View Full Version : Posting visuals made in Excel

2019-08-11, 12:26 AM
Not sure if this is the right sub-forum for this, but I've created a bunch of lovely visual representations in Excel to support a post I'm trying to make... and just realized I have no idea how to get them from Excel into the post. Is there any way to copy and paste something from Excel (with formatting intact, ideally) into a GitP post?

2019-08-11, 06:53 AM
I think you'd need to export them as images (GIF or PNG will probably work better than JPG), and then post the images. And for posting images, I think you need to find someplace to host them yourself online, like imgur or Google Photos.

2019-08-11, 07:52 AM
Tables or graphs?

Tables you could save as 'CSV' (I.E each cell is marked with a comma, each row with a new line) then open in notepad and replace (enter) with [/td][/tr] and ',' with .
Then afterwards tidy up the first and last row and copy/paste

It wouldn't be ideal, but it would at least get a table structure into the forums without having to recreate it totally.

Long term you could probably even create a short macro to build it and add other formatting.
Graphs will be a pain.

2019-08-11, 11:11 AM
I think you'd need to export them as images (GIF or PNG will probably work better than JPG), and then post the images. And for posting images, I think you need to find someplace to host them yourself online, like imgur or Google Photos.

That's what I've always done in the past.

If you really need people to see something on a live spreadsheet, you could host it on dropbox and link to it.

2019-08-12, 02:10 AM
Same concept as the Dropbox Ninja_Prawn mentioned, you could import the Excel spreadsheet into Google Docs, and then "Publish" it, assuming something doesn't bugger up when it is imported. That will give you a link you can give to people so they could see the spreadsheets via Google. It won't embed directly on the board, though.

2019-08-12, 09:54 AM
There's an free Excel add-in I knew once that let you export Excel cells into HTML tables doing all the hard formatting and stuff. It was made purposefully to allow people post their Excel problems into a Excel helpforum. It might not be compatible with this forum in the sense that forum software different in what can be achieved with respect to visualization.

Windows this day and age can be quite clever though, it's possible it'll understand copying from Excel to turn it into HTML.

2019-08-12, 04:33 PM
Thanks for everyone's advice! I ended up saving it to Google Drive and linking it from there, but next time I'll see if I can make any of the other suggestions work, too.