View Full Version : crafting a recharging/rechargeable magic item

2019-08-23, 01:04 AM
I'm about to play a forge domain cleric of Gond with a clan crafter background and a feat spent on prodigy, giving him expertise on sleight of hand for the finer work/detailing (possibly a stretch of interpretation of that skill)
the combination of class, race, background and feats makes it so that I have gotten/chosen proficiency with leatherworker''s, jeweler's and smith's tools.
We are playing the dungeon of the mad wizard for a weekend long marathon game.
We start at 5th level and will possibly reach 8th at the very most.
This means that I probably won't get a chance to do any crafting worth writing home about. Still, I have written something in the background that my character shall still strive to accomplish or at least work towards. Basically he has been apprenticed with 3 specialist artisans in the 3 fields he has tools proficiency for. As a mark of him having completed his apprenticeship, he wants to craft a single item that incorporates elements of all 3 of the above and celebrates Gond in the process. His masterpiece, so to speak.
My idea is to craft either an altar cloth or a banner, to be placed in the nearest church of Gond. this banner or cloth should be of the finest leather, inlaid with mythrall engravings and a super thin layer of mythrall centerpiece in the shape of the symbol of Gond. Adding to this, it should carry on each quarter of the shield of Gond, a Glyph of warding holding an enchantment that the officiating cleric could use. I'm thinking of (mass)Bless, Cure wounds, Zone of truth and Ceremony.
The challenge is making the glyphs permanent both from a magical point of view and the physical representation, so that they can either be recharged by the cleric once the spell is used, or, even better, so that the cloth regains an x number of slots a day and recharges itself.

Taking all of the above into consideration, how would you, as DM, rule about crafting such an item? what would your requisites for completion be? what the material and magical costs and requirements? how long would you want this to take, and at what level would you deem the character proficient enough to be able to pull it off successfully? would it be something that requires downtime and exclusive focus or something that can be also in parts worked at at camp, inbetween days of dungeon crawling?

This is mostly a thought experiment but could be also an interesting proposition to make to my DM, as a side-quest for my character in the upcoming marathon.

2019-08-23, 06:42 AM
I wouldn't use Glyph at all here, honestly. You're just making a magic item with charges that can cast

* Bless (possibly upcast) (1st, but probably 6th)
* Mass Cure Wounds (5th)
* Zone of Truth (2nd)
* Mass Suggestion (6th)

If it can cast each one once/day, that makes it a Very Rare item (Rare is level 6 1x/day, but having multiple bumps it up a rarity). Using charges such that it can only cast one of the big ones/day might drop it to Rare.

Using Xanathar's Crafting Guidelines, crafting that requires
* An ingredient requiring a challenge of CR 13-18 (or equivalent). This might involve a rare ore guarded by celestials (or currently in the possession of fiends) or the purification of a corrupted temple of Gond, possibly as a favor for someone or to retrieve a vial of holy water, etc..
* 20,000 gp
* 25 workweeks, although multiple crafters can participate to reduce the time.
* Proficiency in weaver's and (either) jewler's tools (the fine-work) or blacksmith's tools (the larger parts).
* A schematic or recipe of Legendary rarity. This is the sticking point.

2019-08-23, 11:44 AM
Why the schematic if it's an original concept by the crafter?

2019-08-23, 11:54 AM
Schematics, like cost, time taken, rare ingredients, and tool proficiencies are all just different bits in your toolkit you as a DM can use to maintain control over the crafting options you your players.
Use what you like and ignore what you don't in that regard.

2019-08-23, 03:10 PM
Still a bit more powerful than I'd like the thing to become.
It's more about the craftsmanship than about the magic power display... But I'll take this to the DM and see what comes of it

2019-08-23, 04:50 PM
Why the schematic if it's an original concept by the crafter?
In this case, you could first handle the creation of the blueprint (fluffed as research and development). So you're creating two magic items: first, the recipe for the item, then the item itself.

Creating a recipe or blueprint would likely be a lot harder than creating the item itself, especially since you can create copies of that item once you have the recipe. It's also why finding a recipe would be a lot easier than making one yourself.

So to create a recipe, you obviously wouldn't need a recipe for the recipe. But you'd probably still need a rare ingredient (consumed during R&D), crafting downtime, and a lot of gold. Something else might take the place of the recipe requirement, like a second rare ingredient, or more downtime or gold. Although, the recipe being one step rarer than the item it's for might also account for that.

2019-08-23, 07:09 PM
Still a bit more powerful than I'd like the thing to become.
It's more about the craftsmanship than about the magic power display... But I'll take this to the DM and see what comes of it

You could weaken it a lot by removing the mass specification.

Something like

Altar Cloth of Gond
wondrous item, uncommon
This rectangular cloth has magic woven into it along with metal. It has 4 charges, which can be used to cast the following spells.
1 charge/level: Bless, Cure wounds
2 charges: Suggestion, Zone of Truth

The user can spend a spell slot to restore charges to the cloth--each spell level spent restores one charge. If the cloth is used while draped across a consecrated altar to Gond, all spells cast from it are cast as if from a slot one level higher than normal for no extra cost.

2019-08-23, 09:44 PM
You could weaken it a lot by removing the mass specification.

Something like

Altar Cloth of Gond
wondrous item, uncommon
This rectangular cloth has magic woven into it along with metal. It has 4 charges, which can be used to cast the following spells.
1 charge/level: Bless, Cure wounds
2 charges: Suggestion, Zone of Truth

The user can spend a spell slot to restore charges to the cloth--each spell level spent restores one charge. If the cloth is used while draped across a consecrated altar to Gond, all spells cast from it are cast as if from a slot one level higher than normal for no extra cost.

now it's pretty awesome. I'm still swapping suggestion for ceremony. I'd be donating the item to the local temple and i like the local priest being focussed on celebrating marriages more than on impressing someone... and it seems thematically more appropriate for an altar cloth.
Thanks for the help though.
I assume that this version would be considerably more affordable both in time and resources?

2019-08-24, 05:04 AM
This thread makes me happy.

Your creation will be a great a tool of worship for The Lord of All Smiths

2019-08-24, 06:15 AM
now it's pretty awesome. I'm still swapping suggestion for ceremony. I'd be donating the item to the local temple and i like the local priest being focussed on celebrating marriages more than on impressing someone... and it seems thematically more appropriate for an altar cloth.
Thanks for the help though.
I assume that this version would be considerably more affordable both in time and resources?

Yeah. An uncommon is (AFB) a few hundred gold and a couple work weeks, plus a cr 3-5 encounter. If you're going to donate it, I'd let you get away without the schematic.

2019-08-25, 04:15 AM
The DM liked it :redface:

2019-09-11, 02:30 AM
I never got to craft the item, but the concept was approved