View Full Version : Chariot rules

2019-08-23, 03:56 AM
I found some rules for chariot combat in 3.0 S&F, but they don't match up to A&EG chariot stats. I tried looking in 3.5 to see if there was any update or clarification, but so far have come up with nothing. Is there anything else to cover running over people with a wheeled vehicle? Curious minds want to know.

2019-08-23, 04:06 AM
I found some rules for chariot combat in 3.0 S&F, but they don't match up to A&EG chariot stats. I tried looking in 3.5 to see if there was any update or clarification, but so far have come up with nothing. Is there anything else to cover running over people with a wheeled vehicle? Curious minds want to know.

modern d20 should have rules as well as future d20 and both are compatable with 3.5 but if i remember right its a bull rush attempt with the strength of the horse vs the strength of the character and you apply damage that way. i dont know all the specifics tho, i would look at the d20 books

2019-08-24, 03:18 PM
Pathfinder has stats for several kinds of chariot, including a medium chariot (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/vehicles/land-vehicles/chariot-medium/) that does 1d8 of ramming damage.

Seems a little light for getting hit by something pulled by a war horse, but it's a place to start.

2019-08-24, 05:04 PM
See, what confuses me is that A&EG has 2 chariots. The single-passenger chariot has 3d6 ram damage. The double chariot, which is built for 2 animals to pull and 2 passengers to ride in, does 4d6 damage for a ram. Other animal-drawn vehicles like carts and stagecoaches have their listings too.
But, looking up the chariot feats, which are largely the mounted combat feats with handle animal swapped out for ride checks; it says that chariot overrun allows a chariot to do 2d6 damage with the wheel after the horse has done its trample damage. I suppose the best way to run that now is replace the "2d6" from the feat description with "drawn vehicle's ram damage", as 2d6 is only the damage for a simple cart, but I was hoping to find an update somewhere for this. Everything I've found is only in 3.0 books. The 3.5 book on large scale combat, Heroes of Battle, has stats on things like new catapults, stuff for armies etc, but no land vehicle combat rules at all.

2019-08-25, 05:44 AM
See, what confuses me is that A&EG has 2 chariots. The single-passenger chariot has 3d6 ram damage. The double chariot, which is built for 2 animals to pull and 2 passengers to ride in, does 4d6 damage for a ram. Other animal-drawn vehicles like carts and stagecoaches have their listings too.
But, looking up the chariot feats, which are largely the mounted combat feats with handle animal swapped out for ride checks; it says that chariot overrun allows a chariot to do 2d6 damage with the wheel after the horse has done its trample damage. I suppose the best way to run that now is replace the "2d6" from the feat description with "drawn vehicle's ram damage", as 2d6 is only the damage for a simple cart, but I was hoping to find an update somewhere for this. Everything I've found is only in 3.0 books. The 3.5 book on large scale combat, Heroes of Battle, has stats on things like new catapults, stuff for armies etc, but no land vehicle combat rules at all.

AEG factors in the horse trample damage in with the chariot ram damage. a normal horse in D&D 3.5 does 1d6/hoof and a slam attack (If it were my game) is 2 hooves meaning it would deal 2d6+ str and a half. meaning the chariot would only be doing 1d6, the feat would take it up to a whopping 4d6 damage total + the horse's strength and a half for a total of (for a normal horse 4d6+4) (heavy warhorse 4d6+6) at least thats how i would rule it in my game, other DMs might disagree

Also look in the arms and equipment guide. when i cant find things on vehicles thats usually my first look, if that doesnt have it then the rules compendium should have it and if THAT fails im too lazy to look anymore and make up my own house rule

2019-08-25, 09:30 AM
See, what confuses me is that A&EG has 2 chariots. The single-passenger chariot has 3d6 ram damage. The double chariot, which is built for 2 animals to pull and 2 passengers to ride in, does 4d6 damage for a ram. Other animal-drawn vehicles like carts and stagecoaches have their listings too.
But, looking up the chariot feats, which are largely the mounted combat feats with handle animal swapped out for ride checks; it says that chariot overrun allows a chariot to do 2d6 damage with the wheel after the horse has done its trample damage. I suppose the best way to run that now is replace the "2d6" from the feat description with "drawn vehicle's ram damage", as 2d6 is only the damage for a simple cart, but I was hoping to find an update somewhere for this. Everything I've found is only in 3.0 books. The 3.5 book on large scale combat, Heroes of Battle, has stats on things like new catapults, stuff for armies etc, but no land vehicle combat rules at all.

Ram damage is only done to other vehicles, not to people. On top of this toss on Chariot Scythes and you can get even more damage.

2019-08-25, 04:56 PM
Ram damage is only done to other vehicles, not to people. On top of this toss on Chariot Scythes and you can get even more damage.

Chariot scythes don't combine with running someone over though. You can only use them with a driven equivalent of a ride-by attack, where you pull along next to a target and attack with wheel sycthes plus a single melee attack from the driver's weapon.