View Full Version : Order of the Lycan+ Bear totem Barb + Kalastar reisiances questions...

2019-08-20, 01:09 PM
So I came up with a build that seems to handle all damage types, but two things...

1. Would Bear totem's resistance to all but psychic damage override the order of the lycan's vulnerability to silver weapons?

2. Would this build be too over=powered for most campaigns, generally-speaking?

2019-08-20, 01:19 PM
For the combination of resistance/vunerability - I would say they cancel each other out and make it normal damage.

As for 2, if I remember correctly you play some pretty brutal campaigns most of the time. For most campaigns it would be pretty annoying to be honest.

2019-08-20, 08:53 PM
Resistance and vulnerability to the same type of damage cancels each other out. Your character would take normal damage from silvered weapon (assuming that's how Order of the Lycan works), and half damage from everything else.

No, I don't consider it overpowered. You'll have double effective HP for some time (remember, Rage is limited resource). Good for you... won't help you when someone cast Hold Person on you instead and you'll lose Rage while paralyzed. Honestly, I would consider Kalashtar sub-par race for a barbarian if psychic resistence is the main reason for picking it. Psychic damage isn't very common, and often it's the conditions accompanying it that present the true danger.

2019-08-21, 10:29 AM
Resistance and vulnerability to the same type of damage cancels each other out. Your character would take normal damage from silvered weapon (assuming that's how Order of the Lycan works), and half damage from everything else.

No, I don't consider it overpowered. You'll have double effective HP for some time (remember, Rage is limited resource). Good for you... won't help you when someone cast Hold Person on you instead and you'll lose Rage while paralyzed. Honestly, I would consider Kalashtar sub-par race for a barbarian if psychic resistence is the main reason for picking it. Psychic damage isn't very common, and often it's the conditions accompanying it that present the true danger.

I figure the big pro of kalashtar is the reaction Advantage on wisdom saves. Coupled with resilient: wisdom it makes the barbarian very hearty in the spot that is usually a big weakness.

2019-08-21, 11:11 AM
I figure the big pro of kalashtar is the reaction Advantage on wisdom saves. Coupled with resilient: wisdom it makes the barbarian very hearty in the spot that is usually a big weakness.

Yeah, that was one of my reasons for going with Kalashtar on top of the resistance to psychic damage.

2019-08-21, 01:44 PM
I figure the big pro of kalashtar is the reaction Advantage on wisdom saves. Coupled with resilient: wisdom it makes the barbarian very hearty in the spot that is usually a big weakness.

Wisdom saves are also very important for Order of the Lycan Bloodhunters.

2019-08-21, 03:15 PM
Wisdom saves are also very important for Order of the Lycan Bloodhunters.

I was going to start with BH for level 1 for Str + Wis save proficiencies. I can get Resilient Con later on.