View Full Version : Masks - A New Generation

2019-08-19, 06:51 AM
Left just outside of the prison and given a moment to look around there is considerable collateral damage around. But those are thoughts for later, what would have thought to had been impossible a ragtag group of teen vigilantes taking down the Mountain. What would the presses say? How would you peers react to the news? These may be some of the questions running through your mind.

Mirage and the Warden stand being you both relieved and proud of your achievement. The guards of the prison start the process of containing the Mountain into the facility, it will be a lengthy task. Lancer Lavender lay propped up against a lightly crumbled prison wall some distance away, she doesn't seem in a talking mood even as far as to ignore the on site medics trying to treat her wounds. Instead she gazes at you all with quiet resentment but sure not to keep eye contact. Miranda McVey stands by giddy with excitement while her cameraman walks around the mountain capturing every angle. There are no civilians gathered around and the prisoners still in captivity certainly aren't cheering. In fact it is a very quiet aftermath for the storm that was minutes before. For this moment however it is important to take pride in your accomplishments, the club will surely wait for you to arrive especially after this. There is no rush.

Just a quick post to start it off of course no event just yet other than the Mountain of course. Banter freely no restrictions on post limit before others with in reason. Enjoy :smallsmile:

2019-08-19, 10:20 PM
Kaiju Eater looks around, not sure what to do now. She tries to place one of the pieces of wall back together, but after a moment its fragile balance comes apart and it falls back down to the ground again with a thud.

Captain Jak
2019-08-20, 12:43 PM
Luc was in his element, and it showed. Oh, not because it was the aftermath of a battle; truth be told, his performance had at times seemed to have been just that, his actions with more of a thought to how they would look rather than how effective they might be. The fact that they often turned out both ways may have been more of a coincidence than anything.

No, an aftermath that had a media presence? JigaWatt was hovering slowly about the scene on his steel skateboard deck – the deck’s underside sporting his sponsor logo – crackling streamers of electricity occasionally arcing off to the ground. Ostensibly, he was surveying the area and looking for perilously-located damage that should be avoided, but he somehow managed to keep crossing the field of the camera’s pickup in the process.

”Anybody find anything?” he asked loudly, subtly striking a pose for the camera as he addressed his classmates.

2019-08-22, 01:53 AM
Anansi lurks around the edges of the scene, for the moment standing on top of the halfway ruined prison complex and considering the situation. Since he slapped the nullifier down on about the only piece of the Mountain it would actually fit around, he's mostly been waiting to see what would happen. This whole teaming-up thing is still a weird idea to him, something he hadn't considered before. Sure, talking to some people about his powers, maybe making some Metahuman friends, those were things he could handle. But now... All this happened, and he feels a bit out of his depth. With a sigh, the masked boy turns to a colourful spider perched imperiously on his shoulder and quietly speaks. "So, should I go down there? Or is it time for Anansi to vanish into the shadows?" He pauses for a moment, seemingly listening for a response. "Oh, sure. Of course you would say that. Doesn't being sneaky work better if you aren't trying to be famous?" Still, he follows the spider's advice. No use hiding now. He was anything but subtle in the battle, to tell the truth. No way nobody noticed what he was doing. He straightens his completely imaginary tie, raises one foot and pushes open a door that's been mostly smashed off its frame, emerging from the inside of the prison to the ground level. Benefits of god-powers: Not having to walk down a bunch of stairs to get where you're going.

Akachi's gone for his full witch-doctor ensemble. Fanged mask, iridescent green suit and a jaunty top hat to round out the look. It would probably be pretty hot, on a sunny day like this, if any of it actually existed. More benefits of god-powers: Stylish outfits, no drawbacks. He looks at the corporate tool showing off in front of the cameras and snorts. "Find what, oh floaty spark man? Bricks?"

With the quasi-confident stride of someone who kind of knows what he's doing, Anansi heads over to where the warden and Mirage are standing, staying just far enough away that he can teleport away if either of them does something hostile. Not that he expects them to, but... Better safe than sorry, when you're talking to law-enforcement after technically breaking a whole bunch of laws. "So... Exciting day, it seems. If I'm honest, this is not what I had in mind when I left home today. Do you guys have a hole big enough for that giant?"

Turns out it took a bit longer than planned to get this posted. Woops.

No Moves currently, though this might evolve into a Pierce the Mask depending on how the authority figures respond. Anansi is just trying to engage with them right now and see how they react.

2019-08-22, 06:59 PM
With the camera man still circling the Mountain Miranda McVey sees opportunities too good to give up. She rushes to grab her handheld and returns to film Kaiju Eater trying to repair the wall. But she drags herself away at Jigawatts posing and grabbing every angle she could. In truth she was running all over the place, any footage being good footage. "Promotion here I come" could be heard under her breath.

"Excuse me would anyone like to do an interview for the KTHC?" McVey had spoken up.

Being caught off guard the Warden jumps a bit at Anansi's question and of course the costume didn't help. "Yes, I mean well no not really" she said struggling to compose herself, she wiped her brow with a handkerchief she pulled out of her pocket and continued. "We did have a cell for him but as you can see it's a bit too crumbly to be of any use" pointing over into the prison a giant steel and brick sell had almost an entire wall crumbled "he's going to have to be in heavy nullifiers for a while."

Captain Jak
2019-08-22, 09:03 PM
About to answer the Press’ request for an interview, JigaWatt is irritated by an uncalled-for interruption from this group’s resident juvenile delinquent.

”Yes, bricks!” he exclaims with a grand gesture. ”Most specifically, any that might be in danger of falling over and crushing people.” The ‘fool’ isn’t explicitly added, but overtones of it are certainly there.

Turning his back on the costumed buffoon, he sweeps the hood back on his Red DragonTM hoodie – revealing his own Tom Tom BanditTM camera on its headband – and gives McVey one of his ‘on’ smiles.

”I’d be happy to give an interview to such a pretty member of the press,” he charms, playing both to her audience and to his.

Zero Prime
2019-08-23, 07:10 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24047382&postcount=18)
Conditions: Guilty Burn: 2>0

Quentin was thankful Orb Weaver acted as quickly as she did, he was able to deflect the wall going for the 'copter, but he feared the following gravitonic wave wrecked havoc with the flight systems, causing the pilot to pitch sharply, dislodging McVey from her seat and sending her plummeting to her death had Weaver not managed to break her fall with her webbing. He'd largely been avoiding the other's concerned that he hadn't been able to pull his weight, or perhaps even more worrisome, that he was an actual detriment to their actions as a team. Still, he could at least help with clean up right?

He drifted over to Kaiju, "Want some help Kay?" With that he extended his hands, and as he did so a shimmering field of distortion, almost like a heat reflecting from the asphalt on a hot summer day, radiated outwards. The shimmer flickered briefly, and small debris, sand, grit, paper's from some office that had been demolished, started drifting lazily upwards, while the stonework, rebar, and other materials that had formed the east wall began to reform into a semblance of it's former self. Quentin admired his work, it was cruder than previously, but it would hold until construction crews could get on site, and it would stop anyone who wasn't from the Meta-wing from escaping through it.

"At least nobody got hurt, right?" He shrugged complacently, "But good job against the Mountain, I mean he's tough. But you," he tossed Norma a small, but sincere, smile. "You're tougher, and your heart's in the right place. We stopped the baddies, saved a few lives, and prevented a major catastrophe." He floated over to her, and gave her a congratulatory pat on the back, "You may not think it, but you're a big damn hero."

OOC: Assuming in the conflict that Quentin used his Burn move, expending two to activate a Nova Flare, Overcharge, which lets me spend 2 Burn to Unleash my Powers as though I rolled a 10+, which is him reshaping and reinforcing the wall Kaiju was absently trying to rebuild. However, he *will* roll to Comfort & Support Kaiju. Rolling Mundane, -1, [roll0]. So we'll see how effective THAT is!

Whoot! Success, Kaiju can choose to either Mark Potential, Clear a Condition, or Shift Labels, if she listens to Quentin's words and begins to see herself as a big damn hero!

2019-08-23, 03:29 PM
"Kay huh?" she notes, at little surprised they're already at the 'give each other nicknames' stage.
She looks down at her chest and remarks, "Is it though?" but she's got a big amused and appreciative smile on her face.

"You didn't do so bad yourself, saving the helicopter like that and all. I'm glad you were here. Between myself and Mountain this place could have been even more of a wreck than it is now. I really envy your self control to not have just gone all out." she replies, mostly just following his lead on how supportive heroes, which she guess she is now?, were supposed to be of each other.

Kaiju Eater will accept the words and take a Potential.

Wish I could be: to Comfort/Support Gravitas: [roll0]

Hit: they mark potential, clear a condition, or shift Labels if they open up to you.

2019-08-24, 05:15 PM
Violet was hovering awkwardly near the destruction, doing her best to avoid the cameras. Truth be told, it was pretty rare that she'd stick around as long as this after a big fight. If it weren't for the fact that she'd likely be seeing most, if not all, of those that helped her out in the fight later that day, she probably would've left already. With the media being spoken to, however, and most eyes being off of her, she decides to take it upon herself to try and reinforce what she can for when the professional clean up crews arrived. Seeing that she isn't the only one to have had the idea, Violet swings up to the upper reaches of the prison where the others aren't working. Creating a make-shift harness for herself to hang from, she scans over the walls for weak points.

"Ok ok ok... We'll get this sorted, get to the club, laugh it off, then head home. Easy."

2019-08-25, 03:03 AM
"I'm afraid it won't be that simple, Ms. Weaver." A large man in suit proclaimed as he walked into view out of a crumbled prison corner, following him were a small army of Aegis agents who quickly flooded the area. "We arrived a little later than expected due to the rubble closing off the prison however more to the point you five will be coming with us. It shouldn't take too much time and you should be back for your club events as per normal." The agents worked very fast in what could clearly be seen as a cover up operation, most civilians around complied except for Miranda McVey who had to be politely dragged away from the scene. The whole time yelled "what are you goons doing?! Don't you see this is going to be the biggest story for weeks!" it was a somewhat comedic sight and the warden could be seen hiding a small giggle behind her handkerchief.

Smash cut to an interrogation room in Aegis headquarters 15 minutes later.

The same large man sits across from you five mulling over various papers and documents likely about the Mountain fight and Lancer Lavender can be seen leaning against the wall in the far corner. She is in a much better mood than seen at the prison and her costume has even been repaired which is unusually quick. After a long silence the man finally spoke up, "the city can't thank you five enough for the service you have done for it. But you don't make my paperwork any easier hahahaha" he laughed at his own joke for a bit before coming back to his serious exterior. "The problem here as you may well know is the case that four of you are confirmed minors, out of respect we are not looking into your identity Ms. Weaver though I presume it is the case for you as well. None the less we can't have news of this getting out after all what society would we be if we let untrained kids risk their lives for a profession. It took some effort but we were able to cut the live signal of the traffic copter, I'm sorry to have to do this but tomorrows headlines will say that Lancer Lavender had defeated and captured the Mountain."

"I will need to all to sign this non disclosure agreement before I continue." The man slides a two page document across the tables and waits patiently.

Ok got the start up would like your opinions on the jump cut just thought it didn't really need to be ran through but if you think your character would resist Aegis please let me know

2019-08-25, 09:19 AM
After the nameless agent finishes speaking, Norma mouths to Orb Weaver "Are you?" As she'd always assumed Orb Weaver was at least a few years older.

"Fine by me. The less people talking about me the better." Norma says and signs the paper....after actually trying to read the nonsense legalese to avoid something stupid like signing her body over to AEGIS when she dies or any annoying ploys like that.

No problem at all with the jump cut. I just want to know how Gravitas responded to the comfort/support.

Zero Prime
2019-08-26, 05:10 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24047382&postcount=18)
Conditions: Guilty Burn: 0

As Kaiju mentioned his self control he kind of shrugged his shoulders, "I try, I mean," his thoughts drifted back to his 7th grade class, and how his anxieties had just built up inside his head, echoing and amplifying off of one another, until such time as they all came rushing out of him, manifesting as a shockwave of pure gravitic energy. He nodded towards the press helicopter, now safely landed, "They sure as hell know what happens if I lose control, and I don't want that to happen again, you know?"

However, even as he spoke, he looked at the make shift wall, how it had been reinforced by a sustained gravitic field, that was a trick he couldn't have pulled off a few months ago. He, WAS, learning, he WAS, controlled, and that was no small victory. "Want to ditch this scene, I mean the last thing I need right now is AEGIS rolling in and questioning me about my connection to my dad?" A dramatic pause, "Amirite?"

Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24047382&postcount=18)
Conditions: Guilty Burn: 0

"Whelp," he whispered to Norma, as he scanned the document and signed it, "that didn't work did it?"

2019-08-26, 06:00 PM
Norma just gives a little snort of laughter at that. The big bad scary hero-turned-villain's kid the public had been all "will he, won't he?" about couldn't even manage to brush off paperwork.

Captain Jak
2019-08-26, 09:53 PM
Sitting under AEGIS' thumb, JigaWatt considers having to let all the limelight go to someone who did precious little to deserve it. The news footage not having gone out is a cruel blow for the views it could have brought him, and inwardly he fumes at their high-handed censorship. He considers his own footage, stored on his camera's memory card, tucked away in his pocket for the moment. He considers the inarguable fact that they are minors, and subject to laws and restrictions because of their age.

With a sigh, he pulls his own autograph pen out of his hoodie and scrawls his name on the NDA before slumping back in his chair with a suspicious look on his face.

This had better be good.

2019-08-28, 01:28 AM
Akachi feels a brief moment of surprise as the suits step into view. It's only been a few minutes since the fight ended, were they really that close?

... Nah, they just used a teleporter, probably. Still late. Which means they still won't be able to do anything to him. Which is probably a good thing, considering running away now would be exactly the opposite of a good idea. He smiles beneath the mask and shrugs. Oh well.


Akachi laughs briefly at JigaWatt's obvious disgruntlement. Sure, he's slightly annoyed about not getting any recognition for taking out a supervillain, but it's pretty much worth it considering how ticked the glory-hog is likely to be. He quickly glances through the papers in front of him, not particularly concerned. A contract forced on a group of minors while being held in a government facility? Please. Signing it's completely irrelevant, any judge who would rule it binding would do the same for a forgery on a napkin. He quickly scrawls a signature - for Anansi, he's not about to use his real name in any official documentation, that would be silly, then speaks for the first time since AEGIS showed up on the scene. "Sure, sure. Official cover-ups and all that. Don't want the public to know how bad you guys screwed up. I get it. And we technically violated your idiotic rules fixing your problem. So now we all pretend this never happened?" He tilts his head slightly to one side, mask still obscuring any expression on his face, and waits to see what the suit says.

I don't mind the scene change either.

Akachi is using Pierce the Mask here, trying to provoke the lead suit into revealing what exactly AEGIS wants. He certainly doesn't trust the authorities.

Edit: Huh. Okay then. Three questions.
-What are you really planning?
-What do you intend to do?
-How could I get AEGIS to owe me a favour?

2019-08-29, 06:33 AM
Violet sits profoundly uncomfortably in her chair. This was not at all where she wanted to be, or what she wanted to be doing. She glances to Norma at her question, then back to the agent looming over them with the pen and contract. While her perplexed look is comfortably hidden by her mask, her body language quite loudly shouts about her feelings over this. "Wait, I'm sorry, how am I the only one not cool with this? Your paperwork isn't really my problem, send someone more competent next time if you're looking to avoid a PR fallout."

She pushes her chair back somewhat, "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a day to be going about."

2019-09-01, 06:53 PM
The agent wasn't taken aback by Anansi and Orb Weaver's responses, in fact he sat back in his chair a bit as if he had been in this situation multiple times before. "Not quite yet Ms. Weaver. Mr. Angelo or by his street name The Mountain is a criminal wanted for multiple homicide and countless injury, you all were quick and responsive and deserve a reward for your efforts. But if this went public I assume you all wouldn't want the injury of some less prepared kids who were inspired by you. My division is to keep it under control and I hope you can understand why it needs to stay in place, follow the rules, keep with the club and you can be on your way to a special consideration license."

"Agent Nancy!" a delighted woman's voice was heard from behind you five. "Doing the whole big scary agent act again? Oh I'm going to have to have you five sign this contract here before we proceed." As some of you may turn around to see, it was Tempora poking some fun at the agent. For some reason she was making a confident heroic pose despite her casual tone. Lancer Lavender rolled her eyes and took the chance to leave the room. "I had mentioned a reward, she has been waiting to see you since the incident" Agent Nancy's mumbled he was collecting up the papers as if prepared to wrap up the meeting "I'll be taking my leave Tempora, I'll trust you can take it from here." Agent Nancy was getting up to leave the room and Tempora leaned over putting her arms over Kaiju and Gravitas's shoulders in a friendly manner. "This is going to be fun!" she said switching her gaze between each of you.

The details of why Tempora is here is still not known, Agent Nancy is still in the room to interact with

In order for Anansi summing up the first paragraph
He works with a division specialized in these matters he is being honest as far as what he knows is concerned, however it can be assumed that the next incident like this will have greater consequences.
He intends on keeping it under wraps but allowing some reward due to the nature of the heroism
Following the rules is the best way to get benefits from AEGIS though the organisation as a whole is not personal enough for favors but it could get Agent Nancy himself to owe you favors

2019-09-03, 07:58 PM
Norma "says" in response to everything from Orb Weaver refusing to sign papers to friggin' Tempora showing up to whatever the heck "fun" Tempora could mean in this situation.

Zero Prime
2019-09-04, 04:22 AM
Gravitas (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=24047382&postcount=18)
Conditions: Guilty Burn: 0

Quentin watched the exchange between the AEGIS Agent, Tempora, and could only shake his head. He much preferred AEGIS's bureacratic, clinical demeanor to Tempora's almost frivilous tone, as she put his arm around him, he stood up, shrugged it off.

"I don't think it is going to *be* fun, I don't think it *should* be fun. We need to learn two things; self control and techniques, so the next time we have to use our powers for civic defense, we don't put ourselves, or others at risk." He paused, pointed towards the door the Agent was departing through, "I think AEGIS has it right, we're not fully trained, I've got my basic First Aid and CPR, but I don't know how to deal with smoke inhalation, or determine if an explosion, or live wires threaten to ignite a main gas line or a dozen, dozen, different procedures for events, or situations, that we," he pointed around the table to his fellow teammates, "could possibly encounter." He looked heavily at JigaWatt as he continued, "When we put on the Masks, we need to understand that lives are at risk, ours, or those around us, and *that* needs to be handled with a level of responsibility and respect that *fun* just doesn't cover."

[b]OOC: Trying to Pierce the Mask on Tempora, rolling Mundane, -1, [roll0]. Let's see what happens! Nice, one question. What do you intend to do?

Captain Jak
2019-09-04, 11:32 PM
Ironically, the exact same thoughts about the dual-edged sword of being minors and the legalities behind a NDA had occurred to JigaWatt as well before he had signed; his footage might not get out right away, but it wasn’t going to stay buried forever!

Tempora’s appearance was, frankly, exciting as hell, however, and JW watched her with enjoyment as she took the piss with Agent Nancy. He had no idea what she was doing here, but the possibilities were thrilling! Just being here in her presence was awesome enough, but the possibilities for his own fame by associating with her? He somehow kept from giggling.

While he wasn't entirely certain why he was being singled out, JW didn't miss Gravitas' significant look in his direction. Perhaps he was just still sore about coming out second best in their little impromptu one-upmanship session from a while back. And while he had a point, it was kinda a skewed one.

”Well, no, we don't know all that; why would we, we're in high school, bro,” he shoots back with a grin. ”When you put on a mask, or get behind the wheel of a car, or even flip burgers after school, all of that comes with responsibility not to cause grief for other people or get anyone hurt.”

He shrugged. ”But if you don't have any fun while you're doing it, things get old awfully quick,” he countered. ”This,” the performer said, sweeping a hand about the small grouping of them, keeping an watch on Tempora out of the corner of his eye, ”is the life, not a job. If you're not in it because you can't imagine not being in it, it doesn't matter what procedures you know, you're doing it for the wrong reasons.”

JigaWatt grinned. ”And hell – I've got techniques, m'man. You've all seen 'em,” he said with an offhand shrug.

”But we're being rude to our hostess,” he went on, conveniently ignoring the fact that, realistically, Agent Nancy as the local A.E.G.I.S. agent in this very A.E.G.I.S. base is their 'host', as it were. ”Tempora. Huge fan. What brings you by?" Hopefully he can swing this into some sort of teamup he could post in his channel. Way awesome!

Pierce the Mask: Tempora. Rolling Mundane (2d6-1)[7] One question: How can I gain Influence over you?

2019-09-05, 01:16 AM
"I can imagine not being in it." Norma mumbles to herself a little forlornly.

2019-09-05, 04:39 PM
Tempora took a step back at Gravitas's response, it was quite apparent she had not expected something like that. As she left she gave Kaiju a friendly pat on the back to try and ease her confusion. "Tough crowd..." she reached into the pocket of her costume pulling out hastily drawn queue cards and quickly shuffled through them. Tempora stopped at two cards and begun to speak, "ah you must be Gravitas and you are... Jigawatt" gesturing at the two respectively. "It's quite alright Jigawatt I had expected... some apprehension to all this. AEGIS contacted me about five minors saving the day at Black Stone, knowing that you all were joining the Metahuman club they asked me to be your supervisor." Tempora chuckled and leaned one hand on the table "after all it was only seven years ago since I was sitting where you were. I understand your apprehension Gravitas and I should have taken your situation into account, you will be learning how to be a hero at the club but I do hope you will come to enjoy it. After all if you love your work every day is Summer Vacation, of course with perilous danger and safety procedure in our case."

She intends to be your supervisor in the Metahuman club
Generally being a hero and having fun while doing so is the best way to gain influence

Captain Jak
2019-09-10, 06:42 PM
JigaWatt's eyes open a fraction wider.

”Apprehension? No, not at all,” he replies with a broad smile. ”More like thrilled to work alongside a hero of your calibre. We seriously get the chance to be full-fledged heroes, get out there in the eyes of the public, and not get Johnny A.E.G.I.S. down on us for it? Sounds like a blast to me,” the red-hoodied star says with enthusiasm.

Seeing a chance to put himself forward amongst his peers, he seizes the initiative and introduces those whom he knows already. ”Incidentally, you are correct about Gravitas and myself,” he acknowledges. ”Plus, this young lady goes by 'Sunny',” he indicates the clearly somewhat star-struck girl, ”and the spider-perch over here goes by Anansi.” He really shouldn’t bait the illusionist like that, but it is so hard not to sometimes!

He looks around their surroundings again; frankly, considering where they are, he's surprised that Agent McNeil hasn't made an appearance. Isn't it his A.E.G.I.S. watchdog's job to make sure he doesn't do...well, exactly they just did?

2019-09-10, 11:41 PM
Anansi looks on in interest as a professional hero enters the room and the AEGIS goon backs off, but doesn't bother to say anything himself. Still, he can't help but lose a little bit of his air of cool detachment (or at least that's what he tells himself it is) when Tempora makes her announcement. JigaWatt manages to get the words out first, the insufferable showoff, and for a moment Anansi leans forward and goes on the counter-attack. "Who are you calling a spider perch, you-..." He looks at the spider on his shoulder for a moment, and it seems almost like it's shaking for some reason. It's not like spiders can laugh, after all. "- Okay, fine, that's... Kind of accurate. Look, spiders have tiny legs, and he actually gives pretty good advice."

He takes a couple of breaths to try to calm down, completely ignoring how outrageous a normal person would find the idea of a talking spider, then continues. "I thought the club was just for people with powers to hang out and stuff? Are we actually getting a shot at some real heroics?"

2019-09-11, 03:03 AM
"I was more referring to Gravitas with the whole apprehension thing, though I do appreciate the introductions." Tempora frowned for a bit then went back to her queue cards shuffling through until she found the right two. "Though you seem to be forgetting about the other two, Orb Weaver and err... Kaiju Eater." She had a double take a bit shocked by the name "well that is an interesting name. None the less, I don't think you should forget about your team mates Jigawatt. You'll be spending quite a bit of time with them after all."

Anansi takes a couple of breaths to try to calm down, completely ignoring how outrageous a normal person would find the idea of a talking spider, then continues. "I thought the club was just for people with powers to hang out and stuff? Are we actually getting a shot at some real heroics?"

"Of course, the club is all about getting you into super heroics after all. Did you not know about that?" Tempora was clearly confused by Anansi's question. "I mean I guess you could come just to chill out if you wanted, I don't think they're going to force you into it." She laughed it off, but was still a bit put off by the question.