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2019-08-22, 02:11 PM
RC's The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

https://i.ibb.co/cQt4Pwp/20190407-101355.jpg (https://youtu.be/_tf7gu6hKkc)

"In the vast, deep forest of Hyrule... Long have I served as the guardian spirit...

I am known as the Deku Tree...

The children of the forest, the Kokiri, live here with me. Each Kokiri has his or her own guardian fairy. However, there are some who do not have a fairy...

Navi... Navi, where art thou? Come hither....

Oh, Navi the fairy... Listen to my words, the words of the Deku Tree... Dost thou sense it? The climate of evil descending upon this realm... Malevolent forces even now are mustering to attack our land of Hyrule...

For so long, the Kokiri Forest, the source of life, has stood as a barrier, deterring outsiders and maintaining the order of the world... But...before this tremendous evil power, even my power is as nothing.

It seems the time has come for the ones without a fairy to begin their journey... The youths whose destiny it is to lead Hyrule to the path of justice and truth...

Navi...go now! Find our young friends and guide them to me... I do not have much time left. Fly, Navi, fly! The fate of the forest, nay, the world, depends upon thee!"

You are standing in a storm, dark and violent. Ahead of you perhaps 50ft of high stone wall is illuminated by twin flames sputtering in their sconces either side of a great wooden drawbridge over a wide water filled moat. Beyond the range of the lights there is only darkness.

With a great clanking the drawbridge begins to descend on massive chains, slamming down with a boom that shakes the ground. Hoofbeats muffled by the rain approach and out of the fortress gallops a white horse carrying a woman and a girl, both in fine clothes. The girl looks desperately back at you until the horse carries her beyond your sight.

As you turn back towards the drawbridge you are startled by the presence of a dark skinned man with red hair in black armour and riding a large black warhorse. He raises his left hand indifferently towards you and a yellow-white glow forms in his palm. The light quickly builds until it is all you can see. And then you awake!

Each of you has woken from this same nightmare many times over the past weeks.

Some of you may have discussed the dream with your friends and wondered how you could be having the same dream! And those of you of a more observant nature have not missed that the forest has been getting darker of late and that sightings of vicious monsters in the woods around the village have been increasing. The Great Deku Tree, Guardian of the Forest, has refused to see anyone for many days. An atmosphere of nervous tension pervades Kokiri Village.

And then this morning each of you were woken in turn by a blue fairy calling herself Navi, summoning you to an audience with The Great Deku Tree. You all do your best to prepare yourselves, following Navi to assemble in the village centre. Xenia and Zippo run into Saria as the group assembles, the sunny green-haired girl expressing her happiness for you at the honour of being summoned before the Deku Tree! Mido already knew as well of course, Navi having stopped to ask him directions to your houses, and he fusses obsessively until he's made sure you are all fully equipped before leaving as a cover for his own jealousy at not receiving a summons. As you gather to leave a number of other villagers gather around as you ready to depart, wishing you luck when they learn you are to see the Deku Tree. Everyone just wants to be reassured that everything is going to be alright. Fado makes Weaver promise to show her any scars he accumulates. Weirdo.

To be honest Mido's concerns turn out to be well founded. As you make your way to The Great Deku Tree's glade you have to cut your way past several deku babas, plant-like monsters with a hard nutty husk that they use to bite and devour prey! Fortunately these were withered and weak, presenting very little difficulty even to inexperienced adventurers such as yourselves. Their presence is not a good sign however.

Finally you make it to The Great Deku Tree's glade, and Navi immediately flys out ahead.

"Great Deku Tree... I'm back!"

The Great Deku Tree fills the entire glade. Taking the form of an ancient oak-like tree a hundred feet in diameter at the base and many hundreds of feet high. Massive boughs pass over your heads even at the entrance to the glade! Facing you in the middle of its trunk and apparently formed from bark is an enormous care-worn face, with bushy eyebrows and a long drooping moustache. The face smiles kindly at you all as you approach.

https://i.ibb.co/NNsL9hr/emiliano-cordoba-dekutree.jpg (https://youtu.be/pOyAiVbOZUI)

"Oh... Navi... Thou hast returned..."

The words of the Deku Tree are deep and rustly, full of portent and a hint of many generations of accumulated wisdom.

"Vikka... Zola... Zippo... Nippi... Koli... Xenia... Weaver... Welcome..."

"Listen carefully to what I, the Deku Tree, am about to tell ye... Your slumber these past moons must have been restless and full of nightmares... As the servants of evil gain strength, a vile climate pervades the land and causes nightmares to those sensitive to it... Verily, ye hast felt it..."

"Children... The time has come to test your courage..."

"I have been... cursed... I need ye to break the curse with your wisdom and courage..."

"Dost ye have courage enough to undertake this task?"

The Great Deku Tree looks down, giving each of you a deeply appraising look as he awaits your response.

2019-08-22, 03:23 PM
If he has the courage, he asks. He! The most brave warrior south of the great hedge! Everytime he woke up after the dream, his first look was to his sword and shield, he always had in reach. There was nothing he wished more than becoming an adventurer.
His daily training in melee fighting, in sling-shooting, his physical education, all had the one goal to be ready if, yeah if, one day, the small opportunity will occur, that he finally can have his adventure, like his big idol.

And now, the big, old Deku Tree has selected him. He was one of the chosen! Everything he ever dreamed of, come true now! And the Deku Tree asks him, if he has the courage?

A single doubt grows deep in his guts. Courageous enough he is, for sure. But has he it what is needed to be a hero? What, if he hadn't trained enough? If he couldn't protect his sisters and brothers? What, if he fails?

No! They were called, they are here, they will succeed! Maybe he was chosen - not to lead, that's not his role - but to motivate and take away the fear from his siblings.

He swallows down his negative thoughts, steps forward with pride and says “I have the courage, oh Deku Tree!“

2019-08-22, 03:49 PM
Nippi's gaze is way up at the spreading branches when the Great Deku Tree starts to speak. He snaps back to attention, and puts a hand on his shaggy pup's head when the Tree intones her name. He whispers, "Hear that, girl? He knows it's you!"

"Dost ye have courage enough to undertake this task?"

The Great Deku Tree looks down, giving each of you a deeply appraising look as he awaits your response.

Nippi nods slowly, awed into somberness. "I do, Great Deku Tree. Um, we do."

Piggy Knowles
2019-08-22, 04:03 PM
Mab danced playfully around the blue fairy, her own translucent form seeming particularly pale compared to Navi’s brightness, as Xenia nodded solemnly, still blinking the sleep out of her eyes. When Navi left, Xenia caught Mab’s eyes. “Can she see you?”

”I don’t know!” Mab squeaked. ”I’m still not sure why the other Kokiri can’t see me. But hey, listen! An audience with the Great Deku Tree! Isn’t that great?”

Xenia didn’t answer, but her heart raced a bit thinking about it. And that dream… Xenia was no stranger to disconcerting dreams, but this one had an immediacy to it. Her skin prickled at the thought of that man, that place…

Mido was his usual grumpy self as he bustled and fussed, checking and double checking and triple checking Xenia’s pack. Finally she had to pull it from his hands. ”I’ll be fine, Mido,” she said. ”It’s just the forest.” Mido frowned, and Xenia patted him on the shoulder and walked away. She liked Mido, for all his fussiness and ill humor. She liked Saria, too, and gave her a quick smile as she hurried away toward the forest.

The new armor she wore was still stiff, the leather cracking and bending, and pinching her at her armpits and the hollows of her knees. She sighed. Mido had said the leather would take a few days to wear in. When she was out of view of the village she pulled off her shoes and dug her toes into the earth and grass. Barefoot, she pushed on into the deep forest…

"Dost ye have courage enough to undertake this task?"

The Great Deku Tree looks down, giving each of you a deeply appraising look as he awaits your response.

Xenia swallows at the Great Deku Tree’s words, then nods once. Mab dances excitedly all around her. “A curse! A curse on the Great Deku Tree? Oh no!” Mab’s piping voice, the voice only Xenia can hear, shakes slightly. “And did you hear that about the dreams? You said you thought those dreams were something different! What does he mean? And do you think the Great Deku Tree knows about your other dreams? Oh, hey, Xenia, listen! This is—”

“Shush,” Xenia mutters. Then, seeing the other four Kokiri around her stir, she blushes furiously. “Sorry— I— I didn’t mean to shush you all,” she says quickly, and drops her head… but not before directing a quick scowl at the fluttering form of Mab.

Morbis Meh
2019-08-22, 04:36 PM
"BUT I AM NOT READY YET....!" The worsts erupt from Vikka's lips before her mind has a chance to reign them in. A moment of slow realization sets in as Vikka comprehends what she has just done. She begins to sense a warmth rising up on her face, knowing that it was becoming a lively shade of scarlet.

Her breathing soon sped up and became erratic as she felt the pressure of everyones gaze, or so she perceived, fall upon her for her faux pas. Frantically she thought of any sort of solution that would in some small way remedy the blunder. Alas, in true Vikka fashion she just dug herself deeper.

"OhmygoshIamsosorryMr.GreatandPowerfulDekuTree!" Again she caught herself as she registered that her tone was too rapid to be understood. She then took a deep breath and shrank away as she cast her gaze downward. "I mean...yes...I........ugh have....courage....I think? I am going to go over there now...and possiblly die but don't mind me."

With her shoulders slumped she quickly moved herself into a position that was out of the Deku Tree's immediate view.

Zola's glow dimmed slightly at the debacle then muttered in a gruff tone "Burrs and Brambles Vikka! Way to embarrass me in front of the Deku Tree! Why can't you control that big mouth of yours!" If one were to carefully stare at the fairy they could almost make out a tiny hand covering it's face.

Vikka withered at the curt rebuke and began fidgeting awkwardly with her hands.

2019-08-22, 11:40 PM
Weaver leaned in to whisper to the three Kokiri he was talking to. ”I’m telling you, the dream is a sign. I’m pretty sure it’s because of the curse that witch put on me. Don’t worry, it’s not catchy. But if you’re sleeping nearby and you hear a scream from my sleeping bag ... well, it’s probably best you snuggled in and keep your eyes closed. I should probably warn the Great Deku Tree ...”

As he trailed off, Navi appeared, whistling to Weaver. “Weaver, the Great Deku Tree has summoned you. Simmons you.“”. Weaver blinked, nonplussed for a moment as his audience gasped collectively. Navi flitted impatiently, bumping into the small Kokiri. ”Come on Wee!”

Weaver shook from his surprise, automatically snapping “Don’t call me Wee!” Then he smiled widely and waved to the stunned Kokiri. ”Looks like he must have heard something. See you guys later!” Weaver chased after Navi, his heart beating madly in his chest...

Standing in front of the Great Deku Tree, Weaver fidgeted nervously, glancing at the others. He knew them, of course, especially because they all had special things about them. He especially liked Vikka, cuz she was so graceful and agile. It was hard to focus, but the Tree was telling them some serious stuff. Weaver shuffled in place for a moment, then glanced up to find the Great Deku Tree staring at him. The others were all quiet, apparently all having answered. What did they say? Did they all agree? What should he do?

But even as the questions threatened to overwhelm him, he found the gaze of the elder tree peering into his soul. The world, and any worries or fears, faded away. Clearing his throat, he nodded and said “Y-yes. Yes I do.”. He grinned at the others, excited that he was actually going to be a part of a real story!
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d6)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-08-23, 08:58 AM
The Great Deku Tree appears to nod almost imperceptibly, eyes twinkling with approval as Zippo, Nippi and Weaver state their intention to break the curse, then waits patiently for Vikka to collect herself. Though his expression never wavers from one of kindly benevolence, he does give Xenia a long appraising look after she shushed herself. When Vikka returns he continues.

"Perhaps ye do not yet have confidence in your abilities... That is fine... Ye are not obliged... Return to Kokiri Village and none shall think less of ye... But if ye wouldst dare..."

With a great creaking groan The Great Deku Tree's mouth rumbles open, revealing a dark passage into his interior.

"Then enter, brave children, and thou too, Navi..."

"Navi the fairy... thou must aid them... And children... When Navi speaks, listen well to her words of wisdom..."

Piggy Knowles
2019-08-23, 12:27 PM
Xenia takes a deep breath and glances around at the other Kokiri nearby. Seeing none of them back away, she steels herself and steps forward, gripping her wooden shield tightly.

”I guess we… go in there,” she says, her voice barely above a whisper. With her other hand she fumbles at her belt, considering her dagger, then drawing out a thin wooden wand. Nervously she steps forward, stopping briefly on the giant wooden lip of the Great Deku Tree, her bare feet resting on the rough-grained wood. She pauses there, peering around inside, as she waits for the others.

Draws her wand of entangle and attempts to get as close as she can without actually going inside in an effort to look around.

Morbis Meh
2019-08-23, 12:54 PM
Vikka's breathing eventually levelled out and the gravity of the situation finally set in. Her tension subsided and she slowly began evaluating their circumstance with her standard calm clarity. She had been preparing for something like this with her own training and rationally she knew when it came time to perform no one could be completely ready.

Vikka's posture changed from the diminished, frightened state to a more relaxed, fluid one. She noticed the others hesitating as the Great Deku Tree opened his mouth and calmly began to maneuver herself to the vanguard position. As she moved towards the opening she unsheathed her dual swords in an easy, practiced motion while she continued progressing forward at her cautious, yet determined pace.

2019-08-23, 02:07 PM
Zippo wanted to react to Xenias frightened answer, grab her hand and take the first step with her, but before he could even move his hand, she steps forward. Same with Vikka.

A little grin and a clap on Weavers and Nippis shoulders later he says C'mon, let's go! and he follows the girls inside the tree.

2019-08-23, 10:58 PM
Weaver stared in amazement as the tree opened his mouth to reveal an entrance. For all the stories he told, this was so much stranger than he would have thought. He glanced at the others, his eyes eventually settling on Vikka. Taking a deep breath, he started to step towards her with words of encouragement. Before he could move, Vikka took her own calming breath and a change came over her. The nervousness was gone, and the silent stalker had returned. She strode past the others, drawing her swords as she went.

Weaver hesitated for a moment, until Zippo clapped his shoulders. ”C’mon, let’s go!”. Weaver blinked and nodded, giving Nippi a wave as he followed the others into the tree, gripping his walking stick tightly. “Hey! W-wait for us!”
Hey now - just cuz I can’t post from work, live in a different time zone and went to a movie, it doesn’t mean Weaver’s scared! :smallsmile:

Inward and downward!
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d6)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-08-26, 02:35 AM
Nippi's eyes get big and he wears an unconscious grin. "Wow!" he says breathily. "Come on, pup, in we go." The Kokiri clambers atop his big, shaggy dog and heads straight for the Great Deku's mouth. When the two come even with Vikka, Nippi reaches out to touch her shoulder. "What an adventure already, huh? -- Whoah!" Koli does an odd little dance moving to get closer to Xenia as soon as her rider stops directing her, almost toppling the boy from his perch.

2019-08-26, 04:25 AM
Summoning your courage, you venture into The Great Deku Tree's open mouth.

Before you is a large circular chamber, about sixty feet across and extending high into the Deku Tree's trunk above you. The light inside is dim, coming only from the opening behind you and the two corporeal fairies accompanying you. The air smells damp and musty. The floor is formed from a moist, spongy wood that comes away easily if you poke it, and the walls are thick with cobwebs and vines. On the far side of the chamber a ramp spirals clockwise up about fifteen feet, and you can just make out some protuberances above that may be useful as platforms. Some of the lower platforms cause the walls in this lower part of the chamber to narrow in places. In some of the deeper shadows, long grasses grow in the composty ground. In the northeast alcove Xenia thinks she can spot something shiny among the grasses.

In the centre of floor of the chamber is a circular opening, choked thick with spider webs. Spaced around the opening, four deku babas turn their sightless heads towards you curiously, smacking their lips together with a hollow clopping noise. Unlike the withered deku babas you faced on your way to The Great Deku Tree's glade, these ones look healthy and fully mobile! Well, as mobile as a rooted plant can be.


What do you do?


2019-08-26, 03:49 PM
So, some flowers, ya? Zippo says with a grin. He draws his sword and shield and attacks the first one in line.

2019-08-26, 04:14 PM
double post.

Charging to L12, drawing sword while moving, focusing on target and laying all the acceleration into this one swing

Charge attack with full power attack
Attack [roll0] crit [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Morbis Meh
2019-08-26, 08:28 PM
Vikka noted the carnivorous vegetation and sighed. Sure they didn't move but it would be fool hardy to leave them as is. Before she could react Zippo spoke and rushed haphazardly towards the one on their left. Vikka groaned inwardly before thinking Why?!?! We have time to discuss strategy.... It's not like they can move.

Vikka, with a flash a movement, performed one of the old Sheika techniques she had just finished learning and vanished. Well at least she hoped she had. The room took on a flat, distorted appearance and she remembered that something like this had happened before when she practiced it. Not wasting any time she surged forward maneuvering herself to be to the right of the deku baba before unleashing a quick dual slash with her swords.

I didn't mention it before going in but Vikka will start out in the Child of Shadow stance from here on out (not this time since I used my swift already)

Swift action: Cloak of Deception
Move action: Move to L 16
Standard action: Wolf Fang Strike

To hit 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

To hit 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Edit: I didn't add the +2 to hit since I don't know if Deku babas are sighted, if yes add the +2 to each hit.

Piggy Knowles
2019-08-27, 08:15 AM
As Vikka and Zippo rush forward to engage the nearest Deku Baba, Xenia squint. ”There’s something in the grass up that way,” she says, pointing to the far northeast corner, beyond which is another grinning Deku Baba. These creatures aren’t unfamiliar to her, of course; she saw some earlier that very day. But these specimens are fiercer, more active than the withered things she has encountered before. She would have to get a cutting from one of them when things settled down a bit. She grins at the thought of how Mido would react to her attempting to grow a Deku Baba in the village garden. Well, maybe she could keep a small specimen in a pot on her windowsill.

She glances around. Vikka and Zippo appear to have the Deku Baba off to the left well in hand. The one nearest to her, however, is still snapping its wooden jaws in every direction. She inches forward, keeping herself near Zippo, and fingers the wand chambered in her shield. ”They’re just plants,” she says. ”Just plants. No different from the vegetables we grow in our garden. They drink the rain and the sun, and they grow. But the weather is a funny thing. Too much rain can drown a garden. And too much sun…” She whispers a word and the wooden wand in her hand comes alive. The air around the nearest Deku Baba grows hot and dry. ”Too much sun can wither them.”

Knowledge (nature) check to identify the Deku Baba and anything relevant about them: [roll0]

Move to M12. Use the wand of sunstroke chambered in her shield, targeting the Deku Baba at L15.

No attack roll needed. [roll1] points of nonlethal damage, and it must make a Fortitude save DC 11 or become fatigued.

2019-08-27, 08:44 AM
Weaver peered past the others into the dimly lit room, blinking in surprise at the four deku babas moving within. He noticed the spider webs and absently wondered how those had come to be here. He started to turn to the others to ask, “So curses ... it’s been awhile since I helped break one. Where should we - oh!”

Weaver broke off as Zippo rushed forward, drawing his sword as he went, and attacking one of the babas with a tremendous swing of his blade. Weaver was startled and started to ask Vikka her thoughts when the sneaky Kokiri disappeared from sight, only to reaper across from another baba, her two blades flashing in unison.

”Well, ah, yes, of course attacking is an option. I, ah might have recommended bows first but whatever ... ...was going to suggest ...” With a determined look in his eye, Weaver carefully advanced on the same deku baba that Vikka engaged, swinging his walking staff from the opposite side.
If something else circumvents Zippo’s charge or Vikka’s attack, Weaver will not initiate combat on his own. Curious - do our characters have a feel for how dangerous babas are?
Move action- advance to L14, avoiding an AOO. Standard action - attack w/staff (bonus gro KS [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]+1/2 [roll3]=5 - wow a nat 20 and nat 1 in the same post!
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d6)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-08-27, 05:34 PM
Koli starts to bark loudly in the direction of the nearest deku baba, then modulates down to a "whuff!" as the Kokiri swing into action. Nippi prods her out of the tunnel and into the room, then scrunches up his face in concentration and sends a fire-poof over his friends' heads.

EDIT: First, move to N14.

I'll blast K11 if it still seems to be upright. If not, or if I can't tell, then H10. Either way I can make a 5' burst in an unoccupied area. [roll0] damage, Reflex DC 14 for half damage.

Huh. Question. Is the 5' radius burst a 2x2 area (5' from an intersection point) or 3x3 (5' from a square)? I've been assuming the former, but that might just be a previous DM's houserule.

2019-08-28, 01:00 PM
Before anyone can consider any alternative actions, Zippo springs into action! He swiftly crosses the short distance to the southwest deku baba and decapitates it in a single stroke! The plant creature falls down dead, withering immediately.

Vikka responds by turning invisible. Before Navi can react by shouting "Watch Out! Deku babas don't use eyes to see!" the deku baba Vikka thought couldn't see her lunges in her direction! But the strike is clumsy, the baba almost falling over in its haste were it not for being firmly rooted. Vikka's first blow glances off the Deku Baba's hard nut-like head, but her second makes a nasty cut across its stem. It rounds on her angrily.

Weaver moves up to flank with Vikka! But his strike is just as clumsy as the deku baba's and embeds in the corky floor of the Deku Tree.

Xenia moves up a little and uses the wand built into her shield! The blast of enervating heat causes the deku baba between Weaver and Vikka to wilt and fall unconscious.

Finally, Nippi coaxes Koli forward and blasts the northwestern baba with a small fireball. The baba manages to dodge the worst of it, appearing only mildly singed.

The two southern babas are defeated! The two northern babas clop their mouths angrily at you.

What do you do?

https://i.ibb.co/1mKQP9g/20190828-185732.jpg (https://ibb.co/S30yMKj)

2019-08-28, 02:40 PM
Ha, this was easy! Come on, folks, there are two others, waiting to be cut down!


Or... wasn't that your preferred kind of attack?
Zippo runs two steps, stops, looks backwards and contacts his friends before rushing forward a second time

Piggy Knowles
2019-08-28, 03:01 PM
Xenia looks around. With one Deku Baba unconscious and the other nearly torn in half by the extremely enthusiastic Zippo, she runs her eyes across the other two before settling on the one in the northeast corner, near the bright glint she saw in the grass. She threads her way a bit closer, stepping over the unconscious Deku Baba, and calls forth another blast of arid heat.

Move to K17, use another sunstroke charge (38 charges remaining), targeting the Deku Baba at G17.

No attack roll needed. [roll0] points of nonlethal damage, and it must make a Fortitude save DC 11 or become fatigued.

2019-08-28, 11:07 PM
"Zippo, that was great! I think you've got three people's worth of courage!" Nippi seems to value the spiritual aspect of the charge more than the tactical -- unsurprising, as he's no experienced warrior himself. But for the same reason of not being a seasoned fighter, he doesn't match his friend's maneuver, instead sending another burst of fire northwest from a safe distance.

Me and the puppy will move to K10 and fireball the H10 plant for [roll0], Reflex DC 14 for half.

Morbis Meh
2019-08-30, 01:05 PM
Vikka takes one last swipe at the baba in front of her before shifting her stance and rushing towards the angry one.

Standard action: attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]
Swift Action: move into island of blades
Move Action: Move to H17

2019-08-30, 10:49 PM
Weaver blushed a bit at his horrible miss, but with his staff stuck in the spongy ground (and the unconscious baba no longer a threat), he nodded in satisfaction as it were part of his plan. Leaving the staff embedded, he stepped back, drew his bow and fired a shot at the baba to the left. “Great work, guys! Now, let’s finish them off!”
Free action to leave staff and 5’ step to L13. Move action - draw bow; standard action - shoot baba at H10
[roll0], [roll1]
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-09-01, 02:10 PM
Zippo reacts uncertainly to his companions tactics! Maybe working out what the party is going to do before charging in might be an idea in future.

Vikka darts forward and carves a large woody chunk out of her deku baba's nutty head! Her flashy technique opens it up to an ally's attack, but will anyone take advantage?

Weaver decides maybe attacking them in melee isn't the best idea when one has ranged weapons to hand. His arrow glances off the northwest deku baba leaving a small scratch that oozes sap.

Xenia steps towards the glint she saw earlier and strikes Vikka's deku baba with a blast of arid heat. It wilts immediately, the combined effects of Vikka's wounds and sunstroke proving too much.

Nippi praises Zippo, in an attempt to raise his companion's confidence! Then he blasts the northwest baba with another fireball and this time it fails entirely to dodge. To be fair that's quite hard when you're rooted to one spot.

The deku babas are defeated! The unconscious ones are swiftly dispatched, if that's your intention, and in the head of each you find three hard, perfectly round seeds that may be useful in a sling. In the northeastern grass Xenia discovers the body of a deku scrub! The short squat bush creature appears partially eaten by the nearby deku baba, but that probably wasn't the cause of death - it looks like it fell from the platforms above. The shiny thing Xenia noticed was a number of rupees spilling out of the its wallet. There are 140 rupees here!

In the centre of the room is the opening choked with spider webs. To the north is the ramp leading up towards further platforms above. For the moment there don't seem to be any enemies immediately threatening you.

What do you do?

2019-09-01, 02:38 PM
First encounter and a victory! Yehaa! That was great! Zippo cherish'. Honestly, I was rushing too fast, ya? Sorry for that! Maybe... I was... but finally... We're having our own adventure!

Maybe we should make a plan? What and how we do the next time, when monster are around.

Zippo steps ashamed from toe to toe

2019-09-02, 10:49 AM
Weaver put away his bow and recovered his staff, watching as the others fanned out to check the babas and something to the north of the area. As they collected seeds and rupees, Weaver peered at the webs, curious what might have made such a sticky mess. At Zippo’s comment, Weaver nodded. “Yeah, great point - you did rush off and we should be more careful ... right Vikka?” He glanced at the stealthy Kokiri for a moment, then kept talking.

“First things first, let’s plan on how we deal with the webs. I’m pretty sure I just saw something moving in there. Would burning them hurt the Great Deku Tree? Or should Zippo jump in face first?”
Weaver is not a leader, but I wanted to post something where he put the attention on himself while somewhat marginalizing Zippo’s great heroics ... hopefully without being mean or actually insulting. I know, Weaver is a stinker :smallredface:

@RCG - what skill to figure out about what could cause the webs?
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

Piggy Knowles
2019-09-02, 07:25 PM
While the others collect themselves, Xenia pulls out a small dagger and carefully takes a cutting from one of the deku baba, wrapping it in burlap and placing it in her bag to study later. She had seen these creatures before, but never knew them to get so lively... it would be interesting to see one grow. Then she looks down at the glint she had noticed earlier.

"There's something here," she says. She shifts the poor, unfortunate deku scrub. Around it, Mab flutters nervously. "It looks like it fell." She lets her gaze drift upwards, toward the platforms far above them. "It must have been on those platforms, up there. I wonder what it was doing there?" Then she picks up the small pouch, and the rupees that spilled out of it. "I... don't think it will have much need for these anymore." She pours the pouch out, dividing it into five small piles with her bare foot.

“First things first, let’s plan on how we deal with the webs. I’m pretty sure I just saw something moving in there. Would burning them hurt the Great Deku Tree? Or should Zippo jump in face first?”

"I don't think a small fire would cause much harm... it's awfully moist in here," she says. "But those webs look thick, and there are a lot of them. Maybe we could try cutting through?" She looks up. "There's definitely something up there, too. This deku scrub looks like it came from there."

"Hey! Xenia!" Mab says shrilly. She flits toward the large hole in the center of the room. "What kind of spider makes webs this big?"

2019-09-03, 04:05 AM
Maybe we should make a plan? What and how we do the next time, when monster are around. Zippo steps ashamed from toe to toe

"Aw, Zippo, don't feel embarassed! You did great," Nippi replies. "Humm, I guess I haven't thought about planning for fights before now. That's probably pretty different from when it's just me and Koli hunting for our dinner. What do you suggest?"

“First things first, let’s plan on how we deal with the webs. I’m pretty sure I just saw something moving in there.”

"Oh! Oh, gosh, humm. Let's see what Koli thinks. Koli girl, sniff sniff sniff? What's there?" Nippi encourages his dog to inspect the webbed area. She can sometimes clue her friend in on trouble (or opportunities). They communicate well with each other, to the point that her doggy sounds sometimes make Nippi laugh or sigh or pay special attention to something.

Does Scent give us any usable info? If wild empathy might help 'translate' from Doggish to Kokiri: [roll0]

2019-09-03, 04:45 AM
Aw, Zippo, don't feel embarassed! You did great!
Humm, I guess I haven't thought about planning for fights before now. That's probably pretty different from when it's just me and Koli hunting for our dinner. What do you suggest?

Thank you, Nippi! Zippo replies while his face turns a bit red. What about I'm running forward, drawing attention, while you and you are coming from the side and you guys are shooting them? he says, pointing at the others, making big gestures until he continues more silently Or something different? My last plan I made had something to do with a treehouse and two big leaves and some sort of flying if you remember... Any other idea for a fighting-plan is better, for sure!

Morbis Meh
2019-09-03, 08:52 AM
Vikka looks to Zippo and manages to let out a strangled reply "It would probably best to not run head first at all. We do not know much about our surroundings so it is probably best to cautiously approach each situation if we can. Next time we may not be so lucky to have our opponents so stationary..."

As for the topic about the webs, Vikka did not have any idea whatsoever and her adding to the topic would not be helpful so she left it to people who were more qualified.

2019-09-04, 02:43 PM
Weaver examines the webs in the hole in the middle of the room. The webs are thick cord about half an inch in diameter, and very tough, sticky, and dripping with the dew that clings thickly to everything in this chamber. The strands are too dense to push past even for the fairies, yet are surprisingly springy. Cutting them with a blade would be very heavy going. From down below you hear muted sounds of running water, and maybe some... chittering? Xenia and Weaver are aware that these webs must have been made by very large spiders indeed, but Nippi recognises these as Skulltula webs, a particularly nasty kind of armoured arachnid that can grow to more than twice the size of a kokiri! Navi concurrs.

"We might be able to cut through," Navi suggests, flitting over the webs looking for an opening that clearly isn't there. "But it would take a long while and may attract the attention of the skulltulas who built this web." She peers upwards into the gloom above. "Maybe the source of the curse is up there? Or we might find a better way to get past these webs."

The ramp in the north of the room winds smoothly up over about 40ft to a height of 20ft, followed by a gap of about 10ft to the next platform. From there you think you can make out thick vines on the wall leading higher still.

What do you do?

2019-09-05, 03:38 AM
This web seems really strong, so it not only keeps us from getting down, it hinders whatever from coming up --- maybe. I vote for going upwards! But now, I have to do something: Zippo takes his sword and holds it behind is back, pointing away from him, his shield in front of him. So he walks towards the high gras and when in front of it, he turns 360° to mow all the gras down.
That's a move I always wanted to try! HAHAHA!!!

2019-09-05, 12:32 PM
Nippi grins at Zippo. "I'll invite you and your sword over next time I need to mow the lawn." He cranes his neck back, looking up into the cavernous bole, thinks for a minute, and starts stringing his bow. "If there are deku scrubs up there, it's best to be ready. You can't tell whether they'll want to share a snack or pelt you with nuts!"

2019-09-06, 08:39 AM
Weaver felt a warm feeling from Vikka’s off-handed support of his assertions, turning towards the hole to hide his blush. Peering at the webbings, he pushed on one strand with his stick. Weaver nodded absently at Zippo. “Yeah, I’ve seen this before - it’d be a deku pain to push or cut through this.”

As talked turned to the upper levels, Weaver gazed up into the huge chamber, struck by the enormity of it. With a sigh, he turned to the others, snorting at Zippo’s little maneuver before sharing his thoughts.

“S-So it sounds like everyone agrees with me, yes? Yes. So scout ahead ... shoot first when possible ... charge when necessary. Most of you are pretty sneaky, but I’ve seen Zika in action, so um, we, that is her and me, e, I mean she and I, should probably go first. You guys keep those balls of fire and grass-mowing skills ready. Yes? Yes. ”

Weaver moved to follow Zika up the ramps, presuming she was ready and willing.
Sorry for the delay - ready to press. And for the record, Weaver isn’t really that sneaky :smallsmile:
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4]
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

Piggy Knowles
2019-09-07, 04:12 PM
Xenia nods and follows along after the others, eyes darting around the wide space as she walks.

2019-09-08, 05:01 AM
"To go up you'll all need to make it to that next platfrom," Navi suggests. "Zola and I can fly up there, but how will the rest of you make it? Can you all make the jump?"

2019-09-08, 10:18 AM
This gap is what? About 10ft? That's easy. Look! Zippo starts running and jumps onto the next platform. There he waits, pulls his rope out of his backpack and holds it up. Anyone wants to secure her- or himself? He shouts

Jump: [roll0]

2019-09-08, 10:20 AM
Zippo does in fact clear the gap like a boss!

"Yes, that's how you do it! Who's next?" Navi cries.

2019-09-08, 10:23 PM
Nippi walks to the farthest point and peers at the target platform. "Hmm." He goes back to Koli and takes a hefty coil of rope out of the pack she carries. "Having this around is nice, but Miss Puppy moves a lot more easily when it's not weighing her down." He leaves the rope to the side of the ramp, gets back on his loyal steed, and directs her to run. "Go to Zippo, baby! Go to Zippo!" The pair easily clear the gap, then make room for the next Kokiri leaper. "Good girl, Koli!"

2019-09-08, 10:57 PM
Weaver reached the ramp and started to scratch his chin as he realized they would have to jump up. “Oh, uh yeah, we probably need to get up there so ...” He trailed off as the others began to leap up and across to the other side. He stood nonplussed for a moment, then glanced quickly back at the others, nodded silently and started to run.
[roll0] ... vs DC 10? 15?
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-09-09, 12:47 PM
Zippo starts tying one end of the rope around his waist, the other end he throws down
Here Xenia, you can climb up the rope!

Piggy Knowles
2019-09-09, 02:30 PM
Xenia looks up at the rope, then rummages in her bag and pulls out a large jug. She pours out a small pile of glittering sand, then furrows her brow and concentrates. After a moment the sand begins to flow and move, eventually forming into a pair of small climbing claws and gloves. She fits the climbing claws between her toes, puts on the gloves, and with a few stops and starts begins climbing up the rope, bracing her feet against the wall. ”Sorry, Great Deku Tree,” she whispers, as her climbing claws gain purchase on the damp wood. ”Hope this doesn’t tickle too much.”

When she finally makes it to the top she pulls out the jug again, opens the stopper and concentrates once more. The climbing tools turn back into sand, then rise up and fall in a thin stream back into the jug. Once she catches her breath, she gives Zippo a quick smile. ”Thanks for the lift,” she says.

Shape her shapesand into a climber’s kit for the +2 circumstance bonus to climb checks. (It’s a DC 16 Wisdom check, but there’s no penalty for failure and she has a +3 Wisdom, so she’ll just keep trying until she succeeds.)

It’s a DC 5 climb check while braced against a wall and using a rope, and with the circumstance bonus canceling out her penalty to climb checks she can’t fail by 5 or more, so she’ll just take as long as she needs:

Morbis Meh
2019-09-09, 03:40 PM
Vikka quietly watches the others make their attempts to get to the other platform. Once content she gives herself the space she needed and then broke into a casual, practiced gait before crouching into the leap.

Well let's see how this goes!
Jump [roll0]

2019-09-10, 12:18 AM
Nippi stares unabashedly at Xenia's sand trick, open-mouthed with surprise. "Wow. How did y-- oh gosh, there it goes, back in the jug! How did you do that, Xenia?" Not fully expecting (or needing) an answer, he takes his ocarina from a pouch and tries to express the event musically. A pop! for the jug opening, a long airy note wandering over an octave to represent the flowing-shaping, a chittering staccato for the scramble across ...

2019-09-12, 03:01 PM
Having all made it onto the 10ft by 5ft platform (it's a little crowded, but you just about all squeeze on), you turn your attention to the next obstacle in your ascent. Vines grow densely out of the platform and ascend the wall of the chamber to another series of platforms about 30ft above. There are plenty of good handholds, but this might be tricky for Koli. What do you do?

2019-09-12, 05:52 PM
Nippi pats Koli on the shoulder. "Stay here, girl. I'll be back!" He stands back and looks up at the wall, trying to guess a good way to climb.

Morbis Meh
2019-09-12, 06:03 PM
Vikka awkwardly pipes up "Ugh.... maybe before we climb we should check to see if anything else is already on the vine. It would be best to not come into contact with a nasty beasty while we are in the middle of climbing...."

I shall attempt a spot check... alas if swordsage only had it as a class skill.


2019-09-13, 02:29 AM
Weaver brushed himself off, nodding in satisfaction. He glanced around, whispering, ”That was almost as exciting when I had to jump across the creek last week. Ah well, I guess, um, Vikka is right. We should scout first. I g-guess I could look around ...”

Sighing, Weaver approached the vines and began climbing. As he approached the next platform, he paused to look or hear any unusual activity in the area.
[roll0], [roll1]
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

Piggy Knowles
2019-09-14, 12:05 PM
Looking up at the thick, tangled vines, Xenia blanches. [i]"Hey! Guess you shouldn't have unshaped your climbing tools so fast!"[/b] Mab squeaks.

Xenia squints, trying her best to catch sight of any unpleasant surprises. Then she pulls out her jug of shapesand once more, recreating the gloves and climbing claws she so hastily unshaped moments before. She tugs at the vines nervously, trying her best not to think about the potential fall, and begins to climb.

Reshape a climber's kit.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Climb: [roll2]

2019-09-15, 03:48 PM
Zippo holds himself back and doesn't rush forward --- too fast. He puts his shield on his back and sheats his sword, grabs a vine and starts climbing. He climbs fast

Accelerated climbing with -5 for half speed instead of one-quater
[roll0] -5

2019-09-15, 11:34 PM
Koli looks like she's trying to figure out how she'll manage the climb. Nippi reminds her, "Stay here, girl. Stay here," and then rubs his hands together and starts upward. The dog sighs and lies down, head on crossed paws.

2019-09-16, 02:52 PM
It isn't a difficult climb, although Koli's plaintiff face is a little difficult to leave behind, and pretty soon you're up onto the next level of platforms 50ft above ground level forming a rough broken ring. The vines you came up on grow up through a gap in the east, and Zippo just so happened to have stepped off to the North and the rest of you followed, Weaver close behind propelled by faux-bravado.

The platforms at this level appear to have been somewhat shaped by tools, flattened off to be easier to stand on although the wood is still soft, moist, and spongy. Someone has fashioned a few crude plank bridges to span a few of the larger gaps, and a ramshackle door closes a large crack in a large knot to the west.

To the North by Zippo another series of vines ascend to another ring above, although this time the path upwards traverses a severe overhang. It looks pretty difficult! To the South opposite another set of vines ascends and the path appears a little easier, but white webs intermingle densely with the vines.

Xenia spots something that might be a deku nut in the long grass between the bridges to the South.

"Which way shall we go next?" Navi asks.


2019-09-17, 01:18 AM
Nippi looks up while idly making soft bop! noises on the trunk. "Uhm, Weaver, I know you're gonna say to take the hard way, but I don't think I'm as skilled as you. I think we should try the webby spot over there."

2019-09-17, 01:47 AM
Weaver grinned. ”I was gonna say we should check the door. Plenty of time to go up in a little bit, I’m sure!”

He nodded to Vikka to lead the scouting while he joined her.
Time for scouty stuff - [roll0], [roll1], [roll2] [roll3], [roll4]
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-09-17, 05:56 AM
Nippi, if you want, I think, I can drag Koli up...

2019-09-17, 12:51 PM
Nippi takes a long look up again. "That's a lot of dragging. And we'd have to get her down again afterward. Let's just see what's ahead first."

Morbis Meh
2019-09-17, 03:08 PM
Vikka lets out a long sigh after Zippo just darts up head first again. She looks at Weaver and shakes her head "No we must stick together..." she shuffles over to the ledge and begins to slowly climb it.

Vikka has no ranks in climb... Vikka is going to take 10 for a 12 and pray she doesnt fall!

Piggy Knowles
2019-09-18, 02:07 PM
Xenia looks around. ”Go up?” she asks. ”Why not find out what’s here first?” She squints, and points at the grass across from the group. ”I can see something over there, I think. Maybe another Deku nut? And shouldn’t we see what’s through that door before we keep climbing?”

She carefully starts making her way around the circular platforms, pointedly not looking over she side. She stops about halfway to the platform with the grass to stand behind Weaver and watch in fascination as they check the door. Then she continues on, wand at her ready, and begins approaching the grassy area to get a better look at whatever she spotted.

Ready an action to entangle anything that jumps out at Xenia.

2019-09-18, 03:57 PM
Then we're going to open the door? Zippo asks impatiently. He's not good at waiting and discussing plans

2019-09-19, 01:55 PM
"Go ahead, Zippo!" Nippi enthusiastically bounces on the balls of his feet. By habit he puts out his left arm to pet Koli, pouting briefly when he remembers she's not there.

2019-09-20, 04:01 PM
Me? It's Weaver who wants to open the door! Come on, Weaver, we're right behind you Zippo encourages his brother.

2019-09-21, 08:53 AM
Weaver began to lean close to the door to listen when right behind him Zippo loudly proclaimed he should open the door. Weaver jumped a little, face flushed. He put his finger to his lips and whispered harshly, ”Shhhh! I’m trying to listen for any surprises!”

He turned back to the door, wondering if his heart pounding could be heard back in the village.
[i]Just clarifying actions - waiting on the results of previous perception checks.
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-09-24, 04:10 PM
So yes, that's totally a Deku Baba hiding in the grass! It's pretty good at hiding, having shrivelled itself down to mimic a deku nut, but Xenia's eyes were too sharp! Now that you've noticed it it's not much of a threat and the party can kill it from range pretty much at your leisure, so let's assume you do that at some stage and waste no further time on it. It's not like Deku Babas carry any cool gear.

The party gathers around the door wedged into the crevasse. It's not a very good door - more like a sheet of bark tied in place with some rudimentary hemp hinges - and has plenty of gaps in it. By listening and peeking through the gaps, Weaver and Navi can make out the room beyond which appears to make up the interior of one of the Great Deku Tree's mighty limbs. Several fissures in the wood let in some of the morning sunlight, revealing four leafy creatures gently rustling and conversing in hushed squeaks. They don't appear to have noticed the party yet.

https://i.ibb.co/0nMgkXF/Deku-Scrub-Ocarina-of-Time.png (https://imgbb.com/)

"Deku scrubs!" Navi exclaims softly, recognising the creatures immediately. "What are they doing in here?!"

The door doesn't appear to be locked or even securely closed. It should open at a push.

https://i.ibb.co/zRK7wWf/20190924-212930.jpg (https://ibb.co/r6ncJKy)

Piggy Knowles
2019-09-27, 10:16 AM
Mab bounces excitedly in the air at Navi’s exclamation. ”Deku scrubs!” she squeaks. ”Growing inside the Greak Deku Tree! Hey, listen, they might be harmless. Maybe we should talk to them first?”

”Maybe,” Xenia says, ”but just in case, I’d rather not take chances.” She whispers a few words, and her free hand starts to glow and crackle with electricity. Then she looks around, and sees the others staring at her. She coughs and straightens up. ”Um. With the deku scrubs. Maybe we can try talking to them first, though.” She shoots a quick glare at Mab for distracting her, hoping that the others don’t catch it. Then, cheeks still flushed with embarrassment, she raises her shield and turns her attention to the door. ”Better go through,” she says.

Pre-cast produce electricty (energy subbed produce flame). Xenia will first try talking to the deku scrubs, but if they attack, she’ll fling electricity at them.

Knowledge (nature) to see what she knows about deku scrubs: [roll0]

Diplomacy check (I know we haven’t started talking now, but rolling now in case it’s needed later): [roll1]

Note that diplomacy is just a Charisma check for Xenia, as she isn’t trained. However, if wild empathy applies, it’ll be that same roll +3. I assume deku scrubs are plant creatures, which typically aren’t affected by wild empathy, but just in case they are considered animals in this world…

2019-09-28, 11:20 AM
Weaver shifted his weight from foot to foot as he peered through the cracks and back at his companions. He had heard things about Deku Shrubs, but didn’t know what was true and what was rumor. Of course, if Xenia knew about them, he didn’t want to look stupid, so ...

Leaning back, he nodded. ”Yeah, sometimes these Shrubs are guards and stuff, right? Maybe the Tree wants them here. I, uh, guess talking to them is good. I’ll just call out to them I suppose...”

He turned back to listen at the door for a moment before he made to open it and great the shrubs.
Weaver peeked around the door jam, suing it and the door to black most of his body. ”Um, knock-knock and hello? Just some folks stopping by ... wanted to ask you some questions, yeah? We’re, uh, here on a mission - big mission - so if you could, uh, help, that would be great.

What are you guys doing in here? And what’s going on in the Tree?”

Weaver paused as his eyes darted from Deku Shrub to Feku Shrub.

(OOC - [roll0])
So skill checks to hear and remember anything about Shrubs (guessing Nature check?). Weaver will open the door and call out from the doorway (using it as cover) to the Shrubs, presuming a) he doesn’t hear or remember something that says this is a bad idea or b) the others don’t stop him. Actions in spoilers just in case.
[roll1], [roll2]
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-09-28, 12:12 PM
Zippo moves a bit to have a better view to the nearest deku shrub. Yet he waits, with sword drawn but he waits, what the shrubs will do.

if possible, Zippo wants to have a clear line to the first shrub for charging it. If one of his siblings wants to get in his way, he blocks the way *gently*.

If the shrubs are doing anything aggressive or offending, he charges. (You know, charge first, ask later)

If needed, sense motive(1) and spot (2) (both untrained and +0) [roll0]

EDIT: a 1 on sense motiv? Should I roll ATK right now or wait? I'm really the cliche cop which shoots the peasent for taking out his wallet...

Morbis Meh
2019-10-01, 03:47 PM
At the mention of talking, Vikka visibly pales. Her face becomes wooden and she rigidly moves away from the front of the group not wishing to open her mouth.

2019-10-06, 02:46 PM
”Yeah, sometimes these Shrubs are guards and stuff, right? Maybe the Tree wants them here. I, uh, guess talking to them is good.”

Glancing over Weaver's shoulder at Navi's shocked expression, Nippi says quietly, "I don't think so, Weaver." He waves a "c'mon" gesture to Zippo and pushes right through the door, readying himself for a fight.

Not sure how 'combat time' will start in this case, not least because I'm unsure if they know we're here. If I get a surprise round, I'm just going to spend my one action moving in and clearing a charge path for Zippo. EDIT: More specifically, J11 looks good.

Initiative roll, if desired: [roll0]

2019-10-06, 03:35 PM
As Zippo stands there and waits for something to happen, Nippi gives him a sign, opens the door and goes to the side. It cannot be clearer.

Zippo storms forward

Weaver stands in the door, right? So charging isn't possible, but walking by is fine, ok? Move action walking to I9
Standard action attack the shrub (H8) with longsword [roll0] for [roll1]

2019-10-06, 05:50 PM
Weaver paused as Nippi pushed past him to open the door for Zippo. Nonplussed, Weaver blinked momentarily, stammering, “Oh, uh, sure, um I guess ... go ahead ...?”
Weaver will step out of the way, now uncertain ...
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-10-12, 03:49 AM

The party holds a brief discussion on whether or not to talk to the Deku Scrubs, but Zippo and Nippi are of one mind! Nippi pushes the door open and moves to one side whilst Zippo moves straight towards the nearest scrub!

"Eek! Intruders!"
It squeaks, before Zippo runs it through its leafy torso. It squeaks plaintively as it looks down at the hole left by Zippo's sword. Although not (quite) dispatched, it doesn't look in any condition or inclination to resist you further.

Not so the other three deku scrubs, who recover from their momentary shock and now their leaves are practically shaking with rage!

"You'll pay for that!"
"How dare you!"
They squeak angrily.

So ends the surprise round. Nippi and Weaver to go.


2019-10-12, 09:45 AM
"Oh, we're intruders? You've got it backward, mucilage-mind," Nippi responds acidly in Kokiri. But his taunt covers up a worry about something he hadn't considered: how did all these beasts get inside the Great Deku Tree, anyway? He pushes down the thought and throws out one of his little fireballs. Battle isn't the right time for worries.

Fiery Burst to hit the scrub in I5. [roll0] fire, Reflex DC 14. Not taking a move action this round.

2019-10-13, 03:21 AM
Weaver paused nervously as Zippo ran in and Nippi attacked. “Uh, yeah ... you’re the intruders! Time to pay the price ... for intruding!” Weaver pulled free his shortbow and fired at one of the unengaged creatures, hoping to catch it off guard.
[roll0] knowledge check. Draw bow and fire. [roll1]+2, [roll2]+2, sneak attack, if flat-footed [roll3]
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-10-13, 08:53 AM

The Deku Scrubs give no indication they understood anything Nippi said in Kokiri, but they understand the tone and fireburst well enough! The Scrub in I5 is badly singed! They squeak angrily! Until Weaver draws his bow and shoots the scrub in J7! It's a not-quite fatal headwound! The scrubs can see which way this is heading. The two seriously injured scrubs retreat into their Deku Flowers, and the other two cower before the advancing party. The one singed by Nippi's fireburst squeaks plaintively.

"Ow-ow-ow! Please don't hurt us, masters! We don't want to die!"

2019-10-13, 10:03 AM
The Scrub in front if Zippo turns into a flower? He moves around it a few steps, seeking a nice spot to hit at, takes his flail instead of his sword and hits it with all his strength.

Move action: walking to H7
As part of the MA: sheath sword and draw flail
Standard action: strike with PA-3 holding the flail in both hands
To hit: [roll0]
To hurt: [roll1]

Edit: damage is +13 instead because of holding in two hands (str+4*1,5+1+2*3)

2019-10-13, 12:30 PM
Weaver blinked for a moment, then he called out, ”You, uh, should be afraid! Throw down your, uh, nuts!!”[/i] Weaver held his next shot to wait for the deku to comply. As an afterthought, Weaver repeated the info in common.
Holding back
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-10-14, 03:06 PM
Nippi pauses mid-firepoof and calls out, "Hold up, Zippo! They're not going to fight back -- it'd be mean to keep hitting them. Good job, Weaver, you've got a hero's steady hand, just like you always say. Um, Navi? I could use some advice ..." Then he replies to the Scrub in its own language,

"Well, I told my friend to stop for now, but you're all still in trouble, so you better answer my questions. Why were you even here? It's like being inside somebody's body!"

I guess that's probably an Intimidate check, [roll0], but if Diplomacy works then add +3.

2019-10-16, 11:06 PM
Weaver nodded, obviously pleased with Nippi’s comments. He stepped forward and tried to help y’all to the scrubs. ”Yeah, why are you here? This is ... an ... invasion! Yeah, an invasion. You’d better soil the nuts right now!”
Diplomacy check of his own [roll0]
EDIT - ha! Figures...
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

Morbis Meh
2019-10-17, 09:27 AM
Vikka didn't even have time to groan as Zippo, yet again rushed head first through the door, weapon swinging. Though this time it turned out to be a good choice. The kokiri casually strode through once everyone was finished with what they were doing then face palmed when Weaver tried speaking. Honestly, she wasn't completely sure that she could a worse job.

2019-10-31, 05:07 PM

The deku scrubs squeak in alarm as Zippo assaults their hidden companion, but don't quite resume hostile actions after the barbarian's sword glances harmlessly off the deku flower's densely packed leaves.

Navi prods Weaver surreptitiously on the shoulder. "Uh, I don't think they can drop their nuts, Weaver. Deku Scrubs have a gland that produces them on demand."

The remaining scrubs prostrate themselves before you.

<Pleeease masters, we meant no harm! We just thought this tree would make a good home - it offers shelter, protection, and sap to eat! We saw the cracks in this branch and came exploring.>

"I don't think they'll say anything you don't ask for," Navi opines. "Can we improve the mood a little?"

2019-11-03, 12:03 PM
Weaver just whispered to Navi, ”Yeah, Yeah ... I know ... I meant it like a give up. Course I know they can’t actually drop them.” To the Scrubs, he scratched his arm nervously and asked, ”If you mean no harm, why were you plotting? And uh, what have you seen around here, besides us? You can tell us cuz we’re, well ... we’re like the Tree Guardians. Yeah, that’s what we are!”
[i]Dare U risk another roll? Diplomacy Check - 24 (from OOC)
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-11-10, 10:11 PM
Nippi looks like he might have something to add, but holds off to let Weaver do his silver-tongued work. As before, he reaches over to put a hand on a doggie who isn't there.

2019-11-23, 12:56 PM
The two deku scrubs share nervous glances with each other before apparently deciding something with a nod, apparently persuaded by Weaver's words. They begin to squeak animatedly at the group:

<Please forgive us masters!>
<We really did only come here for food and shelter!>
<But the others we came with...>
<We haven't seen them since they went below!>
<There are spiders everywhere!>

The shrubs tail off briefly, distracted by Zippo's flailing at the deku flower in front of him, shredded petals flying in every direction! What's left of the flower quivers, its occupant clearly in utter terror!

<Please masters, is Demwi not injured enough?>
<Leave her alone, we beg you!>
<If you let us live we'll leave at once!>
<We didn't know this tree had such fearsome guardians!>

2019-11-26, 01:29 PM
Weaver nodded at the Scrubs, but before he could speak, the plants started freaking out over Zippo’s actions. ”Hey, uh guys let’s take it easy on these guys, okay? They said they’d leave, cuz they’re scared of me ... and you guys. Um, they also said their friends went below but haven’t come back ... probably because of those giant, Kokiri-eating spiders! ”

Searching his neck, he said to the Scrubs, ”So ... you guys should go. Zippo might eat you guys if you don’t. So, uh, good luck and we’ll see you around. Oh, got any goodies up here?”
So where to next? Sounds like we eventually need to head down, but I’m not sure what’s up ahead. Oh, and we need to search this place, right?
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-11-26, 01:42 PM
Zippo, not understanding what the scrub is talking, has enough of waiting. He lifts his Flail, adjusts his grip ...

... and stops. Weaver explains him, what the Scrub says.

Shrugging, he turns around and walks backwards 10ft

2019-11-26, 06:47 PM
Nodding in relief at how things are progressing, Nippi adds in the plant creatures' language,

"We'll walk with you until you're outside. The Tree wants to make sure you're away."

He also murmurs to the quiet and reliable Xenia, "I still want to know how they got in here -- through a crack? Through some planar weirdness? Or just the way we did? If we escort them, we can find out."

2019-12-20, 01:03 PM
As Zippo retreats the Deku scrubs look at each other and then squeak in their own language to their hiding companions. After a few moments the injured scrubs cautiously emerge from their flowers to encouragement from their fellows.

The two less injured scrubs move to help their fellows, who look like they're barely managing to stay upright. One of them still has an arrow protruding from its head, which it fondles plaintively.

One of the uninjured scrubs speaks as the other three prepare to leave.

<Ah! That won't be necessary masters! We can leave from here the way we got in! Right away! In fact... Bye!>

The four deku scrubs hop up to one of the large crevices in the bough of The Great Deku Tree, each pulling out a large leaf. Holding on tightly to each end, they exit in succession, each letting out a loud squeak as they jump through the gap in the branch, parachuting using their leaves to the forest floor far below.

A search of the vacated room turns up a total of 120 Rupees and a potion of Cure Light Wounds the scrubs had left behind in their deku flowers.

"So their companions went below?" Navi ponders aloud after they're gone. "We haven't yet found a way down that isn't choked with spiderwebs! We can still go up though! Back in the main area there's a choice of vines that go over an overhang, or vines that are covered in spiderwebs," she informs helpfully.

2019-12-20, 01:11 PM
Absolutely ignoring what Navi has to say, Zippos eyes become bigger and bigger. Falling slowly with a leave! All the times I went down the stairs... I wish I had seen this before...

I'm here, ready to go. Zippo's not the leader, you remember? But he will follow, no matter what

2019-12-21, 09:49 AM
Nippi pulls back from the crevice after watching the last of the Deku Scrubs drift down. "Okay, Navi, I'm ready to go looking for more invaders. But ... can this crack be healed? Fixed up? It'd be silly to chase off one group just to have another crawl in behind us." The word 'crawl' suggests he may be thinking of spiders -- not unreasonable, with the webs the group has seen inside.

2019-12-23, 02:11 AM
Weaver seemed pleased they didn’t have to attack these Scrubs. While there were worries about future sneak-ins, he was somewhat distracted by the shinies and the potion. He helped gather the coins and healing draught, then turned to the others. As they pondered their next step, he cleared his throat.

”So, uh, I guess heading further up makes sense, since we’re already up.”
It’s not that Weaver’s scared of spiders, but ...
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-12-23, 04:55 AM
"Deku scrubs don't weigh a lot," Navi explains to Zippo. "It's why they can float using leaves! I don't think it would work for Kokiri."

"I'm not sure..." Navi replies to Nippi uncertainly. "All this rot... these voids... those cracks... I don't know how a tree can survive this! But... But the Great Deku Tree is strong! We've just got to break the curse! We've got to..."

At that last part she sounds a little like she's trying to convince herself as much as the party.

With everything to do in this room done, you all head back into the central void. To the north and south rough vines cover the walls up to the next level.

"So, er, overhang or spiders?" Navi asks.

2019-12-23, 05:40 AM
Oh Navi... It is obvious: Since I'm bigger, I just need a bigger leave!
And like Weaver said, we go further upstairs.
Now, with a clear direction, Zippo starts walking back to the vines and when they all gathered, he starts climbing.

Climb check: [roll0]

2019-12-26, 02:36 PM
"So, er, overhang or spiders?" Navi asks.

"Ahh ... hmm. I think the overhang. Those webs do make me nervous," says Nippi. "Spiders or no spiders, the web is probably sticky enough to be a problem."

2019-12-27, 12:40 AM
Weaver glanced at both paths ahead of them, stammering as the group proceeded to the vines. ”Uh, yes, let’s go that way. I’m sure it will be an easy climb ... but just to be safe, the first one up should take this rope. Then we can, um, get down fast if we need to.”
So did the group take the harder way? Weaver’s not good at climbing. Hoping for a low DC and taking 10. However, if the DC is higher than 10, here’s a roll: [roll0]

EDIT - woof ... here’s hoping I was able to take ten!
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-12-28, 12:14 PM
So with both Weaver and Nippi shying away from the spiderweb choked vines to the south, Zippo takes one end of a rope and swiftly and confidently acends! It's a 40ft climb to the next level up, and Zippo has to negotiate a 10ft overhang to get there! Scary stuff, suspended from vines loosely anchored to damp rotting wood 90ft above the chamber floor!

Nevertheless he makes it. Weaver and Nippi climb up after one at a time, but both find themselves losing their grip at the overhang! Fortunately they're tied firmly to Zippo's rope, and each time they stop swinging over the void Zippo unerringly hosts them up. As you're being hoisted you can see Koli down below, waiting like a good boy! Hello Koli!

The level you have reached is 60ft in diameter, much like the levels below. A 10ft wide ring of platform surrounds a 40ft diameter gap in the centre of the chamber, and there's a 5ft square hole to the south where the southern vines come up. The entire level is choked with sticky spiderwebs, which makes movement difficult.

This is the last level, the ceiling of the chamber forming a rough dome some 20ft above. A rotted spike of wood, some 10ft in diameter by 15ft high projects downwards from the centre of the ceiling.

To the west, the platform widens out slightly to 15ft wide, projecting over the hole. In the middle of this area a medium-sized skulltula crouches defensively over a small cocoon as you regard it. It takes no action towards you as yet.

To the east you can spy a 10ft diameter opening, into another side branch like on the floor below. The opening is covered by a spiderweb with another medium skulltula sitting in the centre of it. This skulltula gives no indication it's noticed you and takes no action towards you as yet.


"Maybe something up here can help us get through those spiderwebs below?" Navi suggests.

2019-12-28, 12:27 PM
You mean something like... fire, Navi? We could burn all the webs down, right? Zippo suggests his plan, while drawing his sword and shield (after putting away his rope).

2019-12-28, 09:16 PM
Weaver scratched his ears and answered. ”Uh, if all we needed was fire, we wouldn’t need to come up here, right. Navi? Course, are we supposed to make friends and have them lead us, or, um, find a tool to cut through.”

At the sight of a couple of skulltula’s, Weaver shivers a bit. ”Man those things are icky! Um ... Zippo ... I heard their bellies are ... uh ... soft. Can you flip that one over? The one with the, uh, cocoon.”
KS Devotion: [roll0], draw bow, and see if Zippo is up for a plan!
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-12-29, 09:11 AM
Nippi, Weaver, what, if we make this rotted spike of wood falling down? It should be fast and/or strong and/or heavy enough to brake these webs at the bottom, right? Maybe I can climb up to it and sit on it while cutting ... wait ... bad plan. Hmmm... Cutting through it isn't that easy. We need something more effective, like... like... the mandibles of a spider maybe?

2019-12-30, 01:44 PM
"Hmm ... hold on a blip, guys, I wanna see something ..." Nippi looks like a wizard (except without the awesome hat) as he makes some weird gestures and mutters a word that definitely isn't Kokiri. His eyes start to glow very faintly blue, and he slowly scans the level again.

Detect magic. Does anything ping from here?

2019-12-30, 02:07 PM
Weaver glanced up at the spike of wood, nodding absently. ”Um, yeah. I was just thinking about that. I don’t know about using mandibles, unless you mean to get them to eat through it? No, that’d be silly ... we’d have to figure out how to make the wood look or smell like something they’d eat.

Hey Nippi, whateru doin’?”

Weaver knows these spider-things are like pears, but whether they should run over and attack? He wasn’t sure. As he sat staring at the one with a cocoon, he mumbled aloud, [i]”Whaddya think is in the cocoon? Hope it’s not a Kokiri ....”
Just some monologging ... any prestidigitation to make the base of the wood spike smell/look like something a skulltula would eat?
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2019-12-30, 05:55 PM
"These webs are dry, so they should burn!" Navi replies to Zippo, "But, um... We are in them, so..." she points out.

"The webs down below are wetter," Navi explains to Weaver. "It sounded like there may be a river below? Those webs might burn eventually. But a fire could harm The Great Deku Tree!"

As Zippo outlines his suggestion that the party make the spike of wood fall on the webs below, Nippi scans for magic! Aside from the general low-level magic of The Great Deku Tree himself, there is a slightly stronger aura radiating from the eastern passageway blocked by that skulltula and its web. The web there is nowhere near as dense as the ones below, and looks like it could reasonably be dealt with were it not defended.

In relation to making a portion of the 10ft diameter spike taste and smell of meat it's certainly possible with prestidigitation. At a range of 10ft. The skulltula on the only portion of platform that approaches to approximately 10ft of the spike eyes the party suspiciously as it continues to wrap the small-sized cocoon.

2020-01-02, 01:47 AM
”Hey Nippi, whateru doin’?”

"Shh! I'm concentrating!" Rather undiplomatic. It's moments like this that make the other kids in the village say Nippi is more comfortable with animals than with them.

”Whaddya think is in the cocoon? Hope it’s not a Kokiri ....”

Nippi loses his faraway gaze. "Ooh. I don't like that idea. Well, whatever's in there, it doesn't show as magic, but I see something past the webs on that side." He points. "Ah, geez, I don't know what to do. Being able to see the spiders is good, but I still don't want to tangle with them ... but we need to look in the branches ..." He gulps, and continues in a blurt, "Maybe this is why the Great Deku Tree asked us if we have courage."

2020-01-02, 02:03 PM
Zippo has one of his brighter right now: Okay, we're stuck here. And something is over there he points in the direction, mentioned by Nippi. Why not check this first, then go back and drop the wood? And Weaver, I thought more of beheading this Skulltula and use its mandibles like a saw. But I like your plan!

2020-01-03, 03:44 PM
Weaver shifted uncomfortably, realizing now that he had the spotlight he didn’t really know what to do with it. Scratching his ears, he glanced back and forth between the web and the skulltula with a cocoon. After a minute, he finally said ”Um, well, I’m not sure where to go. But these things are ... uh ... spiders, right? Giant spiders, but just big bugs. What if we, ah, tried to scare them? Make a loud noise and shake the webs? Maybe it’ll make them move far enough away to let us by ...”
Another possible use for prestidigitation/magic hand ...
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2020-01-03, 03:58 PM
As the party continues to talk about their options, the skulltulas both start moving!

The western skulltula finishes wrapping its cocoon and drags it up to the ceiling using the ubiquitous webs on this level. It then begins sticking its parcel safely into position.

Seconds later the eastern skulltula decides that the voices that have been penetrating its domain are curious enough to warrant investigation. Moving expertly through the webs, it's barely hindered at all as it moves towards Weaver and the others! It ends up 20ft away from Weaver and 25ft from the other two behind him. The platform on this northern side of the chamber is 10ft wide radially. It hasn't taken any overtly hostile action, but it is definitely stalking the party!

"If you've got a plan it needs to be now!" Navi whispers urgently.

2020-01-06, 01:04 AM
Nippi murmurs, "Keep to the front, brave big brother," and tries to string his bow quickly.

If I can get a shot off now, targeting the east skulltula: [roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage. Crit threat on a 20: [roll2] to confirm, add [roll3] damage (I'm assuming the weapon crystal doesn't get multiplied).

And I'd kinda like Zippo between me and it. :smallwink:

2020-01-06, 05:28 AM
The skulltula screeches angrily as Nippi's arrow sinks deep into its carapace. A solid hit! It scuttles quickly forward through the webs and rears up menacingly, spitting a stream of sticky strands over its nearest target - Weaver! Weaver is entangled!

Party to act.

Entangled, Escape Artist DC12 or Strength DC 16 to break free. Alternatively an ally can attempt to cut the strands of web off.

Tactical Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19TZ1pj1agYHhibj9aZFR6OuuT7BlOPJ355kxQkYE_-U/edit?usp=drivesdk)

2020-01-06, 07:14 AM
Wait... What... Huh? Look at you Weaver! Nippi, can you help him? Zippo asks while passing by. He positions himself between the Skulltula and Weaver [OOC: walking to I3] swings his sword and lands a blow at the Skulltula

Move action to I3
Standard action: Strike with PA -3 [roll0] small modifier included || damage [roll1]
If crit (19, 20): [roll2], damage [roll3]

If the spider is alive and provokes AoO:
[roll4], damage [roll5]
If crit (19, 20): [roll6], damage [roll7]

2020-01-06, 08:00 PM
As the group discussed their options, or rather pondered quietly through them, Navi hissed urgently. Blinking, Weaver looked back and saw the skulltulas moving a one was securing its prize, the other approaching with the look of a predator. Weaver started speaking as he turned back to his friends. ”So, um, they’re moving. I guess we should - hey, what are you, oh shooting it? Well that is, um, a plan. Oh, now it looks mad and ... uh ... it’s ... uh, coming right this way and ... OHMYTREE IT’S SHOOTING AT ME!”

Suddenly Weaver was caught in a wet sticky substance that was quickly drying into a ropey substance. It wasn’t so much frightening as it was surprising and disturbing. He tried to slip out of his bonds, knowing he wasn’t the kind to burst free. Fortunately, he was able to squirm out of the webbing before it could harden on his skin and step back. Freed, he called out ”We’re in it now! Um, get ‘em, I guess!”
Looks like Full-round to get free, taking a 5’ step backwards.
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+6, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion

2020-01-07, 02:59 AM
"Wooo! You guys are great!" Nippi enthuses while putting another arrow to his string.

If Zippo didn't finish off our current dance partner, shoot at that one and then move back to F2. [roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage. Crit threat on a 20: [roll2] to confirm, [roll3] extra damage.

But if Zippo did get the kill, I won't start pestering Skulltula Number Two or move closer to it yet.

2020-01-07, 03:41 AM
Nippi's arrow and Zippo's blade glance harmlessly off the skulltula's armoured carapace as Weaver struggles to wiggle out of the last of the sticky strands ensnaring him!

The skulltula hisses angrily at Zippo coming between it and its prey! It rears back again but this time instead of spitting webs it lunges forwards with its mandibles, just managing to graze Zippo's forearm. The wound is hardly anything - barely a scratch to the sturdy Kokiri, but as the skulltula recovers from its lunge you all see venom dripping from its jaws. Zippo feels his arms become heavier as the green poison spreads through his veins.

Zippo takes 3 damage and 3 STR damage. Out of combat anyone can attempt a heal check to prevent the poison spreading, or Zippo can tough it out and hope it doesn't get worse.

Tactical Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19TZ1pj1agYHhibj9aZFR6OuuT7BlOPJ355kxQkYE_-U/edit?usp=drivesdk)

2020-01-07, 08:47 AM
Somehow the Skulltula found a gap in Zippos defence and made it to deliver a bite. This small wound wouldn't be a problem, but the poison the arachnoid had delivered through it.

For a moment, Zippos arm is getting heavy, his sword sinks down, but a split-second later, he burns - metaphorically. With a shout of anger he attacks the Skulltula again.

Again with full PA [roll0], damage [roll1]
If crit (19–20/x2) [roll2], damage [roll3]

Edit: he's in rage mode now Round 1/7

2020-01-08, 12:58 AM
Freed and seeing the others embroiled in combat, Weaver pulled free his bow and fired off an arrow. ”Zippo is bit, and it doesn’t look good! He, uh, needs help ...”
Draw bow, fire at skulltula.
[roll0], [roll1]
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion (+1 vs skulltulas)

2020-01-08, 10:17 PM
Nippi knows he'll have a hard time shooting around Zippo. Dropping his bow, he crosses his fingers, grumbles "I sure hope this'll be okay!" and throws a burst of fire past the predator. Then he moves up beside Zippo while scrabbling for his knife.

Drop bow as a free action ... I figure it won't go far in these webs :smallsmile: Standard action to force that DC 14 Reflex save-for-half I love so much, [roll0] damage. Move action to move and draw my dagger.

2020-01-09, 06:22 AM
The skulltula flinches at the heat of Nippi's fire blast, then shrieks and hisses in agony as Zippo's sword severs one of its forelimbs just above the second joint, a massive injury! Then just as it turns to flee Weaver's arrow bursts one of its compound eyes and the enormous spider topples into the void. A dull thud echoes up from below as well as a clipped "yip!" from Koli, surprised by the sudden spiderfall as he waits dutifully down below. What a good boy Koli!

Fortunately Nippi's fire doesn't seem to have caught fire to the webs on this occasion.

The other skulltula hasn't moved at all during the fight, guarding it's little packet on the ceiling to the West. It regards the party inscrutably.

"I guess it must have been hungry," Navi suggests as the adrenaline of battle fades. "There's nothing to stop us going east now if that's what you want?"

2020-01-09, 02:55 PM
"Yeah, I think we should," Nippi agrees. "Uhh ... after taking a look at that bite, Zippo. Are you okay? Wee, give me a hand."

Weaver, you wanna take the lead here, with your +1 Heal modifier? Zippo and Nippi are +0. "Every time the poisoned character makes a saving throw against the poison, you make a Heal check. The poisoned character uses your check result or his or her saving throw, whichever is higher." I'll roll to assist: [roll0]

After taking a short time to deal with that, he retrieves his bow, brushes some webbing off it, and looks around for a moment for the arrow that bounced off the skulltula's chitin. "Let's move before the other one decides to nab us for dessert! ... Oh, wow, I could really go for some sour-melon jelly right now!" He sighs wistfully as he slogs toward the opening.

2020-01-12, 11:55 AM
Nippi and Weaver tend to Zippo's wound as best they can. They're unsure their ministrations did any good, but after a couple of minutes Zippo doesn't feel any worse, so perhaps the poison has already done its damage.

With that dealt with the party picks their way to the eastern passageway. Without an active defender the web across the opening is easily cut down over the course of a minute or so and you gain access to this second major branch fairly easily.

Up until now at least some light has penetrated the interior of the Great Deku Tree, but the interior of the branch is shrouded completely shrouded in darkness as it widens again and ascends at a gentle slope, with Navi's light not appearing to illuminate as much as normal, dimly illuminating a 10ft radius which doesn't reach the ceiling or walls. There's a chill in the passage, and it smells dank and sickly like decay. As you move into the passage all around you can hear unseen skittering.

2020-01-15, 12:25 AM
Weaver looked at Zippo’s wound, touching the skin near the cut and shaking his head. ”You, uh, should be okay. Just need some rest ... yeah, a little rest later. We should, ah, get going.” Weaver stepped hesitantly towards the area ahead, then stopped as it turned cool and dark. He fumbled for a minute with a torch, then lit it and held it you.

”We, uh, should be careful. It smells funny ...”
Using a torch and advancing quietly.
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +4
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion (+1 vs skulltulas)

2020-01-15, 12:25 AM
Nippi shivers. "Navi, this is kinda scary. What's that yecchh smell?" He casts about, looking all over as if the kokiri weren't in an island of light. His eyes look weird ... like they have a teeny yellow fire behind them.

Using reserve feat Sunlight Eyes to get 20' see-in-magical-darkness darkvision. Basically I'll take a swift action at the start of each turn to get the boost until the start of my next turn. I don't have anything else to spend swift actions on, so I'll be Sunlighting my Eyes until we're in light or I lose the ability to take swifts.

2020-01-15, 01:38 AM
Zippo has no source of light or so. You can't always remember to bring a torch... Thanks, Weaver! He is thankful that his brother has one.

With shield and sword drawn, he follows and takes a look.

search [roll0]
Spot [roll1]
Listen [roll2]

2020-01-15, 03:48 PM
With his magical eyesight Nippi sees mere moments before Weaver's torch springs to life, casting shadowy illumination to 20ft radius, just barely illuminating the walls and ceiling. Clinging to the ceiling 20ft ahead and 15ft up is a particularly vicious-looking skulltula, its carapace forming a shiny gold skull on top of its head!


As Weaver's light flickers into life it realises it has been discovered, and chitters angrily. The gold skulltula is behind three small skulltulas, smaller than the ones you'd faced outside. The unnatural darkness seems to radiate from it somehow! A fourth lesser skulltula skutters past from behind you to rejoin the others, and as you turn to look you realise both it and a fifth skulltula had quietly webbed over the entranceway behind you as you'd stepped into the dark!

The gold skulltula reacts agressively to these intruders to its domain, rearing back to spit webs over Weaver who is entangled again for the second time in five minutes!

"I... I don't know what that is! Some kind of curse maybe?" Navi exclaims worriedly. Weaver concurs that it could be, but nobody's recalls ever hearing anything about something like this specifically!

Nippi to act.

2020-01-16, 01:41 PM
"ImcourageousImcourageousImcourageous--" Sounds like Nippi might be trying to convince himself of something. He doesn't act like a lion, though. He throws a ball of fire at the skulltulas (this is not the time to worry about burning the Tree!) and moves closer to the bewebbed Weaver.

Swift action to refresh Sunlight Eyes, standard to throw a fireball at a bunched-up group of spiders for [roll0] damage, move action to protect one of Weaver's flanks while drawing a dagger. Reflex DC 14 to save for half.

2020-01-16, 04:18 PM
Nippi's fireball catches three small skulltulas and their leige, bunched up as they are. The small skulltulas dodge nimbly out of the worst of it, lightly singed. The Gold Skulltula is less nimble, but that really wasn't a very powerful fireball.

You feel a slight pressure inside your heads, and then as if in response two of the small skulltulas descend from next to the Gold Skulltula to the passage floor. They rear back to spit webs at the two targets not yet entangled. Nippi is swiftly caught and Entangled, but the skulltula that aimed at Zippo missed. An intense feeling of menace radiates from the Gold Skulltula and its unlucky minion quails slightly at its master's disapproval.

One skulltula remains on the now-sealed passage 15ft behind the party. Two skulltulas have descended to the passage floor 15ft ahead of the party. Two skulltulas remain on the ceiling next to their master about 20ft horizontally and 15ft up.

Weaver to go.

2020-01-18, 04:31 AM
The ambush was perfect. Weaver had led the group right into the trap and now they were all goin to be eaten by spiders. Great job, ‘Wee’ ... see what playing hero got you? And them? He closed his eyes as Nippi was covered and the skulltulas approached, certain that this was the end.

Wait, that’s it? You’re really giving up? One bad call and you’re just going to let them eat you? Come on, Weaver ... you gotta be tougher than that ...

Blinking, Weaver frowned and started to struggle. As he did, he shouted out, ”Hit the big one and burn this place down! Fight, fight, FIGHT!”
Since Weaver has a torch, can he free himself w/o catching on fire? What kind of action is that?
If not, [roll0], [roll1]
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 3/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion (+2 vs skulltulas)

2020-01-18, 11:08 AM
Weaver manages to shrug off the webs of the mini skulltula and exhorts his companions to go for the big one!

The 5th mini skulltula descends to the floor of the passage on a line of thread, forming a line of three with the others parallel and 15ft away from the party. It rears back to spit webs at Zippo, who's closest, but misses. It quails again as somehow you all feel the golden skulltula make its displeasure felt.

Zippo to go.

2020-01-18, 01:16 PM
Nippi, Weaver, you do the golden, okay? Zippo shouts while finding a way through the webs to the three smaller Skulltulas. The first one, he can reach, he attacks with his sword

Move action to the nearest. Guess half speed but that will be 15ft, so...
Attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

2020-01-18, 06:13 PM
Zippo picks his way through the webs and strikes the skulltula closest to him! He runs it through its abdomen and its breath rattles as it dies, sliding off his blade, dead.

The small skulltula that had been behind you skuttles round your south to place itself in the line that's beginning to form between you and the Gold Skulltula.

The small skulltula remaining on the ceiling descends and moves into line, rearing back and lunging forward to bite at Zippo, but its fangs are turned aside by his thick armour.

The golden skulltula also descends from the ceiling. You can feel its fury at the death of its minion viscerally, somehow felt inside even though the spider lacks any expression you can discern. Firstly it rears back to expose its spinnerets, spitting webs all over Zippo, who is Entangled! Then it slowly raises its forelimbs and the air thrums with power. The dead small skulltula twitches unnaturally as it hauls itself upright, reanimated by the power of its liege. Then it hisses, clicks, and bubbles viciously at Zippo, air sucking through the unhealed wound in its abdomen, mindlessly focused on destroying the one who killed it!

Nippi to go.

2020-01-20, 07:07 AM
Nippi gasps. "Oh wow, oh boy. Come on, heartfire, don't fail me now!" Blinking hard, he hurls another ball of fire at the big necromancer-spider-god-thing.

Swift action for Sunlight Eyes, and throw a firepoof at the Golden and anything else he can catch in the burst. Except us, duh. :smallsmile: DC 14 Reflex save vs [roll0].

2020-01-20, 07:53 AM
The three mini skulltulas in the middle of the line are incinerated immediately, their limbs cracking and withering in the intense heat! The gold skulltula is more nimble this time, but a giant hole is cut through its defensive line!

Zippo and Weaver to go.

2020-01-20, 08:47 AM
Zippo tries to burst the webs which entangle him.

Strength Check vs DC 16 I guess [roll0]

2020-01-22, 02:04 AM
Having freed himself, Weaver glanced back at the blocked exit, then back to the fight ahead. He wasn’t sure how to help, but he knew he needed to do something. The big one sees to control the little ones, and could apparently raise them from the dead! Best he take his own advice and attack the Golden skulltula.

”Keep up that fire we can get him, her ... uh ... it?”

He waved his hands at the others, then pointed at the Golden skulltula. Suddenly, a bolt of electricity flashed out towards the giant spider-creature!
So, not sure there’s a mechanic for Ranged feint, but trying to catch the big one off guard while using gloves of lightning. If he’s caught off-guard (I.e., flat-footed), Weaver can add sneak attack damage! [roll0] for Bluff it Sleight of Hand. [roll1] (+3 if that’s real gold on the spider); [roll2], [roll3] if flat-footed
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion (+2 vs skulltulas)

2020-01-22, 04:02 PM
Zippo struggles unsuccessfully against his bonds, unable to break the thick strands that bind him in his weakened state.

Weaver feints against the Gold Skulltula, but it gives no indication it understood his gesturing or took any particular notice. The lightning bolt however... Shooting lighting from his fingertips the bolt arcs towards the Gold Skulltula and grounds in its metallic carapace! The spider twitches involuntarily and then steams slightly. It glowers menacingly at the two Kokiri raining destruction on it from a distance and you get the distinct impression you've both now become its target.

As if in response to its master's will, the fourth mini Skulltula scuttles forward to attack Nippi, rearing back to reach with its mandibles! The hinderance of the webs spoils Nippi's defences and the Skulltula bites down on Nippi's hand! Nippi takes 2 damage! The Skulltula's fangs glisten with venom, but after a moment Nippi realises his hearty constitution has protected him - this time.

The first mini Skulltula rears back to take a bite at Zippo with its mandibles, but on receiving a psychic command to attack Nippi and Weaver it appears distracted and desultory. It then attempts to skuttle around Zippo but even discommoded by the ensnaring webs Zippo is still a deft opportunist, and he strikes it dead without difficulty.

The Gold Skulltula slowly raises its forelimbs and the air thrums with power. The first, second, third and fifth dead Skulltulas all twitch unnaturally as they hauls themselves upright, reanimated by unholy power! The Gold Skulltula then sets its sights on Weaver, skuttling forward and then rearing back to gain the impetus needed for a lunge! The Gold Skulltula easily penetrates Weaver's defences and bites down hard on his shoulder! Weaver gets a front row seat to a gigantic spider pumping venom directly into his veins! He takes 6 damage and doesn't feel so good! He also takes 2 strength damage, weakened by the spider's bite!

"Have you noticed how they always rear back to attack?" Navi calls out, having spotted something useful. "Their soft belly is its weak point!"

Zippo now finds himself entangled and engaged with three of the recently reanimated Skulltulas. Weaver is engaged with the Gold Skulltula, and Nippi is entangled and engaged with both the Gold Skulltula and anther Skulltula. One of the recently reanimated Skulltulas is unengaged and has a pick of targets as soon as it regathers its senses. All of the reanimated Skulltulas sport various mortal wounds that no longer appear to trouble them, and you all noticed that the Gold Skulltula is now limping a little as it came forward to attack Weaver.

Nippi to go

2020-01-23, 01:00 AM
The look on Weaver's face after that bite swings Nippi directly from scared to angry. He shouts at the large one, "Hey! I'm gonna cut you down to size so you can pick on someone your own size!" Not very sensible, but passionate! He hurls fire at the spider with an exaggerated gesture, as if throwing harder would make it burn hotter.

I continue to apply my bread-and-butter, hitting BigMomma and however many smaller spiders he can include without nailing us too. Reflex DC 14 to halve [roll0].

Can I do anything useful with a move action? Like try to get out of the entanglement, or pass Weaver a nice knife? Mine's masterwork and does a point of sonic damage, and every +1 might help ...

Great job keeping up the tension, BTW :smallsmile:

2020-01-23, 04:49 AM
Nippi's fire blast catches the Gold Skulltula and its nearest minion, but both seem prepared for that form of attack now and avoid the worst of it, barely even singed by the anaemic flame.

Two Skulltulas to Zippo's South move to crowd round Nippi and Weaver, but Zippo's reflexes are just as good as his opportunism and he strikes the one he can reach down dead, for the moment at least. The other Skulltula places itself directly between Zippo and Nippi as it rears back to lunge at Weaver, apparently giving no thought to the bad tactical situation that places itself in, but unlike its master its jaws aren't strong enough to piece his leather armour.

Zippo is in turn now flanked by mini Skulltulas (one of which he flanks with Nippi), plus a third one, and he's still entangled.
Weaver is engaged by the Gold Skulltula and the mini Skulltula between Nippi and Zippo.
Nippi is probably still entangled, flanking the mini Skulltula flanking Zippo, and also engaged with the Gold Skulltula and one other which he mildly singed.

Weaver to go.

2020-01-26, 02:41 AM
Weaver yelped in pain, trying desperately to avoid getting bit. Unable to flank the large skulltula, he blinked when Navi piped up. Frowning, the diminutive Weaver nodded, trying to time his next blow for the skulltula’s attack. He pulled free a dagger and prepared himself.
So hold to attack belly? [roll0], [roll1] ([roll2] if applicable)
HPs: 11/17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion (+2 vs skulltulas)

2020-01-26, 07:39 AM
Weaver heeds Navi's words and readies an attack for the next time the Gold Skulltula exposes its soft belly!

The mini Skulltula engaged with Zippo but not flanking him rears back to lunge at him with its jaws! It leaves a shallow gash across Zippo's thigh. Again, the wound itself is a trifling thing, bearly even a scratch. But the Skulltula's jaws drip with venom and Zippo feels himself becoming weaker still. Zippo takes 1 damage and 3 STR damage from poison. It then attempts to circle around to get at Weaver and Nippi, but despite his being enwebbed, despite his increasing weakness due to poisoning, Zippo's reflexes are just too good and the spider once again drops dead at his feet.How many reflexes does this Kokiri have?!

Zippo is currently entangled and flanked by two mini-Skulltulas and flanking one of them with Nippi, but if the Golden Skulltula raises them again he'll be immediately adjacent to four. By moving 5ft he can get adjacent to the Gold Skulltula, but will provoke the two mini Skultulas and is likely to find himself very surrounded very soon.
Weaver is engaged by the Gold Skulltula and the mini Skulltula between Nippi and Zippo.
Nippi doesn't make much progress in escaping his entanglement. It's likely to take several more turns of wriggling to escape at this rate. He flanks the mini Skulltula flanking Zippo, and is also engaged with the Gold Skulltula and one other which he mildly singed.

Zippo to go.

2020-01-26, 12:31 PM
Another bite and again the pain runs through his body, his limbs feel heavy and again, he isn't able to burst the web. (Roll in OC)

But his mind is clear! He knows what to do: while swinging his sword against the Skulltula he and Nippi are flanking, he shouts Nippi, the next fireball at me! Burn my webs and the buggers all at once, okay? Do it!

attack the one flanked by Nippi and Zippo
Attack: [roll0] base+3+1str+1size-1reckless+1masterwork-2entangled+2flanked+2spiritual wolf totem
Damage: [roll1]

2020-01-27, 03:04 PM
Zippo kills the mini Skulltula between himself and Nippi with contemptuous ease, the fourth he's killed in under six seconds. Seriously impressive! But when the Gold Skulltula just keeps raising them, is it ever going to be enough? Or is he buying time for Nippi and Weaver to focus on the main threat? He struggles a little against his bonds and a few webs snap, but it's going to take a bit more struggling to get free.

The mini Skulltula fighting Nippi rears back to lunge at him, but its jaws are turned aside by his armour despite the entangling bonds of the web.

The mini Skulltula left standing by Zippo is denied the flanking bonus of its partner by dint of its partner being dead, but still manages to land a small gash through Zippo's armour. Zippo takes 1 damage but despite the venom dripping from its jaws he doesn't feel any worse off. This time...

The Gold Skulltula rears back to attack Weaver and Weaver sees an opportunity to strike at its exposed belly! But in his haste the strike goes wide, although it does throw off the Gold Skulltula's own attack which glances off Weaver's armour. The Gold Skulltula again raises its forelimbs and the battlefield thrums with power! Three battered Skulltulas rise once more from the dead! (And promptly get put back there as Zippo reacts to their attempts to stand). The Gold Skulltula projects a feeling of being distinctly unimpressed with him, but there's not much it can do about the warrior Kokiri just now.

"Great going Zippo!" Navi encourages. "Now go for the big one!"

Zippo is currently entangled and engaged with just one remaining mini Skulltula.
Weaver is engaged by the Gold Skulltula.
Nippi is also engaged with the Gold Skulltula and one other which he mildly singed earlier.

Nippi to go.

2020-02-27, 07:16 PM
"O-okay, Big Brother! I hope you're sure ..." Nippi is nervous about reaching into the fire of his heart to do something that will hurt a friend, but he tries to summon the courage ...

[roll0], Reflex DC 14. Huh. Reflex is Zippo's best save. Well, not while entangled, but still. LET THE CROSSING OF THE FINGERS COMMENCE!

2020-03-01, 10:37 AM
In an act of desperation, Nippi does as Zippo asks and an enormous fireblast engulfs the barbarian and the Skulltula remaining between Zippo and his friends, which shrivels and blackens in the intense heat, struck dead yet again.

The fire blast does as intended and the webs binding Zippo catch alight. Within moments the strands start to part, rendering the barbarian Kokiri free to move once more. Unfortunately the heat of the burning webs inflict a further 3 damage on the already scorched Zippo.

The Gold Skulltula remains engaged with Nippi and Weaver, and the one remaining mini-Skulltula is engaged with Nippi only.

Zippo is free to move and its his turn to go.

2020-03-01, 12:05 PM
Finally he's free! It hurts a bit, sure, but now he can walk and move and all!

Focusing on the golden skulltula, he walks towards it, flanking it with his siblings! He attacks

with sword and shield drawn
To hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

[roll2] add +2 vs flanked opponents please [roll3]
[roll4] add +2 vs flanked opponents please [roll5]
[roll6] add +2 vs flanked opponents please [roll7]
[roll8] add +2 vs flanked opponents please [roll9]

If I hit with AoO, expert tactician triggers

2020-03-02, 03:22 PM
Free from the ensnaring webs Zippo is finally able to move freely. Moving to flank the Gold Skulltula Zippo manages to circumvent the spider's hard carapace and strike true! His sword cleaves Gold Skulltula's abdomen from its thorax! You all feel the spider's malevolent psychic death-shriek inside your heads as it twitches its expires, immolating in a golden fire that spontaneously consumes both halves of the corpse and crumbling them to ash in moments. A strange energy rises from the remains and disperses into the air as though released.

With the death of the Gold Skulltula the psychic pressure you've all been feeling since entering the branch lifts immediately and the darkness lightens slightly, no longer supernatural. The one remaining mini skulltula appears confused for the two seconds it takes Weaver and Zippo to return it to death once more, transfixed on a pair of blades.

"Wow, that spider was scary!" Navi exclaims, beginning to explore the now-empty chamber. With her light and the now lifted darkness you can make out a large spiderweb at the eastern extreme of the reinforced with long sturdy branches as yet unaffected by the rot suffusing the Great Deku Tree. Several are 15 to 20ft long and about 3 inches across.

"The Gold Skulltula must have brought them in from outside to construct its nest!" Navi suggests. "I bet they're really strong! Imagine getting hit by one of those! Thwack!"

At the base of the web are the mortal remains of four deku scrubs unfortunate enough to have fallen prey to the Skulltulas here. A quick rummage turns up a number of items of note:

A potion of Cure Light Wounds
Two potions of Cure Moderate Wounds.
A potion of Lesser Restoration
A potion of Remove Paralysis
A small Cape of Chlorophyll (heals 1hp per character level per hour whilst in bright light. Requires 24h attunement.
A small +1 slingshot (Simple 2-handed, 1d4, 60ft, 1lb) and 20 stones.
Four purses containing 623 rupees in assorted denominations.
A small journal written in Deku Scrub.

Weaver and Nippi (and also Navi) can read the journal fairly easily. It mostly details the owner's increasingly petty feud with four other scrubs, Defri, Detwi, Dewmi, Demzi, a couple of whose names you've heard before! These were the denizens of the lower branch. In any case, the owner of the journal, Dedsi, is dissatisfied with just squatting in the old tree and feeding on the sap. Dedsi wants loot! She eventually asserts that the original four scrubs had no ambition, and that Decci had been right to lead the main group into the roots in search of greater treasures. She doesn't say how many others were with Decci though. Dedsi and three others had left to find Decci's group but found their way blocked by the spiderwebs you'd all noticed at the base of the Great Deku Tree. Several entries detail a few futile attempts to cut or burn their way through, each time being driven off by the Skulltulas guarding the webs. The latest entry is of most interest:

"Tried jumping! The webs are springy so it didn't hurt! A few strands broke! Not enough. I didn't land in the middle though, maybe that would help?! If only I were heavier! Climbing is tiring! Just... just going to sit here a moment to catch my breath. Then I'll try again. Maybe if we all jumped at once?"

"Deku scrubs are really light!" Navi reminds you all as you finish reading. "About twice as much as Kokiri!"

2020-03-03, 06:01 PM
"AAAAA--" Nippi screams aloud as the spider's death throes echo in his skull. He continues, pointing at the one little skulltula left (momentarily) animate: "AAaaaa, oh, it stopped, oh, it's dead ... Um, again ..." He draws in a few very big breaths while his body shakes from the panic he's been feeling.

Nippi is bent over with his hands on his knees, glaring at the pile of ash that used to be a massive spider, when suddenly he realizes -- "Oh my gosh, Zippo, are you okay? I'm so sorry about that fireball, and you got all those bites, and ... and ... I guess you're okay enough, you're still standing, but I'm really sorry about the fire." His cheeks are trying to blush and blanch at the same time.

"Deku scrubs are really light!" Navi reminds you all as you finish reading. "About twice as much as Kokiri!"

"Do you think Dedsi was talking about the webs over the hole down at the ground, Navi?" Nippi asks. "That'd be a long way to fall without breaking through -- they must be SUPER light!"

2020-03-04, 04:43 PM
After the darkness vanished, Zippo sat down on the ground. It's OK, Nippi. It was the fastest way of getting rid of these webs... It doesn't even hurt anymore... HAHAHA ... ouch! Some healing would be nice...

2020-03-07, 02:48 PM
Weaver took a deep breath, happy to have the fight over. Smoothing out his clothes with only a slight wince from his injury, Weaver collected himself, then joined the others. ”So, ah, good job team! Way to take advantage of my distraction. Nice fire, Nippi! Um, looks lime there are some nice things here ... potions and such. Zippo, you should drink one or two of these. I, uh, think the sling might be useful ... anyone want it? If not, I, uh, could probably use it a little. You know, until someone else needs a boost. Everything else I’ll put in my handbag.

So, I think we should try to burn these webs ... whaddya think? Then maybe we knock that Spidey stump into the webs below? But just one question, I, uh, have ...

Where are Xenia and, uh, Vikka?”
How hurt are folks? Probably should drink up while we can. Weaver can use the sling, but if someone else wants it, say so. And we can collect stuff now for crafting later.
HPs: 11/17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion (+2 vs skulltulas)

2020-03-08, 09:56 AM
"Deku scrubs ARE super light!" Navi agrees with Nippi. "Together you three weigh more than Dedsi's entire group! But knocking the stump down would be safer," she concedes.

On the subject of your missing companions, the fairy doesn't have much to say: "I haven't seen Vikka or Xenia since the battle in the lower branch. The fighting must have been too scary for them!"

The party takes a moment to address their wounds with the potions they've found. Weaver drinks the potion of Cure Light Wounds and regains 6hp! Zippo drinks a potion of Lesser Restoration and regains 4STR! He's pretty injured, so he drinks both potions of Cure Moderate Wounds and regains a total of 24hp!

A few minutes' work with blades procures you the long solid branches that had been woven into the Gold Skulltula's web and cuts a path through the webs covering the passage back to central chamber of The Great Deku Tree. The rotten spike still protrudes from the ceiling where it was last time. The Skulltula you didn't kill the last time you were here is still fussing over the small bundle it dragged up to the ceiling earlier.

Except this time you can see a small arm protruding from it. It is not a Deku Scrub's. It's a Kokiri!

2020-03-08, 10:11 AM
After he drinks the potions, Zippo felt much better. His burnings, bites and cutts are all vanished. He flexes his muscles, realizing that some of the poison is still in his body. He's not weak, but not as strong as he's used to.

As they walk back, he sees the arm, hanging out of the bundle! Time to act! He puts out his sling, loads it and says: “Have you seen this? There's an arm under this skulltula! What do you think Nippi, some Deku-seeds or fire? “

2020-03-10, 04:37 PM
On the subject of your missing companions, the fairy doesn't have much to say: "I haven't seen Vikka or Xenia since the battle in the lower branch. The fighting must have been too scary for them!"

Annoyed by the possibility, Nippi grumps, "Well, I hope they at least stayed with Koli. 'Cos if they didn't, she's as likely to follow Xenia out as she is to stay put!"

You can see a small arm protruding from it. It is not a Deku Scrub's. It's a Kokiri!

"AHHH! Do you two see that?!" Nippi's face is changing color really quickly, going from blanched to flushed ...

“There's an arm under this skulltula! What do you think Nippi, some Deku-seeds or fire? “

... and back to blanched. "Um, not fire, Zippo, there could be somebody alive inside! Lots of spiders just paralyze their food instead of killing it ... But how are we going to get up there to help?"

2020-03-10, 11:57 PM
“Um, not fire, Zippo, there could be somebody alive inside! Lots of spiders just paralyze their food instead of killing it ... But how are we going to get up there to help?"

Once the skulltula is down, I can climb there
No fire. Then with the sling. Hey brothers, let's shoot altogether at once, ok? Weaver, count to three!

Attack [roll0], damage [roll1]

2020-03-11, 01:57 AM
Hey brothers, let's shoot altogether at once, ok? Weaver, count to three!

Nippi whips his bow around and starts fumbling for an arrow. "Hangonhangon ..."

[roll0] to hit, [roll1] damage

2020-03-11, 08:32 AM
Weaver scratches his head for a bit as they emerge from the webs. Upon seeing the other skulltula fussing with its bundle, the group is surprised to see an arm flopping out. At the urging of the others, Weaver blinks rapidly before stammering softly in reply, ”Uh, right ... we should, ah, attack. But, um, quietly. Yeah, real quiet! On a-one ... and a-two ... and, uh, three, I guess.””

Weaver slips forward with his newly acquired sling and hurls a stone when he’s close enough.
Sorry again for the delay. Alright, I listed the rest of the loot on Weaver’s sheet for now. Claiming the sling. Recommend Zippo wear the cloak, as the one most likely to be in the thick of it.
Sneaking to w/in 30’ for a surprise round. [roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3], [roll4]+[roll5]
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion (+2 vs skulltulas)

2020-03-15, 02:35 PM
Surprise Round

On three the trio of Kokiri unleash their ranged attacks! Zippo's stone strikes the Skulltula a solid blow to the head and Nippi's arrow sticks firmly into its toughened carapace, but Weaver's stone glances off the spider's armour. It hisses in a displeased manner!

Taken by surprise by the suddenness of the assault the spider hesitates to respond.

Round 1
Weaver and Zippo to go.

2020-03-15, 03:16 PM
Now, the favor is on the kokiris side. He grabs into his pocket and takes out another deku-seed, reloads his sling and aims for the skulltula again

Move action: reload
Standard action: shoot
To hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2020-03-15, 03:54 PM
Weaver ducked his head down for a moment, embarrassed at his lack of skill. Clearing his throat, he commented, ”Good! We, ah, got its attention now. Get it!”

Raising the sling, he tried again.
[roll0], [roll1]+[roll2]
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 18
Effects: Evasion, KS devotion (+1 vs skulltulas)

2020-03-15, 05:08 PM
Zippo and Weaver's seeds both crack the Skulltula's carapace, yellow ichor dripping from the wounds! Screaming in agony the Skulltula decides its prize isn't worth fighting over and retreats swiftly into a dark crevice in the ceiling where you lose track of it. The battle is over!

Navi flies over to inspect the cocoon. "Quickly! I think they're still alive!" she calls.

The cocoon is 20ft up bit the criss-crossing of webs form a ladder and with a little bit of difficult you manage to detach the cocoon and bring it down to ground level. Short work with a dagger reveals the Kokiri inside.

It's Nemi!

Zippo, Weaver, and Nippi know her from the village although not all because she's a bit of a recluse. She can usually be found tagging along with Fisu, himself a bit of a recluse as well. But the two are generally respected for their dancing entertainments, even if they are viewed as a bit eccentric by most.

She's completely paralysed. She hasn't been noticed as missing, so the spider must have captured her in the woods and dragged her back here quite recently.

2020-03-18, 08:30 AM
"Ohmygosh! Nemi! Are you okay?! ... Oh, right, paralyzed, can't talk. Sorry. I guess you won't be dancing soon either. Wow, I'm glad we found you when we did!" Still worked up from the fights, Nippi is babbling just a bit. He tries to figure out if he can do anything to help his friend Nemi. It's probably too late to help with the paralytic poison, but she might be more seriously wounded, too.

2020-03-19, 05:35 AM
Nemi had never been so happy to see a friendly face, even though she couldn't express it at the moment. She had been walking in the forest when she suddenly felt a sting and she must have gone unconscious for a while, but when she came around she hadn't been able to see anything and she couldn't move. It had been a very frustrating time and she didn't even know how much time had passed. Only her discipline which she had learned from Fisu kept her fear a bit under control.

When she suddenly felt that there was movement, she was worried that whatever had taken her would now move to kill her, but then the light returned and she noticed that she was wrapped in a coccoon of some sort. But more important where the Kokiri standing there and trying to help.

2020-03-19, 11:35 PM
Weaver leaned over and peered at the now freed Nemi. He nodded absently to himself, then dug around him n his haversack for a small vial. ”Good thing we found this, uh, cure. That’s it ... a cure! Drink up, Nemi!” Weaver poured the potion down her throat.

Once she recovered, he asked, ”So, uh, what happened, Nemi? I mean, ah, beside getting bit by a skulltula... and better NG wrapped up ... and dragged up here ...

So, how, uh, how are you doing?”
Sorry for the delay - even with COVID concerns, I’m still working full time
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 18
Effects: Evasion

2020-03-20, 03:52 AM
As soon as she could move again, Nemi did something very uncharacteristically. She jumped up and hugged all of them.
"I'm so happy to see you guys," she said, tears streaming down her face, "what happened? Where are we? What are you doing here?"
The otherwise so reserved Nemi was now a gush of questions. She also only reluctantly let go of the other Kokiri and quickly looked around for her backpack with stuff, which she found a bit further.

2020-03-20, 04:11 AM
When Nemi hugged Zippo, he blushed and stuttered “Ah, wait, no, you're welcome, I don't ...
But then she let go and hugged another one. Yeah... he isn't much into this hugging stuff...

Ahem, yeah. Back to topic. How do we get this big wooden chunk down? Nemi, you're into this Hijaa he made a karate move do you think you can “cut“ the webs with your ... another karate move

I could give you a safty belt with my rope, so you won't fall that much, if you loose your hold...

2020-03-20, 11:57 AM
"Chunk of wood," Nemi asked, still a bit confused, "and if I try to hit those webs, I'll probably get stuck again. Just use a sword or axe or dagger to cut them."
She wasn't going to get stuck again in those webs if she could avoid it.

2020-03-21, 08:41 AM
Navi has so far hovered over the unexpected reunion, but she speaks up when Nemi asks where they are and what they're doing here.

"Hello! I'm Navi the fairy! Nice to meet you! We're inside the Great Deku Tree! The Great Deku Tree has been cursed and asked us to break the curse! Can you help us Nemi?"

Looking around Nemi sees that she and the others are at the top of a chamber 60ft in diameter. A 10ft wide ring of platform surrounds a 40ft diameter gap in the centre of the chamber, and there's a 5ft square hole to the south where vines come up. This must have been how the others climbed this high! The entire level is choked with sticky spiderwebs, which makes movement difficult. This is the highest level, the ceiling of the chamber forming a rough dome some 20ft above with the chamber floor some 90ft below.

On the floor below she can make out Koli, Nippi's faithful companion sitting patiently next to a 20ft aperture in the floor covered with thick spiderwebs. A rotted spike of wood, some 10ft in diameter by 15ft high projects downwards from the centre of the ceiling directly above this hole. The spike is about 20ft away from the platforms, but in the east the platforms are a little wider making it more like 15ft there.

Navi flies out over the void in the centre of the room to touch the 10ft diameter wooden spike hanging from the ceiling there.

"We've been looking for the source of the curse! We've looked everywhere above, so it must be in the Great Deku Tree's roots below! First we need to get past those spiderwebs..."

"This rotten spike looks very heavy! It doesn't look very secure! Maybe we could use the branches we found to dislodge it?"

"We also found the journal of a Deku Scrub called Dedsi! She had tried jumping onto the webs to break them, and although she wasn't hurt because they're springy, she didn't manage to break them because she wasn't heavy enough and didn't manage to land in the middle! She thought if several people jumped at once and landed in the middle, that would probably work too!"

2020-03-21, 09:05 AM
"Well, you saved me, so the least I can do is help out," Nemi said as she looked at the piece of wood and the spider webs below.
"I wouldn't jump, because if what you say is true and we jump through them, we'll fall further, not knowing what's below. I think that's dangerous. We can better use that piece of wood."
She looked at it and how it was attached to the ceiling.
"Maybe I can get my wasp to tear it loose," she suggested.

2020-03-21, 03:17 PM
Weaver sat no pluses at the exuberant hugging from Nemu. He stood awkwardly rubbing his neck as the others spoke in a rush. Finally, he spoke m, nodding at Nemu. ”I agree with Nemu - I’d, uh, rather not find out how deep the hole is by, ah, jumping in. But the wood up there ... maybe my glove can knock it loose?!”

Weaver peered up and glanced at his glove, wondering if the lightning ability would be sufficient to the task.
Weaver’s got two more ranges touch attacks (1d8+5) which might weaken the spike further.
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 18
Effects: Evasion

2020-03-21, 04:12 PM
"What does your glove do," Nemi asked Weaver, "you sure it won't harm the Great Deku tree?"
It had started to sink in that she was in fact, inside their saviour and guardian. She wasn't sure what to think of that, but if the Great Deku tree was cursed, she would do everything she could to help find the problem.

2020-03-21, 05:21 PM
As soon as she could move again, Nemi did something very uncharacteristically. She jumped up and hugged all of them.
"I'm so happy to see you guys," she said, tears streaming down her face, "what happened? Where are we? What are you doing here?"

Nippi grins at Nemi's enthusiasm. "It's really good to see you here too. And alive! That part's more important than just 'here'."

"This rotten spike looks very heavy! It doesn't look very secure! Maybe we could use the branches we found to dislodge it?"

Nippi looks again at the long pieces of wood. "Huh! I think you're right, Navi! This one here looks like it might be long enough to poke the spike ... if I stand near the edge, here ... Hey, friends, somebody help me with this -- it weighs as much as I do! We might need to find something to, uh, what'stheword, uh, make it be a lever. You know what I mean."

2020-03-21, 05:30 PM
Weaver waggled his fingers, saying, ”It’s ... uh... a magic glove. It, um, shoots lightning. I don’t think it’ll hurt the Great Deku Tree, cuz that part looks dead. I’m sure it’ll help. Yeah, that’s it ... it’ll make the Tree feel better! ”
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 18
Effects: Evasion

2020-03-22, 02:55 AM
Whilst Nemi and Weaver are discussing whether to try and chop down the spike with Nemi's bare hands (it's 10ft in diameter!) or blast it with Weaver's lightning glove (wood is a pretty good insulator!) Nippi picks up one of the branches the party found earlier and gives the rotted wooden spike a tentative poke whilst he waits for the others to help him.


A sudden hollow snapping sound echoes through The Great Deku Tree's innards! For half a heartbeat nothing seems to happen before the enormous wooden spike tears itself loose from the rest of the domed ceiling in a shower of rotted wood and plummets to the bottom of the chamber where it tears through the spiderwebs, tumbling and crashing as it bangs against the inside of the Great Deku Tree's taproots before coming to rest somewhere in the unseen darkness below with one final almighty CRASH the reverberations of which can still be felt where you stand hundreds of feet above! That must have been really rotten to be dislodged so easily!

Koli yipes nervously down below. That was close! Poor Koli!

"Well that did it!" Navi exclaims excitedly, flying down to inspect Nippi's handiwork! "Come on down! The way is clear!"

How are you going to get down? It's 90ft to the chamber floor. You came up over an overhang in the north using Zippo's climbing skills and a rope. On the upper level you're on the platforms stick out at least 5ft further than on the level below so descending the same way won't be so easy! Alternatively there are some spiderweb-covered vines that are a straight climb in the south, but you all decided to avoid that last time. The level below is at 50ft above the chamber floor. From there a relatively straightforward 30ft climb down would get you within a 20ft jump of the chamber floor or a 10ft jump horizontally to a slope that would take you the rest of the way.

2020-03-22, 03:27 AM
Ok, let's go downwards. Good job, Nippi! Ok. Do we climb back? I hold the rope, ok?

2020-03-22, 07:06 AM
"I can help with getting down," Nemi said, digging through her backpack, "I have some stuff that can help."

She comes out with some Climbing gear, like hooks to attach to your feet and pitons to attach ropes to.
"if Zippo can hold the rope like he proposed," she said, "I climb down to attach it to the overhang so you can all use it to go down. I'll come down last and unhook everything. Or I can rig a harnass for all of use, summon a giant wasp and have it carry us down. Whichever you think it's best, as you've been here for longer than I have and I don't want to damage the Great Deku tree."

2020-03-24, 05:43 PM
"Yipe! Geez! I hope that didn't hurt the Great Deku Tree. It was probably like pulling a bad tooth. Good girl, Koli! Stay, girl! Stay! I'm coming soon," Nippi shouts down.

"I climb down to attach it to the overhang so you can all use it to go down. I'll come down last and unhook everything. Or I can rig a harnass for all of use, summon a giant wasp and have it carry us down. Whichever you think it's best, as you've been here for longer than I have and I don't want to damage the Great Deku tree."

With a glance at Zippo, Nippi replies a little timidly, "Me personally, I don't really want to be bound right next to a huge bug, I've gotten my fill of that dish recently. I think we can climb safely if we take it slow."

2020-03-25, 01:06 PM
"Okay, no wasp then," Nemi said as she took out her climbing gear
"Let's go then," she added, before she started to climb down, carefully and making sure that everything was ready for the others to follow her.

2020-03-29, 06:15 AM
With Nemi's climbing gear traversing the overhang is made safe even for the less competent climbers in the group, although swinging out into space remains scary! Within too long the party has made it back to ground level and reunited with Nippi's faithful companion Koli! Good boy Koli!

Where the spiderwebs had previously covered the hole in the centre of the floor is now a ruin of smashed spiderwebs and vines descending deep into the earth below. About 200ft below you can just make out a flickering light.

"This doesn't look too hard to climb! Especially with Nemi's climbing kit. But what about Koli? Surely we're going to bring him with us this time?" Navi says.

It's roughly equivalent to: A surface with ledges to hold on to and stand on, such as a very rough wall or a ship’s rigging.

2020-03-29, 07:42 AM
"I'm sure one of us can carry him down," Nemi said as she looked at the way down, "we can rig some sort of harness for him to be put in. I guess both Zippo and myself are strong enough to carry him down without being encumbered too much."

2020-03-29, 05:58 PM
With the crack and boom of the rotten spine, Weaver jumped slightly, chuckling nervously. ”Ah, way to go. That’s, uh, exactly what I wanted to do. Now climbing ... um, yeah ... do that, Nemi. Good job. I’ll try follow so no one, uh, gets left behind.”

Once the group reached the main floor again, Weaver peered into the whole while Nippi and Kool rejoiced at being together. Looking around, he didn’t see signs of their other two companions, but there was a faint light at the bottom. Frowning, he tugged his ear for a moment, then turned back to the others. ”Well, uh, I should be fine, but, um, for those who aren’t great climbers, maybe we should set up backup ropes ...just in case.”
Sorry y’all - I’ve still been at work fu time, and spending as much time at home trying to keep the family sane. I’m still here!

And at some point I hope Weaver finds something he’s actually good at ... lol.
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 18
Effects: Evasion

2020-03-30, 12:37 PM
After a couple happy minutes of reunion, Nippi takes Koli over to the edge of the cavity. "Hmm. This looks like it'd be easier to get back up than all of that was," he says, pointing up. "So, yeah, I wanna figure a way to get her down. I think a harness would do okay. But how far down? Wanna bet there are some hollow roots like there were hollow branches above?" He moves around the rim slowly, squinting and peering in the hopes of seeing a side passage.

2020-03-30, 12:53 PM
Hey, Navi, um, any chance you fly down and look how deep this is? Zippo helt this for a good idea but also he knew that Navi isn't that risky...
Or we throw down a torch, than we can see how deep this is. That this could end in a fireball like burst, with all the webs and woods and a chimney, didn't come to his mind. He should have given this a second thought.

Instead he walks around, looking for piece of wood and when he found one, he walked over to the Nippi Can you ignite this?

2020-03-30, 01:10 PM
"Is it a good idea to start a fire inside the Great Deku tree," Nemi asked as she also looked down in the hole.

2020-04-02, 07:05 PM
Zippo walks around, looking for piece of wood and when he found one, he walked over to the Nippi Can you ignite this?

"Uh ... I don't know! I've never tried to be that careful before. My heartfire is like how I'm feeling, and usually I want it bigger and brighter! We can try ..." Nippi seems a bit befuddled by the idea.

"Is it a good idea to start a fire inside the Great Deku tree," Nemi asked as she also looked down in the hole.

"Y'know, Nemi, we were wondering the same thing. But we needed the fire really bad before -- like when the skulltulas attacked us -- so it was kinda like do-or-die. Good thing it's pretty damp right now!"

2020-04-08, 12:52 AM
"maybe," Nemi said, still not completely convinced. She looked down into the shaft again.

I'll do a spot and listen roll just in case
spot: [roll0]
listen: [roll1]

2020-04-08, 03:46 PM
"I can take a look!" Navi says, flying down the shaft in a corkscrew motion as the party fashion a harness and sling for Koli with some spare rope. Some minutes later, just as the harness is ready and Koli is strapped into it, Navi returns.

"The root goes straight down about 200ft before turning North!" she reports. "It's not hollow after that, but the chunk of wood we dislodged broke through below into some sort of old stone chamber with an underground stream flowing through it! I didn't see any enemies on my way. Are you all ready to descend?"

2020-04-08, 04:10 PM
While putting on the side of the carriage which fits him, Zippo replied to Nami with a simple Yep!

2020-04-09, 02:57 AM
"You want me to carry Koli," Nemi offered to Zippo, "you are probably a better figther than I am and you already have weapons and armour to burden you. I'll carry Koli and you can go first, while I go last."

2020-04-10, 01:51 AM
"Thanks a ton, Nemi! I really missed my girl before when we went up -- I'd hate to leave her again!" Nippi gives Koli a good scritching and receives happy face-licking in return. She doesn't seem bothered by the harness arrangement. "Whoozagudgurl, yes, YOU are!"

2020-04-10, 07:57 AM
Nemi rolled her eyes at Nippi's talking to Koli.
"Okay, Zippo, you take the lead," she said, "then follows weaver and Nippi and I'll take the rear with Koli. Let's move or we can stand here for the rest of our days."
And I wouldn't mine taking Nippi's rear, she thought to herself, hiding her blush while checking Koli's harness and making sure it was comfortable for the climb.

2020-04-10, 08:05 AM
WOW, Nemi, calm down! Zippo signed her with both hands to keep the ball low. You know, we just had a tough fight and rescuing to do and by the way, in Weaver we have a very potent leader already... not knowing he felt uncomfortable with this role

2020-04-11, 02:35 AM
Mostly blind to the others' interaction, Nippi gets closer to Weaver and comments softly, "I don't think we have enough rope to go all the way down, so it'll be hard to get back up again. Maybe we should leave most of what we've got dangling here -- then at least we'd only have to freehand a little of the way. If Nemi's wasp can't carry us all, I mean." He looks willing to face the challenge but somewhat dismayed there's not a clearer way forward (or downward).

2020-04-11, 05:34 AM
Nemi took a step back, surprised at Zippo's outburst.
"Sorry," she said timidly, "I just did what I thought was best."
She looked at Weaver.
"Is that okay with you," she asked.

2020-04-11, 03:15 PM
Weaver was peering down the hole, still concerned about the climb as the others chattered. When he heard his name finally, he turned to look at the others, a few of whom seemed to be staring at him. Uncertain what he had missed, he started to stammer a bit. ”Hmm? Wha ... um, yes, I agree it’s, Ah, dark, but I’m not scared either! So, uh, climbing down ... that sounds like a good idea. ”

Frowning for a minute, Weaver looked at Koli and frowned. ”So, uh, Zippo and Nemo are carrying her, right? Guess we should get going. Maybe Navi can, uh, keep an eye out as we climb ... and warn us if critters attack. I’ll take the rear ... to, ah, protect the rear.” . Weaver obviously didn’t realize the others were talking about him.
If Ni wants to lead, that’s cool. Weaver doesn’t necessarily have a talent for it ... it just lets him control his own involvement.
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 18
Effects: Evasion

2020-04-13, 07:09 AM
Whoozadugurl? Koli iz a gud gurl! Wow! Who knew?

And so with a little bit of quibbling over the order the party begins its descent, agreeing to leave the ropes attached at the top in case they're needed on the climb back up. As one of the weaker climbers Nippi goes first, with Zippo and then Nemi in the middle to assist if needed and Weaver volunteering to bring up the rear, a situation Nemi apparently finds to her liking.

It's a long and difficult climb with just the rough and crumbly wood of the taproot to complement the dangling rope and the occasional vine or spiderweb, lit only by Navi's soft glow hovering beside you. With the aid of the climber's kit most of you manage competently enough, and Weaver seems to have just the knack for this kind of surface! But Nippi in particular finds it tough, and with him setting the pace up front the going is slow. Koli at least is well behaved, observing the climb from Nemi's back with tongue hanging out and giving every impression of enjoying this strange new activity her master has thought up!

Time passes, you're not sure how much. Your arms and legs all burn from the climb but you keep going, deeper and deeper into the depths of the earth. Things are uneventful. Until just above the knot of the 4th rope.

Nippi, a rotten piece of wood breaks away underfoot and you lose your grip on the rope. What do you do?

Simultaneously 20ft above Weaver reaches into a nook for a hand hold but instead of soft damp wood his hand closes on something dry with hard sharp edges. Whatever it was was very well hidden! It squirms. What do you do?

2020-04-13, 07:15 PM
Nippi panics as his footing crumbles, grabbing for anything at all -- Zippo's foot, something on the wall of the cavity, Navi if she's close enough ... this is not one of his clearer-headed moments. :smalleek:

2020-04-14, 11:41 PM
Weaver snatched his hand out, flinging whatever was in his hand down towards the floor. ”Guh! Uh, guys how you doing? Almost there!” He didn’t see that Nippi had slipped and fallen below him.
Yeesh, that took entirely to long to post!
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 18
Effects: Evasion

2020-04-15, 07:27 AM
Nemi was Climbing slowly, taking care that everything went fine as she had Koli on her back. When she heard Weaver shout, she looked up.
"Everything okay," she asked, stopping to see if she had to climb up to give some assistance.

2020-04-15, 12:09 PM
Weaver snatches his hand out of the hole, flinging whatever it was hastily downwards! The thing smacks Koli right in the face and clings on, hissing angrily! It's a tiny skulltula! Koli goes nuts! She yelps and barks and struggles, prevented by the harness from pawing it off!

Nemi, you catch Weaver flinch in your peripheral and hear a sudden thwack behind you followed by Koli going berserk! Having a large (comparatively) dog struggling for all she's worth on your back threatens to dislodge your grip! What do you do?

Nippi, you flail around for something, anything to catch on to! Make a reflex saving throw!

Zippo, you spot Nippi start flail just below you. There may be only moments before he starts to fall. Keeping an eye on him was partly your responsibility. Are you going to help him?

Weaver, you may have feelings about the events happening below you, but before you can dwell too much a chorus of angry issues from within the alcove! Not one, not two, not three, but five angry-looking tiny skulltulas crawl out from within their disturbed lair, raising their forelimbs and pedipalps in a threat display! What do you do?


2020-04-15, 12:17 PM
When there are only moments left, it's time to act! Zippo let off his hold, for a controlled fall - fastest way to get down to Nippi, right? Then he holds himself with one hand on some roots/webs/whatever and with the other hand he grabs after his brother.

I have no idea what to roll here... strength? Reflex?

2020-04-16, 12:12 PM
"Koli, sit still or we both fall," Nemi shouted. She couldn't see what was going on, but she'd rather not fall. Dropping all pretense of going slow and safe, she moved down as quickly as she could without just dropping. Fisu could drop from great hights without damaging himself, but she couldn't. She was good at Climbing though.

I'm going to climb down as quickly as I can and then drop the harness so I can see what's going on.

climb roll: [roll0]

2020-04-18, 02:43 AM
Weaver shivered as a bunch of tiny skulltulas swarmed out. He reach back into his haversack and pulled out some rations, tossing it towards the bugs lair. ”Yeeow! Um, everything’s good, but just wondering ... any more of those fire blasts available?”
Trying to placate the spiders With some food from my endless rations. Will climb down when he can
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 18
Effects: Evasion

2020-04-18, 11:05 AM
Weaver produces a hunk of cuccu jerky from his pack rations and tosses it back into the disturbed nest of skulltulas! The spiders wave their forelimbs threateningly for a few moments more before catching the scent of bird meat, and then they relax, mollified. With only a few backwards glances the spiders retreat back within their nest. Phew! Quick thinking by Weaver!

At the bottom of the group Nippi flails wildly for a rope! A vine! A fairy! "Nippi are y... Eek!" Navi shrieks as Nippi's fist closes around her! A moment later his solid grasp turns to nothing as the fairy reflexively goes insubstantial to save herself! Nippi's final foothold crumbles and he feels himself tumbling into space!

However, even as Nippi starts his headlong plunge, big brother Zippo is on the case! Releasing his grip he allows himself to fall, his swift reactions allowing him to gain on Nippi just before the other Kokiri's final foothold fails! With one hand he grasps Nippi's backpack firmly, with the other he abruptly arresting both their falls using the knot between rope sections! Wow! Heroic!

Nemi's reaction to the spiders and the commotion is also to descend rapidly. But this is really not easy with a dog twice your mass flailing about on your back! With the rope snaking from Zippo's heroics below it twists and leaps and with Koli distorting her centre of mass it's wrenched firmly beyond her grasp! For two heart-stopping seconds Nemi and Koli feel nothing but rushing air before smashing into icy cold waters! Nemi and Koli each take 11 non-lethal damage from the fall! The waters are cold, dark, and deep, with a noticeable current. This would be disorienting, but shimmering firelight reflects off the surface about 15ft what must be above. The only problem is swimming with Koli attached to your back is even harder than climbing as the dog continues to struggle on her own! With the shock of falling and no chance to take a breath Nemi has just seconds to react! What does she do?

Up above, whatever feelings of relief Weaver, Zippo and Nippi may be feeling are dispelled by the realisation that Nemi and Koli have fallen. You all hear the splash as they land somewhere out of sight below.

"Ow," Navi says, massaging a heavily bruised shoulder. "I'll go and see if I can find them. The chamber isn't far now!"

2020-04-18, 04:39 PM
Weaver felt a wave of relief when the skulltulas retreated. As he started to continue down, he glanced below to see his companions spread further apart ... and fewer! Hearing a splash immediately after his observation, and doing something quick mental accounting, Weaver called out, ”Uh ... wh-where’s Nemi and Koli?!” Moving as quick as he could, Weaver started down the rope, anxious to find their friends.
Glad that worked, cuz fighting from a rope didn’t sound like a winning strategy :smallsmile Heading down as quickly as is safe to find Nemi and Koli.
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 18
Effects: Evasion

2020-04-19, 04:04 AM
Nemi took a gulp of air just before she went under. As Koli was wriggling on her back, she tugged at the knots to undo them quickly as Weaver had shown her when they made the harnass for the dog. It would stay together, but could be removed quickly.

As soon as the harnass was loose, she tried to swim to the surface to get out.

There exists something called quick-release knots, so I assume that we can have made it like that.

also, swim roll to get to the surface: [roll0]
And if that doesn't work, try to swim to the side where there she feels a surface (bottom) and push herself off on that.

2020-04-19, 09:38 AM
"ThankyouZippo OH DEKU NUTS Koli! LemmegoZippoIgottagetKoli, I have to get her! Uh, sorry, Navi!" Nippi isn't substantially less panicked than before Zippo's heroic rescue -- rope in hand or not, he's ready to get down immediately, the moment Zippo lets go of his pack.

2020-04-19, 09:53 AM
NO! I go! Zippo replied to Nippi and pulling him a little bit more against the rope and wall. Then, with a dive, he jumped into the water.

2020-04-20, 03:43 PM
Nemi shrugs out of the harness and immediately things are easier! A few powerful strokes later she breaks the surface and takes a much needed breath of air! A moment later Koli surfaces next to her, silly grin illuminated by the shimmering torchlight, enthusiasm apparently undimmed by the heavy fall.

Up above Nippi is distraught by Koli's fall! Struggling against Zippo's hold, Zippo nevertheless tells him No! Pushing Nippi against the vine-covered wall Zippo takes a neat dive in his place. Nippi is in no mood to take well-meant advice, jumping down after Zippo the moment he lets go!

Weaver may be anxious about where his friends have got to, but Navi's quick to reassure him. "Don't worry, it's not far now! I'll stay and light your way! Just promise not to grab me, okay?"

In the chamber below Nemi and Koli are deluged by a pair of enormous splashes about 10ft from where they surfaced. It's fortunate that nobody landed on anyone! Zippo's graceful dive cuts the water effortlessly, but Nippi comes down flailing. Nippi takes 3 non-lethal damage from the impact with the underground river.

The chamber you're in is ancient and originally lined with stone though much of that is now broken down where the Great Deku Tree's tap root came through the high ceiling before curving to the north and exiting through the northern wall. A deep underground river cold as winter bubbles up through the debris in the east, flowing westward along the north wall until exiting through an iron grate in an arched culvert in the west wall. The pieces of the fallen wood stallectite still bobble there against the grating, too narrow to permit their passage or indeed the passage of anything much larger than a rat, and perhaps the pieces contribute to the water level in here being a little higher than usual. The floor of the chamber is very uneven from subsidence or the ancient path of the river, sloping steeply upwards to form a narrow riverbank on the south side of the chamber. In the southeast corner of the room and high and dry above the river level, freshly prepared torches burn in ancient iron braziers either side of an old oak door.

The skulltula that had been clinging tight to Koli slowly floats past Nemi, face down with limp legs splayed, whether dead from the fall or drowned it matters not. When everyone has resurfaced it's easy enough to swim to the southern bank

Overhead a soft blue light slowly descends from above as Weaver picks his way down with Navi watching over him. At the break in the Great Deku tree's root (it's not hollow beyond this point), he is able to transfer from the dangling end of your knotted ropes onto a network of twisted vines and minor roots descending to sample the waters of the underground river. Within a few minutes they make their way down to the chamber floor and Weaver just about manages to rejoin the party without getting his feet wet.

"Wow, that was quite a fall! Is everyone alright?" Navi asks, flitting from Kokiri to Kokiri to dog, checking for any major injuries.

2020-04-20, 03:54 PM
Nemi had managed to get to the side purely on adrenalin. But when she was on dry land, she started to ache all over. There were probably only some bruises or something where the rope of the harnass had cut in her body when they hit the water.
"Just some bruises," she said to Navi, "anybody else need some healing? And where are we? And who put those torches there?"

EDIT: just reread the section on non-lethal damage. No healing is needed, it will quickly go away on its own. So editing the post.

2020-04-22, 01:15 PM
Noticing everybody was back save on the surface, Zippo swam with only a few strong strokes back to where he could stand on the ground. After Koli shaked her body, to dry herself, Zippo did the same.

HAHAHAHA This was refreshing!
It seemed that Zippo was enjoying this short adventure.
Okeee, Weaver? Where to go next?

2020-04-22, 04:40 PM
Weaver reached the bottom, looking around at his wet companions. ”If you wanted to take a, um ... uh, bath, you should have, ah, said so! Hahahaha ... haha ... ha.” Weaver trailed off as his poorly delivered joke likely fell flat. Clearing his throat, he looked around, eyes focused on the door. He was about to answer Nemi's question when Zippo put him on the spot. Blinking, Weaver looked around again, and then nodded to the door up ahead.

"Obviously we should, ah, go through that door, right? The torches look fresh, so um ... its probably the right way. I mean, definitely where we, ah, need to go. So, let's, um, get moving ...?" He paused, then shifted back and forth rapidly, as if deciding on whether to go or stay. Then he finally turned and headed towards the door.
Boy oh boy ... y'all are in trouble.
[roll0] and studying to see if there the door is locked
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 18
Effects: Evasion

2020-04-23, 10:20 AM
"Indeed, the torches are fresh," Nemi insisted, "but why are they fresh? And who put them there? Who would ever come here?"

2020-04-23, 12:38 PM
With a sigh, Weaver rubbed the bridge of his nose. ”Um ... I guess ... does it matter right now? I mean, I don't, ah ... but ... well, we should not just stand around. So, ah, let's got this way.” Weaver obviously feels uncomfortable. He doesn't know who lit the torches, but the Great Deku Tree sent them down here on a mission, so this must be part of it, right? Besides, waiting around doesn't seem to answer the question, and he doesn't see anything else to give them clues yet ...
Not sure if that 23 Perception helps answer the question, or give any hints. Also, is there a KS we could roll to know what's under the GDT?
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 18
Effects: Evasion

2020-04-23, 01:56 PM
Nippi and Weaver both suspect from the style of the architecture and the shadow of some unreadable badly worn runes above the door that these are probably ancient sheikah grounds! Who knows how ancient they must be to be buried so deeply beneath the Great Deku Tree, a tree so mighty that he must have lived for many centuries!

As to the fresh torches there's no direct answer, but Weaver spots some fresh green leaves on the ground and Nippi confirms that these are definitely Deku leaves! Not as large as those belonging to the Great Deku Tree, probably belonging to something a lot smaller, such as a scrub or Baba.

"Hey! Dedsi's Journal said a group of scrubs led by Decci came down here!" Navi helpfully reminds the group.

2020-04-23, 02:11 PM
Yeah, Weaver is right! We shouldn't stay here any longer! Let's go and find out who lit the torches!
Zippo had no doubt that Weaver was the right one to follow! He always knows what to do! What a leader!

He has no clue who Dedsi and Decci was. This was unimportant for him. Weaver knows things. That's enough...

2020-04-23, 02:15 PM
Once Weaver got closer, muttering to himself, he peered closely and noticed a few runes. And as Navi started to talk about the journal, Weave spoke up, more animated this time. ”Hey, uh, now that I think about it, this looks like stuff built by the sheikah ... which, uh, must have been a super long time ago. At least ...” he glanced at his fingers, then to Navi's excited bobbing, "Uh ... ten ... thou... um, hundred? Hundred years ago!". Sniffing a bit to himself, he pointed at the torches and said, "And, uh, those are probably from the, um, shrubs that snuck down here looking for, ah, loot and stuff. Decci, yeah, Decci ... and uh Dwebi, Diddle and Dumbi ... maybe. Anyway, mystery gone -let's go!" Rushing through the last bit, Weaver turned back to his study of the door ...
Is the door locked and do we hear anything beyond it? [roll0]
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 18
Effects: Evasion

2020-04-24, 01:44 PM
Nemi wasn't convinced about the answers she got, but she let it go for now. If they were going to move on, she would have to be ready. She held back for now, letting the others check things out. She didn't know how to open locked doors, other than with the key of course. She kept her guard up in the room they were in, checking around to see if there was anything, like scultala's, annoying them here.

2020-04-25, 05:59 AM
As Navi started to talk about the journal, Weaver spoke up, more animated this time. ”Hey, uh, now that I think about it, this looks like stuff built by the sheikah ... which, uh, must have been a super long time ago. At least ...” he glanced at his fingers, then to Navi's excited bobbing, "Uh ... ten ... thou... um, hundred? Hundred years ago!".

Nippi nods unconsciously as he looks around. "Long time. I bet Vikka coulda told us for sure." He pulls the ocarina out of his waterlogged pack, and as the group of little heroes moves on, he shakes it dry to start softly playing a Sheikah tune Vikka taught him a while ago. Koli prances around at the sound, apparently having put the dramatic fall behind her. Ah, to be as worry-free as an animal ...

2020-04-26, 06:37 AM
Weaver doesn't hear anything aside from the gentle burbling of the underwater stream, Nippi's ocarina tune, and Koli's prancing! Thoughts of Vikka are bittersweet. Perhaps once out of here she'll be able to tell everyone why she and Xenia left. But for now it turns out the door is not in fact locked.

On the other side is a long 10ft square passageway stretching away into the west. Like the chamber you just came from the passageway is lined with ancient moss-covered stones, but it's clear this is not the shape the passage was meant to take! It's almost as if the entire passageway has been sheared by some mighty subsidence and it now angles steeply down into the earth at a rate of one foot in every two! Despite the damage to the passage's structure it still seems pretty stable, and the party can follow it down by Navi's dim light for about 160ft, only occasionally having to step over or around a fallen block or squeeze around an intruding root.

Eventually the party comes to a circular chamber about 60ft in diameter. Arriving from the east, biloluminescent moss grows on the domed ceiling allowing a healthy crop of knee-length grass to sprout on the chamber floor! The grass has been flattened across the centre of the chamber where it leads to a door in the western wall. The door is obstructed by sturdy shiny metal bars, untouched by age! The bars are too narrowly spaced to squeeze through. Above the door a stone eye, intricately painted, stares down at you!

A side track leads off to a large fallen rock with a flattened top that has recently been used as a workbench. Pieces of twig, scraps of twine and a sharpened stone tool imply that torches were assembled there.

"There's a note!" Navi calls back from a closer examination.


Keep those torches lit! The skulltulas aren't friendly like Queenie's Gohmas! The fire keeps them out of our tunnels! And stick to the paths! This is your last warning!


"That's what it says," Navi reports.

2020-04-26, 08:07 AM
"Okay, that explains the torches," Nemi said as she looked around the chamber, "so anybody knows who or what are Queenie's Gohmas. And how to get out."
She moved to the metal bars to see if there was a way to get them out of the way so they could get at the door.

2020-04-28, 06:11 AM
Nippi has heard of Gohmas! Encountered one even, outside in the forest. Strictly called Gohma Larvae, Gohmas are a type of small vermin resembling large eyeballs, with large insectoid legs for jumping and a tail on the back of their heads. They are extremely aggressive, leaping at their victims to bludgeon them, but not particularly tough. No-one has ever encountered an adult form to Nippi's knowledge. Perhaps they're just too aggressively stupid to make it to adulthood! Who knows why they'd be friendly to the Deku scrubs down here...

Whilst Nippi is busy recalling that to mind, Nemi attempts to bypass the bars on the door! None of the Kokiri have much experience with metal objects, but these feel exceptionally solid and for them to still be in perfect condition after all this time amongst all this ruin speaks of probable enchantment! The bars absolutely refuse to rattle, being perfectly fitted into their sockets at the top and bottom, but there is about a centimetre of movement up and down before the bars are prevented firmly from any other movement. There must be some way of removing these, surely? Otherwise what point is there in having a door! As she moves the bars back and forth a fine rain of dust falls on her head from above.

Meanwhile Weaver feels a memory stir. It's from the time Mido goaded him into some Sheikah ruins, because of course Weaver wouldn't be scared! They turned out to not be all that scary really. Just a load of broken down old walls and ancient pots! But actually, the eye symbol above the door here looks a lot like several others he saw above doorways in those other ruins. Except the eyes Weaver remembers were closed and the doors were unbarred. Could that mean anything?

2020-04-29, 02:19 PM
"There has to be a way to get out of here," Nemi insisted, looking around for a lever or handle or something to move the bars.

I'm going to do a thorough investigation. Take 20 on search for 22 in total to search around the door for a hidden handle or lever (or non-hidden one) to move the bars.

2020-04-30, 12:02 AM
"Okay, that explains the torches," Nemi said as she looked around the chamber, "so anybody knows who or what are Queenie's Gohmas. And how to get out."
She moved to the metal bars to see if there was a way to get them out of the way so they could get at the door.

"Well ..." Nippi says haltingly. "A Gohma's a little beast that looks kinda like a cross between a scorpion and a giant's eyeball." He holds up his hands to show the size of the one he encountered, a couple mo-- or maybe it was a few ye-- hmm, well, a while ago, anyway. "But all I've heard about 'em says they're mean mean mean. Whoever Queenie is must be pretty special!"

A thought occurs to Nippi, and he tilts his head up at the decoration above the door. "Huh, eyeballs ..."

2020-04-30, 12:41 AM
Weaver read through the note at the table as the others approached the bars. He scratched his ear as he looked around the chamber, eyes squinted in concentration. After a long arching Nemi struggle for a bit, he finally spoke up. ”Um, I don’t think they work, ah, that way. I’m pretty sure that eye is the key. Um, yeah, definitely the key. So we should, Uh, hide or ... duck down or something.”

Weaver looking mrs closely around the chamber, specifically at the path and where the torches wer. Then, he snapped his fingers. "What if we turned off the lights?"
Checking to see if there is anything unique about the path. If we’re all on it, does the eye close? Next, want to put out the torches ... if it’s dark, can we sneak through the door? Finally, there’s the old sneak up. Or just cover the eye with a cloak ...
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 18
Effects: Evasion

2020-04-30, 06:33 AM
Weaver voicing the idea that the eye carving might be some sort of switch focuses Nemi's attention in her search - it's clear now the dust is raining down from the eye.

"Hey, do that again!" Navi calls as Nemi manipulates the bars. "I think it's moving slightly... Yes! It's moving in and out as you do that! And... and it's trying to blink! I think it's some sort of switch. Maybe if I... Ouch!"

The bars rumble slightly as Navi applies her tiny shoulder to the centre of the eye switch. The fairy descends in a small spiral to rest on the flattened stone, rubbing her shoulder where it's still bruised from Nippi's mishandling of her earlier. "I forgot..." she laments. "Maybe one of you should try poking it?"

The eye is about 10ft up, beyond casual reach for a Kokiri.

2020-04-30, 10:18 PM
Nippi says, "I'm so, so sorry, Navi," grimacing. "Hm, let me try this ..." He unstrings his bow to see whether it's long enough to prod the stone eye without standing higher.

2020-05-01, 07:58 AM
"Let me give it a shot," Nemi said, moving away from the door and then with a run-in she tried to jump to the eye to hit it.

So I have to take at least a 20ft run, but I assume I can do that. Then with my size (3'1") and if I reach with my hands over me, which should give me another foot or so. That means I need a 6 feet jump to reach it. I have +14 on jump, so if I can, I'll just take 10 to reach. If not: [roll0]

And if I do the jump myself, I know what's coming, so hitting the wall shouldn't hurt too much.

2020-05-01, 12:20 PM
Nippi's idea has merit! It probably wouldn't be particularly dignified given that Nippi is a shade under 3ft and his mighty bone bow (despite being as almost as tall as he is!) is only almost as tall as he is, but by jumping Nippi and thwacking he'd probably be able to hit the eye eventually.

Fortunately for Nippi, Nemi is much better at jumping than he is! With a run and a jump she smacks it right in the pupil on her first attempt! The switch clicks in and then clicks out again, a heavy stone eyelid rolling closed as it does so. With a VOOOooop the metal bars withdraw up into the wall above the door, leaving the door unbarred!

"That was easy!" Navi cheers the party, taking flight once again as the party advances. Nippi can take a moment to restring his bow if he likes.

The next room looks like it used to be a watermill! Running 120 60ft North-South and 30ft East-West, the party enters in the southeast corner.

A 20ft deep and 30ft wide pit divides the room with a broken waterwheel lying flat in the middle of it. Worse, geological processes have distorted the room so that the far side is 5ft higher than the entrance! Water trickles into the pit via a mostly closed inlet culvert in the middle of the east wall at the same height as the entrance, with a chain pull next to it, 10ft from safety and 20ft above the bottom of the pit. This could be connected to the underground stream the party saw earlier. A few meagre inches covers the floor of the pit before draining out of an open outlet culvert level with the pit bottom. Again there is a chain pull next to the outlet culvert on the same level. On your side of the pit a ladder descends providing a safe route up and down, but there is no clear access to the other side.

Grass covers the higher floors of this room growing in the light of luminescent funguses which once more cover the ceiling. The grass is 6 inches long except where it's been trampled by the passage of feet. The funguses aren't the only source of light in here however - 4 torches blaze merrily in freshly prepared sconces providing bright illumination to the entire area.

On the other side of the pit two Deku Shrubs stand on a pair of Deku flowers a comfortable social distance apart.

<Eek! Intruders!> the one carrying a wooden shortspear squeaks, immediately spitting a Deku seed at Zippo, bopping the large Kokiri on the forehead for 2 damage. The other shrub fumbles to dig a slingshot out of its flower.

1 - Spearshrub
2 - Slingshrub

2020-05-01, 02:24 PM
Nemi grabbed her crossbow and shot at the deku shrub which had hit Zippo.

move action: take crossbow
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

initiative for the rest of the combat: [roll2]

2020-05-03, 04:56 PM
Weaver’s question went u answered as Nemi ran and jumped up to tap the eye in the center. As the eye closed and the bars lifted, Weaver cleared his throat and nodded enthusiastically. ”Yes, that’s what I meant ... close the, um, eye! Now, let’s get inside ...” Slipping through the door, Weaver blinked at the room on the other side, confused and a little overwhelmed at first. He saw a huge pit, a broken waterwheel and several mechanisms.

But all that had to wait as a a shout and shot came from across the way from two Shrubs! He ducked down into the grass as others returned fire, peering across at the little stinkers, then at the chains and towards the water. He whispered to the others, Putting out the torches might make it harder for them to shoot us. Navi, can you pull on that chain nearby? Everyone else, watch out!”
Sneaking to the grass at the edge, on the right. Will pop up and shoot with the sling if he can.
[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
Hoping that pulling the chain at ‘a’ floods the area and allows them to swim across
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 17
Effects: Evasion

2020-05-04, 11:58 PM
"Hey! What th--" Nippi looks pretty annoyed at the unprovoked(ish) attack. He raises his bow with arrow ready and shouts in Deku Scrub, "Are you Decci? You better not fight us!" Then Weaver's sling attack strikes home, and Nippi adds, "See?! Put the nuts down!"

2020-05-07, 04:22 PM
Reacting quickly to the Deku Shrubs' assault, Nemi pulls out her crossbow and fires! In her haste however the bolt goes very astray, embedding in the wall behind the shrubs.

Nippi suggests in Deku Shrub that a fight probably isn't a great idea! The shrubs aren't impressed. <These roots belong to our Queen! Out! Out! Eeek!>

This last shriek comes as Weaver strikes a solid blow to the spear-wielding shrub's head, having managed to sneak closer despite the less than ideal cover and taken it unawares!

The shrubs look even angrier at the suggestion they put their nuts down though. They look really offended! This, um, might be a matter of Deku Shrub physiology that Nippi, whilst aware of the physicalities, isn't abreast of related cultural taboos.

Zippo, acting on Weaver's instructions, douses one of the torches next to him. The light level in the southwest corner of the room dims appreciably, but with the luminous fungus all over the ceiling it's clear this isn't going to result in total darkness if repeated across the other three torches. Nippi is aware that Deku Shrubs can see just fine in low light, and may wish to share that information.

"I don't know Weaver, that chain looks pretty heavy for me!" Navi warns as she goes to give it her best shot anyway. Sure enough, the tiny fairy can barely move the heavy pull chain. "It's no good! I think this needs the weight of one of you!" she reports.

The Deku Shrubs hold a muffled exchange that you can't quite catch from halfway across the room, and the injured shrub with the spear retreats through the northern door, which then closes behind him. What Nippi said must have really struck a nerve because the remaining shrub shoots its slingshot at him! It misses by a fair margin though. The shrub then bunkers down in its flower, making itself a much harder target whilst still keeping a wary eye on the party.


2020-05-07, 04:32 PM
Weaver could see the fairy was right. He shook his head, glanced at the shrubs, then the chain, then the shrubs. Finally, he jumped up and muttered, ”Now or never ... now or never ... what would Vikka do?" Running back a bit, Weaver turned to run and jump toward the chain!
Let's do this! Apply whatever skill I need ... [roll0] I don't have my sheet so add the mod afterwards. Here's hoping he's right!

HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 17
Effects: Evasion

2020-05-08, 04:35 PM
It's not a very big jump to the pull chain, but Weaver handles it like a pro! As it bears his weight the chain extends about six inches as the inlet sluice opens with a clunk-CLUNK noise, unleashing a torrent of water into the pit which would in ages past have powered the broken water wheel. From the resistance to his pull, Weaver thinks it's likely that the sluice will close again if he lets go!

Down below the wheel bobs slightly as the water level rises by 12inches... only to stall as the flow pouring out the outflow equalises with that rushing in.

"I think someone has to hold that one closed too!" Navi observes.

Nemi, Nippi and Zippo to go.

2020-05-08, 08:39 PM
"I'll try!" Nippi says gamely as Koli barks at the excitement. He grabs a blunt arrow and puts it between his teeth before making a running leap at the other chain!

Jump check: [roll0] to get to that outflow chain. Weaver's so good, he makes it look easy! If I can grab onto it, I'll try to use the arrow to jam it open, like by sticking it through a link (no Link pun intended) or wrapping it so it won't retract by itself. Which I guess would be a Disable Device check? [roll1]

2020-05-10, 05:53 AM
"Let me..." Nemi started, but Nippi had already jumped. Looking around, Nemi noticed the ladder going into the pit. With a 'Come on, this way,' to Zippo, she ran that way, slid down the ladder and after Zippo had come down, or if he didn't follow, as soon as she was down, she grabbed the ladder and ran to the other side of the pit, keeping close to the water wheel so she could grab it if the current was too strong.

2020-05-10, 08:56 AM
Nippi lands heavily in the bottom of the pit, taking 6 non-lethal damage from the fall. Definitely starting to feel it, so perhaps voluntarily jumping from heights is something he ought to cut back on? But he manages to keep balance and make it to the chain pull by the outlet culvert! Planting both feet either side of the chain pull and giving it a mighty heave the outlet culvert sluice pulls shut. The water level starts to rise rapidly. Unfortunately he doesn't find any way to wedge it with his arrow - the stone walls are too slick and crumbly to bear any levering!

Meanwhile Nemi takes the slower but definitely safer route down the ladder and then waits for Zippo to join her. The 20ft-long wooden ladder is only poorly secured by ancient rotten rope bindings, and a good tug pulls the ladder loose.

A deku seeds *SPANG!*s noisily off the stones by Weaver's head!

<Let go of that! None shall cross!> The Deku scrub yells at him angrily.

"Don't let go!" Navi urges instead. "Look, the water is rising! It's working!"

Indeed in a few moments the water has already risen up to Nemi, Zippo and Nippi's necks and shortly they won't even be able to keep heads above water even on tiptoes and the ancient waterwheel now bobs freely having lifted clear of the pit floor. Nippi is going to have to hold his breath to hold on to the chain pull. Nemi finds balancing with the ladder pretty difficult!

What do you do?


2020-05-10, 09:00 AM
"Let the water go until we're at the other side," Nemi shouted while she tried to keep herself from going under and keep the ladder so they could climb out on the other side. She tried to move to the other side so she could climb out and let that dheku shrub feel what she thought about shooting seeds at her friends.

2020-05-10, 04:33 PM
"Okay, Nemi!" Nippi calls back. He figures the flow will be pretty strong once he lets go, so he moves to one side and braces against the wall before easing off on the chain. He watches for the floating wheel, too -- don't want to crash into that!

Huh ... good idea, moving the ladder. I wonder if we can prop up the wheel to use for climbing the other side. It must be pretty light to float around like that!

2020-05-16, 01:29 PM
Weaver grunted as he twisted violently to avoid getting hit. He tried to peer over his shoulder towards Nemi. Finally, ”Wait, drop now?" The roguish young man wasn’t sure how he’d get back up, but if his friends needed him to drop, he would.
Weaver will drop if necessary to help the others ... but if they make progress, he’ll wait
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 17
Effects: Evasion

2020-05-16, 05:00 PM
With the Outlet Culvert open once more the water level starts to recede slowly, falling to chest level fairly quickly. Given that it might be difficult to get back to where he is currently, Weaver decides to hold on just for the moment to watch developments. With water still flowing in through the inlet the current is pretty strong, but Nemi manages to manoeuvre the ladder across to the other side whereupon the first problem becomes apparent - the ladder is only 20ft long and comes up 5ft short when placed against the higher wall on the far side of the pit. Not that this stops Zippo! Clambering rapidly up the ladder, the large Kokiri carefully stands on the top rung and by reaching up he can just get a good handhold on the lip! Which is where the second problem becomes apparent.

"Woah! Look out!" Navi shouts as the Deku shrub shoots Zippo in the face, causing him to loose his grip and splashdown heavily, taking 7 damage and 5 non-lethal damage!

<And stay down!>

The other side of the pit is defended, and the deku shrub is using the lip effectively as cover.

2020-05-17, 11:20 AM
"****, forgot about that," Nemi said as she made sure Zippo was okay and wouldn't drown or be dragged by the current. Now there was indeed only one thing to do and that was to let the water raise until they could basically swim ashore on the other side.

2020-05-23, 03:27 AM
Weaver frowned at the shot that knocked Zippo back. ”Hey seed head! You’re a horrible shot! Yeah, yeah, taking the easy way! I bet you can’t hit a real target. Like, um, that wheel ... or the other chain ... or m, uh, that invisible Skulltula coming up behind you! I bet you can’t even hit something like ...we’ll, uh, me!”
First, sorry y’all were waiting on me! Second, Weaver will still drop if necessary to help the others ... but for now he’ll distract!
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 17
Effects: Evasion

2020-05-23, 11:49 AM
"Psst, Nemi! Maybe you can use the big waterwheel to hold the ladder closer!" Nippi isn't sure what to do in this hairy situation, but he's definitely not paralyzed with indecision.

As Zippo falls and Weaver offers himself as a target --

”I bet you can’t even hit something like ...well, uh, me!”

-- Nippi's anger and frustration get too strong to hold back. "Or nobody!" he yells, focusing for a moment and hurling a burst of fire up over the scrub's head.

Firepoof [roll0] damage, Reflex save DC 14 for half.

2020-05-23, 01:00 PM
"Ow! You'll pay for that, shrub!" Zippo yells as Nemi helps him back to his feet in the deep and swirling water, but the scrub gives no indication it understands Zippo's language. The wily Deku Scrub is using his height advantage to good effect, ducking and weaving around the ledge and generally making himself a difficult target, but Weaver's fluent bluff in the Deku Scrub language does seem to confuse him momentarily.

<You talk nonsense! How can a skulltula be invisi- EEK!>

Nippi's blast of fire catches the scrub full in the face, its fringe of leaves badly singed and still even a little on fire.

<OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH!!! THAT. HURT. How dare you!! Fine! Cross! But these roots belong to our queen! You will never beat my brothers and sisters up ahead!>

And with that it squeaks once more in annoyance before fleeing back through the northern door after its companion.

"That's it! It's all clear!" Navi calls out, flying over to the Northern ledge to check. "I don't like how they both got away though. That's sure to be trouble later..."

With all opposition defeated it's no longer particularly difficult to get across. Nippi holding the outlet close briefly supplies enough water for Weaver to descend safely, and then with Nemi holding the ladder Zippo scales the last few feet of broken stone before turning to reach down and help up his littler brothers and sisters. The whole process takes about a minute.

"No mere Deku Scrubs are going to stop us, brothers!" Zippo boasts self-satisfiedly. "And sister," he adds, remembering Nemi.

Rummaging through the abandoned Deku Flowers produces a single potion of Cure Moderate Wounds.

To the north the retreating Deku Shrub had neglected to shut the door behind it. The passage beyond leads 20ft north and descends another 10ft before expanding into another cavern illuminated by flickering torchlight.

2020-05-23, 01:32 PM
Nemi looked at Zippo.
"You okay," she asked, knowing he had gotten hit during the fight, "we should be very careful, as I'm sure they warned others."

2020-05-23, 02:27 PM
Weaver sighed in relief as the Scrubs retreated. Everyone was worried about what would happen later, but at least they weren’t getting pelted with seeds right now. As they searched the other side, Weaver patted Zippo on the shoulder. ”Nice job everyone. Um, yeah, too bad they got away, but, um, at least we got across without anymore bruises! Hey Zippo, you should grab that potion ... you’re usually in the thick of it. And um ... yeah, we should, Ah, go. Forward. Yeah? Yeah ...”

Weaver hesitated for a moment, then nodded to himself and took the lead.
Guess we’ll move forward if this area is searched through. [roll0]

Scouting: [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4]
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 17
Effects: Evasion

2020-05-25, 07:24 PM
Nippi agrees with Navi, "I don't look forward to seeing them again either!" He hugs his big pup. "Though having Koli with me help keep my spirits up."

”Nice job everyone. Um, yeah, too bad they got away, but, um, at least we got across without anymore bruises! Hey Zippo, you should grab that potion ... you’re usually in the thick of it. And um ... yeah, we should, Ah, go. Forward. Yeah? Yeah ...”

Weaver hesitated for a moment, then nodded to himself and took the lead.

"Oh, uh, Weaver? Can you give me a minute first? I'm really bushed, and plus I want to get this thing strapped on straight ..." Nippi gets Koli's saddle all set before using a little magic to fix up some of the harm that's befallen him. He does look much better afterward as he hops up into the saddle. "Okay, I'm ready!"

Huh huh, beFALLen. :smallsmile:

I wasn't keeping track all along, so I went back to see -- looks like I have 2 points of lethal damage and 9 nonlethal, more than halfway to unconscious. Koli's at 12 nonlethal, which is bad but not spellworthy yet. My cure light wounds on myself automatically takes care of all the lethal and [roll0] nonlethal.

2020-05-26, 11:09 AM
"Good idea," Nemi said. Taking a breather sounded like a good idea at times.
"Who goes first and who takes the rear," she asked when they were about to go again.

2020-05-28, 05:48 PM
"I guess I did get a bit beat up," Zippo confesses, chugging back the potion and immediately looking a lot less bruised, whilst Nippi also takes a moment to tend to his wounds and heal up.

With Weaver and Zippo in the lead the party heads North. The passage comes out in the middle of the south wall of a circular chamber some 50ft in diameter. Similar to previous chambers, deep grass carpets the chamber floor and a single lit torch stands in the centre of the chamber. The ceiling is domed 30ft overhead, and again similar to previous chambers luminous nodules of fungus project a secondary greeney-blue light.

In the northeast wall the passageway continues east. Weaver thinks the grass in the chamber may be trampled down clockwise along the west and north walls rather than the obvious route directly across the chamber, but he can't work out why the shrubs would be taking a longer more circuitous route. But the party isn't alone! About 30-35ft away in the mouth of the continuing passageway it's the Deku Slingshrub from a moment ago!

<Eek! Turn back! Or you'll regret it!>

It looks like it's going to bolt again, but Weaver has a chance to act first if he moves quickly.

2020-05-30, 08:58 PM
"Uh-oh," says Nippi, standing up in the saddle to see who's talking.

2020-05-30, 09:37 PM
Weaver raised a finger to his lips with a loud ”Shush!” Them he slipped forward with his sling at the ready, trying to get close enough to pop up and strike!
If Weaver is in position to slip forward and attack w/surprise (or at least catch ‘em flatfooted), he’ll do so.

[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
HPs: 17; AC: 18 FF/Touch: 14/15
F +4 R +8 W +4 Init: +4 Move: 30’
Dagger (+3, 1d4 / Thrown +6, 1d4); Shortbow (+7, 1d4)
Skills: Listen/Spot/Search +5/+5/+7 Move Silently/Hide +4/+10 Balance/Tumble +10/8 Bluff/G Info +9 D Device/Open locks +8/+4 UMD +8 KS Local/Planes +9/+5 KS Rel/Nat/Arc/Dun/His +5
Items: Mug (12 oz drink) 3/3; Caltrops (5’ square) 5/5; Lightning (RTA 1d8+5, +3 vs metal) 2/3; Stones: 16
Effects: Evasion

2020-05-31, 04:04 PM
Weaver isn't particularly stealthy today as he advances into the long grass and the noisy Deku Scrub turns to flee as he approaches, but it's a fraction of a second too slow. <EEE!> it screams wordlessly as Weaver's stone catches it on the back of the head rendering it immediately unconscious.

"Nice shot Wee!" Zippo cheers!

"Woah! Look out!" Navi calls!


Quickly rising from its hiding place engorged by rapidly ascending sap pressure, the Deku Baba achieves complete surprise and chomps down on Weaver's arm! Weaver takes 5 damage. The Deku Baba worries at the limb, attempting to get a decent hold, but Weaver is much more massive than its usual prey and it fails to get a grip. It clops its hard nut-liked mouth together and licks its lips in anticipation of a juicy meal!

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk! Disturbed by the commotion three funny-looking objects drop from the noduled ceiling into the long grass.


What do you do?

Dark Green = Long grass
Light green = slightly trampled grass
Yellow = Lit Torch

W = Weaver
NK = Nippi on Koli
Ne = Nemi
Z = Zippo
n = Navi

D1 = Unconscious Deku Scrub
B = Small Deku Baba
G = Funny looking rocks.