View Full Version : Rules Q&A Magic jar questions

2019-08-16, 09:21 PM
1 What happens if you try to magic jar into an outsider?

They are living creatures, but don't normally have separate souls...

2 You magic jar into a creature, then cast clone while in a possessed body, then some time later, die. Do you get the copy of the host body? Will it have its supernatural powers /SLA's now that it's properly yours and not temporarily possessed?

3 If the answer to 1 and 2 is that it works, what plane would you now be 'native' to?

Mr Adventurer
2019-08-17, 04:00 AM
I'd say:

1 - it works as normal

2 - no, it's a clone of the original creature so your soul doesn't enter it.

2019-08-17, 01:42 PM
The interaction with possession and outsiders (and elementals for that matter) has always irked me. As you said, those creatures have one and the same body/soul unit, so it SHOULD be impossible to displace their soul and possess their body, yet the game makes no provision for it. Personally, a house rule that i both advocate for and use in my own games is that such creatures cannot be possessed, as you cannot displace their souls from their bodies, but that is ultimately a houserule.