View Full Version : greetings from sindear.

2019-08-14, 04:14 AM
Sindear is my personal champion that is currently trying to "survive out of the abyss "
Sindear has recently come into the possession of the legendary sword "dawnbringer".
Sindear is very... unworthy to wield such a mighty artifact.
For sindear is just a lowly kobold.
But sindear is willing to help the voice that comes from the sword to return to the surface.
But sindear does not think taking dawnbringer to the surface is enough.
Sindear wonders which God would be the rightful temple to care for such an artifact.
Sindear also wonders if she could use the sword as the core of the staff she is planning to make and thus hide the artifact while keeping it safe?
Sindear is but a divine sorcerer and knows that the pointy end has to go into the enemy but not how to make that happen. So hiding the artifact is best plan. but must keep it close so she can return it.
Sindear is in trouble....... send help with whom to take the dawnbringer to.

2019-08-14, 04:17 AM
Sindear is also sorry that sindear's speech is not the best. Sindear's common is a second language. Sindear is best at speaking dragonese.

2019-08-14, 04:42 AM
I hear that the church of cthulhu is always looking for artifacts.... If not try the reforme cultists of bel sham haroth association.

2019-08-14, 04:53 AM
Please Tiamat perhaps?

But on a slightly serious note, maybe the order of the gauntlet would love such an artifact?

Or ask the sword herself what god if any, she would like to affiliate with ?

2019-08-14, 05:17 AM
I would guess such a sword would want to hang out with a god or the worshipers of a dawn or sun God. I would take it to Sarenrae in a heartbeat but she is a pathfinder god. I do not know the d&d Patheon since I come from Starfinder and pathfinder. I do not know who would be her stand in is in d&d.

2019-08-14, 06:04 AM
I would guess such a sword would want to hang out with a god or the worshipers of a dawn or sun God. I would take it to Sarenrae in a heartbeat but she is a pathfinder god. I do not know the d&d Patheon since I come from Starfinder and pathfinder. I do not know who would be her stand in is in d&d.

She’s one of my fav gods from pathfinder too.

I’d suggest Pelor (grey hawk setting) or Lathander (forgotten realms )
Another suggestion, Chauntea, though she isn’t a sun goddess she’s an agricultural type but the sword is supposed to be kind and she was who I thought of.

2019-08-14, 09:32 AM
Pelor does seem the most obvious god to take the sword.

I think it'd be hard to hide a sword inside a staff; staves are usually narrower than swords, especially around the crossguard. What class is sindear?

2019-08-14, 11:03 AM
Pelor does seem the most obvious god to take the sword.

I think it'd be hard to hide a sword inside a staff; staves are usually narrower than swords, especially around the crossguard. What class is sindear?
Sindear is a divine sorcerer. The one that has access to clerical spells. She also has one lvl of life cleric and plans on taking a second lvl so she can area effect heal.

I dont think it would be that hard to do. Sindear is a kobold. Think less slender smooth stick with an orb on the end and think more like what a druid or a shaman or a cleric might carry around. Sindear is also running in the underdark she does not quite have a shop to one of those pretty staves. Its most likely going to be made from zerkwood <mushroom tree>. Sindear can't use a long sword but she can use a spear.

2019-08-14, 11:56 AM
Just popping in to say I love the concept

2019-08-14, 12:09 PM
Just popping in to say I love the concept
Ohh thanks. My gm hates it because everyone else only speaks common.

2019-08-14, 01:25 PM
Sindear is a divine sorcerer. The one that has access to clerical spells. She also has one lvl of life cleric and plans on taking a second lvl so she can area effect heal.

I dont think it would be that hard to do. Sindear is a kobold. Think less slender smooth stick with an orb on the end and think more like what a druid or a shaman or a cleric might carry around. Sindear is also running in the underdark she does not quite have a shop to one of those pretty staves. Its most likely going to be made from zerkwood <mushroom tree>. Sindear can't use a long sword but she can use a spear.

Still a very thick staff for a kobold. Why is Sindear unworthy of the sword? I think clerics are proficient with them in 5e, aren't they? What god does she worship?

As a sorcerer, she could learn spells to call up minions and let them wield the sword. Is there one that conjures a celestial she could bargain with to serve as her companion and the sword's guardian until they can get back to the surface?

Ohh thanks. My gm hates it because everyone else only speaks common.Why does he hate her speaking a language in addition to common?

2019-08-14, 01:56 PM
Still a very thick staff for a kobold.

That's what she said.

Dawnbringer doesn't have a physical blade. It's a lightsaber-type weapon. Just a hilt that can generate a blade. Such a hilt could easily be hidden as a staff's headpiece. Of course, Dawnbringer likes to always have its blade out in the darkness (it's afraid of the dark and of abandonment), but I'm sure it could be convinced to keep its blade hidden if it needed to remain stealthy for a time.

2019-08-14, 03:32 PM
Long swords are martial weapons. Sindear can only use simple weapons. The light that dawnbringer casts is daylight. Kobolds are light sensitive. Sindear speaks the common tongue as a second language. Draconic is her first language. So she speaks common like a person that learned the common tongue from someone who did not think it was worth thier effort. Also she has only a 10 in int. As for who she worships.... she doesn't really worship any gods but she reveres nature and the soft glow of the moon on nights that it is full. She might enjoy daylight if it didn't blind her and sun burn her. So basically a nature worshiper if she had to subscribe to a religion.

2019-08-14, 05:00 PM
Huh. Curious she took Light rather than Nature as her domain, then, but whatever works for your PC.

I suggest looking for a summon or something that can wield Dawnbringer, and investing in sunglasses. :smallwink::smallcool:

You'd think you could spin being a Light cleric to remove the sunlight blindness effect. Maybe see if you can gain a boon?

It seems cruel to encase a sword that's afraid of the dark in a dark, enclosed space. Depending on your level, lack of proficiency might only mean 2 less to hit. If Dawnbringer's bonus to hit is around your proficiency bonus, it's no worse than weilding a nonmagical weapon you're proficient with.

2019-08-14, 09:14 PM
Ohh thanks. My gm hates it because everyone else only speaks common.

Awww. My players from a Kingmaker campaign I GM'd would disagree.

They realized that their tribe of kobold adversaries were being duped by their sneaky evil shaman, befriended the smartest kobolds in the tribe, and helped them engineer a successful coup. The players all fell in love with the kobolds' energy and enthusiasm (and the kobolds, in turn, were in awe of the PC who happened to have a dragon emblazoned on her shield)...but the one kobold who considered herself an expert at Common Tongue, and helped teach it to the rest of the tribe, had an idiosyncratic approach to the language. She loved learning more words in Common, but could never be bothered with figuring out what order they were supposed to go in.

So this like all her sounded sentences, and other the learned kobolds all to her like speak.

To their credit, the players all seemed to know exactly what the kobolds were saying. "Night we this new last dig tunnel! Low watch for your not people the heads tall are ceilings!" And the players would duck and watch their heads in the new, low-ceilinged tunnels the kobolds had dug last night, and may the gods help their kingdom if a kobold ever decided on a career teaching second-grade grammar classes.

2019-08-15, 12:42 AM
Huh. Curious she took Light rather than Nature as her domain, then, but whatever works for your PC.

I suggest looking for a summon or something that can wield Dawnbringer, and investing in sunglasses. :smallwink::smallcool:

You'd think you could spin being a Light cleric to remove the sunlight blindness effect. Maybe see if you can gain a boon?

It seems cruel to encase a sword that's afraid of the dark in a dark, enclosed space. Depending on your level, lack of proficiency might only mean 2 less to hit. If Dawnbringer's bonus to hit is around your proficiency bonus, it's no worse than weilding a nonmagical weapon you're proficient with.

She took the life domain to help keep her party alive and will only take two levels in cleric.

And yea I though about that. So she may still use the sword in desperate situations. Because she currently has no weapons for defence.

As for being in the dark everyone has darkvision. She the sword never got any light in her rescue. And the light she sheds is day light. Which could be read as sunlight. And I get disadvantage in direct daylight and it would blind the rest of the party for how ever many rounds it would take to overcome the light blindness.

2019-08-15, 10:50 AM
She took the life domain to help keep her party alive and will only take two levels in cleric.

And yea I though about that. So she may still use the sword in desperate situations. Because she currently has no weapons for defence.

As for being in the dark everyone has darkvision. She the sword never got any light in her rescue. And the light she sheds is day light. Which could be read as sunlight. And I get disadvantage in direct daylight and it would blind the rest of the party for how ever many rounds it would take to overcome the light blindness.

MEchanically, only races with a trait that gives them disadvantage in bright light suffers "light blindness." There're no rules for bright light ruining night vision, let alone dark vision, nor for having to "recover" from sudden bright light.

Daylight specifically doesn't count as sun light, but IS bright light, which triggers your light sensitivity trait. You'd need a defense against that.

And yeah, sorry, I misread your domain as "light" when you said "life." My bad. Life makes perfect sense.

2019-08-15, 12:24 PM
MEchanically, only races with a trait that gives them disadvantage in bright light suffers "light blindness." There're no rules for bright light ruining night vision, let alone dark vision, nor for having to "recover" from sudden bright light.

Daylight specifically doesn't count as sun light, but IS bright light, which triggers your light sensitivity trait. You'd need a defense against that.

And yeah, sorry, I misread your domain as "light" when you said "life." My bad. Life makes perfect sense.

Yea that's okay. I don't mind I just want to play . Only two of us ar light sensitive. The only light on the surface is daylight. And all day light is sun light. Thinking otherwise has to be some shenanigans.

In my short quest for seeking lore on the dawnbringer I did not see anything that said it was afraid of the dark or anything about it having abandonment issues. I think you gm may have been having fun with you leg by pulling on it.

2019-08-15, 01:21 PM
Bizarrely, there has actually been Sage Advice that Daylight is not Sunlight. Don't ask my why.

2019-08-15, 04:21 PM
Bizarrely, there has actually been Sage Advice that Daylight is not Sunlight. Don't ask my why.

Daylight (the spell) has never been sunlight (the actual light shed by the sun) in D&D, in any edition, to my knowledge. This is likely to prevent its use against vampires and other sunlight-sensitive creatures. It's a lighting spell, not a purifying anti-undead spell.

2019-08-15, 04:27 PM
Daylight (the spell) has never been sunlight (the actual light shed by the sun) in D&D, in any edition, to my knowledge. This is likely to prevent its use against vampires and other sunlight-sensitive creatures. It's a lighting spell, not a purifying anti-undead spell.

Right, which to my mind is what's weird about it. It feels weird for a 3rd level spell to just shed light. There are cantrips that do this almost as well. Yes, it can override Darkness spells, but you can kill a Darkness Spell with Dispel Magic too, also a 3rd level spell, and useful against a lot more things. To an inexperienced adventurer, Daylight looks like it ought to cast Sunlight and therefore affect vampires and the like, which makes it a bit of a trap. I definitely got caught out by this when I prepped Daylight to go vampire hunting only to find out upon casting that it did nothing to the vampire, who proceeded to nearly TPK us.

2019-08-15, 05:22 PM
Right, which to my mind is what's weird about it. It feels weird for a 3rd level spell to just shed light. There are cantrips that do this almost as well. Yes, it can override Darkness spells, but you can kill a Darkness Spell with Dispel Magic too, also a 3rd level spell, and useful against a lot more things. To an inexperienced adventurer, Daylight looks like it ought to cast Sunlight and therefore affect vampires and the like, which makes it a bit of a trap. I definitely got caught out by this when I prepped Daylight to go vampire hunting only to find out upon casting that it did nothing to the vampire, who proceeded to nearly TPK us.
Daylight is also longer-lasting than dispel magic, and thus usable against multiple darkness effects per casting (if those are a problem you tend to face).

Actually, the fact that Darkmantles' aura of darkness dispells 2nd level or lower light spells whose area intersects screwed over my players in may game last night: two continual flame items they'd found and been rather fond of were dispelled in this fashion. :smallfrown:

Anyway, yeah, it's not the best third level spell out there, but it is useful. Daylight also sheds bright light, which no lower-level spell does.

2019-08-16, 01:22 AM
Bizarrely, there has actually been Sage Advice that Daylight is not Sunlight. Don't ask my why.
That was not a sage. It's the rantings of a madman. Technically sunlight is starlight but whatever.

2019-08-16, 01:24 AM
Daylight (the spell) has never been sunlight (the actual light shed by the sun) in D&D, in any edition, to my knowledge. This is likely to prevent its use against vampires and other sunlight-sensitive creatures. It's a lighting spell, not a purifying anti-undead spell.

Well that's what the spell was used for in old editions. And heal spells could harm undead too.

2019-08-16, 01:26 AM
You do realize by daylight I mean the light you get when the sun is in the sky. Not the spell.

2019-08-16, 09:17 AM
Well that's what the spell was used for in old editions. And heal spells could harm undead too.

How old edition are we talking? IIRC, my 1e AD&D book had daylight expressly not count as sunlight for purposes of vampires et al.

2019-08-17, 01:12 PM
How old edition are we talking? IIRC, my 1e AD&D book had daylight expressly not count as sunlight for purposes of vampires et al.
I don't know I think it was boldersgate. And I only remember it vaguely. But it could have been a mistake by the programmers. I also did not play spell casters in those days. 20 to 25 years ago.