View Full Version : MMORPGs

2007-10-11, 03:43 PM
I love playing MMORPGs, but I'm so sick of jumping on to them somewhere in the middle of the game. Instead, I'd like just once to be on a reliable (I once jumped into a game called Dark and Light that ended up letting me down horribly) right from the very beginning.

I know Warhammer Online is projected to be coming out in the first quarter of next year so that may be my next game.

Does anyone know any good MMORPGs coming out soon or any in Beta testing?

2007-10-11, 04:01 PM
World of Warcraft?

2007-10-11, 04:15 PM
World of Warcraft?


I love playing MMORPGs, but I'm so sick of jumping on to them somewhere in the middle of the game. Instead, I'd like just once to be on a [game] right from the very beginning.

Does anyone know any good MMORPGs coming out soon or any in Beta testing?

... I guess my question wasn't as clear as I thought it was :smallconfused:

2007-10-11, 04:24 PM
There arent any ones coming out immediately that I know of. However, you can try to find a new server of RO or something similar. Alot of MMORPGs are already established, so there wont be any new ones in the next few months.

2007-10-11, 04:31 PM
If you like Sci-Fi shooters, then I'd try Tabula Rasa. It's a new MMO coming out soon. I think it'll have what you're looking for.

Green Bean
2007-10-11, 04:42 PM
If you like Sci-Fi shooters, then I'd try Tabula Rasa. It's a new MMO coming out soon. I think it'll have what you're looking for.

Actually, from what I've heard from the beta testers, you might want to avoid that. Apparently it isn't very good.

2007-10-11, 05:29 PM
Age of Conan starts early next year (hopefully).

Fingers crossed, it could be good.

2007-10-11, 06:55 PM
If you like Sci-Fi shooters, then I'd try Tabula Rasa. It's a new MMO coming out soon. I think it'll have what you're looking for.

Tabula Rasa review. (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/editorials/zeropunctuation/2326-Zero-Punctuation-Tabula-Rasa)

The only MMO comming out that shows any promise at all is Conan.

And I'm sure within a few months of its release everyone will realize its just another grind. Like all MMOs. Except maybe Planetside.

2007-10-11, 09:03 PM
MMOGs are terrible. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it! :smalltongue:

Seriously though, until the fundamental premise is changed I don't expect to find one that I'm happy with at all. EVE came close, but not close enough, sadly.

2007-10-11, 10:48 PM
Pretty much you have to wait for WAR like the rest of us.

LOTRO wasn't too bad, and it hasn't aged too much yet, but there is nothing amazing about the game.

Conan sounds like a good theory of MMO design but not all that great when it actually comes to playing it. It also doesn't look like its going to end up releasing before WAR anyway.

2007-10-12, 05:02 AM
There's going to be a Dragonball Z MMO, I'm actually looking forward to it.

*glances around* Don't judge me *flee*

2007-10-12, 05:15 AM
Actually, from what I've heard from the beta testers, you might want to avoid that. Apparently it isn't very good.
Well as a Tabula Rasa beta tester - I can say I've enjoyed the Beta a lot, consider it great fun, and would recommend it to anyone looking for something they can pick up quickly and have fun with.

Its long term playability remains to be seen, but in its current state early and mid game is incredible. A lot of people complained that it lacks content - well its got more content than City of Heroes or Everquest had when they released (although much less than WoW had at release). Considering its NCSoft behind it I would expect good support and lots of added content as the months go by.

Personally I would recommend trying it if sci-fi is your thing. If its not look elsewhere.

Now I've dealt with the unintended slur I'll mention some other good MMOs coming out.

Pirates of the Burning Sea looks tremendous and is due for a 22nd Jan release. The Chronicles of Spellborn looks great too (Quarter 1, 2008). Age of Conan is the big name at the moment - and may well be the next big thing, and of course HellGate: London (due for release at the end of this month) could be considered a MMO lite.

2007-10-12, 05:35 AM
Personally, I like both Sci-fi and fantasy but I'd like to see some better sci-fi MMORPGs out there. Tabula Rasa seems to be the only hope for that at the moment, but another decent game that is in high anticipation is Guild Wars 2. It's going into the beta next year sometime (I think they said '08) and is going to combine elements of an instanced world (The traditional Guild Wars style) with the persistent world. I don't know how it's going to work, but I hope it works out well.

2007-10-12, 06:11 AM
Well at the moment your Sci-Fi choice is:
Neocron 2
Star Wars Galaxies (SWG)
Anarchy Online
Tabula Rasa
You might include Matrix Online and City of Heroes but neither of these is particularly 'Sci-Fi'.

Of these SWG is now empty (the devs killed it with CU and NGE) but is recovering slowly (its worth another look), Neocron is very new player unfriendly and still very buggy five years down the line, and Anarchy Online is looking dated (but is free). I've never played Matrix Online so I cannot comment. CoH/V is a great game, and Tabula Rasa (the new kid on the block) shows promise.

2007-10-12, 06:22 AM
I forgot Entropia Universe which is very expensive to play, because you have to pay for everything in real world cash - ammo, guns, armour - they all cost real money.

2007-10-12, 07:37 AM
Hellgate: London and Warhammer: Age of Reckoning both looks fantabulous.

2007-10-12, 07:40 AM
Forgot all about Hellgate; I'll probably be picking that one up or Tabula Rasa, haven't decided yet.

2007-10-12, 09:31 AM
I don't have anything against Sci-fi MMORPGs except for the fact that I have never played one. So if I start one, I'd like to do it from scratch with a brand new game, so I'll probably wait for Star Trek Online.

I have been looking at WAR too, I think that game is going to be pretty cool.

I hadn't looked at Age of Conan until now, but I think it's cool that it will be coming out on the XBox360. I used to play FFXI and loved being able to play on a console.

2007-10-12, 10:02 AM
Has anyone heard anything about a game called Aion?

Crispy Dave
2007-10-12, 11:31 AM
Im currently playing lord of the rings online which is great i would recomend it and warhammer looks prommincing as for tabula rasta I havent looked into it much

is hellgate real a mmo?

2007-10-12, 01:12 PM
While it's been going on for a while, I'd highly recommend Anarchy Online.

Recently got introduced to it...and I'm hooked. <.<

*goes to collect more nanoformulae*

2007-10-12, 02:55 PM
There's going to be a Dragonball Z MMO, I'm actually looking forward to it.

*glances around* Don't judge me *flee*

*chases after you with speed-lined background*

2007-10-12, 09:09 PM
While it's been going on for a while, I'd highly recommend Anarchy Online.

Recently got introduced to it...and I'm hooked. <.<

*goes to collect more nanoformulae*

Yeah, it's a fun game. Nice playerbase, for the most part, as well. You don't get the scum as much for some reason, and /ignore is a nice feature as well.

*Aimed Shots you*

2007-10-13, 07:49 AM
I recently got into everquest2 wich is a realy friendly community. Its realy worth i try i must say.

2007-10-13, 08:52 AM
There's going to be a Dragonball Z MMO, I'm actually looking forward to it.

*glances around* Don't judge me *flee*
*chases after you with speed-lined background*
Ha! I will defeat you! *charges up for five days*

2007-10-13, 08:55 AM
Ha! I will defeat you! *charges up for five days*

ITīS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-10-13, 08:59 AM
Yeah, it's a fun game. Nice playerbase, for the most part, as well. You don't get the scum as much for some reason, and /ignore is a nice feature as well.

*Aimed Shots you*

Executing Nano Program: Searing Circle
You hit Arbitrarity for 2,258 of fire damage
Nano program executed successfully

2007-10-13, 12:36 PM
Age of Conan(mmorpg)

2007-10-13, 01:31 PM
I download too many free MMORPG's. However, I do occaisionally come across good ones. (9Dragons) Those are far outweighed by the bad ones though (yes, you probably konw the ones I'm talking about)

Sorry, but I can't afford to be paying Ģ120 a year to play WoW though. There have been other MMORPG's I have considered buying though.

2007-10-13, 01:50 PM
Huxley looks promising as a MMORPGFPS ftw! Or, you could try Darkfall, which should have come out 5 years ago, but didn't.

2007-10-13, 03:10 PM
I know an MMO that's been around for over 10 years and still has a playerbase of, like, 25.

I don't think it's ever peaked 300. I've known it for about 3 or 4 years, and the most players ever on at the same time was 20.

Crispy Dave
2007-10-14, 08:20 PM
I know an MMO that's been around for over 10 years and still has a playerbase of, like, 25.

I don't think it's ever peaked 300. I've known it for about 3 or 4 years, and the most players ever on at the same time was 20.

let me guess the Sheridan dungeon on maidmarian.com

2007-10-15, 08:42 AM
Thanks for all the input really, but I'm not looking for a game that has already been running. I was actually looking for input on the games that should be coming out soon.

As for my own MMORPG patch, I play Silkroad Online. Not the greatest, but it is free.

2007-10-15, 08:50 AM
Edit: Double Post

2007-10-15, 10:13 AM
Thanks for all the input really, but I'm not looking for a game that has already been running. I was actually looking for input on the games that should be coming out soon.

As for my own MMORPG patch, I play Silkroad Online. Not the greatest, but it is free.

The trouble with wanting an unestablished MMO is exactly that - It's unestablished. There's zero guarantee that it's going to be any good, and a quick trip to any MMO's wiki will steep you in the history and playing tactics of that world.

2007-10-15, 10:40 AM
Thanks for all the input really, but I'm not looking for a game that has already been running. I was actually looking for input on the games that should be coming out soon.

As for my own MMORPG patch, I play Silkroad Online. Not the greatest, but it is free.Silkroad is pretty fun.

Do you play Chinese or European?

If you want another free MMO I recommend Rappelz.

2007-10-15, 11:21 AM
The trouble with wanting an unestablished MMO is exactly that - It's unestablished. There's zero guarantee that it's going to be any good, and a quick trip to any MMO's wiki will steep you in the history and playing tactics of that world.

True, but that exactly why I was wondering what people were excited about and why. I made the mistake of jumping onto a game that went horribly wrong. It was so poorly designed that it went from pay-to-play to free-to-play. I am trying to avoide that this time around by seeing what other MMO gamers are waiting to play.

Nothing can be as bad as Dark and Light was when it finally opened.

2007-10-15, 11:22 AM
Silkroad is pretty fun.

Do you play Chinese or European?

If you want another free MMO I recommend Rappelz.

European. I just started back up on Silkroad, I used to play on the Chinese side.

I was also thinking about playing maplestory just until something bigger and better came along.

2007-10-15, 11:22 AM
True, but that exactly why I was wondering what people were excited about and why. I made the mistake of jumping onto a game that went horribly wrong. It was so poorly designed that it went from pay-to-play to free-to-play. I am trying to avoide that this time around by seeing what other MMO gamers are waiting to play.

Nothing can be as bad as Dark and Light was when it finally opened.

For every one you jump on that goes awry, there's one that's good and remains good. Depending on what you enjoy, City of Heroes, World of Warcraft or Final Fantasy XI all are stable years after their release and still popular.

2007-10-15, 03:42 PM
Rappelz should have another new server up within the next 2 or 3 months.

2007-10-15, 04:02 PM
European. I just started back up on Silkroad, I used to play on the Chinese side.

I was also thinking about playing maplestory just until something bigger and better came along.
Trust me when I say you'd be better off sticking to Silkroad.

If you really feel the need to play a game with cartoony graphics and Mushrooms, I'd try Flyff.

Crispy Dave
2007-10-17, 11:56 AM
warhammer online is accepting applications for beta testers

2007-10-17, 02:16 PM
warhammer online is accepting applications for beta testers

Saw that and already put mine in :p Here's to seeing you in the game! *Cheers!*

2007-10-17, 02:17 PM
Trust me when I say you'd be better off sticking to Silkroad.

If you really feel the need to play a game with cartoony graphics and Mushrooms, I'd try Flyff.

Yeah, I think I will be sticking with that game for now. It's a good MMORPG patch until something else comes out, and it's free on top of that.

Crispy Dave
2007-10-17, 02:35 PM
Saw that and already put mine in :p Here's to seeing you in the game! *Cheers!*
I look forward to see you too by the way are you lookin into being evil or good?Race?class?tell me

and you gotta work on the double post thing

2007-10-17, 05:32 PM
Saw early on someone posted RO i have been playing for a few years and it is a very good MMO to look into lots of people are leaving and coming all the time. it was well establighed and i know you were looking for something more new but you should try out the Sakray server on IRO it has a low population and the economy is low enough that new characters don't get stuck begging for help. But on the up side of that people are always willing to help out a new player. On top of that there are a ton of possible classes and the world is still growing bigger and bigger.

2007-10-17, 07:40 PM
warhammer online is accepting applications for beta testers
I got the the application part where it said to list all the MMOs I have played and Betas I have played..

I lost count..

Still, hope to see everyone in there.

2007-10-18, 08:27 AM
I look forward to see you too by the way are you lookin into being evil or good?Race?class?tell me

Hmmm. In Warhammer what race and class do I want to be. I really want to think that decision through so I haven't actually crossed that bridge yet.

Still, I think it would be funny if we created a guild modeled after OoTS :p Each person could design their character off of the characters from the comic. THAT would be awesome.

2007-10-18, 11:45 AM
There's going to be a Dragonball Z MMO, I'm actually looking forward to it.

*glances around* Don't judge me *flee*

Speaking of DBZ, you know what MMO I would actually like to see made (at the risk of ostracizing myself from everyone else on this board). Naruto. I know its a horrible franchise(?), but the Naruto universe is so perfectly designed to become an MMO, the only difficulty would be defining all the classes/skills.
Plus, who doesn't want a ninja MMO (even if it is questionably not-straight ninjas)?

Crispy Dave
2007-10-19, 10:10 AM
ninjas don't wear orange

real ninjas wear black(or if they're cool enough pink)

2007-10-19, 04:01 PM
Has anyone actually check out the video's of AoCHA on youtube? That game looks awesome. I really am going to buy an XBox 360 just to play it.

Crispy Dave
2007-10-19, 07:01 PM
Has anyone actually check out the video's of AoCHA on youtube? That game looks awesome. I really am going to buy an XBox 360 just to play it.

what does that stand for?

2007-10-19, 09:33 PM
I'm guessing it stands for Age of Conan:Hyborian Adventures.

Anyways, if you're looking to get into a new MMO (something I can't blame you for, as the first few months are always the most magical), it's looking like you going to have to wait for Q1 08 at the earliest. In 07, the only really MMO style games coming out are what's been mentioned, Tabula Rasa and Hellgate Londen.

I have not played Rasa myself, though from what I've read about the game and media I've seen, combined with comments from those who have played it, it seems underwhelming, and in need of a few more months of development. Not to say that a game that starts off weak can't get any better, look at EQ2, a very bleh game at release, it has through multiple changes become one of the better MMO's in the market today, rewarding those who decided to stick with it. (I on the other hand tried so hard to like it, but could not last the first month.)

Hellgate London is not really a MMO, and I can't really see paying money for the sort of content they intend to give out to those who do pay, but if you like Diablo style Hack'n'slash, it would be a good option to tide you over until more substantial games come out, without breaking the bank like it would if you bought multiple high profile games to fill the hours instead.

In 08 your options look to be Age of Conan, WAR, Pirates of the Burning Sea, and perhaps Chronicles of Spellborn. While there are many other MMO's coming out, I'm hesitant of anticipating those from less than large scale companies, as the history of failed MMO's is frequent with small time company failure (Mourning, Dark and Light, Horizons, Gods and Hero's, etc).

It is likely that all of those will face more delays coming out, so you should have some time before they hit the market, which isn't a bad thing considering how hard they hit your free time, so I guess you can enjoy hanging out with friends, working out, doing school work, and playing other games without worrying about getting on to grind for that new leet loot.

As for which of those to get, I'm currently looking at WAR, as it seems to be a much more casual friendly game to just get on and get into some PvP action set to the stage of some lore I enjoy. These days I just don't have the desire or ability to devote 4+ hours a day to a game, so hopefully it can deliver such a game without falling into the massive endgame timesinks that Wow had. I also applied to the beta about 6 months ago, and am leaning towards High Swordmaster, though really, all the classes have enough flavor that I wouldn't really mind playing any of them.

Age of Conan looks fairly decent as well, though besides the nebulous idea of seige's and perhaps the combat system, it doesn't seem to be doing a ton of things that are really new or improved. The combat system itself doesn't look that great to me, as combo's without any need to dodge just seems lame in general, a glorifed version of spamming hotkeys. An example of an online game that had combo's like Conan but required you to account for your opponents actions as well would be Monster Hunter. (Which by the way is supposedly coming out for the Wii at some point, and will probably steal about a month of life when it does.)

As for Pirates and the others, I don't know enough about them to really give a detailed account, about from reading over their websites and a singular hour or two of forum diving haven't really endeared me too them, so while I won't get any of them at launch, if word of mouth is positive the first month, I may give it a shot.

If none of those catch your fancy, you're likely looking at 2010+ or so until the next batch of MMO's come out, though it's hard to determine exactly when or what those games will be like. I know Bioware has a MMO in the works likely to come out around that time. (They say 2009, but what MMO has ever come out on time? Maybe FFXI in Japan?). Also SquareEnix has another MMO in the works, and the Eve Online creaters are making a White Wolf based MMO as well, and I'm sure Blizzard is working hard on the successor to Wow. If at this point in the future your life is still at a point where a MMO seems to be a good idea, you could see if any of those would be worth it.

Age of Conan looks interesting also, though

Crispy Dave
2007-10-19, 10:25 PM
I just thought of this but its not always a new mmo thats best but if you mfind out when a new server on a game is gonna be realesed you can start out on the same level as everyone else

2008-04-08, 05:22 PM
You could try Secret of the Solstice. It's still in beta. I'm downloading it right now! :smallsmile: