View Full Version : 3.x - How to Bootleg Outsiders?

2019-08-14, 07:27 PM
If one creates their own outsider, via magic or breeding or whatever, on a demiplane then that outsider is native to that plane and Banishment would send them there, yes?

Would the outsider's essence, its soul, return to its home plane your demiplane when slain?
Could one artificially jumpstart an outsider reconstitution cycle on an artificial plane?

Is such a product of divine providence or planar mechanics by RAW?

Am AFB atm and am wondering about general text regarding outsiders and outer planes vs potentially conflicting text on specific outsiders.

"Elementals and outsiders tend to meld with their native planes, and as such do not become petitioners (their souls may still be called back from the dead)."
- Manual of the Planes pg 199, Deities and Demigods pg 55

Location specific but relevant,
"Often these great petitioners made the journey to Thalasia while still alive but approaching death, whether from age or from wounds taken in noble battle. Elysium then slowly converted them to powerful outsiders, and they scarcely felt the pang of death. In Thalasia they retain their powers and memories but are at peace with themselves and with others, the ultimate reward for good. Angels guard the shores of each island, observing visitors silently and ruthlessly swarming any who would break the peace of this place.
Because the dead heroes remember their mortal deeds, they can be sources of information and inspiration for the PCs. Some may have unfinished business on the Material Plane and charge the characters with righting some long-ago wrong."
- DMG pg 165

Hordes of the Abyss page 10

Tyrants of the Nine Hells page 18 (slain devils return to the 9 hell's after 99 years)

Extraplanar subtype from the SRD
"A subtype applied to any creature when it is on a plane other than its native plane. A creature that travels the planes can gain or lose this subtype as it goes from plane to plane. Monster entries assume that encounters with creatures take place on the Material Plane, and every creature whose native plane is not the Material Plane has the extraplanar subtype (but would not have when on its home plane). Every extraplanar creature in this book has a home plane mentioned in its description. Creatures not labeled as extraplanar are natives of the Material Plane, and they gain the extraplanar subtype if they leave the Material Plane."

2019-08-15, 08:09 PM
Where is the general rule fof this phenomena of outsiders persisting as plane-stuff?

2019-08-15, 08:58 PM
There are no hard rules for this but I would recommend (for once) epic magic. An epic version of genesis + a better version of the origin of species epic spell would readily permit you to create a demi-plane and populate it with outsiders native to that plane.

2019-08-15, 09:47 PM
Im not aware of any magic that allows the creation of non-construct, non-undead life...as those are neither life per say and have no souls to return, other creatures such as aberrations are often made by mortals or gods twisting creatures for specific goals and although there are extra planer aberrations they are not "outsiders" and dont get the benefit of returning on death. it would require Epic magic to do. but at the end of the day, you can home brew your own world rules, but RAW. no, it doesn't seem so.

2019-08-16, 09:10 PM
There are outsiders which procreate via more normal means though arent there?

Could have a few of them inhabit and reproduce on your demiplane.

2019-08-16, 10:45 PM
There are outsiders which procreate via more normal means though arent there?

Could have a few of them inhabit and reproduce on your demiplane.

those are called "native outsiders", such as asimars and tieflings, and they are still native to the material plane, in Pathfinder a good example are fetchlings, they are humans that have spent too much time on the plane of shadow (like generations) and become a new race, despite being native outsiders and hailing from the plane of shadow they are not "Outsiders" when they die, they die no matter the plane.

2019-08-16, 11:03 PM
those are called "native outsiders", such as asimars and tieflings, and they are still native to the material plane, in Pathfinder a good example are fetchlings, they are humans that have spent too much time on the plane of shadow (like generations) and become a new race, despite being native outsiders and hailing from the plane of shadow they are not "Outsiders" when they die, they die no matter the plane.

Creatures are explicitly native to the plane they're born on IIRC.