View Full Version : Has anyone ever done a write up of “Summon Proxy?”

2019-08-21, 04:46 PM
Has anyone ever done a write up of “Summon Proxy (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0998.html)?”

I get that it’s a McGuffin and works however it needs to work to move the plot. And I get that it would have little utility for the average adventuring cleric (except to potentially scare the bejeebers out of some dungeon denizens).

But I’m still curios as to what a write-up of the spell would look like. For example, what level would a caster need to be? Is it a conjuration or a divination spell? Etc.

2019-08-22, 09:01 AM
So, we know you have to be a high level Cleric to cast it, and, according to the Class and Level Geekery thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?579856-Class-and-Level-Geekery-XVI-These-Characters-May-Now-Drive-the-Plot), Durkula/Greg was level 15 (though he could be level 16, since it's basically impossible to know for sure).

Assuming he was level 15 and had bonus spells to all levels except 8th due to wisdom, he'd have 4+1 3+1 1+1 slots for 6th, 7th, and 8th level respectively.

In the fight with Roy he uses the following high level spells:
- Destruction (7th, maybe a Domain spell)
- Harm (6th, maybe a Domain spell)
- Anti life shell (6th)

The fact that he didn't use a single 8th level spell despite almost dying for real seems to indicate his single non-domain slot was filled with Summon Proxy. Also, if he has Death and Destruction domain (pure speculation), his 8th level domain slot would be really useless in the fight, since these domains offer "Create Greater Undead" and "Earthquake" as their 8th level spells.

Now, for the School of magic. Despite it having "Summon" in its name, the spell is not really summoning a creature nor an object, which is what the Summoning subschool explicitly says it does. So I don't think it's conjuration.

It could be a divination, but I think it works much like a super powered Sending Spell, which is an evocation spell.

So there you go, the final result:

Summon Proxy
Level: Clr 8
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: ‎Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Duration: 10min/lv; see text (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You call into existence a proxy of your deity to speak on their behalf. The proxy is a translucent manifestation of the deity that stands at about 15ft tall and only appears if the deity is willing to do so. For the duration of the spell, the deity has full control over the proxy - its movements, actions, and speaches, although it cannot interact with creatures or objects. The deity can, at any point during the spell's duration, dismiss it as a free action.

The spell is usually used by clerics whose deities wish to communicate with other deities without running the risk of conflict since the proxies themselves cannot do anything harmful such as cast spells, attack, and use their divine abilites.

2019-08-22, 12:17 PM
Sweet! I like it. But there a couple things that come to mind…

…For the duration of the spell, the deity has full control over the proxy - its movements, actions, and speaches, although it it cannot interact with creatures or objects…

…The spell is usually used by clerics whose deities wish to communicate with other deities without running the risk of conflict since the proxies themselves cannot do anything harmful such as cast spells, attack, and use their divine abilites.

I'm not sure the deity does have full remote control of the caster. I don't recall seeing any of the gods controlling their clerics action outside of speaking. And for that matter, the gods can't see what's happening on the mortal plane (as evidenced by the deities inability to hear Roy's speech).

The clerics can cast spells and attack while maintaining proxy. For example, Durkon fights Roy while maintaining his proxy connection with Hel. The reason they don't is because of the laws and magics of the meeting which prevent them from doing so.

2019-08-22, 12:25 PM
The deity has no control over the caster.

The proxy is a translucent manifestation of the deity...
The control is over the proxy. Which is nothing more than a hologram, or projection of the deity. I think this resolves both your questions, as the caster does not need to maintain the concentration of the spell, the deity takes over.

2019-08-22, 02:02 PM
Thinking about it, most spells that deal with deities directly (such as Commune) have an XP cost, so maybe Summon Proxy should have one as well. I'd say 750 XP is a good measure.

The deity has no control over the caster.

The control is over the proxy. Which is nothing more than a hologram, or projection of the deity. I think this resolves both your questions, as the caster does not need to maintain the concentration of the spell, the deity takes over.

Yup! extra character