View Full Version : Need evaluation

2019-08-11, 08:57 PM
Good day playground

We have started a new game and I am sure that my char will end up being murdered by the DM so I have started to work out a replacement char. This is what I am looking at and only going to level 4 for the time being.

Class: Half-Elf Paragon 3 Bard 1 (ACF soothing voice)
Stats: Str 12 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 16 Wis 10 Cha 21
Flaws: noncombatant, shaky
Traits honest polite
Level 1: Artist
Bonus feat: Nymphs Kiss
Flaw bonus feat Sacred vow
Flaw bonus feat complimentary insight

Half Elf Paragon: diverse ancestors (Human)
Eleven vision
Lev2: persuasion : racial bonus to diplomacy and gather info increase to +3 and all other Cha skills get +2
Lev3: +2 Cha
lv4 Bard level 1 soothing voice.
This will give a diplomacy of rank 5 Cha 5 Racial 3 synergy 3 nymphs kiss2 sacred vow 2 +20

Good start any changes ?

2019-08-11, 10:29 PM
Take the level of Bard first, otherwise the paragon won't progress the spellcasting of the Bard.

2019-08-11, 11:09 PM
Take the level of Bard first, otherwise the paragon won't progress the spellcasting of the Bard.

It is retro active so it will.

2019-08-11, 11:15 PM
Murdered by the DM? I'd like to know the story there.

2019-08-12, 01:05 AM
Murdered by the DM? I'd like to know the story there.

He ups the level of incounters all the time just so he can bring in NPCs to save the day. So I try to make char that can deal with the issue before the NPCs are need. So in turn he ups the levels and constantly fluffs the battles just to not kill us. He also has stupid ass house rules for skills, where a 1 is a auto fail and a 20 is a auto success. Some goes for initiative. I want to make a char one time with - Int mod that gets no skill point so I have to just roll dice and not do stupid as soon athletes. Because no matter my score it could be a score of 700 million but if the person roles a 20 they win. I have tried to make him realize he is playing the rules wrong and read them to him many times he just does not listen and does not realize how stupid that truly is. So that is kind of the story.

Short version DM brings in to many NPCs to save the day all the time, does not run skill set initiative ext they way they should be. So I need to make more powerful char to deal with the threat which in turn makes him make bigger enemies and so on and so on.

2019-08-12, 04:56 PM
It is retro active so it will.

"If a Half-Elf Paragon has no levels in a spellcasting class, this class feature has no effect."

2019-08-13, 12:16 AM
"If a Half-Elf Paragon has no levels in a spellcasting class, this class feature has no effect."

Let me make this clear for you so you can understand it. If you do not have a caster level and take second level half elf paragon which gives you a +1 to your caster level you now have a caster level of 1 but you have no spell. If you do not like that explanation than this one maybe is bettering. Nice you get a chance stern level the level 2 ability kicks in and gives you your plus 1.

2019-08-13, 05:00 PM
Let me make this clear for you so you can understand it. If you do not have a caster level and take second level half elf paragon which gives you a +1 to your caster level you now have a caster level of 1 but you have no spell. If you do not like that explanation than this one maybe is bettering. Nice you get a chance stern level the level 2 ability kicks in and gives you your plus 1.

Not to be that guy and start a back and forth, but I typed that straight out of UA...it also earlier states "class she belonged to BEFORE adding the level."

2019-08-13, 05:31 PM
If a half-elf paragon has no levels in a spellcasting class, this class feature has no effect.

Yeah, that's pretty cut and dry. You have a spellcasting class BEFORE level 2 in Half-Elf Paragon? Get +1 to existing class for spells per day and whatnot. You don't? You get nothing.

2019-08-14, 06:07 AM
Putting bard first also won't lose you anything, and aside from what's already been mentioned, you'll pick up an additional 8 skill points at first level compared to the paragon class.

2019-08-14, 08:23 AM
You could optimize your play experience by dropping the game, and putting the time that you would have wasted with this jerk DM railroading you and killing your PC into almost any other activity. Like playing in a different group. Or gardening. Or death metal remixes of various holiday jingles. Or working on your DM chops and being a good DM yourself and sharing the joy of gaming with others.

Because if nothing else, not gaming is better than bad gaming.

2019-08-14, 12:51 PM
You want an Enchanter. Start by charming the npcs, eventually moving up to casting dominate on them. Make them do lame things.

Laugh as the world burns

2019-08-17, 08:35 PM
Not to be that guy and start a back and forth, but I typed that straight out of UA...it also earlier states "class she belonged to BEFORE adding the level."

our right after re reading it.

Thac0 Redeye
2019-08-23, 06:30 PM
Because if nothing else, not gaming is better than bad gaming.

I agree. you are playing with a selfish DM. He wants to DM and be the party. I'd try to find a new group, or same group W/O that DM. Good luck