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View Full Version : Pathfinder Gnoll PC race

2019-08-11, 10:37 PM
So I couldn't find a good gnoll race. All the ones I have found were very barebones or didn't reflect the lore of the race.

+2 strength +2 constitution

speed 30ft

Size: Medium

Type: Humanoid (Gnoll)

Practiced Hunter: +2 to perception, stealth, and survial

+4 to fort save to disease due to eating rotten or bad food

Weapon Familiarity: Gnolls scavenge everything and are practiced in many weapons. Choose one weapon to become proficient in. You are also proficient with any weapon with the word gnoll in its name.

Gnoll will eat anything. They live to eat. Their preferred meal is whatever just died. +1 moral bonus to attack, damage, and will saves for one hour after consuming a creature. You do not have to eat the whole creature to gain the bonuses. To eat the corpse of an honored comrade is to pay respect to the fallen. Gain a +3 moral bonus to attack, damage, and will saves for 2 hours after eating the corpse of a fallen comrade. You do not get this bonus if you are the one to kill the comrade.

Thick Fur: Due to unusually thick fur Gnoll's have a +2 natural armor.

Coward' s Heart: Gnoll would rather flee with the their tails between their legs then seeing their tail chopped off. +10 movement speed when withdrawing.

Gnolls like their hyena brethren have great eye sight and noses. Darkvision 60ft and gain the scent ability.

Running On All Four: Gnoll, like their hyena ancestors, have the option to run with every limb. When taking the full round action Run you count your speed as 50ft.

Alternative Racial Traits

Fleeing Legs: You are very proficient in running away. But all those near misses have thinned your hair. +10 to base movement speed. This replaces the +2 natural armor

Light Build: Replace the +2 to strength with a +2 to dexterity.

Civilized Gnoll: This Gnoll has had to find a new pack in a more urban enviorment. +2 diplomacy and sense motive. This replace the +2 to survival and perception

Bite: This Gnoll has gained the jaw of their hyena ancestors. They gain a 1d6 bite primary attack (or secondary attack if used with a weapon) This replaces the +2 natural armor.

Heat Acclimated: This Gnoll is well accustomed to living in hot environments. You automatic succeed on Fort saves to avoid heat dangers up to and including severe heat. These Gnoll have a more gnarled appearance and even more harsh personalities -2 to charisma.

2019-08-11, 11:24 PM
Here's the gnoll race from Pathfinder: [Link (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/more-races/standard-races-1-10-rp/gnoll-6-rp/)]

2019-08-11, 11:26 PM
Yeah I saw that one. It's a really bad race though. Very bare bones. Like who ever wrote that didn't even try.