View Full Version : DM Help One-shot too similiar to my main campaign, not sure to allow. Warning: TOA spoilers.

2019-08-11, 04:16 PM
Hello everyone,

In order to understand the dilemma, here is a bit more context to the problem. I am currently running Tomb of Annihilation and Curse of Strahd for two separate groups. I am getting burnout as a result of DMing for two groups, joining another group as a player would not work due to time constraints. It has started to affect how I DM. I have telegraphed this to both groups (which have been supportive) and I have offered up the sessions as a platform for any players who may want to try DMing a one-shot or equivalent. A player took up this opportunity from the TOA group and is going to run a one-shot, instead of the usual campaign, for the next session. Now here is where things get problematic.

The TOA group is about a session away from starting the Tomb of the Nine Gods, anyone who is familiar with this content knows that the group will have to endure a multi-leveled labyrinth of traps and strong monsters, including the very powerful archlich (Acererak) at the end. The player who is running the one-shot is also running a VERY similar labyrinth type dungeon which also features the same archlich (Acererak) as the main bad guy. The one-shot is from Tales from the Yawning Portal and we start at level 13, would I be right in thinking the adventure could be Tomb of Horrors or something similar? My knowledge of the module book is limited. I know the DM does have the TOA module and did plan to run it but so far has not, unsure how much of the content they know about. Whether they know about the TOA dungeon or not, I do feel slightly uneasy about allowing a one-shot which will be similar to what they players are about to face in the main campaign.

In my mind the challenges faced in the one-shot could be too similar to the content I am about to run, which could make it drag since it might feel like deja vu. The concept of doing a big dungeon is new to the group and I had hoped to be the first to deliver such an epic dungeon experience.

I guess my main question to everyone here is: should I be feeling this uneasy? Would you be ok if this came up at your table? Is it fair to ask the one-shot be changed or played at a later date? I am aware that this may all be in my head and I very well be making something out of nothing.

Kind regards,


2019-08-12, 07:43 AM
Tales from the Yawning Portal indeed includes 5e remake of Tomb of Horror.

I wouldn't worry about similarities. ToH is full of traps, "puzzles" (if you can call "try to do random things and see if that helps us or screws us over" a puzzle), but it has barely any fights, end even then, the fights are generally avoidable if the party doesn't touch the wrong stuff (good luck with that, though). It's different from To9G, and I think showing what the main campaign's villan was up to in a different place and different time could actually be nice addition to the main campaign.

2019-08-12, 08:15 AM
Building on JackPhoenix's post, it could be a good thing for almost any way it plays out.

Acererak is a pretty big deal. He's got tombs and lairs all over the multiverse, and has his phactery secured away on some demiplane.
In the Yawning Portal's Tomb of Horrors, Acererak is a Demilich, where as in Tomb of Annihilation he's an Archlich.
Depending on how the one-shot goes, you can fluff it a few different ways:

The party doesn't make it to the end (time constraints or TPK)

No real effect on your campaign beyond the players having a bit more of an understanding of "Acererak's tomb is gonna be mad dangerous, yo"

The party awakens the demilich and are TPK'd

Give the players an idea of how dangerous he is

The party awakens the demilich and he escapes

Let's the party know he's got the potential to be a recurring villain if they don't really lock him down

The party awakens the demilich and he is killed

Emphasizes the Zee Bashew addage: "If it was easy to kill a high level necromancer lich, you didn't kill him." best you can hope for is to run him out of the tomb and hope he stays away for a the remainder of your life... but he'll be back. He ALWAYS comes back.