View Full Version : Re-Skin the Sailor Background

2019-08-22, 03:24 PM
I am wondering if anyone thinks it would be too game breaking to reskin the sailor background to a “cowboy” or “farmhand” and they are able to get a wagon or a horse instead of a ride on a ship?

2019-08-22, 03:29 PM
I am wondering if anyone thinks it would be too game breaking to reskin the sailor background to a “cowboy” or “farmhand” and they are able to get a wagon or a horse instead of a ride on a ship?

Nah, that'd be fine.

2019-08-22, 03:29 PM
I wouldn't think so; mechanically you're just trading easy access from a pretty niche mode of transportation for easy access to a much more common one. You might be getting more bang for your buck since you'll potentially be using it more often, but you'll also be high and dry (pun mildly intended) if the adventure ever goes coastal. Maybe add in a performance proficiency if using a harmonica.

2019-08-22, 04:01 PM
I agree it would be fine. I've been allowed to re-skin certain features of Backgrounds for my characters, and it hasn't made them any noticably more powerful.

Ex1: My Human Artificer grew up in a poor part of town where many City Goblins (DM's home brew variant of goblin, a lot like Warcraft goblins, but usually treated as second-class citizens) also lived. He was the apprentice to a well-renowned and respected City Goblin Artificer (existing NPC which the party has had multiple interactions with). So I chose the Clan Crafter background from SCAG, but changed Dwarven to Goblin. So he's basically a human with his "goblin card".

Ex2: My next character was an Eladrin Sorcerer from the Feywild. Since he had lived his entire life in the Feywild, I chose the Outlander background, but Athletics didn't fir him very well, DM allowed me to change it to Nature.

2019-08-22, 04:07 PM
The Folk Hero fits cowboy rather well. It gives proficiencies that are very fitting to a life on the range, and Rustic Hospitality is about perfect for getting a bunk at the local ranch. Why reinvent the wheel here?

2019-08-22, 04:11 PM
There is a difference between switching out proficiencies or equipment packages and actually changing a feature. Switching out the skills, languages, tools, or equipment packages is a reserved right of the players in the PHB, while you would need approval to change a feature like OP suggests. That being said, I don't think there is really a problem with it.

2019-08-22, 04:13 PM
Switching out the skills, languages, tools, or equipment packages is a reserved right of the players in the PHB.

That's not a right; it's something the DM can allow or deny at will and the player can either live with it or leave. I do not allow it at my table.

2019-08-22, 04:22 PM
That's not a right; it's something the DM can allow or deny at will and the player can either live with it or leave. I do not allow it at my table.

You can remove that right as a house rule, but it is a rule that a player can customize their backgrounds. You are entitled to replace the feature with any other, choose any two skills, choose a total of two tools or languages, and take an equipment package if you aren't rolling for wealth. It is, by RAW, not an option the DM can allow, it is always an option unless specifically houseruled.

The only thing you need DM approval for when it comes to backgrounds is if you are wanting a feature or equipment package that isn't in one of the available backgrounds. Not allowing customization of backgrounds is akin to not allowing someone to take Wizard as a class, it is a houserule to fit your specific desires that restricts an option that they should have by default.

EDIT: Note that I'm not saying there is anything inherently wrong with restricting it. It is just being clear that the default assumption of the system is customization of the background in that way.

2019-08-22, 04:24 PM
The backgrounds provided are just examples.

You are encouraged to make your own.

2019-08-22, 04:31 PM
That's not a right; it's something the DM can allow or deny at will and the player can either live with it or leave. I do not allow it at my table.

The PHB says "you can swap" as a base rule. To me, that's just as true as saying the DM can disallow fighters from using shields, or that druids can use metal, even though the PHB says otherwise. It's not really a positive, it's just "The DM has final say". But the PHB does say it's within the rights of the player to swap aspects of the backgrounds.

2019-08-22, 04:38 PM
There is a difference between switching out proficiencies or equipment packages and actually changing a feature. Switching out the skills, languages, tools, or equipment packages is a reserved right of the players in the PHB, while you would need approval to change a feature like OP suggests. That being said, I don't think there is really a problem with it.

Ah, I misread the OP, I thought he meant Proficiency in Water Vehicles vis Land Vehicles.

2019-08-22, 04:43 PM
I wouldn't think so; mechanically you're just trading easy access from a pretty niche mode of transportation for easy access to a much more common one. You might be getting more bang for your buck since you'll potentially be using it more often, but you'll also be high and dry (pun mildly intended) if the adventure ever goes coastal. Maybe add in a performance proficiency if using a harmonica.

Lol. Possibly. That is how I feel too. But I would say only allow one horse or just a cart/wagon to give it some limit.

2019-08-22, 04:50 PM
The PHB says "you can swap" as a base rule. To me, that's just as true as saying the DM can disallow fighters from using shields, or that druids can use metal, even though the PHB says otherwise. It's not really a positive, it's just "The DM has final say". But the PHB does say it's within the rights of the player to swap aspects of the backgrounds.

See...my understanding is that the backgrounds (sailor, soldier, artisan, etc) have specific functions and add specific proficiencies (thus impact numbers). So it sounds like they are a bit less concrete than I originally believed?

My reasoning here was just to take the sailor background and make someone who has the same everything except “land vehicle prof” and adjust the feature to something more suited to a farmer/rancher.

2019-08-22, 04:53 PM
See...my understanding is that the backgrounds (sailor, soldier, artisan, etc) have specific functions and add specific proficiencies (thus impact numbers). So it sounds like they are a bit less concrete than I originally believed?

My reasoning here was just to take the sailor background and make someone who has the same everything except “land vehicle prof” and adjust the feature to something more suited to a farmer/rancher.

If you wanted, you could even switch out the equipment package with that of the Guild Merchant to get a cart and a mule!

2019-08-23, 05:39 AM
See...my understanding is that the backgrounds (sailor, soldier, artisan, etc) have specific functions and add specific proficiencies (thus impact numbers). So it sounds like they are a bit less concrete than I originally believed?

My reasoning here was just to take the sailor background and make someone who has the same everything except “land vehicle prof” and adjust the feature to something more suited to a farmer/rancher.

Backgrounds are a bit more flexible than most tend to think, and there’s a lot that you can switch around by RAW.

That said, I do agree that Folk Hero seems much more fitting for you than redoing the Sailor background. You can even say that as a rancher/cowboy, you saved the town from a stampede!

Lord Vukodlak
2019-08-23, 05:51 AM
A ride in a wagon or such generally isn’t as useful as a boat. As wherever the wagon goes you can walk. And theirs a good chance walking will be faster to.

2019-08-23, 08:25 AM
See...my understanding is that the backgrounds (sailor, soldier, artisan, etc) have specific functions and add specific proficiencies (thus impact numbers). So it sounds like they are a bit less concrete than I originally believed?

My reasoning here was just to take the sailor background and make someone who has the same everything except “land vehicle prof” and adjust the feature to something more suited to a farmer/rancher.

You are right, they do provide proficiencies and benefits. However, this is the exact rule in the PHB:

"You might want to tweak some of the features of a Background so it better fits your character or the campaign setti⁠ng. To customize a Background, you can replace one feature with any other one, choose any two Skills, and choose a total of two Tool Proficiencies or Languages from the sample Backgrounds. You can either use the Equipment package from your Background or spend coin on gear as described in the Equipment section. (If you spend coin, you can’t also take the equipm⁠ent package suggested for your class.) Finally, choose two personality traits, one ideal, one bond, and one flaw. If you can’t find a feature that matches your desired Background, work with your GM to create one."

It's the last section of the Background section before it describes the example backgrounds.

Since all backgrounds are made up of a feature, two skills, and two of either tools, languages, or a mix of both, as well as an equipment package, then based on this rule essentially everything about a background can be modified to any other part. The only part that requires a DM's interaction is if you can't find a feature that fits, then the DM can make a new one for you.

A DM can overrule this rule, but it's just that, a DM overrule. It is naturally assumed by the PHB that a player can naturally exchange any of these. It's not even listed as an optional rule like Feats or Multiclassing, and instead is part of the main rule set.

Edit: Oof, I misread the initial post. I thought it was just proficiency. So then the answer is "Ask your DM to make that change," since that's part of the rules.

2019-08-23, 08:50 AM
I would actively and energetically encourage any player who wanted to modify their background in such a way.

By RAW you are supposed to be allowed to mix and match features, skills and languages/tools, but more importantly a custom background gets the player more invested in their character, and you can work in some plot hooks as well... even simple things like regularly meeting an unusual (and potentially plot critical) group in an unexpected palace on a long road, or finding a group of unmarked graves passed on a wagon ride across... wherever... can help build a continuity for something you have planned.

Willie the Duck
2019-08-23, 09:07 AM
A ride in a wagon or such generally isn’t as useful as a boat. As wherever the wagon goes you can walk. And theirs a good chance walking will be faster to.

Going from point A to point B overland on foot vs what you will have with you on a wagon (lots of stuff, civilian passengers, etc.) are generally different adventuring options. For the most part, both boat rides and wagon caravans are effectively plot coupons. Mechanistically I find the difference is that DMs might actually ever gate something behind boat proficiency and even might actually make someone make a boating check (although those of us who grew up with Oregon Trail might appreciate the occasional wagon proficiency check to ford a river:smallbiggrin:)!