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2019-08-20, 01:36 PM
We recently had a new player join our game. And he was slightly offput by some rather odd quirks our group has developed. It isn’t particularly amusing...BUT...it had to be explained and justified because...well...role play. We are suspicious of any shorter races. Or short people. Gnomes? Check. Dwarves. Check. Children? Keep a blade handy. Why? Freakin dirty halflings. Our new player was not informed of this, but eventually a halfling was came about as a character. And we were basically totally down to screw this NPC over (to the horror of the lawful good paladin).

Well. When asked after it finally dawned on him he asked: what is the deal? Why do you hate halfings? Our resident crotchety old elf screamed, “.those damn dirty halfings are always screwing us over!! They steal! And they get us in trouble with the law!!!”

And I proceed to chime in: “and they gave me some dirty halfings diseases!! I was a rat man!!! An Fing RAT!”

So now our lawful good paladin is trying to explain to us why racism is bad and that NO...not every short person is a halfing. It makes for some funny role play. That and persistently repeating to ANY watch member that even slightly mumbles in our direction: “am I being detained?”

Somehow my relatively lawful good group’s quirk is that we somehow became radical “libertarian” racists who follow the laws so well that we require watch members to actually detain us before we talk to them. Our DM May hate us. It is fair. I hate myself too lol.

2019-08-20, 02:10 PM
We have a kleptomaniacal kitsune and a shifter ooze that insists on adopting sentient creatures.

2019-08-20, 02:45 PM
We have a kleptomaniacal kitsune and a shifter ooze that insists on adopting sentient creatures.

Lol. That seems...interesting. Any antics from that?

2019-08-20, 03:30 PM
Well the kitsune managed to steal Gloves of Larceny from a weekly street fair. I had to miss a session, have yet to hear the fallout from that, I'm sure somebody raised hell in town..

The ooze so far has adopted a goblin rogue, and a giant mushroom that unfortunately we had to slay as it wouldn't stop trying to eat us. The goblin rogue has been decked out with magic gear and is our mascot.

2019-08-20, 03:42 PM
Well the kitsune managed to steal Gloves of Larceny from a weekly street fair. I had to miss a session, have yet to hear the fallout from that, I'm sure somebody raised hell in town..

The ooze so far has adopted a goblin rogue, and a giant mushroom that unfortunately we had to slay as it wouldn't stop trying to eat us. The goblin rogue has been decked out with magic gear and is our mascot.

Lol. There is something odd about body snatching for sure. Might have to explain why someone refers to themselves in the third person.

2019-08-20, 05:56 PM
The most amazing ability to faceplant on seeming easy things (either dice or rp-wise) and yet roll well in the "aw hell- here goes nothing" moments.

two common exclamations at the table "How can we not do this?" and "Really? That Worked?!?"

and talking to random Urban animals just because a couple characters can....its 95%fluff 4%gather information and 1% please pass this adventure and start a new one that the GM must run by the seat of the pants.

2019-08-20, 06:11 PM
We have developed this running joke that whoever is rooming with the party fighter has to abruptly wake him up by humming Edvard Grieg's Morning Mood. Variations of this include having my cat familiar hum the tune, or a group effort with the party sorcerer providing a strong tenor harmony. That is until the sorcerer died in an explosion during one of our last sessions. My character warmed up to his replacement barbarian when he hummed the same song as a baritone. And the fighter pretends to hate it but couldn't do without it

2019-08-21, 01:42 AM
In my game of Iron Gods, the resident Android (who in this setting are fully sentient, souled race that cannot feel emotions) holds up flash cards with emoticons to represent the emotions they should be feeling at a given point. Typically these are extremely off for the situation. For example, tonight she mixed up hungry and horny. In the same group, the (kinda) pacifist wizard is constantly asking the party oh so politely to not murder everything. Surprisingly, they do actually not kill everything.

In a game of Giantslayer, my character breaks anything he holds (but only for so long as he holds it). We found an artifact fairly early on and we figured out it was an artifact because it didn't break in my hands. So now we check all the magic loot by letting my character handle it. I'm waiting for it to explode spectacularly. Additionally, as an unarmed character they frequently me to "bad touch" our enemies. Our Inquisitor has gotten into the habit of Detecting Evil on every rock we come across (we're adventuring through mountains; there is a lot) because the very first time he used Detect Evil he found an Evil rock.

2019-08-21, 02:04 AM
Everytime there is a frog mentioned the Party goes on and says "NO, NO, no, no, No" in different ways, because on one adventure there were in a fairy world and the most memorable thing was not the Fairy king or the Fairy jousting but the frog of the royal Fairy Alchemist who could ribbit the word no, giving it different tones regarding the situation.

2019-08-21, 07:50 AM
In my game of Iron Gods, the resident Android (who in this setting are fully sentient, souled race that cannot feel emotions) holds up flash cards with emoticons to represent the emotions they should be feeling at a given point. Typically these are extremely off for the situation. For example, tonight she mixed up hungry and horny. In the same group, the (kinda) pacifist wizard is constantly asking the party oh so politely to not murder everything. Surprisingly, they do actually not kill everything.

In a game of Giantslayer, my character breaks anything he holds (but only for so long as he holds it). We found an artifact fairly early on and we figured out it was an artifact because it didn't break in my hands. So now we check all the magic loot by letting my character handle it. I'm waiting for it to explode spectacularly. Additionally, as an unarmed character they frequently me to "bad touch" our enemies. Our Inquisitor has gotten into the habit of Detecting Evil on every rock we come across (we're adventuring through mountains; there is a lot) because the very first time he used Detect Evil he found an Evil rock.

Oh man. A clumsy character who breaks things. I could have so much fun with that lol. In a deep oafish voice: “oops.” “What did you break this time Glarganson?” “What? Uhhh...nuffin. Bye.”

2019-08-21, 07:51 AM
Everytime there is a frog mentioned the Party goes on and says "NO, NO, no, no, No" in different ways, because on one adventure there were in a fairy world and the most memorable thing was not the Fairy king or the Fairy jousting but the frog of the royal Fairy Alchemist who could ribbit the word no, giving it different tones regarding the situation.

Lol I could see this getting annoying

2019-08-21, 08:34 AM
Does "being the lesser of two evils" count as an amusing quirk? My BDH party loves to describe their exploits against their foes by claiming that they "waded through them like they were humans". And, if prisoners are uncooperative, are happy to use Speak with Dead instead.

Early in their career, one party (probably the same one) got an item that would detect secret doors. They would never map, and always scream "secret door!", and take the secret door, top priority. Even if it leads them out of the secret area that they are already in.

One party (maybe the same one) captured a gargoyle, and stored it in a Portable Hole. They fed all their corpses to said gargoyle, and then took the leftover items that have been "cleaned" of their former bearers.

2019-08-21, 10:46 AM
Over a number of years, across several different systems, at least six times, my regular players have demonstrated the (no link to TvTropes because I'm on a mobile) "WTF hero?" trope.

Shadowrun: Choosing to machine gun a political rally in downtown Seattle, followed by throwing grenades at police helicopters. When the jog was to kneecap one of the politician's advisors.

Traveller: Attacking a customs inspection team in orbit. While in a 300 tonne trader ship with a single laser, within point blank range or two 600 tonne Imperial military ships.

D&D: Multiple occurrances. Dipping powerful magic items in lava 'because they are red and might be fire resistant'. Throwing away part of a anti-demon plot device artifact over a demon fortress because they hadn't already gotten the other two parts and fixed it within three sessions of getting the first part. Two melee guys releasing a balrog with class levels from an iron flask that they were told to recover and not open because it was powerful enough to kill them.

Champions: Intentionally chasing a villian in order to kill them when gas bombs were about to go off at a 25,000 person sports stadium. Knowing that they could only manage to get to one or the other in time.

Ken Murikumo
2019-08-21, 01:40 PM
One of our guys tends to use the same words over and over again when he GMs.

"Interesting..." he has somebody (usually a bad guy) exclaim when they encounter our party. Doesn't matter what system of campaign. It happens every session he runs, without fail. So much so, that we all freak out like on Pee Wee's playhouse when they say the word of the day.

"Gentleman" is a word describing a rich evil guy wearing finery (a 3 piece suit, royal garments, etc...). When he says the word, we know this guy is rich, automatically evil, and what he is wearing without actually being told anything about the NPC. It happens so frequently that the GM doesn't even realize it and has actually spoiled his own reveals by using the word "gentleman"

2019-08-21, 02:25 PM
Oh man. A clumsy character who breaks things. I could have so much fun with that lol. In a deep oafish voice: “oops.” “What did you break this time Glarganson?” “What? Uhhh...nuffin. Bye.”

I never said he was clumsy. He is cursed to literally break anything he holds in his hands. Artifact magic is just stronger than his curse so they don't break. The good part is things unbreak when he is no longer holding them.

2019-08-22, 06:54 AM
One of our guys tends to use the same words over and over again when he GMs.

"Interesting..." he has somebody (usually a bad guy) exclaim when they encounter our party. Doesn't matter what system of campaign. It happens every session he runs, without fail. So much so, that we all freak out like on Pee Wee's playhouse when they say the word of the day.

"Gentleman" is a word describing a rich evil guy wearing finery (a 3 piece suit, royal garments, etc...). When he says the word, we know this guy is rich, automatically evil, and what he is wearing without actually being told anything about the NPC. It happens so frequently that the GM doesn't even realize it and has actually spoiled his own reveals by using the word "gentleman"

Oh man. That is hilarious.

2019-08-22, 10:25 AM
For some reason, female reptiles are always screwing our party over, regardless of GM or setting or system. Lamias, nagas, lizard folk, someone with flaky skin... Doesn't matter, you can't trust a Snakelady. Even when the Snakelady is a dude you can't trust them.

Also, our current party is almost constantly derailed by two characters sharing outrageous stories about their acting days.

2019-08-22, 12:12 PM
For some reason, female reptiles are always screwing our party over, regardless of GM or setting or system. Lamias, nagas, lizard folk, someone with flaky skin... Doesn't matter, you can't trust a Snakelady. Even when the Snakelady is a dude you can't trust them.

Also, our current party is almost constantly derailed by two characters sharing outrageous stories about their acting days.

I’m assuming in character?

Also...freakin lizard folk are almost as bad as halfings. Lol

2019-08-22, 02:59 PM
I’m assuming in character?

Yup, in character. They're playing a bastard-in-exile bard and a politically tone-deaf ex-gladiator who accidentally committed treason because he was sick of throwing fights.