View Full Version : The moons (need your homebrew monsters)

Tor the Fallen
2007-10-12, 11:22 AM
Hey all, I need your monsters to inhabit the three moons I have circling my campaign world. Also, names for the moons would be cool.

Moon 1
It follows RL lunar cycles, is pale green, and happens to be a jungle world. The jungle of the moon is going to be full of prehistoric monstrosities- giant vermin, aberrations, things with far, far too many teeth. Every square inch will be stingers and poison and death.

There will also be several tall mountains, above the hostile green hell, where an ancient, self complititave race lives.

Monster types needed:
No dinosaur like creatures, please
Exoskeletons, stingers, poison
Giant Vermin
Semi-aquatic or amphibious
If you might find it in devonian seas or permian swamps
A psionic race with a vague asian flavor
A tiny race that looks like those fetish creatures from diablo 2

Moon 2 (deimos?)
This one will look like our moon from the planet (actually a disk), but will only rise every 2 to 10 years (averaging once every 4 years). When it does, strange things happen- the fey become more active, mushrooms sprout everywhere, it's a good year for truffle hunters.

The moon is a place of fungus, aberrations, inky black lakes, and fey. I imagine it to be a fungal, twilight world, full of caverns and strange and wonderous creatures. Also a place of great peril, as the fey can be tricky, and the aberrations hungry. As the moon is very close to the ethereal plane, it will be reachable by ethereal gate ways in the dark, fungal recesses of the bowels of the planet (basically planar 'portals')

Creatures needed:
Plants (fungus types)
bizarre, tantacled, lovecraftian aberrations
Horrible creatures that lurk in an inky sea
Subterranean creatures

Moon 3 (phobos?)
The third moon has only been known to rise twice in recorded history; only the long lived races (dwarves, elves, etc) have any real knowledge of it (unless you're a high level PC). It rises a sickly, cankerous sore that blights the night sky. When it hangs low on the horizon, all undead in its light are bolstered (basically a universal unhallow affect). If it rises overhead, it blots out the sun, casting the world into shadow. It acts as a desecrate spell for the entire world, as if cast on an unholy shrine or altar.

The moon is a charred, barren, bone scattered wasteland. It hangs in perpetual vacuum, having lost its air long ago due to a great many orbs of annihilation. The place is littered with bones, and haunted by ghosts. It has faint negative energy traits- living creatures take 1 negative energy damage per round, while undead heal the same amount.

Creatures needed:
Undead, corporeal and incorporeal