how the wizard spell list is just so much cooler.

After casting the spell, all within earshot must make a wisdom save or feel that the sorcerer has clearly made their point, and certain that the powers that be will surely intervene and alter the nature of the universe to address this cosmic imbalance.

(And Wizards getting free metamagic for their chosen school! Especially those damned Evokers and their Sculpts rubbing it in the sorcerer's face!)

Don't forget Bard and Warlock envy either. Especially Warlock.

2019-08-08, 06:41 PM

2019-08-08, 06:45 PM
{scrub the post, scrub the quote}

wow two stong!!!

Edit: Wait was that a joke or was he the real guy.

2019-08-08, 08:44 PM
In the core rules, there is no such spell. The closest is Dominate Beast, which can also be cast by druids, nature clerics, and archfey or great old one warlocks. All told, there are only eight spells, total, that a sorcerer gets that a wizard does not.

In an all-books environment, there still is no such spell. Chaos Bolt, mentioned above, isn't on any other class list, but if you're using Ravnica, then any spellcaster with the Izzet guild background can get it. And it's the only non-core spell that's on the sorcerer list but not wizard.

For other classes:

In an all-books environment, Power Word: Heal is the only bard-exclusive spell. In core, there's also Vicious Mockery and Compulsion, but Vicious Mockery is on the Rakdos guild list, and Compulsion is on the Azorius guild list and the Order domain.

In an all-books environment, clerics strictly speaking don't have any exclusive spells, because the Divine Soul sorcerer can get any of them. Other than that, they have Conjure Celestials, Divine Word, Harm, Word of Recall, Holy Aura, and Mass Heal, plus a few others that appear on non-core lists.

Druids get Primal Savagery, Shillelagh, and Thorn Whip, though being cantrips, those can be picked up via Magic Initiate or tome warlock. They also get Flame Blade, Maelstrom, Reincarnate, Druid Grove, Primordial Ward, Transport via Plants, Wall of Thorns, Animal Shapes, Storm of Vengeance, Bones of the Earth, Wind Walk, and Tsunami.

Paladins get only Thunderous Smite, Find Steed, Aura of Purity, and Find Greater Steed. There are a bunch of others that aren't on any other class list, but are on some subclass or background (usually non-core).

Rangers get Zephyr Strike, Hail of Thorns, Cordon of Arrows, Lightning Arrow, Conjure Volley, and Swift Quiver.

Warlocks get Eldritch Blast, Arms of Hadar, Hex, Hunger of Hadar, and Shadow of Moil.

And wizards get Grease, Wall of Sand, Tiny Servant, Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound, Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum, Bigby's Hand, Rary's Telepathic Bond, Drawmij's Instant Summons, Otiluke's Freezing Sphere, Wall of Ice, Tensor's Transformation, Contingency, Create Homunculus, Magic Jar, Sequester, Simulacrum, Telepathy, Maze, Mighty Fortress, Clone, Illusory Dragon, Weird, Invulnerability, and Prismatic Wall. Though a few of those are rituals (available to tome warlocks and those with the Ritual Caster feat), and the ones of fourth level or lower could be taken by an Eldritch Knight or Arcane Trickster.

2019-08-08, 10:01 PM
Yeah nah, there aren't any except for Chaos Bolt.

However you can find plenty of 'brewed ones if you have a look around. There's the Complete Tome of Spells which contains hundreds for example.

2019-08-09, 10:53 AM
They have Metamagic for that. (In that sense they have more potent Versions of the Spells that other classes know the base Version of)

And Wizards would really, REALLY suck if DMs would let their BBEGs do the logical thing and go after the Wizards Spellbook.

2019-08-09, 12:14 PM
Eh, a wizard without their spellbook just means that they have the same spells prepared every day, and they can't cast rituals they haven't prepared. And the number of spells they have prepared will still be more than a sorcerer knows.

Plus, of course, if the BBEG is capable of getting at the wizard's spellbook before the big fight, they're capable of getting at the wizard herself, too. Why leave an enemy just mildly inconvenienced, when you can kill them instead?

2019-08-09, 12:21 PM
Eh, a wizard without their spellbook just means that they have the same spells prepared every day, and they can't cast rituals they haven't prepared. And the number of spells they have prepared will still be more than a sorcerer knows.

Only they can't prepare those spells for the day after they lost their diary because, you know, they're senile old men. If they could remember the spells from the day before, they would still have access to them despite preparing new spells, but they don't, so they can't.

And before you start citing rules, i am kidding of course. You are absolutely correct. The simple fact that the Wizard is still alive is pure metagaming in most campaigns. If this were PVP the FIRST thing you'd do is take out the glass canon. Not the last thing.

2019-08-09, 02:05 PM
Only they can't prepare those spells for the day after they lost their diary because, you know, they're senile old men. If they could remember the spells from the day before, they would still have access to them despite preparing new spells, but they don't, so they can't.

And before you start citing rules, i am kidding of course. You are absolutely correct. The simple fact that the Wizard is still alive is pure metagaming in most campaigns. If this were PVP the FIRST thing you'd do is take out the glass canon. Not the last thing.

Taking out the glass cannon with Shield, Absorb Elements, Misty Step, etc. is easier said than done. Enemies with humanoid intellect should 100% try. It's easier said than done though. Wizards guard their spellbook and their life with quite the jealousy for a good reason.

2019-08-10, 07:36 AM
Taking out the glass cannon with Shield, Absorb Elements, Misty Step, etc. is easier said than done.

If you say so. In my Experience (from the point of view of someone who tried to keep them alive) not really. That's what makes them Glas Cannons.

2019-08-10, 10:20 AM
Taking out the glass cannon with Shield, Absorb Elements, Misty Step, etc. is easier said than done. Enemies with humanoid intellect should 100% try. It's easier said than done though. Wizards guard their spellbook and their life with quite the jealousy for a good reason.

While true, even with those buffs its an easier task than taking out the paladin, Barbarian, or other Martial class to be sure.

2019-08-10, 11:25 AM
If you say so. In my Experience (from the point of view of someone who tried to keep them alive) not really. That's what makes them Glas Cannons.

True, to a degree. It comes down to Wizarding experience and of course parry coordination too: Wizard wears no armor and typically has good Dex so stealth-based defenses with Minor Image spam during overland travel can make it hard to even spot the Wizard before he's already raining nukes rendering your whole team unable to fight, and of course Wizard should always strive to disable the enemies that pose threat to him (have powerful long range attacks the Wizard cannot easily get at least resistance go, or antimagic abilities).

Much of their survivability comes down to positioning and using auxiliaries, be they minions or party mates, as meatshields that can tax enemies going for the Wizard. Of course, the other half comes down to judicious use of their magic in all its forms: misdirection, mobility, barriers, minions, disables, reactive defenses. And mundane/magical comboes like stealth and disguise.

Wizard is quite possibly the class most reliant on actively using their abilities to not only take down their enemies, but also to keep themselves as safe as possible while doing so. With many classes it's down to going through their HP while Wizards have a lot of stuff to throw between the enemy and their HP too.

While true, even with those buffs its an easier task than taking out the paladin, Barbarian, or other Martial class to be sure.

Yes, but those classes are basically forced to be in the harm's way while Wizards do all in their power to be as far from there as possible. So it kinda evens out. And then Wizards have minions and potentially even partymates that are likely to make it difficult to get to the Wizard in the first place . All of this combined makes a cunning Wizard quite possibly the most difficult class to take down, particularly around spell levels 5-6 (ECL9-11).

2019-08-10, 11:25 AM
While true, even with those buffs its an easier task than taking out the paladin, Barbarian, or other Martial class to be sure.

True at lower levels (except for Dwarf Abjurers, Wizards with a 1 level Cleric/Fighter dip, and possibly Bladesingers). Gets less and less true as you move up levels and the Wizard gets more and more defensive buffs to play with (including some long duration ones, like Contingency) and can afford to go full-on old-school paranoid Wizard. Plus they also get a decent chunk of no-save-you-just-suck BFC options.

And even then it's usually hard to reach a Wizard in the first place, because most don't sit on the front lines near the enemies.


And Wizards would really, REALLY suck if DMs would let their BBEGs do the logical thing and go after the Wizards Spellbook.

Magic Mouth the spellbook. Arcane Lock the spellbook (after putting into small container). Use Leomund's Secret Chest. Never sleep or rest anywhere without a Leomund's Tiny Hut up. (unless there is no other option)

Really paranoid ones just take Keen Mind as a feat tax to have the option of scribing a replacement book more easily if it goes missing. Meanwhile they can use Minor Creation (with Keen Mind) to make a temporary replacement (the spellbook itself isn't an inherently magical item) if they're a Conjurer, use the Creation spell if they're not, or use Illusory Reality if they're a high-level Illusionist (unless the DM insists on only one use of IR per cast and doesn't allow multiple castings during the study session).

2019-08-10, 11:36 AM
True at lower levels (except for Dwarf Abjurers, Wizards with a 1 level Cleric/Fighter dip, and possibly Bladesingers). Gets less and less true as you move up levels and the Wizard gets more and more defensive buffs to play with (including some long duration ones, like Contingency) and can afford to go full-on old-school paranoid Wizard. Plus they also get a decent chunk of no-save-you-just-suck BFC options.

And even then it's usually hard to reach a Wizard in the first place, because most don't sit on the front lines near the enemies.

Hm, i don't know. Grabbing 1-2 Levels of Fighter, throwing on heavy Armor and a Shield and then Cozy up to the 20 Cha Paladin seems like a Plan to me.

2019-08-10, 11:40 AM
Question for the Playground: From my research, I've discovered that pretty much all spellcasting classes have at least one class-specific spell, not accessible outside of the class (bar Magic Secrets obviously). The only class that I can't seem to think of any for is Sorcerer. Are there any Sorcerer specific spells? If so, what are they?

There is exactly one Sorcerer specific spell. Chaos Bolt. It happens to be terrible.

2019-08-10, 11:49 AM
Hm, i don't know. Grabbing 1-2 Levels of Fighter, throwing on heavy Armor and a Shield and then Cozy up to the 20 Cha Paladin seems like a Plan to me.

It's pretty nice if there's another arcane spellcaster in the party (otherwise the party being one spell level behind in arcane spell access can suck). Cleric is a bit more palatable since it gives you some nice spells and doesn't hamper spell slot growth, and can potentially grant two extra knowledge skills and pseudo-expertise in them. Usually I'd prefer medium armor though, since as a Wiz I'd rather have DEX (for Init and saving throws) instead of STR (which is a dump stat).

As for straight-to-L20 Wizard builds, well... trading Signature Spells and a L6 + L7 slot for Action Surge (for pulling off two-spell combos) and armor proficiency is often worthwhile. Another alternative is Rogue 2 for paranoid stealthy types, to spam Hide while under Greater Invis. (and expertise in Stealth and Perception)

2019-08-10, 12:01 PM
And Wizards would really, REALLY suck if DMs would let their BBEGs do the logical thing and go after the Wizards Spellbook.

It sounds like you're speculating rather than speaking from experience.

I actually have experience with tables where the DMs go after the Wizard's spellbook, and the Wizards didn't suck in said games in the least.

In said games, Wizard players know the DM plays hardball, and take appropriate countermeasures to defend their spellbooks. Even if they do manage to lose them (not something they'll let happen easily), they still have more spells prepared than a Sorcerer will ever know; they just can't switch them until they get a new spellbook.

Note also that you can keep backup spellbooks; it requires far less time and money to make a backup than your original copy (per PHB pg114, Replacing the Book). It's actually fairly cheap.

2019-08-10, 12:17 PM
It sounds like you're speculating rather than speaking from experience.

Fair Point. My Experience with Wizards wasn't the best. But maybe it was just the players. (When I think back now there was a certain factor of "We are true roleplayers and a such abhor anything that's actually effective")

2019-08-10, 12:34 PM
Fair Point. My Experience with Wizards wasn't the best. But maybe it was just the players. (When I think back now there was a certain factor of "We are true roleplayers and a such abhor anything that's actually effective")

Theater of the Mind also makes it easier for the DM to hose the Wizard, accidentally or otherwise. It's much harder to describe precise tactical movements (to stay out of opponents' reaches and potential ambush spots) and pinpoint aiming of AoE BFC/blasting effects, especially if the DM isn't the... uh... tactically-minded sort.

Inexperienced (and/or jerky) DMs without much knowledge of rules may also pull things like surprising the party out of nowhere (with enemies effectively 'teleporting' next to PCs and turning things into 1-on-1 "no escape" slugfests), ignoring things like Stealth or Perception or Alert or special senses. Or even the exact mechanics of surprise rounds.

Under those situations, it's very hard to avoid getting hit as a Wizard.

2019-08-10, 06:06 PM
Eh, when my group had both a paladin and a wizard in the party, the paladin was the squishiest party member, by a good margin. Which wasn't helped by his habit of deliberately making himself the "designated target" (or as kids these days would say, "drawing aggro"). He joked that any combat where he didn't drop to 0 meant that he wasn't giving it his all.

The wizard (admittedly an abjurer) had more HP and (when it counted) more AC (and even without Shield, was still only a little bit shy of the paladin).

2019-08-11, 01:15 AM
Eh, when my group had both a paladin and a wizard in the party, the paladin was the squishiest party member, by a good margin. Which wasn't helped by his habit of deliberately making himself the "designated target" (or as kids these days would say, "drawing aggro"). He joked that any combat where he didn't drop to 0 meant that he wasn't giving it his all.

The wizard (admittedly an abjurer) had more HP and (when it counted) more AC (and even without Shield, was still only a little bit shy of the paladin).

Why didn't your paladin had the shield spell?
If the Paladin is tanking you needed to attack him with disadvantage and wait for him to say he is using shield(he became a really problem when he get admentite(I don't remember how to write it) plate).

2019-08-11, 07:03 AM
Um, because he was a paladin? I mean, I guess a paladin could take Magic Initiate or something, but they've already got two ability scores they'd really like to match, and could use all of the same combat feats as fighters. There's a stiff opportunity cost for adding yet another feat.

And why would I want to attack the paladin with disadvantage?

2019-08-11, 07:21 AM
Um, because he was a paladin? I mean, I guess a paladin could take Magic Initiate or something, but they've already got two ability scores they'd really like to match, and could use all of the same combat feats as fighters. There's a stiff opportunity cost for adding yet another feat.

And why would I want to attack the paladin with disadvantage?

I meant that that paladin will want to make you attack him with disadvantage.
Spells or items, there are a lot of ways for it to happen.

I remember playing a paladin that only use smite 3 times(I only got 3 criticals with him and had Elven Accuracy, bad luck) in 9 levels of play(saving spells for shield, control and buff spells is more importantly and have bigger impact).

You can easily draw aggro that way(the enemy will want to stop you from chasing the casters and will want to break your concentration of buffs).

2019-08-11, 04:12 PM
Wizard Envy
School:illusion, or maybe enchantment. Who knows?
Casting time: 1 hour
Range: all targets within earshot
Components: V,S
Duration: 24 hours (or 48 with extend spell!)

The sorcerer loudly and irately chants about how they are unfairly restricted on known spells, unable to change their known spells easily, unable to cast rituals and how the wizard spell list is just so much cooler.

After casting the spell, all within earshot must make a wisdom save or feel that the sorcerer has clearly made their point, and certain that the powers that be will surely intervene and alter the nature of the universe to address this cosmic imbalance.

Funny i have never failed my save and people cast that spell too often.

2019-08-11, 04:13 PM
I meant that that paladin will want to make you attack him with disadvantage.
Spells or items, there are a lot of ways for it to happen.

I remember playing a paladin that only use smite 3 times(I only got 3 criticals with him and had Elven Accuracy, bad luck) in 9 levels of play(saving spells for shield, control and buff spells is more importantly and have bigger impact).

You can easily draw aggro that way(the enemy will want to stop you from chasing the casters and will want to break your concentration of buffs).

How did you get Shield and Control spells on a Paladin? At that level your control spells would be limited to Wrathful Smite, Compelled Duel, and maybe Command.

2019-08-12, 01:46 AM
How did you get Shield and Control spells on a Paladin? At that level your control spells would be limited to Wrathful Smite, Compelled Duel, and maybe Command.

1. Maybe "Shield of Faith"?

2. When many people talk about "Playing a Paladin" they actually mean "Playing a Sorcadin". You often forget that because the great thing about a Sorcadin is that he still feels like a Paladin, only better. So when people ask me what i play, I often say Paladin. Because for all intents and purposes that's what I play (especially with the Divine Soul Origin that doubles down on the Holy Moly). Only technically he is more Sorcerer than Paladin. But I would never say "I play a Sorcerer (with 6 levels of Paladin)" because playing a Sorcadin does not feel like playing a Sorcerer. You are still mostly using the same Playstyle as you would for Paladin and you still use most of your spellslots for Divine Smite. Also ingame when other characters describe you, they will say "That's our Paladin" not "That's our Sorcerer".

(3. Same as above just with Warlock)

2019-08-12, 10:10 AM
I meant that that paladin will want to make you attack him with disadvantage.
Spells or items, there are a lot of ways for it to happen.

I remember playing a paladin that only use smite 3 times(I only got 3 criticals with him and had Elven Accuracy, bad luck) in 9 levels of play(saving spells for shield, control and buff spells is more importantly and have bigger impact).

You can easily draw aggro that way(the enemy will want to stop you from chasing the casters and will want to break your concentration of buffs).

Smite needs to be a melee attack by RAW anyway (although some DMs will handwave this), so Elven Accuracy+Smite doesn't typically work together.

2019-08-12, 10:31 AM
wow two stong!!!

Edit: Wait was that a joke or was he the real guy.

It was a joke. I guess even referencing a banned user is "a forbidden topic"

2019-08-12, 11:21 AM
Smite needs to be a melee attack by RAW anyway (although some DMs will handwave this), so Elven Accuracy+Smite doesn't typically work together.

Just use dex or cha to attack.

2019-08-12, 02:33 PM
While Chaos Bolt is a Sorcerer-only spell (The fact that you can cause it to bounce with empowered spell is key), there are other spells that are more valuable under the hand of a sorcerer than for anyone else. Other things include:

Witch Bolt, which is mostly terrible, but is less terrible when used with the quicken or distant metamagic.
Twinning Hold Person/Banishment, or other spells that can be upcast to add targets, can get an upcast version without a higher spell slot.
Levitate and other Save/Suck spells with the Heighten Spell.
Twinning spells that DON'T have an ability to upcast, such as Enlarge/Reduce, Haste or Enhance Ability
Extended Mage Armor/Darkvision, or other long duration spells, to pre-cast them through a long rest.
Distant changes the paradigm for Touch spells such as invisibility or cleric attacks/debuffs for divine souls, and provides upgrades for things like counterspell or the SCAGtrips

2019-08-12, 06:56 PM
Witch Bolt, which is mostly terrible, but is less terrible when used with the quicken or distant metamagic.

I have to interject my objection here.

Witch Bolt is even more terrible for a Sorcerer, because you wasted one of your 12 spells known on Witch Bolt.